Saturday, April 27, 2024

What Is A Depression In Geography

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Where Are Depression Formed

Crash Course Geography Preview

Research suggests that depression doesnt spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.

How Low And High Pressure Is Formed

Rising of air causes low pressure. In simple terms, the rising air leads to less air on the surface means low air particles pressure. On the contrary, if the air moves down towards the surface, it means there will be more density of air particles leading to high pressure.

Easy way to remember Taking out books from your bag leads to low pressure on your shoulders while putting more books inside your bag will put high pressure on your shoulder.

Just remember that low-pressure areas create rains and storms while the high-pressure area leads to clear skies.

Now that we have understood the concept of low pressure and high-pressure area, it is easy to understand the phenomenon of depressions and anticyclones.

How It Affects The Weather Of Uk

The low-pressure systems often begin in Atlantic, moving eastwards toward the UK. These are responsible for the UKs changeable weather. In winters they form snow storms, and in summer it causes floods and heavy rainfall.

Warm air migrating north from tropics meet cold dense air migrating south from the polar region.

The warm air is cut by advancing cold air, and because it has more energy and lesser density than cold air, it is forced to rise above at a cold front.Further, warm air advances into the cold air and is also forced to rise above this denser cold air at warm front.

At both fronts, air is rising to lead to cooling and condensation which eventually results in the rain at both fronts.

The rising air forms low pressure at the earths surface at the centre of the storm. Air moves in from higher pressure areas around the depression giving the high winds that we often associate with the depressions.

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What Is Depression In Bay Of Bengal

The depression over Bay of Bengal crossed the coast between Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh early on Friday the India Meteorological Department said and announced that the weather system will gradually weaken. It forecast more rains for the state and heavy to very heavy rainfall in parts of AP and Karnataka.

How Do Depressions Develop

Storm Depression Stock Photo

Research suggests that depression doesnt spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.

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Atlantic Depressions And The British Isles

Frontal depressions have a significant impact on weather across the British Isles. They bring the wet and windy conditions we are used to in the UK.

Depressions are one of the most common features on weather maps across the UK and Ireland. The weather map below shows an example of a depression over the British Isles. If you are not familiar with weather charts the BBC have produced a really handy guide to .

A depression over the UK

A depression is an area of low pressure, where the air is rising. As it rises and cools, water vapour condenses to form clouds and perhaps precipitation. Consequently, the weather in a depression is often cloudy, wet and windy . When the black lines on a weather map are close together it means air pressure is changing quickly and therefore windy.

There are usually frontal systems associated with depressions. The red, blue and purple lines represent weather fronts. A red line with semi-circles is a warm front. A warm front has warm air behind it and forms the boundary between a large mass of warm air and cold air. A blue line with triangles shows a cold front. A cold front has cold air behind it and forms the boundary with warmer air. A purple line with semi-circles and triangles is an occluded front. This is an area where the warm front is no longer in contact with the surface of the Earth and sits above cold air.

The video below explores fronts in more detail.

Features of a depression

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Origin And Nature Of Depressions

Depression = LOW PRESSURE SYSTEMDepressions occur when two air masses meet, one is a warm, moist mass from the tropics, whilst the other is a cool, dense mass from the Pole.As a depression moves overhead you can recognise 5 stages in order:

  • Initially as the depression approaches you will get a build up of high cirrus and stratus clouds. This is because the warm air that has been forced to rise has begun to condensate.
  • The cloud will continue to accumulate overhead as the warm front approaches. The clouds will be lower nimbostratus ones and there will be steady rainfall. The temperature will also fall.
  • Once the warm front has passed, you are in the section between the two fronts where the warm air still is touching the ground. This causes the temperature to increase, often from approximately 6 to 12C. There may be some light drizzle, but mostly it is dry during this warm sector.
  • The next part is the arrival of the cold front. You would be able to see this clearly coming towards you as it is a steep front with huge high cumulonimbus clouds, bringing with them very heavy rain. The temperatures also fall asthe cold front moves overhead.
  • Finally, once the cold front has passed, you get a mixture of sunshine and heavy showers, caused by pockets of rising air in the air that follows the depression. The whole process takes between 12 and 24 hours.
  • How Are Depression Lakes Formed

    What is Physical Geography? Crash Course Geography #4

    Formation of down warped lakes Depression lakes were formed through the process of down-warping, up-warping and drainage reversal during Pleistocene period. Down warping of the central region led to the formation of a saucer shaped shallow basin.

    What can be the cause of depression?

    Research suggests that depression doesnt spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.

    What does a depression look like on a weather map?

    Depressions can be identified on weather charts as an area of closely spaced isobars, often in a roughly circular shape, where pressure is lower than surrounding areas. They are often accompanied by fronts.

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    Access To Green Space Is Also Important For Mental Health

    In a questionnaire study made to use spatial data and conducted to look at the effect of the pandemic on health, it was found in England, using bootstrap-resampled correlations and binomial regression models, that mental health was generally much better for individuals who lived near green space or were able to spend more time in green space during stringent lockdown conditions.

    In other words, the pandemic has much less effects leading to depression if individuals were able to more easily access wide green areas, including nature reserves and parks. It was not only such green spaces, but even food growing allotments were found to create mental health benefits. Individuals living within 100 and 250 m from food growing allotments were found to be significantly better in their mental coping.

    What Direction Do Contour Lines Bend Along A River

    The bending of the contour lines near the river always points uphill, which means RIVERS ALWAYS FLOW IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION FROM THE WAY THE CONTOUR LINES BEND. represented by a series of closed circles. For a hill the elevation of each contour line increases as you move towards the center of the circle.

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    Compatible With The Following Exam Boards

    To understand the concept of depressions and anticyclones, we need to understand the terms atmospheric pressure, high pressure and low pressure.

    We all know that air exerts pressure and atmospheric pressure is nothing but the force exerted by the air on the earth. To understand properly, look at the diagram given below.

    Pressure is highest at sea level and decreases with increase in altitude. Also, earth consists of various high and low-pressure areas which control the weather around the world.

    The Effect Of Access To Water On Mental Health

    Storm depression chart stock vector. Illustration of front

    Recent research has looked at the effects of blue space, that is access to water such as freshwater and coastal access. In Scotland, researchers gained access to data on antidepressant prescription data and the spatial analysis resulted in statistically significant results showing that blue space does have a beneficial mental health benefit.

    The research showed that neighbourhoods near freshwater and individuals residing near or along the coast and/or large freshwater lakes showed much lower use of antidepressant medication.

    Blue space appears to give outdoor activity access as well as positive feeling that has significant mental health benefits, even at a greater level for older adults, that as those greater than 50 years of age, than green space, which has been more widely studied.

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    How Are Depressions Represented In A Mountain Pass

    A depression is represented by a series of concentric closed contours with the inner contours having lower elevation than their outer surrounding. There are small tick marks or hachures on these contour lines pointing towards lower elevation.

    Which is an example of a depression in the ground?

    A depression is a low point in the ground which is surrounded by higher ground in all directions. Examples of depressions include volcanic craters, sinkholes, pit craters, and impact craters.

    How does altitude affect peoples mental health?

    Researchers think the mountains, with a lack of oxygen at high altitude, could be interfering with peoples mental health. The Mountain West has some of the highest rates of depression and suicide. Researchers think the mountains, with a lack of oxygen at high altitude, could be interfering with peoples mental health.

    What Is A Rain Depression

    A depression, or low pressure system, is a place in the atmosphere where air rises in a spiral. Sometimes the water and ice clump together and get bigger and heavier and then fall out of the air as rain, sleet or snow. There are two places where rain-forming is most common. They are known as fronts.

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    What Is A Frontal Depression

    A frontal depression is a low-pressure area formed at the boundary between two different air masses. It occurs in middle or higher latitudes. Since the density of warm air is less than that of the cold air, the bulge is an area of low pressure surrounded by areas of high pressure on three sides.

    Anticyclones Depressions And Fronts

    What is a Map? Crash Course Geography #2

    Part B Fronts

    A front is a boundary between two different types of air masses, these are normally warm moist air masses from the tropics and cooler drier air masses from polar regions. Fronts move with the wind so over the UK they normally move from west to east. The notes below provide information about the most common types of fronts. The descriptions given apply to active well developed fronts, weaker fronts may not display all the characteristics or they may be less well defined.

    Warm fronts

    A warm front indicates that warm air is advancing and rising up over the colder air. This is because the warm air is lighter or less dense, than the cold air. Therefore warm fronts occur where warmer air is replacing cooler air at the surface. As the warm front approaches there is a gradual deterioration in the weather. Clouds gradually lower from higher cirrus, through altostratus, to stratus and nimbostratus at the front. There is often a prolonged spell of rainfall which is often heavy. Behind the warm front the rain becomes lighter, turns to drizzle or ceases, but it remains cloudy. Temperatures rise behind the warm front and winds turn clockwise, also known as a wind veer. Pressure falls steadily ahead of and during the passage of the warm front, but then rises slowly after its passage.

    The diagram below shows the formation of a warm front in diagrammatic form.

    Cold fronts

    The diagram below shows the formation of a cold front in diagrammatic form.


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    The Geography Of Health Influences On Individuals

    In a study in New Zealand using the national Healthy Living Index, researches looked at a variety of negative and positive health influences on individuals in terms of areas they lived near. Areas that were negative on mental health and depression were deemed to have more fast-food outlets, takeaway outlets, convenience stores, alcohol stores, and gaming venues.

    On the other hand, regions that had greater positive outlets, including green and blue spaces, physical activity facilities, and fruit and vegetable outlets, were found to have a far better impact on reducing psychological distress and improving mental health outcomes.

    This is when factors of age, race, and sex were also controlled for. The researchers suggest that planning for neighbourhoods should consider the effects of different outlets and access on mental health and depression.

    How Is Low Depression Formed

    A low pressure system, also known as a depression occurs when the weather is dominated by unstable conditions. Under a depression air is rising, forming an area of low pressure at the surface. This rising air cools and condenses and helps encourage cloud formation, so the weather is often cloudy and wet.

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    Why Is England So Grey

    Britain is particularly cloudy because its located in the Warm Gulfstream. The heat necessary to evaporate all that water was absorbed off the African American coast, and then transported along with the water. The air above Britain, on the other hand, is quite often coming from the polar areas and thus much colder.

    Origin And Nature Of Anticyclones


    Anticyclones = HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEM

    • Only involve one air mass with no weather fronts.
    • The presence of high pressure causes air molecules to sink. As the air sinks, it warms, increasing the amount of water the air can hold.
    • The descending air warms at the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
    • Cloud formation is prevented with low wind speeds due to weak pressure gradients.


    • Clear skies due to descending air brings hot and sunny weather
    • Convectional rainfall can occur if the heating of the ground is sufficient. After a few days thunderstorms will signal the end of the anticyclone due to a layer of hot air rising from the surface leading to condensation of water vapour.


    • Clear skies but due to the low position of the sun in the sky, the days are short and fresh.
    • Clear skies on a winter’s night will allow frost to form. The land quickly loses heat during the night, as there is no cloud cover to act as insulation. The rapidly cooling ground cools and condenses any moisture in the air above it, forming droplets of ice when the temperature falls below freezing. This is frost.
    • Fogs are also caused by clear winter nights. The ground loses heat. This cools the air above it causing moisture to condensate around dust particles in the layer of air closest to the ground surface. This is fog.

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    How Is A Depression Formed Geography

    A low pressure system, also known as a depression occurs when the weather is dominated by unstable conditions. Under a depression air is rising, forming an area of low pressure at the surface. This rising air cools and condenses and helps encourage cloud formation, so the weather is often cloudy and wet.

    Causes Of Geographical Depressions

    There are various causes and factors involved in generating a geographical depression, whether relative or absolute.

    Most large-scale geological depressions are related to tectonic plates and their movement, while other depressions are generated by the destabilization of the terrain due to erosion, volcanic activity, human action or climate, among others.

    We can classify the causes of the generation of geographical depressions in several groups, among which we find:

    • Geographical depressions related to soil erosion.
    • Geographic depressions related to the collapse of the terrain.
    • Geographical depressions related to an impact on the ground.
    • Geographic depressions related to sediments in the terrain.
    • Geographical depressions related to tectonic movements.

    When it comes to a slow movement of land destabilization we speak of geographical depressions generated by subsidence that is, according to geology, the progressive collapse of the land.

    Among the depressions related to subsidence are those that are generated by wind erosion, typical in arid ecosystems . Also found are those depressions generated by erosion in glacial terrain and river valleys.

    The endorheic basins are also part of the depressions formed by subsidence. An endorheic basin is an area where the water does not have a fluvial outlet to the ocean. This generates the accumulation of salts that end up destabilizing the terrain and derive in the generation of geographic depressions.

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