Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Get A Heart Attack From A Panic Attack

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Are There Any Natural Alternatives To Panic Disorder Medication

What causes panic attacks, and how can you prevent them? – Cindy J. Aaronson

Medications arent the only option for treating panic disorder. There are several steps you can take to help calm yourself down and lessen the symptoms of a panic attack while its happening.

  • Counting slowly to 10
  • Talking to someone you trust about whats happening

Cognitive behavior therapy is another non-medication option. CBT is a type of talk therapy where people with panic disorder work with a mental health professional to identify triggers, understand symptoms, and develop responses to panic attacks.

CBT is a first-choice option for treating this condition, and studies show CBT can be used by itself for panic disorder or as an add-on treatment to medications. Discuss this option with your healthcare provider if youre interested.

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The Difference Between Panic Attacks And Heart Attacks

Because the symptoms of panic attacks and heart attacks present so similarly, doctors often use the process of elimination along with their knowledge of heart conditions to discover a true diagnosis.

It is important to note is that a hidden heart problem for a person who is relatively healthy is uncommon. While it may occur in very rare cases, most individuals who are 40 and younger will not suffer a heart attack.

This means, if a person who has significant anxiety and no pre-diagnosed heart problem experiences the symptoms that match both a panic attack and a heart attack, the likelihood of it actually being a heart attack is very low.

Unfortunately, panic attacks still come with some difficult health and/or physical symptoms, which can cause people to continuously worry about an undiagnosed health condition. And while the physical effects can look similar, there are subtle ways to tell the difference between panic attacks and heart attacks.

The Truth Is That Theres Not A Breath You Take In This World That Is Prologue

And your first breath? Chances are, it was a scream. A horrifying, desperate gasp and screech. And someone in the room your mother, the doula, the midwife, the doctor, the nurse who held your head when you were halfway between this world and the next smiled to hear it. They loved your scream because it meant you were here.

A panic attack feels like a full body scream. It careens through you, leaves your body filled with shakes and moans. A panic attack is messy and ugly and loud even the ones you endure silently.

To have a panic attack is to be painfully, intensely alive.

Theres nothing romantic about them, but I take comfort in thinking of panic attacks as evidence that, contrary to the years I spent telling myself I wasnt yet living a real life, I possess a will to live so strong that it sometimes shakes me to my bones. I want to live so badly that Im terrified to do it. But I go ahead and keep on living anyway, screams and all.

#OCDame is a weekly column about chronic mental illness by Jenni Berrett. While shes no doctor or counselor by any means, she does have extensive experience in being batshit crazy which she doesnât think is as bad a thing as the world would lead you to believe. Each week she puts that ongoing experience to good use by writing things that have been stuck inside her heart for too long in the hopes that they will help unstick somebody elses heart, too.

Find more articles from OCDame by . You can also shoot Jenni an email at .


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Symptoms Of Panic Attacks

People suffering from panic disorder may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • A sense of not having control of your own body.
  • Physical symptoms of a panic attack include a racing or pounding heart, sweating, chills, shaking, breathing difficulties, weakness or dizziness, tingling or numb hands, chest discomfort, stomach discomfort, and numbness.
  • Concern wondering when the next panic attack will occur.
  • Avoiding places where panic episodes have happened in the past.
  • Getting triggered by a certain situation.

Emotions During A Panic Attack

Trembling, Shaking, and Other Symptoms of Panic Attacks

What is similar in both men and women during a panic attack is the presence of strong emotions, says Benjamin Hirsh, M.D., a cardiologist at Northwell Health’s Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital in Manhasset, NY. While its true that some people may feel chest pain or pressure during a panic attack, neither tends to last more than 30 seconds. What distinguishes other physical symptoms of panic is that they are often accompanied by a sense of a loss of control over feelings and thoughts, he adds. Howeverand this is importantif chest pain leaves and then returns, its time to call 911.

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Mayo Clinic Q And A: Panic Attack Isnt Life

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: After going to the emergency department for what I thought was a heart attack, the doctor told me there were no issues with my heart and that my symptoms were likely from a panic attack. How can I tell the difference, and how can I prevent future panic attacks?

ANSWER: While having a heart attack and experiencing a panic attack can feel similar, the symptoms differ and the two conditions are managed very differently. Although not life-threatening like a heart attack, a panic attack can be a frightening experience. Panic attacks also can affect your quality of life, as it’s common to develop a fear of having another panic attack.

A heart attackoccurs when coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood become narrowedfrom the buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances. Most heart attacksinvolve chest discomfort, such as an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing,fullness or pain. Other heart attack signs and symptoms include shortness ofbreath, cold sweats, nausea, lightheadedness and discomfort in other areas ofthe upper body, such as the arm, neck or jaw.

Signs andsymptoms of a panic attack often come on suddenly and peak within minutes. Apanic attack may occur as a result of a frightening or stressful situation, ormay even occur out of the blue. Attacks may even occur unexpectedly andrepeatedly as a component of a panic disorder or along with another mentalhealth condition.

Panic Attack Vs Heart Attack: Differences Signs And Treatments

Chest pain anxiety is when someone doesnt know if their symptoms are because of a panic attack or heart attack. Both conditions have similar symptoms but require very different responses. Keep reading for a complete breakdown of the differences between a panic attack and a heart attack.

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Differences Between Anxiety And Heart Problems

As you can see, anxiety and heart problems have remarkably similar symptoms!

While not as accurate a professional diagnosis, there are subtle differences between anxiety and heart problems which you may be able to determine at home.

  • The chest pain from an anxiety attack is sharper and more localized, while the pain from a heart attack is duller and radiates more
  • Anxiety attacks stem from a mental and not a physical cause
  • Anxiety attacks rarely cause vomiting
  • Heart attack pain may occur in the back or shoulders, while anxiety pain does not

And remember anxiety and heart problems can happen to people who have never had issues with either.

If you have any doubts at all about whether you are experiencing anxiety or heart problems, contact your doctor. They will be able to determine which you are experiencing and advise you as to what to do next.

Tips For Dealing With The After

Panic Attack: How can you tell

Although recovering from an anxiety attack can take time, it is possible. Below are some simple ways to deal with the after-effects of a panic attack that may help you the next time one occurs.

Anxiety is no fun, and over time, the effects of anxiety on the body can take a toll. If you or someone you know struggles with anxiety, dont wait to get help. You dont have to live with this disorder or deal with it alone.

Call our inpatient mental health rehab today at to learn more about our treatment methods.

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Panic Attack Signs And Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of a panic attack develop abruptly and usually reach their peak within 10 minutes. They rarely last more than an hour, with most ending within 20 to 30 minutes. Panic attacks can happen anywhere and at any time. You may have one while youre in a store shopping, walking down the street, driving in your car, or even sitting on the couch at home.

Panic attack symptoms include:

  • Fear of dying, losing control, or going crazy

Is it a heart attack or a panic attack?

Most of the symptoms of a panic attack are physical, and many times these symptoms are so severe that you may think youre having a heart attack. In fact, many people suffering from panic attacks make repeated trips to the doctor or the emergency room in an attempt to get treatment for what they believe is a life-threatening medical problem. While its important to rule out possible medical causes of symptoms such as chest pain, elevated heart rate, or difficulty breathing, its often panic that is overlooked as a potential causenot the other way around.

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What Is Separation Anxiety Disorder

This condition mostly happens to children or teens, who may worry about being away from their parents. Children with separation anxiety disorder may fear that their parents will be hurt in some way or not come back as promised. It happens a lot in preschoolers. But older children and adults who experience a stressful event may have separation anxiety disorder as well.

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Ways To Cope With A Long

Waves of anxiety attacks can compound and increase the feelings of helplessness that are part of panic attacks. This can make coping with a long-lasting panic attack feel impossible. A panic attack can make you feel helpless, and being unable to control the feelings of fear and dread can make the panicky feelings worse.

If you feel yourself in the grip of a panic attack, there are a few things you can do to help ease the feelings of fear and feeling trapped. Breathing techniques, such as those used in Lamaze classes, or box breathing may be helpful.

It might be helpful to reach out to friends, family, or a therapist when you feel a panic attack coming on. Some people find that using meditation techniques can help with panic attacks. For those who practice daily meditation, focusing on the sense of calm from their practice can help ease some of the fearfulness of a panic attack.

Panic Attacks Feel Long But Are Actually Short

What a panic attack feels and looks like : coolguides

When panic strikes time can slow. You may fear being trapped, unable to get help, which makes you panic morefeeling like the attack will never end. In reality, most panic attacks peak within just a few minutes, according to the Mayo Clinic, with a typical attack ending within 20 or 30 minutes, and symptoms abating. Still, the sensations of terror you experienced in those few moments may lead you to avoid the location where the attack occurred, as well as crowds and other triggering situations. If you become preoccupied with future attacks happening, you may have developed panic disorder.

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When To Get Help

See a GP if youâve been experiencing symptoms of panic disorder.

Theyâll ask you to describe your symptoms, how often you get them, and how long you have had them.

They may also carry out a physical examination to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms.

It can sometimes be difficult to talk about your feelings, emotions and personal life, but try not to feel anxious or embarrassed.

You may be diagnosed with panic disorder if you have regular and unexpected panic attacks followed by at least a month of continuous worry or concern about having further attacks.

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The Timing Of Panic Attacks

A panic attack last about ten minutes for most people, not including the build-up or after effects. However, some people can have panic attacks that last for an hour or more. No matter the actual length, the person having a panic attack may feel like it has been much longer.

Afterward, a person can feel tired or groggy for a full day. Someone who has had a panic attack may feel anxious for several days after and worry about it happening again.

These events can be one-time problems for some patients. However, many people have recurrent panic attacks until they resolve the underlying issues. People with frequent panic attacks may have panic disorder.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Panic Attack

A panic attack is a sudden attack of overwhelming fear or anxiety. Panic attacks are not life-threatening, but they interfere with your quality of life and mental well-being.

People who have regular or frequent panic attacks may have a panic disorder, a type of anxiety disorder. But an isolated panic attack can happen to anyone, even without a panic disorder diagnosis.

  • Feeling of squeezing or, says Dr. Miller, like an elephant sitting on your chest.
  • Achy or burning sensation, like heartburn.

Panic attacks often cause:

  • Sharp or stabbing pain .
  • Heart racing or chest discomfort thats hard to describe.

The triggers

Heart attacks tend to happen after physical strain or exertion a sign not found in panic attacks. A heart attack might happen after shoveling snow or walking up a long flight of stairs, Dr. Miller says. But you wouldnt have a panic attack after exercise unless there was an emotional stress trigger with it.

But what if the symptoms hit you at night? Both panic attacks and heart attacks can wake you from sleep. But theres a key difference: People who have nighttime, or nocturnal, panic attacks usually have daytime panic attacks, too.

So if you wake up with chest pain or other symptoms, and you dont have a history of panic attacks, that might be a sign of a heart attack.

How long it lasts

Panic attack symptoms last a few minutes or up to an hour. Then, the symptoms disappear, and you feel better. But a heart attack wont let up.

Diagnosing And Treating Anxiety

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Its important to differentiate normal anxiety from the more severe type. Does the anxiety interfere with your family life or keep you from being productive in your professional life? Does it restrict you from engaging in the activities you like? If the answer is yes, then its the kind of anxiety that may require some degree of therapy or medical attention.

Depending on the duration, severity, and type of anxiety, treatment can include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. A common and effective method of treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy , which involves three main components:

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Additional Heart Attack Clues

If you have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, you already know that you should take the symptoms listed above seriously and call for help. But if you dont have a diagnosis or havent had a heart attack, there are additional symptoms that often accompany a heart attack but typically not a panic attack. They include:

  • Pain in one or both arms
  • Pain in the jaw, back, shoulders, neck or upper abdomen
  • Heartburn

Panic Attack Vs Heart Attack: How To Tell The Difference


Your heart suddenly begins racing. You feel pain in your chest and you are short of breath.

Are you having a heart attack? Or could it be a panic attack?

“Any of these symptoms can be extremely frightening,” says Patricia Tung, MD, of Arrhythmia Services at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Although they share a number of similarities, the two conditions result from very different disease processes. Panic attacks arise when stress hormones trigger the body’s “fight or flight” response, often resulting in racing heart, chest pain and shortness of breath.

In the case of a heart attack, a blockage in a coronary artery may result in the same symptoms. “Chest pain, rapid heartbeat and breathlessness may result when an insufficient amount of blood reaches the heart muscle,” says Tung.

One of the key distinctions between the two is that a heart attack often develops during physical exertion, whereas a panic attack can occur at rest.

A heart attack is more likely to develop when the work load of the heart increases, for example while a person is shoveling snow or running up the stairs, especially in people who do not routinely engage in physical exertion.

Another difference is duration: Panic attacks tend to gradually subside and resolve on their own within about 20 minutes. A heart attack, however, will often continue and may worsen over time.

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The Fight Or Flight Reflex

Humans, as a species, have evolved over millennia to survive. When threatened, our bodies experience a fight or flight reflex. In these moments, stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine spike in the system. People who regularly have panic attacks experience these hormonal spikes when, in reality, they are not in physical danger. What they feel in response, however, is all the same physical panic symptoms as if they were being chased or about to fight off an attacker: escalated heart rate, shortness of breath, and a feeling that they are about to die.

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