Friday, September 13, 2024

Are People With Ptsd Violent

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Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder

PTSD From Gang Violence in LA (Full Length)

Disinhibited social engagement disorder occurs in children who have experienced severe social neglect or deprivation before the age of 2. Similar to reactive attachment disorder, it can occur when children lack the basic emotional needs for comfort, stimulation and affection, or when repeated changes in caregivers prevent them from forming stable attachments.

Disinhibited social engagement disorder involves a child engaging in overly familiar or culturally inappropriate behavior with unfamiliar adults. For example, the child may be willing to go off with an unfamiliar adult with minimal or no hesitation. These behaviors cause problems in the childs ability to relate to adults and peers. Moving the child to a normal caregiving environment improves the symptoms. However, even after placement in a positive environment, some children continue to have symptoms through adolescence. Developmental delays, especially cognitive and language delays, may co-occur along with the disorder.

The prevalence of disinhibited social engagement disorder is unknown, but it is thought to be rare. Most severely neglected children do not develop the disorder. Treatment involves the child and family working with a therapist to strengthen their relationship.

How Can A Provider Help Reduce A Patient’s Risk

As of yet, there are no evidence-based PTSD treatments specifically designed to reduce the risk of violence directly. More research directly measuring changes in violent behavior before and after anger management is needed. However, given research showing correlations between anger and aggression in PTSD, cognitive behavioral anger management may be helpful to reduce some types of aggression including violence . One study showed that following group anger management, a sample of Vietnam Veterans reported reductions in both anger and physical assault .

Continuing Education Course

Managing Anger: A Treatment for Those With PTSD

This online course is designed to teach providers to use a 12-session anger management group treatment for those who have PTSD.

When examining published research studies for ways to reduce violence risk, it is critically important to consider the comparison group and to look at the absolute values of pre to post change to determine if a treatment actually moves people into a range where they are at lower risk. Research suggests we can reduce someone’s risk for violence by reducing dynamic risk factors and increasing protective factors. Tips for providers include:

Using the tips above, we can comprehensively address the whole person in regard to social, physical, and psychological functioning to reduce risk of violence.\

Limitations Of Current Literature

Much of the research conducted on the relationship between trauma and criminal behaviour has focused upon incarcerated young offenders . The authors conducted semi-structured interviews with a representative sample of 105 young offenders convicted of serious violence, assessing intrusive memories, ruminations, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder related to their violent crime. Participants described significant intrusive memories of the assault, and reported ruminations related to the assault. The intrusive memories tended to concern the moment when the event turned to the worse for the perpetrator demonstrating important implications for risk assessment and therapeutic interventions for violent offenders. In another study, examined the prevalence and characteristics of amnesia in violent offenders their findings showed a partial amnesia of offences associated with cognitive processing during the assault.

This thematic cluster of articles on criminal behaviour attempts to explore further the issues related to trauma, PTSD and criminal behaviour by looking at the complex consequences in terms of psychological mechanisms, behaviour, and treatment.

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How Can I Help Myself

If you have been through trauma, or think you might have PTSD, here are things you can do:

  • Confide in an adult you trust. Reach out to someone who will listen and care. Its OK if you need extra time and support for a while. Pay it forward by being kind or helpful to someone else. Helping makes the helper feel good too.
  • Get treatment for PTSD or trauma. This can help you cope with what you have been through. It can help you discover strengths you never knew you had. Your parent, doctor, or school counselor can help you find the right person to work with.
  • Practice ways to relax. Make time every day to take a few slow breaths. If you can, make the exhale just a bit longer than the inhale. Try this: Breathe in while you count to 3. Breathe out while you count to 5. Take 34 breaths like this. It seems so simple. But it has a powerful benefit. It helps to reset the brains threat sensor. The benefit adds up, so practice it often.
  • Do things that you enjoy. Trauma can make it harder to feel the positive emotions that naturally help you recharge. Play, laugh, enjoy nature, make music or art, cook. These activities can reduce stress, build your resilience. They even help you be a better learner when its time to focus.
  • Know that you can do this. Believe in yourself. Everyone has the ability to adapt and grow, even with difficult challenges. It takes patience and effort. And there are people who will help you.

Can Ptsd Be Linked To Violence

Our collective, violent PTSD

How morally responsible can we hold Eddie Ray Routh for the death of Chris Kyle?

Editor’s Note: On Tuesday, after less than three hours of deliberation, a jury rejected his insanity plea and found Eddie Ray Routh guilty, automatically sentencing him to life without parole.

A jury in Stephenville, Texas, convened last week to hear the case against Eddie Ray Routh, charged with shooting famed American Sniper Chris Kyle and his friend Chad Littlefield at a gun range about two hours southwest of Dallas. Kyle, who wrote a memoir detailing his successes as a Navy SEAL sniper that recently became a blockbuster movie, took Routh to the shooting range to connect with the younger veteran. Known primarily for being one of the deadliest snipers in the Iraq War, Kyle also tried to connect with other returning soldiers who were struggling to adjust to non-military life.

Recently, the jury watched Rouths videotaped confession, in which a shaggy-haired Routh, draped over a table, says, I knew if I did not take out his soul, he was coming to take mine next.

Routh suffered from well-documented post-traumatic stress disorder, prompting his mother to 9-1-1 and plead for help. Hes threatening to kill himself and others, she says in the taped phone call. He probably needs to go to the VA to the emergency room and they need to admit him to the mental ward.

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My Experiences With Addiction Ptsd And Violent Thoughts And Actions

I’m not a combat veteran, but my own experiences of living with posttraumatic stress disorder as the result of domestic violence reflect the research data. When I was abusing drugs as a means of masking my painful PTSD symptoms, I was emotionally volatile and aggressive.

One of my most prominent PTSD symptoms is a shortened emotional spectrum. Of those emotions I do feel, anger and sadness are the most intense. When I was addicted to heroin, and intermittently abusing alcohol and other substances, I was quick to feel anger. Not just anger, but rage.

I did not plan out acts of violence, nor was I going around beating people up, but I did punch a hole in a wall, for example. I yelled, called people names, and harbored violent resentments toward my abuser and other people who hurt me. I would definitely say that when I had co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders, I was a more aggressive person than I am today.

I still have PTSD, but my addiction is in remission. My emotional spectrum remains shorter, and I am quick to take offense or spiral into periods of intense sadness, but I am no longer aggressive. I don’t spend time thinking about harming others. I am better able to control my anger instead of lashing out. These tendencies didn’t erase themselves the moment I stopped using drugs, but as my period of sobriety has increased, and I have engaged in other recovery supports, I have felt more and more in control of my anger.

Why Women Experience Ptsd Differently

Why do men and women tend to experience PTSD differently? One theory centers on the different ways that men and women tend to experience mental health problems. Women are more likely to experience internalizing disorders , where men are more likely to be affected by externalizing disorders .

The diagnostic criteria for PTSD tend to focus more on internalizing symptoms, so it makes sense that women are more prone to developing this condition. After experiencing trauma, men may be more likely to develop problems marked by externalizing symptoms such as substance use.

Regardless of the different reasons why women may experience PTSD differently, research suggests that many women wait longer to seek treatment or never seek treatment at all.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, men typically go a year after the condition’s onset before being diagnosed and starting treatment. Women, on the other hand, average four years between the start of symptoms and diagnosis.

Untreated PTSD can have serious consequences in terms of both physical and mental health. People with untreated PTSD may be more likely to rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol or substance use. Women may also experience physical symptoms such as stomach issues, sexual dysfunction, and headaches.

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How Should A Provider Structure The Assessment

A three-step process that synthesizes the above principles can be used to assess someone’s risk for perpetration of violence:

  • Look at static, individual-level factors shown to empirically relate to violent behavior to establish a baseline estimate of risk. Although these variables cannot be readily targeted for intervention, they can ground the evaluation by helping providers gauge a patient’s level of risk based on these unchanging characteristics.
  • Adjust this risk by evaluating dynamic, individual-level variables in the clinical domain. It may be that a patient who had been diagnosed with PTSD currently has no symptoms which may indicate that the patient’s risk level can be adjusted downward. Conversely, if the patient is currently abusing substances, the risk level may need to be adjusted upward.
  • Examine potential risk or protective factors in the patient’s environment. If the patient has had a recent history of homelessness or living instability, he or she may be at increased risk of violence, even absent static or clinical risk factors. At the same time, there may be characteristics of a patient’s environment, such as positive social support, that buffer against violence.

Tip : Support Treatment

How war veteran’s battle with PTSD led to violent arrest

Despite the importance of your love and support, it isnt always enough. Many people who have been traumatized need professional PTSD therapy. But bringing it up can be touchy. Think about how youd feel if someone suggested that you needed therapy.

Wait for the right time to raise your concerns. Dont bring it up when youre arguing or in the middle of a crisis. Also, be careful with your language. Avoid anything that implies that your loved one is crazy. Frame it in a positive, practical light: treatment is a way to learn new skills that can be used to handle a wide variety of PTSD-related challenges.

Emphasize the benefits. For example, therapy can help them become more independent and in control. Or it can help reduce the anxiety and avoidance that is keeping them from doing the things they want to do.

Focus on specific problems. If your loved one shuts down when you talk about PTSD or counseling, focus instead on how treatment can help with specific issues like anger management, anxiety, or concentration and memory problems.

Acknowledge the hassles and limitations of therapy. For example, you could say, I know that therapy isnt a quick or magical cure, and it may take a while to find the right therapist. But even if it helps a little, it will be worth it.

Encourage your loved one to join a support group. Getting involved with others who have gone through similar traumatic experiences can help some people with PTSD feel less damaged and alone.

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Myth: Everyone With Ptsd Experiences The Same Symptoms

Fact: PTSD can present very differently, depending on the person and type of trauma experienced.

The diagnosis of PTSD includes a variety of symptoms, and there are many different ways that PTSD can present. Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, version 5, PTSD symptoms are included in four clusters. These are:

  • Re-experiencing symptoms intrusive thoughts or dreams related to re-living the trauma
  • Avoidance actively avoiding any thoughts, places or potential triggers related to the trauma
  • Negative thoughts and mood difficulty remembering parts of the trauma, unusual or illogical thoughts related to why the trauma happened
  • Arousal symptoms difficulty sleeping or concentrating, being easily startled
  • A diagnosis of PTSD requires that a person has at least one symptom from each of these clusters for at least a month. Because a range of symptoms fall under each cluster, someone with PTSD could have any combination of symptoms. This means that PTSD could look very different from one person to the next. For example, while one person may have symptoms involving re-experiencing dreams and having difficulty concentrating, someone else may not have any difficulty sleeping but have an elevated startle response. There is no one way for PTSD to present, and the symptoms experienced can depend on the person and the type of trauma experienced.

    Other Symptoms That May Occur With Anger

    With PTSD and anger, common symptoms are irritable behavior and angry outbursts these are typically expressed as verbal or physical aggression toward people or objects. Another potential symptom is reckless or self-destructive behavior.2 The latter reflects inwardly expressed anger, while the former is an example of externalized anger.7

    Other symptoms that may appear alongside PTSD anger include:7

    • Irritable behavior

    In general, men are more likely to express outward anger, while women with PTSD are more likely to internalize their anger.5,8,9,10

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    Unrealistic View Of The Abuser

    Individuals with C-PTSD often have a distorted view of their abuser. Some victims still desire to gain the abusers approval. Others feel intense hatred and anger and think about getting revenge. Many victims feel like the abuser still controls their life, even after theyve removed themselves from the situation.

    Habituation And Normalization Of Violence

    The Revealing Link Between Workplace Violence, PTSD and Mental Health

    One possible reason why PTSD was perceived to be uncommon by various participants was that some described a degree of normalization of violence within the community. Participants perceived that both adolescents and health professionals shared this experience. Participants described how violence was trivialized and naturalized or perceived as part of the routine among people living and working in the community. One consequence of the normalization of violence was that participants believed that some adolescents had become habituated to a degree of exposure to community and others forms of violence.

    Its because I think that violence is so trivialized that it doesnt affect them much. They tell about violence as if it was normal. Oh, my brother was shot, my brother was arrested, as if it was a routine thing. Sometimes an injured patient arrives, but it is usually an adult, not an adolescent. We have teenagers who put themselves at risk, but they dont have much ability to judge they are at risk, there isnt much suffering related to it , there are no symptoms because of it

    The violent stressors are there, but with their reality, they do not understand as such. Do you understand? Ah, someone passed by, the people from the BOPE with the police shooting in the air. If it were in a mansion in Morumbi this would create a problem, but it is in Paraisópolis, it happens every week

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    How Ptsd Changes Us

    If you have experienced trauma, you may have experienced several physical, psychological, and emotional changes after what happened. These effects can take over your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without the support of other people and trauma treatment.

    Scientists are not sure why some people develop acute stress disorder and PTSD while others do not. It is difficult to identify just how much trauma changes us, because everyone has their own unique life experiences and personalities. What may devastate one person may be manageable to another. What we do know is that PTSD has nothing to do with weakness. It does have a lot to do with the physiological way our brains are wired.

    Individuals who do not talk about the issue, or do not have friends and family, support groups, or other helpful resources to address and overcome the trauma may be more likely to develop PTSD. Community helps. PTSD isolates us, because it is a trauma reactionpeople who have been diagnosed with this disorder often struggle to trust people after being hurt, but it is important to rise above that fear and accept connection and community from people who care.

    Seeking Out Social Support

    Talking with others as a way of “getting your emotions out” can be effective in preventing anger from building up inside. For one thing, it can help you see another person’s point of view. It also gives you the opportunity to express your frustrations in a constructive way.

    Of course, it’s important to make sure that you reach out to people you trust who will understand and support your feelings. Support groups for PTSD are widely available and many people have found them to be a great help with their own challenges.

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    Tip : Deal With Volatility And Anger

    PTSD can lead to difficulties managing emotions and impulses. In your loved one, this may manifest as extreme irritability, moodiness, or explosions of rage.

    People suffering from PTSD live in a constant state of physical and emotional stress. Since they usually have trouble sleeping, it means theyre constantly exhausted, on edge, and physically strung outincreasing the likelihood that theyll overreact to day-to-day stressors.

    For many people with PTSD, anger can also be a cover for other feelings such as grief, helplessness, or guilt. Anger makes them feel powerful, instead of weak and vulnerable. Others try to suppress their anger until it erupts when you least expect it.

    Watch for signs that your loved one is angry, such as clenching jaw or fists, talking louder, or getting agitated. Take steps to defuse the situation as soon as you see the initial warning signs.

    Try to remain calm. During an emotional outburst, try your best to stay calm. This will communicate to your loved one that you are safe, and prevent the situation from escalating.

    Give the person space. Avoid crowding or grabbing the person. This can make a traumatized person feel threatened.

    Ask how you can help. For example: What can I do to help you right now? You can also suggest a time out or change of scenery.

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