Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Emotional Abuse Cause Ptsd

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What Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder In Children

Cptsd| Can Emotional Abuse Cause Memory Loss/Brain Damage?

Posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental health problem. It can affect people of all ages. A child with PTSD keeps having scary thoughts and memories of a past event. He or she finds the event terrifying, either physically or emotionally.

The symptoms of PTSD may start soon after a stressful event. Or they may not happen for 6 months or longer. Some children with PTSD have long-term effects. They may feel emotionally numb for a very long time. PTSD in children often becomes a long-term problem.

PTSD may be accompanied by:

  • Depression

How Is Ptsd Diagnosed In A Child

Not every child or teen who goes through a trauma gets PTSD. PTSD is diagnosed only if symptoms keep happening for more than 1 month and are negatively affecting the childs life and how he or she functions. For those with PTSD, symptoms most often start within 3 months after the traumatic event. But they can also start months or years later.

A child psychiatrist or mental health expert can diagnose PTSD. He or she will do a mental health evaluation.

Counseling: The Key To Healing From Abuse

There are many ways to heal from PTSD and its important to know that you dont have to do it alone. I recommend to anyone who has been in an abusive relationship that they seek counseling to work through symptoms they may be experiencing that are interfering with their daily life.

My favorite treatment model to assist patients in healing from PTSD is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing . EMDR is a heavily researched, proven effective technique that helps patients reprocess painful memories to reduce emotional distress when remembering the traumatic event. It basically helps the brain file traumatic memories away in long-term memory so that individuals truly feel it happened in the past and is not still happening in their present.

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How Emotional Abuse Causes Ptsd

Emotional abuse can happen at any time, but it is always incredibly damaging to the abuse victim. Abuse can come from any direction, whether its from a family member, friends, or romantic partners. Emotional abuse is often cyclical, and those that have experienced and even escaped emotionally abusive situations often find themselves drawn to relationships where they will experience similar abuse patterns. The main examples of this type of abuse include:

  • Physical threats
  • Slander or negative statements about the victim including excessive criticism
  • Forced isolation
  • Unequal power dynamics with the victim being treated like a child

The core of emotional abuse is manipulation. It is a tactical approach to a relationship that is designed to give all of the power in the relationship to the abuser and can be just as negatively impactful as instances of physical abuse. That means abuse victims are exposed to the risks of developing PTSD.

I Now Accept That I Did Develop Ptsd From Emotional Abuse I Lived Through For Years But My Situation Fits Better In A Term That Is Becoming More Widely Known: Complex Ptsd

Can Emotional Abuse Cause PTSD?  Bridges to Recovery

PTSD is generally related to a single event, while complex PTSD is related to a series of events, or one prolonged event. CPTSD is something that can arise out of emotional abuse, narcissistic abuse, and even toxic relationships.

CPTSD is a part of my daily life.

I worry that not only have my daughters witnessed a man mistreat a woman but that my sons have had a poor example to follow of what it means to be a real man.

I stayed for the sake of my children. Now, I blame myself for the effects staying long-term may possibly have on them.

Why did I stay? I stayed because I was isolated I was financially dependent on him I was sleep deprived I was told and I believed I was worthless I was worn down from constantly being on guard for the next attack.

I stayed because I was more afraid to leave.

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Finding Support If You Have Suffered Severe Relationship Trauma

It is common to feel extremely fragile after any breakup. Separating from a toxic narcissist can be much, much worse.

Your ability to trust a future relationship may be compromised. You may find yourself wanting to go back to the narcissist. It is not uncommon for one who has suffered severe relationship trauma to have feelings of jealousy and insecurity. They may have convinced you through his or her words and actions that no one else will ever love you because of your short comings and that you were lucky to have them.

These intrusive thoughts can be extremely detrimental to your emotional health and sense of self-worth. Friends and family will probably remind you of your self-worth and value and that you are lovable, but severe relationship trauma calls for more intensive help.Thats why its crucial to seek professional help from a specialized therapist after a breakup with a narcissist, especially if youre experiencing psychological turmoil.

But, how would you know if youre suffering from PTSD?

Complex Ptsd And Emotional Flashbacks

If you have complex PTSD you may be particularly likely to experience what some people call an ’emotional flashback’, in which you have intense feelings that you originally felt during the trauma, such as fear, shame, sadness or despair. You might react to events in the present as if they are causing these feelings, without realising that you are having a flashback.

See our sections explaining what flashbacks are and tips for coping with flashbacks for more information.

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Emotional Abuse Strongly Related To Post

Children and young people who are victims of emotional abuse at the hands of their parents often report the symptoms of severe post-traumatic stress. These are generally even worse than after other forms of child abuse, such as physical abuse. These are the results of research by Leiden psychologists, which is to be published in Child Abuse & Neglect.

Did you grow up in a safe and loving family? Unfortunately, this is not the case for around 25% of Dutch children, who claim to have experienced some form of child abuse sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect or emotional abuse, for example. Children who experience the latter are abused at home by their parents or carers.

Toxic Family Dynamic : Scapegoating

Complex Ptsd: Emotional & Mental Abuse

When emotionally sensitive children were born into neuro-typical families, it was difficult for the family to understand them. As such, they quickly became the cast away the different one or the difficult child.

It takes a lot of patience, maturity, and strength to bring up an intense and emotionally sensitive child. However, due to all sorts of reasons, from trauma to emotional incapacities, not all families can do this. In a healthy family, there should be enough freedom for each member to express themselves as individuals. But in families with little tolerance for differences, the child becomes the scapegoat the black sheep of the family.

Being scapegoated may not mean that our family did not love us. Usually, people resort to making a scapegoat of an individual to avoid dealing with their own emotional turmoil. As soon as someone is scapegoated, the family will try to make it stay that way so that they do not have to deal with their own problems or vulnerabilities. When we try to change or leave, we may be emotionally blackmailed or manipulated.

The following may indicate you have been scapegoated:

You were criticized for innate attributes or characteristics such as sensitivity and intensity.

Name tags such as weird, trouble etc.

You receive unequal treatment compared to your siblings.

Your mistakes or errors were blown out of proportion and were punished more than necessary.

You were not paid enough attention when bullied.

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Signs You Have Ptsd From Emotional Abuse

Can you get PTSD from emotional abuse?

Sometimes the lines may seem blurry for those who are in the middle of it allâ¦

But hereâs the truthâ¦

You can get PTSD from emotional abuse, domestic violence, and abusive relationships.

Many people who go through emotional abuse beat themselves up for feeling the way they feel.

Because the wounds are not visible.

You canât see the damage, but you sure as heck can feel it.

So today Iâm going to show you 5 signs that may mean you have PTSD from emotional abuse.

But first, letâs talk about how you can get PTSD from emotional abuseâ¦

What kinds of emotional abuse cause PTSD?

Hereâs a listâ¦

Emotional Abuse: Is It Traumatic

While the link between physical trauma and PTSD is well documented, experts are only now beginning to see a connection between the condition and psychological trauma. People who live with and love someone who is emotionally abusive experience trauma on a daily basis, they say. The experience of constant put-downs, criticisms or whatever other forms the emotional abuse takes, not only wears down self-esteem but also impacts the nervous system in the same way a physical trauma would. Whats more, memories of the abuse can elicit negative feelings, intense physical sensations along with negative thoughts about oneself long after the abuse has occurred.

Psychologists call this type of PTSD complex post-traumatic stress disorder and describe it as a condition that results from chronic or long-term exposure to emotional trauma over which a victim has little or no control and from which there is little or no hope of escape. Essentially, the complex in complex post-traumatic stress disorder describes how one layer after another of trauma can interact with one another. Examples of such traumas include domestic and childhood emotional abuse. The difference between PTSD and C-PTSD is that the former can result from single events, or short-term exposure to extreme stress or trauma while the latter results from more chronic repetitive stress from which there is little chance of escape.

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Online Tests Check For Ptsd From Domestic Abuse

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose you with PTSD from domestic abuse or any other trauma. However, there are online screenings that you can take. You can take the results to your doctor to open a conversation. When I took the test, I scored higher than I thought I would. Its a shame if my abusive relationship with Will still affects me so deeply, but PTSD is one mental illness that will heal, with help .

You can heal from PTSD, but you have to talk about your concerns first. Take an online PTSD test and see where you stand with the symptoms . Most PTSD screenings do not differentiate between C-PTSD and PTSD. If the test you take refers to the event, consider that event as your entire abusive relationship. If you score high on the test, please talk to your doctor right away.

You can feel better! Abuse doesnt have to affect you forever.

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Acceptance And Commitment Therapy


Acceptance and commitment therapy , on the other hand, focuses on breaking down avoidance and helping a person place their energy into living a meaningful life .

In order to produce psychological flexibility, ACT makes use of acceptance and mindfulness processes and commitment and behavior change processes.

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Differences Between Trauma Symptoms

Researchers from Leiden University and the Rivierduinen mental healthcare organisation in Leiden investigated whether the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms in young people depends on the degree of abuse they experienced. The research shows that children and young people who are victims of emotional abuse by their parents usually report the most severe post-traumatic stress symptoms. This means that these symptoms are more severe than those experienced by victims of other types of abuse, including physical abuse and neglect. This also proved to be the case for young people who came for treatment for a completely unrelated trauma. For example, a child might come for trauma treatment following a car accident, but the emotional abuse that goes on at home can have a major impact on the severity of the trauma symptoms, said Professor Bernet Elzinga, principal investigator of the study.

The researchers came to this conclusion after conducting a survey of 287 young people who had registered for trauma treatment at the GGZ. Their average age was about 15 to 16 years. At the start of treatment they completed a survey indicating whether, among other things, they had experienced any trauma or abuse, and if so, what type. They also answered questions about their psychological symptoms, including post-traumatic stress symptoms. Just under half completed this questionnaire again six and twelve months later in order to gauge whether the treatment was successful.

When To Seek Professional Therapy For Trauma

Recovering from trauma takes time, and everyone heals at their own pace. But if months have passed and your symptoms arent letting up, you may need professional help from a trauma expert.

Seek help for trauma if youre:

  • Having trouble functioning at home or work
  • Suffering from severe fear, anxiety, or depression
  • Unable to form close, satisfying relationships
  • Experiencing terrifying memories, nightmares, or flashbacks
  • Avoiding more and more anything that reminds you of the trauma
  • Emotionally numb and disconnected from others
  • Using alcohol or drugs to feel better

Working through trauma can be scary, painful, and potentially re-traumatizing, so this healing work is best undertaken with the help of an experienced trauma specialist. Finding the right therapist may take some time. Its very important that the therapist you choose has experience treating trauma. But the quality of the relationship with your therapist is equally important. Choose a trauma specialist you feel comfortable with. If you dont feel safe, respected, or understood, find another therapist.

Ask yourself:

  • Did you feel comfortable discussing your problems with the therapist?
  • Did you feel like the therapist understood what you were talking about?
  • Were your concerns taken seriously or were they minimized or dismissed?
  • Were you treated with compassion and respect?
  • Do you believe that you could grow to trust the therapist?

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Emotional Abuse In The Workplace

Emotional abuse at work often goes unnoticed. However, it can occur in several different forms, from intimidation and deceit to shaming someone or making them feel guilty.

It could also manifest as a person being led to build false hopes and not having a colleague or manager to listen to their concerns.

Being subjected to emotional abuse in the workplace may result in unfinished tasks. However, more importantly, it can have deeper emotional effects on a persons self-esteem and self-worth.

There are several signs of emotional abuse that a person can and should look out for. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, some signs of emotional abuse within a romantic or marital relationship to watch for include:

If a person spots any of these signs within their own relationship, they should seek help as soon as they are ready.

If a person suspects that a friend or family member is being subjected to emotional abuse, they can consult a healthcare professional for advice on how they can help.

Abuse Doesn’t Always Manifest As A Black Eye Or A Bloody Wound But While The Signs May Be Different The Effects Of Psychological Abuse Are Just As Damaging And Yes Post

Can narcissistic abuse cause PTSD?

There was no punch on the very first date with my ex-husband. That’s not normally how abusive marriages start.

In fact, my first date was probably pretty similar to yours: he was charming, he paid attention to me, and he flattered me.

Of course, the red flags were there in the beginning of my relationship. But I was young and naïve, probably much like you were in the beginning of your relationship.

Except my marriage took a different turn than yours.

Emotional abuse in relationships takes time to build. It’s slow and methodical and incessant, much like a dripping kitchen faucet.

It begins like a little drip you don’t even notice an off-hand remark that is “just a joke.” I’m told I’m too sensitive and the remark was no big deal. It seems so small and insignificant at the time. I probably am a little too sensitive.


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I occasionally notice the drip but it’s no big deal. A public joke made at my expense is just my partner being the usual life of the party. When he asks if I’m wearing this dress out or whom I’m going with, it only means he loves me and cares about me.

When he tells me he doesn’t like my new friend, I agree. Yes, I can see where she can be bossy. My husband is more important than a friend, so I pull away and don’t continue the friendship.


The drip is getting annoying, but you don’t sell your house over a leaky faucet.




I stay.

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Ptsd From Emotional Abuse: Ptsd And Addiction

People seeking treatment for PTSD are 14 times more likely to also be diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder . Attempting to self-medicate can be a cause of why many people with PTSD also abuse substances. The thought is that by abusing substances, a person with PTSD will null or avoid PTSD symptoms. Those suffering from PTSD and Addiction are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, such as cocaine.

The research PTSD and Substance Abuse in Veterans, published by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, has found that service members and veterans that have heavy drinking tendencies are more likely to have PTSD and depression. War veterans with a PTSD diagnosis, who also drink alcohol, tend to be diagnosed with binge drinking.

Symptoms Of Ptsd From Domestic Abuse

The symptoms of PTSD 4 generally fall into three broad categories:

  • avoidance and numbing
  • Increased anxiety or hyperarousal includes:

    • feeling jumpy and easily scared
    • engaging in self-destructive behaviors
    • seeing and/or hearing things that arent there
    • overwhelming guilt/shame
    • and trouble sleeping

    Intrusive memories are memories that overwhelm you. You cannot stop replaying them in your mind. This could go on for hours or days, or disrupt your thoughts here and there. These memories can border on flashbacks, meaning they may cause you to feel the action is right now not in the past. Intrusive memories also show up in nightmares and dreams.

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