Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Magnesium Good For Anxiety

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Who Should Not Take Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium for Anxiety and Depression? The Science Says Yes!

Although it is not common, individuals can have magnesium overdose, known as hypermagnesemia. This is rare in healthy individuals but more common in individuals who have kidney disease. That is why it is necessary to consult your healthcare provider if you have kidney disease before you start taking magnesium supplements.

Naturally, the kidneys usually get rid of excess magnesium and regulate the magnesium balance in your body, hence why it is almost impossible for healthy individuals to have hypermagnesemia. There are serious side effects to overdosing on magnesium like coma, slow breathing, and in some severe cases, death.

Magnesium Supplements For Anxiety

There are many types of magnesium supplements that you will find on the market, which are commonly known as chelation or magnesium salts. These contain magnesium that is bonded to amino acids or other compounds that make it easier for the body to absorb magnesium. Chelation also ensures that magnesium, which is a reactive ion, cannot readily react to other reactive ions.

Of the various forms that you will see, some are considered better than others. Bioavailability, for instance, is a significant factor that should be considered when choosing your magnesium supplements. This is because bioavailability measures the absorption rate of the magnesium in the supplement by the body the higher the bioavailability, the more effective the pill will be at producing the benefits associated with magnesium supplementation.

Another factor to consider in your selection is the amount of magnesium found in the supplement, which is referred to as elemental magnesium. During your search, you will see that some supplements will have high elemental magnesium, but this should not stand in the way of considering the bioavailability of the magnesium found in the product. There may be too much magnesium in a pill, but if the body cannot absorb most of the mineral, then it wont be useful.

Now, lets look at the different types of magnesium supplements.

What Are The Risks Of Magnesium

Magnesium supplements, when taken in appropriate doses, pose few risks. The kidneys of healthy individuals can eliminate any extra magnesium in the urine. If you take high-dose magnesium medications or dietary supplements, you may experience:

  • Diarrhea
  • Cramping
  • Nausea

In addition, extremely high intakes of magnesium can lead to an irregular heartbeat. Taking magnesium with food can reduce the likelihood of these symptoms.

Magnesium can also interact with certain medications. Consult your doctor and review your current medications with them before starting magnesium supplements.

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Is Magnesium Effective For Anxiety

One of the most abundant minerals in the body, magnesium is involved in about 300 different reactions in the bodymany of which regulate mood and your nervous system.

Numerous studies have shown lower magnesium levels associated with different neurological and psychiatric disorders, particularly depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, but also anxiety disorders and bipolar disorder .

A 2017 review looked at 18 different studies that showed magnesium had been shown to decrease anxiety in a majority of participants .

Magnesium acts on a part of the brain called the hypothalamus and the pituitary. These tissues control the release of stress chemicals which are often at the root of anxiety or panic attacks.

If you suffer from anxiety you may want to include magnesium in a treatment plan to reduce it.

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Were Not Getting Enough Dietary Magnesium

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Approximately 50% of Americans consume less than the Estimated Average Requirement for magnesium, and some age groups consume substantially less according to one study examining low magnesium intake in various populations .

This means that almost half of all people may be magnesium deficient.

This same study also suggests that adequate magnesium levels for optimal healthand not just to prevent deficiencyare actually much higher than current recommendations . And that our human metabolism is actually adapted to a much higher intakeup to 600 mg per day.

Food sources of magnesium in adults and children in the U.S. are often limited, and even though we tend to consume an excess of energy or calories, were likely not meeting our micronutrient needs. Food processing also strips vital minerals from food, such as magnesium and potassium.

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Benefits Of Magnesium For Stress And Anxiety

Magnesium plays an essential role in helping maintain your overall health and it is especially important for stress and anxiety. Here are just some of the ways that magnesium can benefit people suffering from stress and anxiety:

1. Magnesium helps regulate cortisol levels

When you encounter a stressful situation, your body enters the fight-or-flight response to help you deal with the perceived threat. The nervous system releases stress hormones, including adrenalin and cortisol, which heighten your senses and get your body ready for action.

Unfortunately, people suffering from chronic stress and anxiety constantly find themselves in the fight-or-flight response. Excess cortisol builds up and leads to anxiety, exhaustion and depression.

This is where magnesium comes in. Magnesium can help to calm the nervous system and regulate the production of hormones. It can help to lower cortisol levels and reduce fatigue, and it is also an anti-inflammatory that can help to prevent thyroid problems.

2. Magnesium helps keep the nervous system healthy

When the nervous system goes into overdrive, youll start to notice a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. Anxiety often has a devastating effect on our ability to function, with even minor things causing us to stress and panic.

3. Magnesium helps to improve your sleep

4. Magnesium helps with energy metabolism

5. Magnesium balances calcium levels

6. Magnesium may help to relieve depression

A Disturbing Epidemic In The Us

The unfortunate and disturbing truth about anxiety and depression is that its become something of an epidemic in the US. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders, affecting nearly 40 million Americans.

Thats just under 20% of the total population. While there are plenty of prescription options available, they dont work for everyone, and some dont want to take medications at all for their mental health.

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Does Magnesium Actually Help Anxiety

In short: Maybe. The research isnt quite there, but the science suggests magnesium could help ease anxiety.

Magnesium is kind of a big deal. It performs hundreds of functions, including converting food into energy, helping your muscles contract and relax, and helping your brain communicate with the rest of your body.

Magnesium also plays an essential role in your bodys response to stress. In times of stress or anxiety, your body actually ramps up magnesium excretion. So it makes sense that if those stores arent replenished, it could have a serious effect on your mood.

Research on mice has suggested theres a relationship between inadequate magnesium intake and increased anxiety. In a 2004 study, supplementing with magnesium helped reduce anxiety in mice.

Human studies havent shown definitive results from supplemental magnesium alone. But in some cases, researchers have seen positive effects from supplementing magnesium in combination with other nutrients, like vitamin B-6.

Some research in the 1990s even suggested that the combo of magnesium and vitamin B-6 could be as effective as anti-anxiety medications like alprazolam and buspirone.

While these studies dont provide the strongest evidence, they do shine a light on magnesiums potential to relieve symptoms of anxiety. Because magnesium plays a role in some very important brain functions, increased amounts of magnesium may help keep anxiety at bay.

Which Foods Have The Most Magnesium

Magnesium for Anxiety and Depression (Benefits/Types)2021

When trying to evaluate our magnesium intake, the first source we should look at is our daily diet. Healthy foods are foundational to raising magnesium levels and other essential minerals, and supplements should never be viewed as a substitute for a nutrient-rich diet.

While its beneficial to build a healthy diet with all of these foods, leafy greens are the best source for magnesium and overall mineral intake. This is because grains, seeds, and nuts contain a compound called phytic acid, which can reduce the bodys ability to absorb magnesium and other minerals like zinc and iron.

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How Much Magnesium Should I Take For Anxiety

The NHS recommends that we should all be getting between 270-300mg of magnesium a day, although most experts feel that this is too low.1 Ideally, we should be able to source all the magnesium that we need from our diets there are plenty of foods out there that are chockfull of magnesium!

Food sources
Banana 37mg

It also helps that your body is better prepared to absorb magnesium when it comes from the foods that you eat. However, as I have mentioned, there are times when you might want to consider giving your magnesium levels an additional boost. If youre experiencing a period of anxiety, this could be one instance when you might wish to consider increasing your intake. Just make sure you do so sensibly remember, it is possible to have too much of a good thing!

When it comes to magnesium, too much can be just as detrimental as too little, so make sure you that if you are taking a supplement, it doesnt exceed 350mg!

Magnesium Deposits And Stress

Several studies have also looked how stress levels affect magnesium. They found that during periods of extreme stress, magnesium is often used up by the body.

That means that not only is a significant portion of the country magnesium deficient, potentially leading to anxiety – there may also be a high number of people that use up their magnesium reserves as a result of their anxiety, thus contributing to more anxiety and more stress.

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Benefits Of The Best Magnesium For Anxiety

On an average more than 75% of people dont consume the daily recommended amount of magnesium in the US. This could lead them to suffer from some form of magnesium deficiency, which can trigger 22 different medical conditions which include anxiety, asthma, depression, diabetes and fatigue. Magnesium supplement is crucial for over 300 biochemical functions in our bodies such as regulating blood pressure, balancing heart rate and supporting the proper function of nerves, muscles, and tissue.

Do You Have A Magnesium Deficiency

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As you can see, getting the right levels of magnesium is extremely important to your health and wellbeing. Despite this, research by the National Institutes of Health shows that 68% of Americans have a magnesium deficiency. This is a serious problem that can lead to chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, stress, anxiety and even confusion, as well as muscular symptoms such as weakness, cramps, tremors and spasms.

If youre suffering from any of those symptoms, it is possible that your body is deficient of magnesium.

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Can Magnesium Help With Anxiety

Experiencing anxiety can be distressing and sometimes debilitating, often affecting other areas of your health such as your sleep patterns and digestion. Thats why sufferers are constantly on the lookout for new treatments and one that seems to come through time and time again is magnesium, an essential mineral thats involved in over 300 enzyme-related reactions! Today I take a look at this miracle mineral and how it could potentially help to relieve your anxiety symptoms.

How Much Magnesium Should I Take For Anxiety Or Depression

At this time, we dont have enough research to determine the best dose of magnesium for mental health conditions. Recent research, along with my clinical experience, indicates that we likely need to use higher doses of magnesium for many psychiatric patients than we previously thought.

Most supplement labels and nutritional organizations recommend taking about 320mg of magnesium, which is the recommended dietary allowance set by the FDA. However, this is based on the nutritional needs of healthy individuals and does not take biochemical individuality or preexisting mental health conditions into account.

In our clinic, I have seen psychiatric patients benefit from taking 400 to 1200mg of magnesium per day, and with careful monitoring, have never seen a case of magnesium toxicity.Stanford recently conducted a study using 1800mg of magnesium threonate in older patients to evaluate its effect on executive functioning and memory. For those wondering how much is too much magnesium, the European Commission found that doses greater than 2500mg could result in toxic hypermagnesaemia .

Anyone taking magnesium supplements past the recommended daily intake or along with other medications should always consult a physician or other medical professional beforehand.

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Why Does Magnesium Help With Anxiety

Magnesium really is a super-mineral in terms of what it does for the body: it helps to support your energy levels, is pivotal for your muscles and joints and can even help to ease period cramps. Its not that surprising then, to learn that it might also be able to play a role in easing your levels of anxiety.

I even discuss this potential in my blog Nutrient deficiencies that are making you more anxious as low magnesium levels often contribute to problems like stress and anxiety. Here though, Im going to expand upon some of the reasons I mentioned in this previous blog, as well as introduce a few new ones!

1. Magnesium can convert tryptophan into serotonin

When it comes to your mood, serotonin matters. In my blog How does serotonin affect our emotions? I really go into detail about this feel-good neurotransmitter so definitely put this blog on your read list if you want to be more clued up about serotonin. In the meantime, for those not in the know, serotonin can help to maintain a healthy mood balance, even helping to regulate your sleep patterns. This is particularly important if you suffer from anxiety as poor sleep may exacerbate your symptoms and vice-versa! Basically, magnesium helps here by converting an amino acid tryptophan, into serotonin, actively aiding its production!

2. Magnesium helps to regulate the HPA axis

3. Magnesium is needed to maintain healthy GABA levels

4. Magnesium is needed for vitamin D absorption

Why Do We Need The Best Magnesium For Anxiety

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Magnesium is a mineral abundant in many foods but it is hard to rely on our diet alone in order to get the recommended daily dose. This is where a magnesium supplement can play an important role in keeping our immune system in check. Early signs of magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, nausea and fatigue. If the deficiency isnt addressed at the right time, it can lead to severe muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythms and even seizures. It is crucial that we act as early as possible.

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Natural Remedy For Anxiety

Magnesium deficiency may exacerbate symptoms of anxiety. Magnesium is also believed to affect the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that helps regulate the pituitary and adrenal glands. These glands play a role in regulating your response to stress.

According to a systematic review of 18 studies published in Nutrients, one of the reasons why magnesium deficiency is associated with anxiety is that the mineral may improve brain function. Research shows that magnesium plays an important role in regulating neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that send messages throughout the brain and body.

Another study from France evaluated 264 patients who had a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder and found that a statistically significant number of the participants reported improvements in their symptoms after taking magnesium combined with two plant extracts.

In individuals with magnesium deficiency, stress may increase the risk of health conditions, including heart disease. Furthermore, stress, whether physical stress or emotional stress , actually increases the bodys need for magnesium

The Best Type Of Magnesium Supplement For Stress Relief*

Magnesium supplements have relatively few side effects, so there isn’t much risk in trying them out for stress relief.* You can take magnesium in the form of a powder, capsule, or liquid supplement.

Beware, though, that certain forms of magnesium, like magnesium sulfate and citrate, can give you diarrhea if you take too much at once. Magnesium glycinate , on the other hand, doesn’t seem to cause digestive upsetand has the added bonus of promoting deeper, more restorative rest too.*

Are there any other safety concerns to worry about when taking magnesium glycinate? According to Singh, “Those with kidney disease, heart disease, arrhythmias, and certain other conditions should, seek the advice and guidance of their medical doctors before taking a magnesium supplement to ensure that it is the right thing for them.”

And as a general rule, you should always inform your doctor if you’re going to be experimenting with any new supplements, herbs, or drastic lifestyle or dietary changes.

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Common Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency

Common symptoms and signs of magnesium deficiency are confusion, insomnia, rapid heartbeats, digestive problems, frequent headaches and migraines, cardiovascular problems, nervousness and, you guessed it, anxiety. Many of these are common after trauma and magnesium presents a daily healing remedy for them simply because of its anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects.

Something to be aware of: Corticosteroids and antibiotics can deplete magnesium and alcohol consumption, diuretics, fluoride in water or toothpaste, high levels of zinc or fat-soluble vitamins increase the bodys need for magnesium.

What Type Of Magnesium Works Best For Anxiety

Natural Rhythm Magnesium Taurate

There are two standouts when it comes to magnesium that may help anxiety. A

Magnesium is a naturally occurring nutrient. This means you can find it in several different, often healthy foods and eat it as part of your regular diet.

Supplements and vitamins can also provide you with a source of magnesium.

While supplements can be a good source, you can take too much, so you should consider working closely with a doctor before starting a new supplement to determine the correct dosage and possible medication interactions or side effects.

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