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Is Obesity An Eating Disorder

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Eating Disorders In Teenagers

Overweight & Eating Disorders

Teenagers have eating disorders like Anoreia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The disorders are influenced psychological factors and environmental factors. Signs include over eating when distressed, disappearance of meal, dieting, alcohol abuse, performing excessive exercises.

Related Journals of Eating disorders in teenagers

Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy, Internal Medicine: Open Access, Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism, Epidemiology: Open Access, Obesity and Eating Disorders, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Supplement, International Journal of Eating Disorders, Journal of Eating Disorders, Eating Disorders, European Eating Disorders Review

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Rising Obesity Rates Meet Unrealistic Norms

In todays body-conscious world, marketers aggressively advertise weight-loss strategies to the public, especially adolescents and young adults. Given that many young people are overweight or obese and that the campaigns tend to focus on the negative effects of excess body fat, disordered eating has been normalized and, in some settings, encouraged. Successful weight loss is praised, even though the methods may be pathologic and involve eating disorder attitudes or behaviors.

It is therefore not surprising that eating disorders are common among children, adolescents, and adults, including those who are overweight or obese.

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Screening And Data Extraction

All articles identified from the initial electronic search process will be imported into an EndNote library and duplicates are removed. The eligibility criteria will be applied to the results and all identified references are screened independently by two reviewers in a standard blinded way in four stages: reviewing the titles and abstracts retrieving and examining the full texts for inclusion searching reference lists from the full articles and examining relevant references for additional studies. TB will be consulted when questions or ambiguity arises. The data extraction form will be pretested with five randomly selected trials.

Thoughts On Obesity From The Coalface


Experts subscribe to one or other of two theories of weight increase, which are the Push or the Pull theories. The Pull Theory suggests that weight is regulated by internal factors which pulls food in for example, there are lots of hungry fat cells waiting to be filled or the Push Theory suggests there is something external in the family or the culture which pushes food in.

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Industry Influence On Research

In 2015, the New York Times published an article on the Global Energy Balance Network, a nonprofit founded in 2014 that advocated for people to focus on increasing exercise rather than reducing calorie intake to avoid obesity and to be healthy. The organization was founded with at least $1.5M in funding from the Coca-Cola Company, and the company has provided $4M in research funding to the two founding scientists Gregory A. Hand and Steven N. Blair since 2008.

Greater Weight Suppression In Previously Overweight Patients

Although they present with a higher BMI compared with patients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa who started out in the normal-weight category, those who started out overweight or obese lose more weight , whether the change is measured in kilograms, BMI, or percent body weight., The higher weight at presentation results in a more common diagnosis of atypical anorexia nervosa in these patients.

The amount of weight suppression is a valuable indication of disease severity as well as a prognostic tool., A greater percent weight loss has been associated with worse psychological and physical symptoms in patients with anorexia nervosa., A position paper from the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine has advocated for greater recognition of the clinical utility of percent weight loss and emphasizes the dual roles of weight status as well as rate and relative amount of weight loss.

When the degree of weight suppression based on percent body weight loss is considered, then there is no difference in the likelihood of inpatient treatment, suggesting that weight suppression is a more appropriate metric of starvation state than absolute weight status.

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The Neglect Of Obesity

Print version: page 33

Monitor on Psychology33

Although important advances have been made regarding the etiology, prevention and treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder, obesity has received less attention from researchers and clinicians in the eating disorders field. This is unfortunate for two reasons.

First, obesity accounts for far more morbidity and mortality than all the eating disorders combined because it is much more prevalent and is associated with serious health problems . Currently, 30 percent of Americans are obese, compared with the 4 percent who meet criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating disorder. Indeed, obesity is credited for approximately 300,000 deaths annually in the United States alone, making obesity the second most prevalent preventable cause of death.

Second, it is probable that there is overlap between the risk factors for obesity and those for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder because all three involve caloric overconsumption. One implication of this possibility is that prevention and treatment programs might be able to reduce both eating disorders and obesity.



Eric Stice is an assistant professor of psychology and eating disorders researcher at the University of Texas at Austin.

Obesity Or An Eating Disorder: Which Is Worse

Obese Teenagers Who Lose Weight at Risk for Developing Eating Disorders

I fear that Im giving my daughter an eating disorder with intentions of teaching her how to eat right. Which begs the question: which is more harmful obesity or an eating disorder?

Ive implemented a one-treat rule in our home, which simply means that if my kids get ice-cream after school, they have already had their treat and dont get dessert after dinner. I try to explain as delicately as I can that too many sweets and too much junk food makes you sick. Fat too, yes. But, more importantly, sick.

What happens when you eat more than one treat? my daughter asked me awhile back. And, well, Im not proud of this, but I think I said, while my mind was somewhere else: You blow up.

So yesterday she had a snow cone at the pool. That was supposed to be her treat for the day. But when we went to a lacrosse party later that day, a fellow mom trained at Le Cordon Bleu made these amazing cupcakes with the teams logo designed with butter cream icing. Katherine instinctively grabbed one, but then ran to me, asking, Will I blow up if I eat this?

Yikes, I thought at that very moment, envisioning my father telling me to jump on the treadmill because I looked two pounds heavier. Or my ballet teacher telling me to eat whole-wheat pasta because big thighs arent unbecoming on a dancer. I thought back to my anorexic adolescent self and felt a pang of guilt.

Im a tad psycho about my weight.

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Physical Effects Of Bed And Obesity

As mentioned above, no one body type is a red flag for any eating disorder. Individuals struggling with BED run the gamut on their body shape, size, and weight. With that said, researchers have found a relationship between BED and obesity, reporting that those with BED are 3-6 times more likely to be obese .

BED is also correlated with weight-related comorbidities, such as increased risk for heart disease, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and other cardiovascular problemsperhaps due to eating behaviors adopted by those with the disorder .

Individuals with BED and obesity are also at increased risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases . BED has been found to have a fivefold increased risk for diabetes, and the prevalence of individuals with BED and Type 2 diabetes ranges from approximately 1.4% to 25.6% .

Isolation And Withdrawal From Activities

These are common behaviors among people suffering from eating disorders. They may feel like they need to be alone in order to deal with their disorder, and they may pull away from friends and family. This can be a difficult time for loved ones, but its important to remember that the person is not withdrawing from you, they are withdrawing from themselves.

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The Interaction Between Eds And Obesity Prevention In Adolescents

Most adolescents who develop an ED were not previously overweight. However, it is not unusual for an ED to begin with a teenager trying to eat healthy. Some adolescents and their parents misinterpret obesity prevention messages and begin eliminating foods they consider to be bad or unhealthy. US Food and Drug Administrationmandated nutrition facts on food labels list percent daily values based on a 2000-kcal diet. Moderately active adolescent girls require approximately 2200 kcal/day, and moderately active adolescent boys require 2800 kcal/day for normal growth and development. Teenagers who are athletes require even higher caloric intakes. Strict adherence to a 2000-kcal/day diet may lead to an energy deficit and weight loss for many growing teenagers.

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Obesity and Eating Disorders: What Is Their Connection?

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Behavioural And Environmental Factors Causing Obesity

Environmental factors like high fat foods, super-sized portions, fast food consumption play a major role in occurrence of obesity. Individuals are addicted to high fat and calorie, highly palatable and inexpensive foods. Behaviour is one of the factors influencing weight gain. Learned behaviours like using food to express love, eating by ignoring body signals lead to obesity.

Related Journals of Behavioural and Environmental factors causing Obesity

Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy, Journal of Metabolic Syndrome, Journal of Hypertension: Open Access, Abnormal and behavioural psychology, Annals of Behavioural Science, Obesity, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, Pediatric obesity

Managing Eating Disorders In Previously Overweight Patients

Although many overweight and obese people have eating disorders, most research is limited to underweight patients only.,, Thus, there are few data to guide management of weight loss-related sequelae in previously overweight patients presenting with eating disorders.

In general, body fat mass, amount of relative weight loss, and appropriate hormonal levels and interactions contribute to normal menstrual function., Disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis by weight loss may be mediated by changes in gonadotropin-releasing hormone release. Typical GnRH function is pulsatile and relies on leptin and insulin-like growth factor 1 signaling. Fat mass contributes to normal production of both leptin and IGF-1, and therefore loss of fat mass can disrupt the hormonal signaling underlying normal menstruation.,,

Previously overweight patients follow a different course than their previously healthy-weight peers in menses recovery. In one study, amenorrheic patients with a history of overweight or obesity resumed menses at a higher weight but with similar amounts of absolute gain in weight. Additionally, the likelihood of menses resumption decreases with greater weight suppression and increases with greater weight gain during treatment in both groups. This finding suggests that weight goals associated with resumption of menses may need to be higher for patients with a history of overweight.

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Pediatric Obesity And Eating Disorders Symptoms: The Role Of The Multidisciplinary Treatment A Systematic Review

  • 1Laboratory of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition, Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
  • 2Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Service, Unit of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, ICS Maugeri IRCCS, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Binge Eating Disorder And Obesity

Obese Teens & Eating Disorders | HPL

Summer 2015

Binge eating disorder is the most common type of eating disorder, affecting more individuals than anorexia and bulimia combined. Its found in both men and women almost equally , in children and adults, in every income level, geographic region, gender, sexual orientation, level of ability and disability and so on. BED does not discriminate, but it is often linked with experiences of trauma and considered a means of coping.

Like all eating disorders, BED is a mental health condition, and the good news is that there are several forms of treatment that support better health and wellbeing, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy , Cognitive Behavioral Theory , mindfulness and medication to name a few.

How to Identify BED

Unfortunately, many people with this disorder are either unaware they have an actual medical condition, or they are too ashamed to ask for help. Individuals who are ashamed may be suffering from the effects of weight bias compounded by the stigma of having an eating disorder. Under these circumstances, its not hard to imagine that getting help can be a paralyzing prospect. The most commonly discussed symptoms of BED include:

  • A frenzied or frantic feeling around food
  • A loss of control over both the amount and speed with which food is consumed
  • Using food as a source of coping
Obesity and BED
Weight Bias and BED

Here are a few interesting facts that apply to anyone:

Weight-based discrimination has been shown to lead to:

  • Depression
Treating BED

Recommended Reading: What Does Binge Eating Disorder Look Like

Changes In Eating Habits

People with both obesity and eating disorders often have drastic changes in their eating habits. This can include anything from eating much more or much less than usual, to skipping meals altogether. In fact, people with eating disorders often use food as a way to cope with their feelings, which is why changes in eating habits are often one of the first symptoms that people notice.

A Simple Suggestion To Save Lives

Posted September 18, 2009

The current health-care debate, when it focuses on food at all, focuses on obesity. Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. That is shocking, but in the national panic about obesity, we run the risk of making things a lot worse.

More people could get caught in the grip of eating disorders. Already, an estimated 11 million Americans have anorexia or bulimia. Hospitalizations are increasing. Even more worrisome, the American Medical Association found the greatest increases among boys and girls younger than 12, and among adults ages 45 to 65.

We could save a lot of pain, suffering and money by incorporating obesity into the range of illnesses now classified as eating disorders, and focusing on prevention. Agencies that are working on ways to combat obesity should include experts in eating disorders.

Maybe you didn’t feel fat, just a touch overweight, before the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised the height/weight tables, and now your weight hits the category of “morbidly obese.” Do you automatically exercise more and eat less? More likely, you feel bad, blame your genes or your lack of willpower, try a new diet, fail, feel worse, eat more.

Practically all disordered eating begins with a diet.

With food relatively cheap and highly available, we also have more opportunity to eat badly at home. What else has changed in two decades? While America has become a 24-hour buffet, the pressure to be thin has increased.

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Eating Disorders And Obesity:

How Are They Related?

Eating disorders and obesity are usually seen as very different problems but actually share many similarities. In fact, eating disorders, obesity, and other weight-related disorders may overlap as girls move from one problem, such as unhealthy dieting, to another, such as obesity. This information sheet is designed to help parents, other adult caregivers, and school personnel better understand the links between eating disorders and obesity so they can promote healthy attitudes and behaviors related to weight and eating.

How are eating disorders and obesity related?

Eating disorders and obesity are part of a range of weight-related problems.

These problems include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, anorexic and bulimic behaviors, unhealthy dieting practices, binge eating disorder, and obesity. Adolescent girls may suffer from more than one disorder or may progress from one problem to another at varying degrees of severity. It is important to understand this range of weightrelated problems in order to avoid causing one disorder, such as bulimia, while trying to prevent another, such as obesity.1

Body dissatisfaction and unhealthy dieting practices are linked to the development of eating disorders, obesity, and other problems.

Binge eating is common among people with eating disorders and people who are obese.

Depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are associated with both eating disorders and obesity.

Health Risks

Eating disorders may lead to

Obesity Eating Disorders And Disordered Eating: Crisis In America

Eating Disorders and Obesity: How are They Related?

In our culture, we are bombarded by daily images of perfect models on magazine covers and overly-thin actresses on TV and overwhelmed by stressful living. External success is valued over authentic happiness, and industries get fat financially as a result. It’s no wonder we are seeing the biggest rise in the most insidious causes of death today.

On the one hand, we have an obesity epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one-third of U.S. adults are obese. Approximately 17 percent of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 are obese. An estimated 300,000 deaths per year may be attributable to obesity.

On the other hand, we have an eating disorder crisis. An estimated 24 million people of all ages suffer from anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorders in the U.S. In fact, a young woman with anorexia is 12 times more likely to die than other women her age without anorexia. .

Eating disorders, obesity and disordered eating arise from a variety of physical, emotional, and social issues, all of which need to be addressed for effective treatment. The use or avoidance of food as a coping mechanism ultimately leads to illness and emotional distress, affecting the majority of the U.S. population.

Mimi Francis, behavioral health therapist at Green Mountain residential weight loss center, asks, “How well has not liking yourself worked so far? The truth is, it hasn’t. In fact, if you dislike your body, it’s that much easier to abuse it.”

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