Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Can Help Bipolar Depression

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Rapid Antisuicidal Effect Of Ketamine

Can we help people with bipolar disorder by enhancing cognition?

Suicidality accounts for 1520% of deaths in BD patients. Risk of suicidal act in BD patients with mixed or psychotic symptoms is one of the highest of all psychiatric disorders. Currently, there are no approved pharmacological interventions for suicidality in BD. Two open-label studies found that a single intravenous ketamine infusion significantly reduced suicidal ideation in subjects with treatment-resistant depression.,

A systematic review examining the effects of a single dose of ketamine on suicidal ideation concluded that it was able to rapidly reduce suicidal thoughts within 1 day. While the majority of the included studies were conducted among patients with MDD, some of the studies also enrolled patients with BD. Another meta-analysis revealed a significant and sustained decrease of suicidality within 4 h of a single ketamine infusion. Such a rapid antisuicidal effect is in stark contrast to the delayed onset of currently available pharmacological treatment A recent open-label clinical trial that administered six intravenous doses of 0.5 mg/kg ketamine three times a week in patients with unipolar and bipolar depression reported a significant reduction in suicidal ideation 24 h after the first infusion in 57% of patients and in 65% after the sixth infusion.

Tip : Watch What You Put In Your Body

From the food you eat to the vitamins and drugs you take, the substances you put in your body have an impact on the symptoms of bipolar disorderfor better or worse.

Eat a healthy diet. There is an undeniable link between food and mood. For optimal mood, eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and limit your fat and sugar intake. Space your meals out through the day, so your blood sugar never dips too low. High-carbohydrate diets can cause mood crashes, so they should also be avoided. Other mood-damaging foods include chocolate, caffeine, and processed foods.

Get your omega-3s.Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease mood swings in bipolar disorder. You can increase your intake of omega-3 by eating cold-water fish such as salmon, halibut, and sardines, soybeans, flaxseeds, canola oil, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. Omega-3 is also available as a nutritional supplement.

Avoid alcohol and drugs. Drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, and amphetamines can trigger mania, while alcohol and tranquilizers can trigger depression. Even moderate social drinking can upset your emotional balance. Substance use also interferes with sleep and may cause dangerous interactions with your medications. Attempts to self-medicate or numb your symptoms with drugs and alcohol only create more problems.

Get more help

DBSA Wellness Toolbox Resources to help keep track of your symptoms and progress.

Bipolar Self-help resources.

Hotlines and support

Supporting A Loved One During Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Once your friend or family member agrees to see a doctor, you can help by being a partner in treatment. Your support can make a big difference in their treatment success, so offer to be involved in any way your loved one wants or needs.

Things you can do to support a loved ones bipolar disorder treatment:

  • Find qualified doctors and therapists.
  • Set up appointments and go along.
  • Offer your insights to the doctor.
  • Monitor your loved ones moods.
  • Learn about their medications.

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Hard Feelings Each Thanksgiving

I had grown up in Thousand Oaks, California, and, while I was in elementary school, our class went on a field trip to Olvera Street, which is in the oldest part of downtown Los Angeles.

We ate lunch in a park and threw our garbage in old trash cans when it was time to go. Then, suddenly, men who were experiencing homelessness began rummaging through the garbage cans. It was heartbreaking to watch them eat scraps of peanut butter sandwiches.

Although this was not a planned part of the field trip, we learned a lot that day because we saw the faces of the homeless in a way we never had been exposed to before.

This eye-opening experience stuck with me, and in college, I took a class that focused on individuals who lacked fixed, adequate housing. I learned from an amazing professor that some people in this situation wanted to become productive citizens and get off the streets, but finding a way to do so was not easy. For others, this way of life was a result of mental illness or substance use disorders.

For years, on Thanksgiving Day, I would feel guilty sitting on the couch in my warm, cozy house as I watched coverage of people without basic resources getting a special meal at a local soup kitchen.

Be Patient And Stay Optimistic

Bipolar Disorder: Side effects, Scientific aspect ...

Bipolar disorder is a long-term condition, so the symptoms will come and go throughout a persons life. The disorder is unpredictable, with symptom-free periods alternating with extreme mood episodes. For the sake of the person with bipolar disorder, try to stay patient and optimistic. This can help them stay on track to living a full, healthy life.

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Addressing The Stigma Of Bipolar Depression

People with bipolar disorder and the depression associated with it are often misunderstood by others. Stigma often comes from lack of understanding or fear. Inaccurate information or representations can contribute to both of those factors. It could be due to the way bipolar depression is viewed in society, including by friends and family. It could also be due to a lack of general awareness.

However, the fact is many people with bipolar depression have successful careers and satisfying relationships. These are just a few reasons why you should not worry about how others may view your condition.

If others express belief in the stereotype or just dont understand, it may be an opportunity to start a conversation with them about your experience with bipolar depression. However, this may be a challenging talk. Be patient with them. Here are some tips on how to start the conversation.

  • Try to talk when youre well so you can plan for the talk and ensure it is a calm and productive one
  • Explain your experiences and feelings so they can better understand what youre going through
  • Let them know why being stigmatized is harmful and ask for their support

Not All Symptoms Of Bipolar Depression Are Obvious

I have bipolar disorder, and even though I use the plan that I write about in all of my books, I still have mood swings. Its an illness. By knowing the signs of an episode, Im able to catch it in the middle and do something about it.

Its easy to spot what we consider traditional depression symptoms: crying, lack of movement, sadness, silence, brain fog, slumped body, lack of desire, fear, hopelessness, helplessness, and an overall perception that life is not worth living.

Im here today to talk about the OTHER depressionthe one that is often mistaken for a personality flaw or written off as being in a bad mood.

I call the first kind of depression WEEPY DEPRESSION, and I call this depression ANGRY & IRRITATED DEPRESSION. People with bipolar tend to experience both, but we rarely get help for the second type since helping someone in this kind of depression is like talking with a really angry snake.

Are you ready to explore your own depression or the depression of someone you care about who has bipolar disorder? Lets Go!

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Tips For Coping With Bipolar Disorder In The Family

Accept your loved ones limits. Your loved one with bipolar disorder cant control their moods. They cant just snap out of a depression or get a hold of themselves during a manic episode. Neither depression nor mania can be overcome through self-control, willpower, or reasoning. So telling your loved one to Stop acting crazy or to Look on the bright side wont help.

Accept your own limits. You cant rescue your loved one with bipolar disorder, nor can you force them to take responsibility for getting better. You can offer support, but ultimately, recovery is in the hands of the person with the illness.

Reduce stress. Stress makes bipolar disorder worse, so try to find ways to reduce stress in your loved ones life. Ask how you can help and volunteer to take over some of the persons responsibilities if needed. Establishing and enforcing a daily routinewith regular times for getting up, having meals, and going to bedcan also reduce family stress.

Communicate openly. Open and honest communication is essential to coping with bipolar disorder in the family. Share your concerns in a loving way, ask your loved one how theyre feeling, and make an effort to truly listeneven if you disagree with your loved one or dont relate to whats being said.

Supporting a person with bipolar disorder

What you can say that helps:

Seasonal Depression Sad: Extreme Winter Fatigue

How to Help Someone with Bipolar Disorder

There are likewise other initiatives to check out communications between life anxiety as well as polygenic danger for depression. Major depressive disorder can be diagnosed by DSM-IV or similar deep brain stimulation bipolar depression research criteria in about 15% of those that deal with persistent discomfort and in 50% of patients in persistent pain centers.

There are various classes of antidepressants available to treat dysthymia. Your medical professional will evaluate your physical and psychological health, including any kind of various other medical condition, and then locate the antidepressant that is most reliable with the least adverse effects. Advanced age, serious physical and also psychological comorbidity appear to play an important role in General practitioners treatment choices in chronic depression care. Possibly, the GPs coordinative role deep brain stimulation bipolar depression in counselling and doing reduced intensity psychosocial interventions requires further improvement. Our searchings for may aid to enhance the administration of chronic depression in health care. Because a lot of therapy referrals for chronic depression derive from patients in expert care research is needed to evaluate the health care shipment for chronic depression in medical care setups.

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Treating Bipolar With Wellbutrin

As with many medications, there are pros and cons to treating bipolar with Wellbutrin.

Perhaps the most obvious benefits of Wellbutrin lie in its different side effect profile. There is something almost too good to be true about an antidepressant that can improve sex drive and assist weight loss!

While increased libido and a smaller waist are certainly benefits that almost anyone can appreciate, it is also important not to lose sight of the fact that this medication comes with possible negative side effects. Like any prescribed drug these can range from mildly annoying to life threatening.

Your psychiatrist will be able to discuss these potential side effects with you in greater detail. Some of the less serious ones can include,

  • Stomach cramps, nausea, dry mouth
  • Dizziness, headaches, ringing in the ears
  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • Skin rash, itching
  • Increased urination

It is important to know that Wellbutrin lowers the bodys seizure threshold, meaning it becomes easier to have a seizure due to any cause .

If you ever experience any of the following while taking Wellbutrin, it is imperative that you contact your primary health care provider immediately. Some of the more serious ones associated with this NDRI can include,

  • Convulsions
  • Confusion, trouble breathing, unusual thoughts or hallucinations
  • Severe skin reaction
  • Fever, joint pain or swollen glands

Wellbutrin does not cause as much manic switching as other antidepressants, and this is a definite benefit.

  • Black outs

The History Of Deep Brain Stimulation Bipolar Depression Refuted

A 2019 research that took a look at the brains of individuals with bipolar and those with depression on useful MRI checks correctly separated their brains regarding 80% of the time. Thats since deep brain stimulation bipolar depression it might look like various other illness, such as depression. A teen should have both depressive as well as manic signs to a differing degree to be detected with bipolar disorder.

An approximated 60 percent of all people with bipolar affective disorder have medication or alcohol dependence. It has actually additionally been shown to happen deep brain stimulation bipolar depression frequently in individuals with seasonal depression as well as certain stress and anxiety problems, like post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Antidepressants For Bipolar Depression

Ease and relative safety of treating depressive episodes with modern antidepressants, and strenuous efforts to minimize or avoid depression by BD patients and clinicians, have made antidepressants the leading treatment provided to BD patients . Nevertheless, there is a striking paucity of therapeutic experimentation and inconsistent findings, despite more than a half-century of use of antidepressant drugs to treat depression, with particularly serious gaps regarding dysthymia and dysphoria, mixed features, and long-term prophylaxis for bipolar depression . Many experts advise caution in using antidepressants, particularly for BD-I patients to avoid potentially dangerous mood-switches, and encourage their use, if necessary, only with mood-stabilizing agents or SGAs, and without current mixed features or agitation .

Can Ketamine Help With Bipolar Depression

What should we know about Bipolar Disorder?

Mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, PTSD, OCD, anxiety, and fibromyalgia are affecting a growing number of people in the US today. To tackle this surmounting challenge, researchers and doctors are now turning in favor of Ketamine Infusion Therapy.

Particularly, for conditions such as bipolar depression, many patients have achieved relief with Ketamine Therapy when conventional antidepressants failed to address their condition. Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles, led by Dr. Steven Mandel, provides ketamine infusion treatments for patients of bipolar depression in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Orange County, California, and other cities and communities in this area of SoCal.

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Being An Advocate For Yourself

Over the course of your journey with bipolar depression, you may have experienced setbacks. Those setbacks may have caused frustration. However, now that youre starting treatment, its important to take steps toward better self-care.

After all, setting small, attainable goalsbe it going for a daily walk, taking part in a favorite activity or hobby, or eating healthiercan help you to achieve your larger goals in life. Begin by making a realistic plan to reach your goal.

  • State clearly and positively what your goal is
  • Envision the benefits and how they could improve your life
  • Set up small, attainable steps to reach your larger goal
  • Be aware of challenges that may arise, so your momentum isnt defeated
  • Avoid negative self-talk that may sabotage you
  • Have fun and celebrate small accomplishments along the way

Create An Emergency Action Plan

Despite your best efforts, there may be times when you experience a relapse into full-blown mania or severe depression. In crisis situations where your safety is at stake, your loved ones or doctor may have to take charge of your care. Such times can leave you feeling helpless and out of control, but having a crisis plan in place allows you to maintain some degree of responsibility for your own treatment.

A plan of action typically includes:

A list of emergency contacts for your doctor, therapist, and close family members.

A list of all medications you are taking, including dosage information.

Symptoms that indicate you need others to take responsibility for your care, and information about any other health problems you have.

Treatment preferences such as who you want to care for you, what treatments and medications do and do not work, and who is authorized to make decisions on your behalf.

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Living With Bipolar Disorder Tip : Get Involved In Your Treatment

Be a full and active participant in your own treatment. Learn everything you can about bipolar disorder. Become an expert on the illness. Study up on the symptoms, so you can recognize them in yourself, and research all your available treatment options. The more informed you are, the better prepared youll be to deal with symptoms and make good choices for yourself.

Using what youve learned about bipolar disorder, collaborate with your doctor or therapist in the treatment planning process. Dont be afraid to voice your opinions or questions. The most beneficial relationships between patient and healthcare provider work as a partnership. You may find it helpful to draw up a treatment contract outlining the goals you and your provider have agreed upon.

Improve your treatment by:

Being patient. Dont expect an immediate and total cure. Have patience with the treatment process. It can take time to find the right program that works for you.

Communicating with your treatment provider. Your treatment program will change over time, so keep in close contact with your doctor or therapist. Talk to your provider if your condition or needs change and be honest about your symptoms and any medication side effects.

Taking your medication as instructed. If youre taking medication, follow all instructions and take it faithfully. Dont skip or change your dose without first talking with your doctor.

Pregnancy And Treatment For Bipolar Disorder

VA Benefits Help for Bipolar Disorder

You should discuss any pregnancy plans with your psychiatrist. Together, you can arrange how to manage your mood during the pregnancy and for the first few months after the baby arrives. Lithium and sodium valproate should not be prescribed if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

If you become are pregnant while taking lithium, it’s best to discuss with your psychiatrist whether you need to stop lithium. Although lithium is safer in pregnancy than the other mood stabilisers, there is a significant risk to the baby of heart problems. This risk will need to be weighed against the risk of you becoming depressed or manic.

The risk is greatest during the first three months of pregnancy. Lithium is safe after the 26th week of pregnancy, although you should not breastfeed your baby if you are taking lithium as it can be toxic for your baby12.

It will be worth the discussing the possibility of starting some of the psychological treatments mentioned above.

During pregnancy, everyone involved – the obstetrician, midwives, health visitors, GP, psychiatrist, and community psychiatric nurse need to keep in close touch with each other.

During a depressive episode, or in between episodes of mania and depression, psychological treatments can be helpful1 5 11. These can include:

  • other options if the above choices have not helped.
  • If you are already taking lithium or sodium valproate, adding quetiapine can help.
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