Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Get Over Ptsd Car Accident

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Is Ptsd Covered By Car Insurance

You can get PTSD treatments paid for under certain types of car insurance coverage, as long as the PTSD is related to a car accident. You might want a lawyer if you’ve suffered serious injuries or PTSD symptoms.

However, where you file the claim depends on your state and the at-fault driver:

  • Another driver caused the accident in an at-fault state. You can claim the medical bills under the other driver’s bodily injury liability coverage. Some states assign partial fault to each driver involved. If you’re deemed partially at fault, your payment might be reduced by your part of the fault.
  • Another driver caused the accident in a no-fault state. In a no-fault state, you’ll claim the expenses under your own personal injury protection coverage. However, you can still sue the at-fault driver for severe injuries.
  • You caused the car accident. You must have MedPay or personal injury protection to pay for the medical expenses under your car insurance. Otherwise, you’d have to use your health insurance.

Importance Of Getting Treatment For Physiological Trauma After A Car Accident

These feelings may arise immediately after the accident, or in the days, weeks or even months following. It’s common to not fully realize that you have been emotionally affected by a traumatic event until some time has passed, especially if you are preoccupied with following the course of treatment prescribed by the healthcare professionals focused on healing your physical body.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident and any of these symptoms have begun to interfere with your normal, everyday life, then it might be time to seek professional help.

Thankfully, there are many effective treatments for stress-related trauma. It is important that you reach out to your doctor or mental health professional to discuss your symptoms and the possible treatment plans that can help you return to your daily life.

What To Do For Ptsd After A Car Accident

If you suffered PTSD after a car accident, follow these steps:   

  • Get examined immediately: Time may be of the essence. When it comes to properly diagnosing the cause of PTSD after a car accident, the sooner a person gets the proper diagnostic tests and medical treatment for these symptoms, the sooner they can rule out a potentially life-threatening injury. As an injury lawyer, I always advise people that the sooner they can get the necessary and appropriate medical care, the sooner they can get back on the road to good health and a full recovery, but with this disorder the key is to rule out a much more serious injury as soon as possible. 
  • Get medical treatment and get a referral for the appropriate diagnostic imaging to detect and diagnose if you have suffered from this disorder. A doctor can’t treat you until he or she knows what is causing these symptoms, and the appropriate diagnostic testing will enable your doctor to prescribe the best course of treatment for you and make the appropriate referrals for you. 
  • Don’t try to “tough it out”: This disorder is a serious injury that may even become fatal if you don’t seek treatment right away. As a lawyer, I’ve seen so many instances where people felt like they didn’t want to “complain,” but within days or weeks what they thought would be a minor injury or something that would go away becomes far more serious.  
  • Can I Be Compensated For Mental Health Trauma After A Car Accident

    • May 21, 2021

    For most people, a serious car crash means financial setbacks and focusing on healing from physical injuries. However, in many cases, an injury victim deals with significant unseen injuries. The emotional toll that a car crash takes on your productivity, day-to-day tasks, relationships and general well-being can be completely life-altering. Car wrecks are incredibly violent and traumatic events that send ripple effects through your life. The mental health trauma after a car accident that you may experience may get pushed aside in favor of visible injuries. However, it’s important to know the signs that you may be suffering emotionally so that you get the treatment you need.

    If you’ve been involved in a crash that left you with serious physical injuries, don’t try to cope with your emotional trauma on your own. Getting treatment for your mental health is just as important as receiving help for your physical injuries. 

    Driving Anxiety Symptoms 7 Ways To Recover From Ptsd After An Accident

    Overcoming Trauma: How to Cope with Car Accident

    | Car Features

    Getting behind the wheel after an accident can trigger serious driving anxiety symptoms. Try these 7 tips to improve your well-being and get back on the road.


    Every year, between 20 and 50 million people sustain injuries related to road accidents.

    Have you recently been involved in such an accident? Have you been struggling with driving anxiety as a result?

    Whether you were behind the wheel, on a motorcycle, or a passenger, being in a road accident can cause serious trauma. You might even be struggling with an anxiety disorder like PTSD.

    Read on to learn more about seven of the most common driving anxiety symptoms. You’ll also learn how to manage them in an effective way after getting into a road accident.



    How To Help Someone Facing Emotional Trauma After A Car Accident

    Car accidents leave more than physical reminders. You may have a visible scar from a gash or surgical incision. You may have broken a bone and walk or carry yourself differently. Those are the physical reminders. People expect them.

    What about the emotional scars? Emotional trauma is one of the most common permanent injuries after a car crash. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, about 1 in 4 men report traumatic stress following a motor vehicle accident. The numbers are slightly lower for women. Emotional trauma following a car accident is the most commonly named trigger, yet it’s so hard to overcome. It’s also an emotional scar that people don’t always understand. People think that someone survived the crash, so why would they still be dealing with it emotionally months or years later?

    If you have a loved one or friend who was in a car crash. Emotional trauma is very likely. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, stress, and anxiety/panic attacks are all problems people face after a car crash. Dismissing it is the worst thing you can do. It’s real and scary. These are the best ways to help someone.

    Myers Law Firm Helps Car Crash Victims Struggling With Mental Health Issues

    At Myers Law Firm, we understand that car accident victims often suffer temporary or long-lasting psychological effects in addition to their physical injuries. We are dedicated to making the personal injury claim process as simple and streamlined as possible so that you can focus on taking care of yourself and your family without additional stress.

    If you or a loved one has been in a serious car crash that resulted in mental health issues or physical injuries, please contact Myers Law Firm today to receive your free consultation. Call us at  or complete this brief online form to get started.


    American Psychological Association. . Motor vehicle accidents are leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder . Retrieved from press/releases/2003/12/accidents-ptsd

    Anxiety and depression – Facts and statistics. . Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved from

    Fitzharris, M., Fildes, B., & Charlton, J. . Anxiety, acute- and post-traumatic stress symptoms following involvement in traffic crashes.Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med.50, 297–315. Retrieved from

    Sutherland, J., Middleton, J., Ornstein, T.J., Lawson, K., & Vickers, K. . Assessing accident phobia in mild traumatic brain injury: The accident fear questionnaire. Rehabil Psychol 61, 317-327. doi: 10.1037/rep0000090. Retrieved from

    The content?provided here is?for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject.

    Can Early Intervention Prevent The Development Of Ptsd In Mva Survivors

    Although intervention immediately following a traumatic accident is not advisable, some studies suggest that in those instances where an individual is reporting Acute Stress Disorder , a brief cognitive behavioral treatment may be helpful. The diagnosis of ASD is used to codify posttraumatic responses that occur between 2 and 28 days after a traumatic event . Although diagnostic criteria for ASD are somewhat similar to PTSD, they include greater emphasis on dissociative symptoms. Research suggests that individuals who develop ASD are at a substantially higher risk for PTSD, relative to those without ASD in the immediate aftermath of a trauma . Thus, it is salient to consider whether treatment can reduce the likelihood that an individual with ASD will develop PTSD.

    Can You Get Anxiety After A Car Accident

    After the immediate danger of a car crash is gone, some people continue experiencing symptoms of fear and worry. This prolonged “fight or flight” response is called anxiety, and it’s present long after the danger has disappeared. Many people experience some form of anxiety after a car accident – 55%, to be exact.

    Tips For Driving Again After An Accident

    A significant challenge that car accident victims experience is difficulty driving after the occurrence. There are specific steps that accident victims need to take before they may successfully get over the trauma and hit the road again. If you have difficulty driving after a car accident, here are four tips you can do to overcome the challenge.

  • Write about the experience
  • Should I Settle Or Should I Sue

    Were you or a loved one recently injured in a car accident?

    Perhaps you’ve already filed an insurance claim, but you don’t feel as though the offer you’ve been given is fair. The insurance company might be willing to pay for part or all of your medical expenses related to your physical injuries, but what about your psychological trauma and pain and suffering? You’re stuck at an impasse in the settlement negotiation phase, and now you don’t know what to do.

    Above all, remember this:

    Never accept a low settlement offer just because you want this whole thing to be over or because you don’t know what you can do to make the insurer budge.

    You do have options — namely, filing a car accident lawsuit with the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer. If the other side refuses to negotiate or offer a fair settlement that includes compensation for your emotional trauma, then it might be necessary to file a lawsuit.

    What Not To Do After A Car Accident

    There are specific things you should avoid doing if you were involved in a car accident and you start developing PTSD which are detailed below:

    • Avoid bottling up your feelings – this can make matters worse and can even have a negative impact on your overall health and well-being
    • Avoid taking on to much – it is good to keep busy but taking on too much can have a negative impact on your life when you suffer from PTSD following a car accident. You should allow yourself some time to get back into your normal routine and not rush things
    • Avoid alcohol and drugs – it is all too easy to turn to drink or drugs if you were in a traumatic incident because you may believe it would help blot out all the horrific memories of the car crash. The negative effects of alcohol and drinks can lead to you suffering from depression and other anxiety issues
    • Avoid making any major changes to your life – you should not make any life changing decisions after being involved in a car accident because your judgement may not as good as it normally is

    How Does A Ptsd Claim Work

    Study Confirms PTSD in Auto Accidents

    Since PTSD could be considered a mental or emotional injury, you might receive payment as part of your pain and suffering compensation.

    When you receive a bodily injury liability payout, you also get compensation for pain and suffering. Insurers typically multiply your medical expenses by a number between one and five to determine payouts for pain and suffering. The multiplier depends on how severe and long-lasting your injuries are.

    Depending on your symptoms, some cases of PTSD may be deemed a separate injury. If so, the individual medical bills and treatments should be fully covered, rather than receiving a lump sum amount to allot for medical expenses. Then, you may receive a payout for pain and suffering in addition to the injury settlement.

    How long do I have to file a bodily injury liability claim?

    Most states give you one to two years to file and complete a bodily injury claim. But you should notify the insurance company as soon as reasonably possible after the accident. Many insurance policies require that you notify the company within a specific timeframe, typically 72 hours, or you’ll forfeit the right to file a claim.

    Starting the claim allows you to add medical expenses and report details as you go. You don’t have to settle the claim until you reach what insurance companies call the maximum medical improvement . MMI is the point when injuries have been cured or stabilized so that you can get an accurate picture of medical costs.

    Paying For Your Treatment And Care After A Ptsd Diagnosis

    Although treatments for PTSD have come a long way over recent years, they can cost a veritable fortune. This treatment also stretches out for weeks or months in most cases. Additional office visits and sessions mean more doctor’s bills. Still, you may be able to avoid footing this bill if you can show your diagnosis stems from the crash. 

    If your accident occurred because of a negligent driver, they may be legally responsible for your medical care and related expenses. You may be able to file a personal injury claim or civil lawsuit to recover compensation to pay your therapist. However, proving that you have PTSD and need treatment will require extensive evidence. This is where our injury attorney can help.

    Our lawyer could gather evidence in your case that includes:

    • The police accident report
    • Eyewitness accounts of the accident
    • Photos/video of the accident
    • Expert medical opinions
    • Bills, receipts, and other documentation of your damages

    In general, proving a mental health condition such as PTSD is more difficult than recovering money for physical injuries. However, it is not impossible. We can talk with you more about your accident and injuries today for a free consultation. We can explain your rights and how we would approach your case.

    You may want to pursue your claim or lawsuit promptly as soon as you know you want to take action after your accident. You generally only have one year to begin a civil lawsuit under CC Art. 3492

    $600000 Ptsd And Brain Injury Settlement

    A driver on I-495 in Virginia veered sharply across three lanes of traffic and hit the plaintiff’s vehicle on an I-95 off-ramp. The collision caused the plaintiff’s car to slam into a retaining wall.

    EMT and ER records showed no facial or head trauma. However, the next day, photographs of the woman showed facial swelling and several abrasions. Her doctor confirmed these injuries.

    The plaintiff suffered panic attacks, flashbacks, crying spells, and smelling burning tires and gas for weeks after the accident. Her doctor diagnosed her with PTSD. Also, she suffered headaches, memory loss, and difficulty finding words for months after the accident. A neurologist diagnosed her with a mild traumatic brain injury . Now they sought a traumatic brain injury PTSD settlement.

    The plaintiff’s attorney retained an expert on PTSD and TBI. He testified that her brain injury made her PTSD worse and vice versa.

    While the defense contested liability, the insurance company eventually offered a $60,000 concussion PTSD settlement. But the plaintiff’s attorney aggressively negotiated until the day before trial. The insurance company increased the payment to $600,000.

    The Risk Of Ptsd After A Car Accident

    Steven Gans, MD

    Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

    Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder in the general population.?? Each year, there are an estimated six million MVAs in the United States, resulting in over 2.5 million injuries.?? According to a National Institute of Mental Health , 39.2% of MVA survivors develop PTSD.

    How Much Compensation For Ptsd After A Car Accident

    How much compensation for PTSD after a car accident that a person may be able to recover will depend on several factors. Courts will consider whether the injured person is owed: unpaid, overdue No-Fault benefits; pain and suffering damages from the at-fault driver; and other economic damages.

    To learn more about how much compensation your case may be worth, please check our settlement calculator.

    What Are The Risks Of Developing Ptsd After A Car Accident

    Car Accident PTSD

    With one in ten people developing post-traumatic stress disorder if they are involved in a car accident, many studies have been undertaken with an end goal being to identify the risk factors involved in whether you would or would not develop PTSD when you are subjected to this type of traumatic event. These are detailed below:

    • You experienced another traumatic event in your life
    • You suffer from other psychological issues
    • There is a history of psychological issues in your family
    • The car accident you were in was life-threatening
    • You lost someone close to you in a car accident

    Recognizing The Signs Of Depression After A Motor Vehicle Collision

    With the rise in discussions on mental health, depression is often centered in the conversation. The way a person’s life changes after a car accident can lead to severe depression. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can lead to this type of mental health trauma after a car accident. In particular, cases where bodily injury is severe or finances are badly affected have long-lasting effects even after physical injuries have healed. If you were involved in a crash, no matter the level of your injuries or damage to your vehicle, it’s important that you and those around you keep an eye out for the following signs of depression: 

    • Loss of pleasure and interest in normal activities
    • Feelings of sadness nearly every day
    • Deep feelings of unhappiness nearly every day
    • A feeling of emptiness nearly every day 
    • Sleeping more than usual
    • Trouble thinking or speaking
    • Crying for no obvious reason

    Unfortunately, there is no definitive test to show the extent of depression or other emotional traumas. However, when you speak with an injury lawyer, in addition to discussing your physical injuries, it’s important to discuss the effects the auto collision has had on your mental health.

    Ptsd Does Not Change The Liable Party In The Accident

    Gabriel Levin | Car Accident Attorney

    If you need an experienced car accident attorney after a serious accident, especially if you have PTSD symptoms,  one as soon as possible. An attorney can help decrease the stress associated with your claim and make it easier for you to seek the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

    How Does Someone With Ptsd Move Forward After An Accident

    5 Common Car Accident Injuries and How to Treat Them ...

    The time following any kind of auto accident can be confusing and complex for the survivor of a serious injury. There are a number of different things that need to be considered regarding their own health, legal action that may be taken, and the long-term impact of the emotional trauma.

    It is a difficult time to experience, especially when you consider the emotional trauma that may be involved. Many serious accidents result in the survivors developing post-traumatic stress disorder that may affect how they go about their entire life.

    The fear and anxiety that may come with the trauma, however, are what is often most difficult to overcome. Dealing with the triggers of post-traumatic stress may not always be easy but understanding some of the things that can be done to help is important.

    Here are some healthy ways that individuals can cope with the impact of PTSD after a car or truck accident.

    What Are Some Signs Of Ptsd After A Car Accident

    PTSD after a car accident begins to affect everyday life. It’s not just feeling stressed or scared after the crash. Your thoughts and actions start to change.

    Common feelings related to PTSD include:

    • Anxiety about driving or getting into cars
    • Chronic feelings of uneasiness
    • Extreme anger, worry, or annoyance
    • Sleeping issues or nightmares
    • Feeling disconnected from other people or life
    • Fearing medical procedures or routine tests
    • Uncontrollable flashbacks from the car accident

    There are four types of PTSD , according to Mayo Clinic. Doctors will look at each set of symptoms to diagnose PTSD. Someone with PTSD will have one or more symptoms from each group for at least a month.

    Anxiety Can Cause Other Health Issues

    As anyone with a generalized anxiety disorder can attest, anxiety can have a significant impact on your daily life. People suffering from anxiety caused by specific experiences like a car crash may face additional side effects, such as:

    • Phobias: The NIH states that nearly 40% of crash survivors experience persistent phobias related to driving and being in a vehicle. Others also fear people or places related to their crash and experience dystychiphobia, the fear of being in a car accident.
    • Panic Attacks: Car crash survivors might have panic attacks triggered by sights, sounds, or even smells that remind them of the crash.
    • Sleep Disorders: Victims experiencing high levels of anxiety are also likely to have issues sleeping and with higher-than-normal fatigue. Sleep disorders can result from hyper-vigilance and an inability to relax or frequent nightmares and flashbacks.
    • Physical Symptoms: Headaches, dizziness, chest pain, nausea, and muscle tension are all physical symptoms that can be caused by prolonged or frequent anxiety. Anxiety can also worsen conditions like asthma, high blood pressure, and heart disease and weaken your immune system.

    Auto Accidents Are A Leading Cause Of Ptsd

    Over 15 years ago, the American Psychological Association recognized motor vehicle accidents as one of the leading causes of PTSD in the United States.   In fact, around the world the correlation between PTSD and motor vehicle accidents is so well-documented that it is specifically referenced as “Motor Vehicle Accident Related PTSD” or “Motor Vehicle Collision Related PTSD” .

    See, e.g.,  Stein, Dan J. et al. “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Associated with Life-Threatening Motor Vehicle Collisions in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys.” BMC Psychiatry 16 : 257. PMC. Web. 20 Mar. 2018.

    Those At Higher Risk For Mva

    Some accident victims are at a higher risk for developing MVA-PTSD.  Research has confirmed that there are identifiable PTSD risk factors for victims of a serious motor vehicle accident.

    As explained by Dr. Steven Gans and Professor Matthew Tull in an article published by VeryWellMind on January 7, 2018, entitled “PTSD and Car Accidents: Know Your Risk After a Crash,” the following are MVA-PTSD risk factors:

    • Having had another traumatic event or events
    • Having psychological difficulties prior to the traumatic event
    • A family history of psychological problems
    • Whether the trauma was life-threatening
    • Losing someone in the trauma
    • The amount of support received following the event
    • Emotional response
    • The presence of dissociation during the trauma.

    If your loved one is an accident victim who exhibits one or more of these risk factors, then he may suffer from MVA-PTSD. 

    Emotional Damages From A Car Accident

    To have a valid claim, you must have a physical injury. If you have physical injuries, you can also claim “emotional injuries.” These are non-economic damages like PTSD, pain, and suffering.

    Your compensation will depend on your damages. Damages are the costs or losses from the accident. If the accident caused your PTSD, you could claim the following:

    • Medication expenses for PTSD
    • Inpatient care
    • Mental health therapies

    Your claim can also include lost wages, vehicle repairs, and medical costs for other injuries. Talk to an experienced lawyer today to know your options.

    PTSD is not a visible injury like physical wounds. However, it is every bit as real. You deserve compensation for how the disorder has impacted your life. If someone else caused your car accident, it’s essential to know your rights.

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