Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Be Bipolar And Have Bpd

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Characteristics Of Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder has a range of characteristics that are centered around an individual’s difficulty with regulating their emotions.

People diagnosed with BPD experience persistent, day-to-day emotional symptoms that can impact everyday life.

They will experience lesser control of their impulses and struggle to manage their interpersonal relationships

Various life experiences, such as childhood trauma, can cause borderline personality disorder. Traumatic experiences in someone’s younger life, such as abuse, , and neglect are two of the key triggers that can lead to BPD. 

Individuals with BPD suffer with Impulse Control Disorder, which according to American Addiction Centers; “…is a condition in which a person has trouble controlling emotions or behaviors. Often, the behaviors violate the rights of others or conflict with societal norms and the law.”

These uncontrollable overreactions and creations of conflict, where someone struggles with their emotional regulation, are one of the common symptoms of BPD.

Their chronic feelings of loneliness and reactive behavior can be so severe that they result in and/or substance abuse

Key symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder:

  • Impulsive behavior
  • Chaotic and unstable relationships 
  • Bpd symptoms of mood instability and a changeable emotional state will present in varying degrees from person to person, but the fact this is a ‘disorder’, means it will seriously impact the individual’s quality of life.

    Seeking New Diagnosis And Treatment

    Borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder require very different kinds of treatment; while borderline personality disorder is primarily treated via psychotherapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy , the first line of defense against bipolar disorder is medication-based. As such, when borderline personality disorder is misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder, you may be subjected to pharmacotherapies that augment your distress by introducing unpleasant side-effects and disturbing your emotional function. Just as importantly, you are denied the opportunity to begin the healing process in a way that is meaningful and effective for you, leaving you to struggle with ongoing inner pain and dysfunction.

    If you suspect you have been misdiagnosed or are unsure if you have borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder, a residential treatment environment can be an ideal place to find clarity, validation, and hope. Using a sophisticated battery of psychological assessments combined with the ongoing observation afforded by the residential environment, your clinical team can form a complete picture of your diagnosis and your overall psychological needs. With this information, they will design a customized treatment plan that addresses the full scope of your needs using cutting-edge therapies delivered by expert clinicians.

    Borderline Personality Marriage Statistics

    Studies of marital status in people with BPD have found that about 60% are married .?? This suggests that people with BPD are less likely to be married than those in the general population—in the United States, about 85% of people are married by age 40.??

    Unexpectedly, people with BPD do not have higher divorce rates than the general population. By an average age of about 40, the divorce rate for people with BPD is around 35%, and this is comparable to the divorce rate for the average U.S. citizen. However, people with BPD are far less likely to remarry after a divorce.

    In fact, only about 10% of people with BPD get remarried by around age 40 which is nearly half the national rate of remarriage.

    On an interesting note, research suggests that people with borderline personality disorder who develop a substantial reduction in their symptoms are more likely than non-recovered people with BPD to marry and become a parent and less likely to divorce or lose custody of a child.??

    How Can You Receive A Diagnosis With Both Conditions

    Most people who have a dual diagnosis of bipolar disorder and BPD receive one diagnosis before the other. That’s because the symptoms of one disorder can overlap and sometimes mask the other.

    Bipolar disorder is often diagnosed first because symptoms can change. This makes it more difficult to detect BPD symptoms. With time and treatment for one disorder, the other may become clearer.

    Pay a visit to your doctor and explain your symptoms if you think you’re showing signs of bipolar disorder and BPD. They’ll likely conduct an assessment to determine the nature and extent of your symptoms.

    Your doctor will use the newest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual to help them make a diagnosis. They’ll review each of your symptoms with you to see if they align with the other disorder.

    Your doctor will also consider your mental health history. Often, this can provide insight that can help distinguish one disorder from the other. For example, both bipolar disorder and BPD tend to run in families. This means if you have a close relative with one or both of the disorders, you’re more likely to have them.

    The treatments of bipolar disorder and BPD are different because each disorder causes different symptoms.

    Bipolar disorder requires several types of treatment, including:

    BPD is primarily treated with talk therapy — the same type of therapy that can help treat bipolar disorder. But your doctor may also suggest:

    Bipolar Disorder Is A Mood Disorder And Borderline Personality Disorder Is A Personality Disorder


    A common feature of bipolar disorder is recurring episodes of depression. Many people with bipolar disorder present a lot like people with unipolar depression, or major depressive disorder: they feel sad, lose interest in activities, feel worthless, have trouble concentrating, etc. To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you must also have experienced at least one episode of mania. An episode of mania is characterized by an elevated mood, heightened energy without the need to sleep, racing and/or grandiose thoughts, and impulsive behavior. For most people with a bipolar diagnosis, about 75 percent of the time they are experiencing disability from the illness, they are in depressive episodes.; however, having a history of one manic episode ever means that a person has bipolar illness even if the person is currently depressed.

    Borderline personality disorder is not a mood disorder. It is classified as a personality disorder. The symptoms of borderline personality disorder can result in mood problems, but the illness is not defined by changes in mood. The symptoms of borderline personality disorder are relational.

    However, for individuals with bipolar disorder, for the most part, there is little causal relationship between interactions with other people and the onset of a mood episode. But with borderline personality disorder, interactions with other people or expectations about relationships are what drive the illness and result in mood and anxiety problems.

    Mood Disorders Vs Personality Disorders

    Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder, while borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder. Personality disorders are characterized by persistent thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that deviate from the expectations of society and lead to suffering. Personality disorder symptoms typically develop by early adulthood and may be linked to childhood trauma.  Symptoms of personality disorders include distrust of others, paranoia, distorted perception of reality, a poor sense of self, depression and suicidal thoughts. Personality disorders affect 10% to 13% of the general population.

    Mood disorders such as bipolar disorder are characterized by severe changes in a person’s emotional state that interfere with their ability to function correctly. Mood disorders can occur at any age and may run in families. Mood disorder symptoms include depression, irritability, , loss of interest in usual activities, decreased energy or difficulty sleeping. Mood disorders affect nearly 10% of adults in the United States.

    Borderline Personality Disorder Vs Bipolar: Is Bpd Worse

    Understanding and even distinguishing between Borderline Personality Disorder vs Bipolar Disorder can be difficult because of the crossover in the related symptoms.

    Both of these mental health conditions can cause depression, drive impulsive behavior, and create outsized or unwarranted emotional responses in people living with either of the disorders.

    It’s important however, to know the difference between these two conditions to be able to answer the question, “is BPD worse than Bipolar?

    Good News: Theres Hope For Folks With Bpd

    Because borderline personality disorder is as unique as each person who lives with it, treatment requires a specialized approach.

    Many people have BPD and, at times, experience emotional anguish from the condition. However, you don’t have to resort to living a life that’s full of pain and heartbreak. It’s important to take care of yourself, recognize your triggers, and work with your health care team to determine what treatments will help keep it in check.

    Impact Of Borderline Personality Disorder On Bipolar

    The trouble is when people are diagnosed both with bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder their courses of illness tends to be worse. People with both diagnoses tend to have a history of substance abuse and have had childhood symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Moreover, this dual-diagnosis group is at a higher risk of suicide.

    How Is Borderline Personality Disorder Diagnosed

    When you speak to a doctor or mental health professional about your mental health symptoms, they may use a diagnostic tool called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which is currently in its fifth edition and also called the DSM-5. According to the , there is a list of nine common symptoms of BPD. If you experience five of them, you may be diagnosed with the disorder. Here are the nine common symptoms:

    • Chronic feelings of emptiness
    • Unstable emotions including sadness, irritability, and anxiety
    • Fear and avoidance of abandonment, whether real or imagined
    • Unstable self-image or a skewed sense of self
    • Impulsivity causing risky or reckless behaviors
    • Inappropriate and intense bursts of anger
    • Unstable or contentious personal relationships
    • Suicidal threats, behavior, or self-harm
    • Paranoia or dissociative episodes

    When Is It Time To See A Professional

    If you are experiencing any of the previously mentioned signs and symptoms associated with borderline personality disorder, please consult a mental health professional. This condition is common and treatable.

    You should see a doctor any time your symptoms are triggered. If you are unsure of your triggers, try to think of a time in the past when you experienced raging and intense emotions, acted impulsively, or had a desire to harm yourself. The events before this emotion are likely your triggers.

    Many who have BPD experience suicidal thoughts. These can include but aren’t limited to mental images and fantasies about self-harm and plotting to commit suicide. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and may harm yourself or someone else, call 911 immediately or visit your nearest emergency room.

    Characteristics Of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by extreme shifts in someone’s mood, where they will experience sudden, dramatic changes in their state of mind. 

    Genetic factors and changes to the brain structure, and its chemicals, are thought to be the cause of Bipolar Disorder. 

    There is a 13% chance you will develop  Bipolar Disorder, if a close family member has the disorder.

    These mood disorders can range from extreme highs, , to extreme lows, . 

    Differences Between Bipolar Disorder And Bpd

    A Borderline Personality Disorder Primer by Kiera Van ...

    David Susman, PhD

    Borderline personality disorder has been a controversial diagnosis since it was first recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1980. One controversy that still has not been resolved is whether or not BPD is related to bipolar disorder since they have many similar symptoms.

    The Dark Side Of Borderline Personality Disorder

    Just living with someone that has this personality disorder, or being around them,  can be extremely difficult, Marlborough admits. “It brings out my mean streak something shocking. I’ve always had a devilish way with words, particularly nasty ones, and BPD is like a Terminator vision that highlights the chinks in everyone’s armour. Unlike my mania, which tends to make me charismatic and eloquent, a BPD ‘turn’ or ‘moment’ sees me turn sour and crude.”

    Symptoms Of Borderline Personality Disorder

    The symptoms of BPD can be grouped into 4 main areas:

    • emotional instability – the psychological term for this is affective dysregulation
    • disturbed patterns of thinking or perception – cognitive distortions or perceptual distortions
    • impulsive behaviour
    • intense but unstable relationships with others

    The symptoms of a personality disorder may range from mild to severe and usually emerge in adolescence, persisting into adulthood.

    Frequency Of Borderline Personality Disorder In Patients With Bipolar Disorder

    Twenty-four studies reported the frequency of BPD in patients with bipolar disorder . Most studies were of psychiatric outpatients, and only four were of samples of inpatients . The majority of the studies assessed BPD when the patients were in remission or with no more than mild symptom severity ; the remainder assessed BPD when the patient was symptomatic. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV was the most commonly used measure to evaluate Axis I and Axis II disorders. Most reports focused on either bipolar I or bipolar II disorder, and many did not discuss the bipolar I-bipolar II distinction. Two reports specified the number of patients with bipolar I and bipolar II disorder, but only reported the prevalence of BPD for the entire group without specifying the prevalence of BPD in the bipolar subtypes., Only two groups of investigators examined the frequency of BPD in patients with bipolar I and bipolar II disorder.,

    What Is Panic Disorder The Symptoms And Causes And How To Get Treatment

    Although one of the symptoms of BPD is anxiety, between 75 and 90 percent of people with BPD also meet criteria for at least one type of anxiety disorder, such as social anxiety disorder and panic disorder.

    The difference between BPD and anxiety or panic disorders is the latter cause symptoms more frequently and for a greater period of time, for at least six months. “Their anxiety is more pervasive and chronic than the anxiety that is related to BPD,” Cullen says.

    Case And Control Selection

    We analyzed the NIS database to select the patients between 18 and 75 years. Based on the validated International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, and Clinical Modification diagnosis codes, the patients with a primary diagnosis of bipolar disorder and a comorbid diagnosis of BPD were identified as the cases. This patient cohort was compared with the control cohort which included patients with a primary diagnosis of bipolar disorder only. In HCUP databases, more than 14,000 ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes are mentioned . Bipolar disorder was identified using ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes 296.40, 296.41, 296.42, 296.43, 296.44, 296.50, 296.51, 296.52, 296.53, 296.54, 296.60, 296.61, 296.62, 296.63, 296.64, and 296.7; and BPD was identified using ICD-9-CM diagnosis code 301.83. We also performed a retrospective cohort analysis to derive a control cohort that had similar demographic characteristics to the cases. The controls were matched for age, gender and race using the case-control matching application in SPSS version 23 . Finally, a separate cohort was extracted from the NIS of patients with primary diagnoses of BPD to compare their sociodemographic characteristics and hospital outcomes with bipolar patients with and without BPD.

    Is Bipolar A Mood Disorder

    First, let’s examine what bipolar disorder is. The question is often asked, is bipolar disorder a personality disorder? Bipolar is considered a mood disorder characterized by swings between intense highs and lows. During the highs, people can feel euphoric and on top of the world; this is generally considered a manic stage. This is also a period that can be marked by uncontrollable actions, with no regard for the consequences. The lows are marked by feelings of depression, with an attendant lack of energy or enthusiasm. It may be difficult to get out of bed or focus on anything important, and the tasks and responsibilities of daily life may begin to suffer.

    There are two major forms of bipolar disorder: Bipolar I is considered more intense, while bipolar II is less severe. There are other types of bipolar as well, such as mixed bipolar disorder, where the manic and depressive stages occur simultaneously, and rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, where many mood swings take place during the course of a year.

    The mood swings of bipolar disorder can occur at any time and can permeate all areas of a person’s life. Now let’s segue to looking at borderline personality disorder vs. bipolar.

    Treatment Of Borderline Personality Disorder And Bipolar Disorder

    The proper treatment and effective treatmentprogram for any mental health disorder, needs to be based around an accurate diagnosis.

    Following which, a personalized treatment program that suits the symptoms and individual needs of the BPD or Bipolar patients is essential.

    Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – is a psychotherapy that highlights the importance of how our thoughts affect our behaviors, giving patients healthy ways to break down and cope with their emotional challenges.

    Medication – Anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications can help to control  the symptoms of BPD, acting as mood stabilizers, but will not tackle  the root causes.

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy – DBT is another form of CBT, which helps people deal with, and regulate difficult emotions and develop coping skills in 4 main areas: 

  • Distress Tolerance
  •  Interpersonal effectiveness 
  • Bipolar Disorder Treatment

    Group Therapy – Either alongside peers, or families and loved ones, to better understand the disorder and develop coping strategies. 

    Psychotherapy – Sessions with a qualified therapist to understand the condition and learn healthy controls, such as . 

    Hospitalization – In more severe or high-risk cases, being admitted for inpatient treatment will be recommended. The length of time will depend on the severity of symptoms and the patient’s response to treatment.

    How Is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed

    Is borderline personality similar to bipolar disorder?

    Bipolar disorder is diagnosed in two major types: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. These types are defined by the experience you have with manic episodes. There are other types that involve less severe moods that don’t qualify as type I or type II. Both manic major depressive episodes are identified by a set of symptoms. According to the fifth edition of the DSM, to qualify as a full manic episode, you have to experience three of seven common symptoms. These symptoms must last for one week or require hospitalization. The symptoms include:

  • Grandiosity or increased self-esteem
  • A decreased need for sleep
  • Increased talkativeness and the pressure to keep talking
  • A flight of ideas and racing thoughts
  • Distractibility, drawing your attention to irrelevant stimuli
  • Increased activity or psychomotor agitation
  • Risky behaviors that may lead to consequences
  • Experiencing fewer than three of these symptoms or experiencing them briefly may qualify as a hypomanic episode, mild mania that falls short of a full-blown manic episode. A major depressive episode also has a set of symptoms in the DSM. To qualify as a major depressive episode, you must experience five of nine common symptoms, which include:

  • Depressed mood
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Significant and unintentional weight loss or gain
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Slowed or agitated psychomotor changes
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
  • Thoughts of death and suicidal ideation
  • Comparing Bipolar Disorder Vs Borderline Personality Disorder

    Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder are two mental illnesses that can cause significant disability and disruption in someone’s life. Despite being commonly grouped together or even used interchangeably in movies, TV, and other pop culture references, they are two separate and distinct illnesses that have different diagnostic criteria and require different treatments. Find out more about how psychiatry distinguishes these two disorders and how families, treatment organizations and communities can help support individuals with these diagnoses.

    Can You Be Bipolar And Have Bpd At The Same Time

    Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?just a question i have been wanting to know the answer to for a while..
    Trippin2.0 seemingly lost inside her own headâ?¦. Location: Cape Town South AfricaPosts: 11,937 Re: Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?Yes, I am, and quite a few others here on PC.
    Anonymous12111009 has no updates.  Re: Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?I am dx’d with both.
    Anonymous100165 has no updates.  Re: Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?Yes you can.
    Angel of Bedlam has no updates. given Re: Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?I don’t have both but you definitely can more than one diagnosis. My pdoc has me diagnosed as having PTSD and BPD.Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk__________________Am I the only one I know, waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?Diagnosed:
    Re: Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?Yes. I have BPD, Bipolar, and PTSD.__________________Dx: PTSD, GAD, Bipolar, BPD Meds: Effexor, Seroquel, Lamictal, Topamax
    Re: Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?could me having BPD be the reason I am bipolar?


    Originally Posted by could me having BPD be the reason I am bipolar?
    Anonymous12111009 has no updates.  Re: Can you be bipolar and have BPD at the same time.?Quote:

    Key Differences Between Borderline Personality And Bipolar Disorder

    When it comes to differences in borderline personality disorder versus bipolar disorder, each has its own specific symptoms. These include:

    • Severe manic episodes: occur in bipolar disorder but not borderline personality disorder
    • Symptom-free periods: can occur in bipolar disorder between manic and depressive stages, while symptoms are persistent and long-term in borderline personality disorder
    • Sleeping problems: more common in bipolar disorder
    • Family link: more common in bipolar disorder
    • Relationship instability: more common in borderline personality disorder
    • Self-harm: more common in borderline personality disorder

    If you or a loved one live with a co-occurring substance use disorder along with borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder, The Recovery Village is here to help. Our helpful staff can guide you through the initial steps of treatment and help you find a facility nearby that works for your situation. Contact a representative today and begin the path to a healthier future.

    Myth: Its Not Treatable

    Borderline personality disorder is very treatable. In the past, since BPD affects someone’s personality, many were quick to conclude that it was untreatable because someone’s personality cannot be changed.

    More recently, many therapies have been proven effective as treatments, including dialectical behavior therapy , mentalization-based treatment , and transference-focused psychotherapy . Now, a growing number of less intensive, generalist approaches, like general psychiatric management , are also being practiced around the world.

    A BPD diagnosis doesn’t mean that someone will live with symptoms forever. With treatment, the symptoms ebb and flow. Many people with the condition can have high-functioning lives.

    Bipolar Vs Borderline Personality Disorder: Treatment

    One of the most significant differences between bipolar and borderline personality disorder is treatment. The most important part of bipolar treatment is medication, followed by psychotherapy. BPD treatment, on the other hand, focuses on psychotherapy, not medication. Sometimes antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers are prescribed based on specific target symptoms, but medication for BPD is often used as a last resort. The type of psychotherapy used to treat both disorders also varies. Bipolar disorder patients respond best to traditional therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, while BPD  patients tend to respond better to Dialectical Behavior Therapy. The Dialectical Behavior Therapy model is rooted in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but specifically addresses the needs of patients with borderline personality disorder, especially those who tend to self harm or have suicidal ideation. The focus is on building positive relationships, acceptance and emotional control. 

    In addition to psychotherapy and pharmaceutical medications, some people have successfully eased their bipolar and borderline personality disorder symptoms with holistic treatments, such as yoga, acupuncture, meditation and herbal/natural supplements. These types of treatments help people with either disorder learn how to decompress from stress, relax and feel centered. They promote a sense of mindfulness that can help them better tackle tough times and cope with emotional issues in a healthier way.

    Are Bipolar And Borderline Personality Disorder Related

    Although it is not yet clear-cut, research has not found a strong relationship between BPD and bipolar disorder. There is some evidence that people with BPD are diagnosed with bipolar disorder at higher rates than individuals with other personality disorders.

    One study found that about 20% of people with BPD are also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Only about 10% of people with other personality disorders also have a bipolar disorder diagnosis.

    Another study looked at people diagnosed with both BPD and bipolar disorder within a 10-year timeframe. The results showed that the disorders appear to be completely independent. The study’s authors stressed that it’s extremely important to treat each disorder individually for the best chance of symptom relief.

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