Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Start An Eating Disorder Essay

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How To Help Someone With Anorexia Nervosa

Its not easy to watch someone you care about experience anorexia. But your love and concern can be pivotal in their life.

Many people recovering from anorexia say the support of family and friends played a key role in their getting well.

Here are some ways you can help your loved one with anorexia:

  • Learn about anorexia. Read books and articles, watch videos, or listen to podcasts. Learning to tell fact from fiction can help you offer the best support.
  • Before you approach them about their condition, prepare what you want to say. Some people find it helpful to write down notes.
  • Pick a good time and place to talk. Make sure its in a private area and at a convenient time so you wont feel rushed.
  • Be patient and supportive. Fully listen to what theyre saying. Then you can explain why youre concerned. Try to stick to the facts: I noticed you havent been eating dinner with us lately.
  • Avoid topics that may create negative experiences for your loved one. Dont make ultimatums, comment on weight and appearance, shame or blame, or offer simple solutions like just start eating because anorexia is a complex disorder that requires proper medical care.
  • Help your loved one explore treatment options if theyre open to it. You can also offer to help them take the first steps, like setting up an appointment.

Men With Eating Disorders

Men with Eating Disorders Virginia I. Rivera DeVry University Eng135 Professor Michael Gurin When you hear about people suffering from eating disorders for example Anoxeria Nervosa, Bulimia or etc. Who you normal hear about a young female or older women right?. That’s because when we watch television or read a magazine we see a female talking about them having an eating disorder or they feel as if they have signs of a eating disorder. So in the public eye Anoxeria

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Eating Disorders And The Media

1.0 Introduction

Eating disorders are serious psychological illnesses that result in people having dangerous eating habits. People with eating disorders usually have a negative perception of their body image and will attempt to control their weight through excessive dieting, exercising or purging. In fact, eating disorders cannot be separated from the culture in which they arise. In western countries where thinness is emphasized as an important social value, millions of women are suffering from eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and binge eating.

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Even though the media has the power to shape peoples behaviors and attitudes, do you agree that the media encourages people to develop eating disorders?

Looking further into the issue, we will see that the media is indeed guilty of encouraging eating disorders in the society. It portrays an unattainable standard of body image, gives leeway for pro-anorexia groups to spread on Internet and promotes dieting and weight loss.

This report will show compelling evidence on how media encourages people to develop eating disorders. They are many negative effects than positive one. The research findings are confined to the United States of America and United Kingdom due to their high prevalence of eating disorders in comparison to other countries.

2.0 Media Promotes Ideal Body Image

Family Influence


Body Fat And Eating Disorder Paper

Body Fat and Eating Disorder Paper Michael Mullady SCI/241 March 29, 2015 Gari Bodor Body composition consists of fat and fat free mass in the body. It is the proportion amongst those two. People who have a healthy body composition have a lower fat mass while having a higher fat free mass at the same time. People with a body composition that includes excessive body fat are more likely to suffer from health complications that are also related to weight including but not limited to: high blood

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  • RUNNING HEAD: EATING DISORDERS IN ATHLETES 1 Eating Disorders in Athlete American Public University February 21, 2015 Kellyanne Michael Eating Disorders in Athletes

    Words: 1993 – Pages: 8

  • Historical Perspective Of Anorexia Nervosa

    Discuss one or more biological explanations of eating ...

    Knowledge about the condition came into the lime light in the late 18th century, when two separate physicians; Charles Lesegue and William Gull researched on anorexia nervosa. The two have been regarded as pioneer researchers in this particular filed. At the initial stages, several names were put forward but, anorexia nervosa came to be widely accepted eventually.

    Many other researchers such as Hilde Bruch, Arthur Crisp among other have come forward, and their works have contributed into the research by coming up with treatment plans. Despite the numerous studies into the condition, there is lack of adequate technological innovation as far as treatment is concerned. Hence, it has become a concern among contemporary physician researchers.

    The development of anorexia disorder can be traced back to several cultures from ancient times. During this particular time, prolonged fasting was observed but usually it was for religious reasons. The fast was common among the Greek and Egyptian cultures, but, no evidence has been found to show the fasting was as a result of the disorder.

    A close resemblance of the disorder in ancient times was that which developed among people who practiced eastern religions. As Steiner documents, some Eastern religious beliefs led to self starvation as people sought spiritual fulfillment.Self starvation is regarded as one of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa today.

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    Anorexia Nervosa And Eating Disorders

    al. “Eating Disorders.” American Psychological Association. APA, Oct. 2011. Web. 25 Apr. 2013. <>. The American Psychological Association states that people who have eating disorders rarely get treated. Eating disorders should be treated because they can have serious consequences to the persons body. Those who have go untreated have a morality rate 18 times higher than those dont have eating disorders, not only that but having eating disorders can result

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    Anorexia Nervosa And Long Flowing Hair

    to an eating disorder. There are many types of eating disorders and different ways to diagnose each one. Many people go through body images issues at some point in their life but people with eating disorders take things to an extreme. Many people suffer from eating disorders and it is estimated that 7 million of American women will suffer from an eating disorder and 1 million men. . Eating disorders not only effect the body but also the mind and spirit. Eating disorders

    Words: 431 – Pages: 2

    Personal Essay On Eating Disorders Health

    Personal Essay on Eating Disorders HealthI have very strong feelings about many of the topics we discuss in class. One topic I can personally relate to is eating disorders. So many people want to be super model skinny and not work out to achieve it. Eating disorders

    I never realized how much an eating disorder could control your life, until I had one. I never worried about weight until I started hanging out with a lot of girls. Girls have big impressions on other girls. When I made the cheerleading squad was when everything started. Just like sports players were in competition for the best player, our squad was in competition for who could be the skinniest and prettiest. If you were the skinniest and prettiest you were more likely to be popular. A lot of girls, including myself, on the squad were either anorexic or bulimic. Both disorders are equally bad but very different.

    Weight and appearance isnt only a problem in the female gender. Eating disorders seem to be getting more common in men as time goes on. The media shows men in a whole different light. The exact opposite is expected from men than what is expected from women. Men are supposed to look strong and muscular, the bigger the better. I dont personally like a very muscular man; I would rather have someone I could cuddle with, not someone who feels like a rock.

    Anorexia Nervosa Treatment Options

    Anorexia treatment can be challenging. Sometimes a person with anorexia doesnt recognize they have an eating disorder thats impacting their well-being.

    But when someone with anorexia does seek support either on their own or with the help of a loved one the right treatment can make a big difference.

    Some of the first steps to treatment can include talking with a doctor or eating disorder specialist. After having a conversation with a healthcare professional, they can then suggest a treatment program or another approach that fits your needs.

    Types Of Eating Or Feeding Disorders In Adolescents

    According to experts, there are four types of eating disorders diagnosed among adolescents, namely anorexia, bulimia, binge and other specified feeding disorder . Anorexia refers to a prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite.

    This disorder affects adolescents who limit themselves to certain groups of foods for fear of being overweight . This disorder is common among adolescents because at this stage people are very conscious about various developments in their body and the impacts they have on their image.

    Some symptoms of this disorder include skipping of meals, prioritizing of exercise, making up excuses for not eating, watching ones diet, and avoiding eating food they prepare for others. Other notable red flags include obsession with nutrition shows, avoiding certain types of food, checking ones weight regularly, and drinking a lot of water among others .

    The second disorder is bulimia. It refers to an eating disorder common among adolescent who engage in excessive eating, which is followed by acts of clearing their bodies from any form of stigma. This disorder is characterized by people eating a lot of food, which is followed by doing too much exercise to avoid gaining weight .

    Symptoms of this disorder include one using the bathroom during or after a meal, eating too much food, regular dieting, secretive disposal of used food wrappers, lack of control over the amount of food to eat and forceful vomiting .

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    All About Anorexia Nervosa

    If you have anorexia, you might believe youre carrying more weight or that your body is larger than it actually is.

    Anorexia causes behaviors like:

    • compulsive exercising
    • purging

    In addition to causing medical concerns, anorexia can impact your emotional well-being by cutting you off from supportive people in your life.

    Anyone can experience anorexia. While women are more likely to get a diagnosis, some suggests that eating disorder stigma could play a role in the low rate of diagnosis for men.

    Its true that anorexia can have serious health impacts. But treatment has helped many people recover, and it could help you too.

    How To Write An Anorexia Essay

    When you are faced with the task of writing an essay on anorexia nervosa,how do you go about it? First, you need to answer the question: what does it mean to be anorexic? Then pick a topic that is interesting and develop an essay outline. Here is a sample anorexia essay outline

    • Introduction: Your anorexia introduction should be used to bring out the issue you will discuss in the paper. Make sure to capture the attention of the reader with hook statements such as quotes, a question, or mind-boggling statistics. Then, include a thesis statement towards the end of the conclusion.
    • Body: Here, you go into details of what you are discussing. Every anorexia essay point should be discussed in its own paragraph. Make sure to start every paragraph with a topic sentence and then use the rest of the sentences to support it.

    History Of Eating Disorders

    Eating Disorder Expository Essay

    Eating Disorders: Cant Stop, Wont Stop! Many people hear about eating disorders and how they are affecting every generation, but no one really knows how these terrible disorders started or the history. The three types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating. Eating disorders include extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues; they are serious emotional and physical problems that can have life threatening consequences for not

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    Types Of Eating Disorders

    There are three types of eating disorders. The first category is the anorexia nervosa. People experiencing this type of eating disorders always view themselves as overweight while they may be underweight. Due to this mentality, they result to eating small portions of food and weigh their weight repeatedly. Others may engage in excessive exercise and extreme dieting. The consequences of these activities may lead to the lack of menstruation among women and girls. Secondly is the bulimia nervosa. Victims in this category have episodes of uncontrolled appetite leading to consumption of large quantities of food. However, these people engaged in acts of fasting, excessive aerobics and induced vomiting to compensate the binge eating habits. They fear adding weight hence strive to maintain average body size. Finally is the binge eating disorder. People with this disorder lack control over their eating behaviors. However, unlike the bulimia nervosa, they do not engage in compensation activities. As a result, most become overweight or obese. Victims in these categories at a high risk of suffering from high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications. They also experience feelings of shame and guilt causing more binge eating. The following table shows the statistics of different eating disorder cases in 2012.



    Causes Of Eating Disorders: Topics

  • Analyze eating disorders considering environmental causes. Discuss anorexia and other eating disorders in terms of DSM-5 criteria.
  • Do calorie tracing applications and programs influence the occurrence of eating disorders? How do they contribute to eating disorders? Examine the latest publications and statistics.
  • How are sleeping disorders and circadian rhythms connected to the emergence of eating disorders? Examine the biological components of sleeping. Consider Night Eating Syndrome and other sleep-related eating disorders.
  • How does alcohol and substance abuse link to eating disorders? What are the main strategies of treating addictive behaviors?
  • How is drug abuse connected to eating disorders in sports?
  • Explain the relationship between anorexia nervosa and vegetarianism.
  • Does pressure in sports contribute to the occurrence of eating disorders among athletes?
  • Discuss the connection of disorders of sexual behavior in anorexia nervosa.
  • Do genetic factors cause eating disorders?
  • What is the relationship between body fat level and the possibility of developing an eating disorder?
  • How is sex abuse related to eating disorders?
  • Explain how the primary drive of hunger affects eating disorders. Consider intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.
  • How is obesity connected to eating disorders?
  • What are biological consequences of patients with an eating disorder?
  • Eating Disorders And Eating Disorder

    affects people called an eating disorder. Why did you choose this topic?I chose this topic because it is a very prevalent issue in our society today, and a close friend of mine is suffering from an eating disorder.What question did you want to answer or what was your hypothesis regarding this topic?As mammals, there is no chance of escaping the need to consume food in everyday life. However, when it comes to food there can be a major concern of eating too much or eating too little. Doing either

    Physical Symptoms And Signs

    According to the DSM-5, some diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa include:

    • restricting food in a way that causes weight loss and negatively affects health
    • strong fear of weight gain
    • view of ones body thats different from how most others see it
    • self-esteem or sense of self thats tied to whether there are good or bad feelings about ones body
    • lack of recognition or denial of weight loss

    Many people with an anorexia diagnosis also have one or more co-occurring mental health disorders. has found that people with anorexia may also have a mental health condition like:

    People with anorexia may also have higher chances of being on the autism spectrum.

    Wondering if you might meet the criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis? You can take this quiz to find out. While it isnt a replacement for an actual diagnosis or medical help, it could help you decide if reaching out for support is a good next step.

    There is no single cause of anorexia. Instead, its influenced by several different biological and environmental factors, like:

    • genetics
    • family behaviors
    • beliefs about your appearance

    These factors can make a person more likely to develop anorexia. Its not uncommon for someone with anorexia to have a personal or family history of anxiety, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    According to the National Eating Disorders Association, some risk factors for anorexia include:

    Compulsive: Eating Disorders And Binge Eating

    provide an overview of Compulsive Overeating Disorder as well as Binge eating. The essay will define the two disorders as well as provide examples to support the research and findings. This essay will outline current approaches for treating Compulsive Overeating and Binge Eating disorder as well as the theoretical basis for the approaches. Details on how counselors can work individually with each client to provide assistance to clients with eating disorders. Information on the different Theoretical

    Words: 2816 – Pages: 12

    Eating Disorders : Eating Disorder

    Eating DisordersMany people, both women and men of all ages, suffer from the psychological disorder, eating. Up to thirty million people in the world suffer from some kind of an eating disorder. There a two types of eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia, and have several methods of treatment. What is an eating disorder, and what do they cause? Eating disorders are maladaptive and very serious interruptions in eating. They can come in the form of overeating, or not eating enough, they are often

    Food For Thought: More Ideas To Explore

    Here we want to share with you scientific and fiction books where you may find helpful information, insights, and inspiration for your essay. These books consider various sides of eating disorders, including personal experiences depicted in monographs.

    Scientific-based books:

    Eating Disorders: Cultures in Transition by Nasser, Katzman, and GordonSkills-Based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method by Janet TreasureDemystifying Anorexia Nervosa: An Optimistic Guide to Understanding and Healing by Alexander R. LucasAm I Thin Enough Yet? The Cult of Thinness and the Commercialization of Identity by Sharlene Hesse-BiberThe Psychology of Eating and Drinking by A. W. LogueDecoding Anorexia by Carrie ArnoldBody Image, Eating Disorders, and Obesity in Youth: Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment by Linda Smolak and J. Kevin ThompsonExacting Beauty: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment of Body Image Disturbance by J. Kevin Thompson, Leslie J. Heinberg, and Madeline N. Altabe

    Fiction and memoirs:

    Also, you may be interested in movies connected with eating disorders. You can discuss the films or books listed here during your classes or write a book or movie review.


    The Best Little Girl in the World Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story Life Is Sweet For the Love of Nancy 301, 302 God Help the Girl The Road Within Thinspiration To the Bone

    Photo by igorovsyannykov from Pixabay

    Eating Disorders : An Eating Disorder

    003 Eating Disorder Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus

    as an eating disorder. Weir goes on to explain the origins behind eating disorders in individuals. This topic is important because, in the United States, many women and men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some point in their life. It is important to know the influences that cause an individual to experience an eating disorder. Genetically, or environmentally, or both genetically and environmentally. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are

    Prevalence Of Anorexia Nervosa Disorder

    The prevalence of the disorder affects people of both gender types. It can affect individuals of any age. However, women are more predisposed to the disorder as compared to men. Statistics have identified the ratio to be one out of ten men. Scholars say the incidences of the disorder are increasing day by day, and we might have new statistical out look in the future.

    The numerous studies conducted show the disorder is more prevalent among the population from the industrialized nations. Despite the industrialized nations having abundant-food supply, the population especially the females shy away from eating to maintain the slim image, which is considered to be attractive.

    The disorder has been found to be common in the western countries such as United Kingdom, USA, Canada and other highly industrialized nations. Studies in the US show that 0.5 to 1 % of females in the US are likely to develop the disorder. In United Kingdom, an estimated 0.7 % to 1.2% females are at high risk of developing anorexia.

    However, research of the spread of the disorders in African countries is very limited; hence it may not be easy to hypothesize prevalence rate in those areas due to limited research conducted in the past.

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    Possible Causes Of Anorexia Nervosa

    Researchers have been interested to know what causes the anorexia nervosa disorder. Further, they have been interested to know the contributing factors that lead to the development of the disorder. However, it is difficult to determine the specific causes of the disorder, and most of the causes put forward are hypothetical. Scholars believe that anorexia nervosa can be attributed to a combination of factors, ranging from environmental, cultural, biological and psychological.

    Consequences Of Eating Disorders

    The prevalence of eating disorders may have adverse consequences for all stakeholders involved. First, eating disorder may lead to health problems. In most cases, when people eat little than required, they become weak or malnourished. This aspect translates to more visits to a doctor. Visiting a hospital leads to wastage of resource and could even lead to poverty. Some victims go to an extent of being hospitalized in extreme cases. The hospital bills lead to financial constraints to family members of the patient hence poor living standards. Secondly, eating disorders lead to low mortality rates. Some deaths are brought about by eating disorders. When people fail to eat as required, they die at an earlier age. Also, pregnant women who do not feed well may lead to poor fetal development. The chances of the fetal survival become narrow. A nations economic value slows down as they experience increased death rates. A country that consists of a sickly population due to eating disorders cannot be any productive. This unproductivity emerges when people cannot work on their own hence increasing their maintenance costs.

    Causes Of Eating Disorders

    Eating disorders can be caused by: First, psychological factors like feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem or depression. Psychological needs primarily deal with a persons inner self. When one feels awful about herself and is no longer comfortable with who he/she is, then eating disorders start creeping in. Secondly are interpersonal factors. Troubled family relationships, sexual or physical abuse and difficulty in feelings expression cause a troubled mind to the victim. When one is undergoing such difficulties, he may result in eating too much or too little. Thirdly are the social factors. These involve cultural pressures that seem to value particular persons than others. For instance, there are cultures that value boys than girls. Some social norms glorify the beauty and those who are not beautiful become victims of prejudice and rejection. If one happens to face such discrimination, then he/she may undergo stress and eating food disorders.

    Eating Disorder Topics Treatment

  • Describe the main symptoms of all types of eating disorders. Explain the peculiarities of diagnosing eating disorders.
  • Explain the role of dieting in the treatment program of bulimia and anorexia.
  • What is the treatment potential of Ayahuasca on the treatment of eating disorders?
  • Explain various treatment options and strategies for treatment anorexia/bulimia/binge eating disorders.
  • Should treatment of eating disorders be included in health insurance plans? Why?
  • Explain the biological aspects of bulimia/anorexia nervosa and analyze treatment options.
  • Discuss the role of family in the treatment therapy of patients with eating disorders.
  • What ethical issues are connected to the compulsory treatment of eating disorders?
  • Find out the effectiveness of Virtual Reality Graded Exposure Therapy in treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
  • Are psychedelic compounds effective in the treatment of eating disorders? In what cases?
  • Explore the latest approaches in the treatment of eating disorders. For example, you can discuss deep brain stimulation or real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Define the role of peer support groups for people with eating disorders.
  • Why do anorexia and bulimia remain a problem? What are stopping factors? Analyze why eating disorders are hard to cure.
  • Explain the importance of balancing metabolism in eating disorders.
  • More articles

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