Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is The Fear Of Feet Phobia Called

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Associations With Dangerous Animals

Another theory suggests that clustered holes share a similar appearance to skin and coat patterns on some venomous animals. People may fear these patterns out of unconscious associations.

There is some research that supports this idea. A 2013 study looked at how people with trypophobia respond to certain stimuli in comparison to those without the condition. When viewing a honeycomb , people who don’t have trypophobia immediately think of things such as honey or bees.

The researchers believe that those with trypophobia non-consciously associated the sight of a honeycomb with dangerous organisms that share the same basic visual characteristics, such as rattlesnakes. While they are not consciously aware of this association, it may be what causes them to feel feelings of disgust or fear.

How Do I Overcome A Fear Of Feet

Podiaphobia is the fear of feet.

The fear of feet is known as podiaphobia. People with podiaphobia typically become frightened or disgusted whenever they are around feet, even their own. They often don’t let anyone else touch their feet and sometimes wear shoes or socks all day and night so they never have to see their own feet. Like most phobias, the fear of feet is usually an irrational fear. Many people can overcome irrational fears with a cognitive-behavioral therapy tactic called systematic desensitization. This method can help people overcome fear by being exposed to their triggers in a safe and controlled environment.

People with podiaphobia typically experience severe anxiety whenever they encounter feet.

During a typical therapy session, a person with podiaphobia gradually encounters feet with the help of a therapist. For example, in an early session, the patient may simply be asked to draw a picture of feet or read about feet. Later, he may watch a video of feet or look at someone’s feet through a doorway. Finally, the person typically has a real-life encounter with feet.

Hypnosis may be used to overcome a fear of feet. Therapy may be helpful for people who suffer from a fear of feet. People with podiaphobia may tremble at the sight of feet. People who have a fear of feet may experience chest pain when exposed to them.

Emetophobia: Calling On The Porcelain Telephone

I have yet to meet the person who doesnt hate vomiting. That horrible moment when your mouth starts to flood with drool, your stomach muscles clenching and then the arrival of that uncontrollable spasm as your body tries to part ways with your last meal.

According to a Columbia University study just looking at certain foods, especially if it is the last thing you ate before you last threw up can be enough to set off the cycle of panic and fear. Emetophobia is sometimes the fear of vomiting because of the actual physical event, or it can also apply to the fear of vomiting and the associated embarrassing that might cause if it happens in public.

Podophobia: The Fear Of Feet

Podophobia is the morbid and extreme fear of feet. Although this phobia may seem bizarre, it is quite common, and it affects several people globally.

Podophobia has a Greek origin from the combination of greek words podos and Phobos which means feet and fear or aversion respectively.

Sufferers of this condition are called Podophobics. Podophobics at the sight or perception of feet or anything relating to feet is likely to get upset or frightened.

Podophobia is not the same experience for everybody; At the same time, some do not appreciate it when another is touching or looking at their feet, some are triggered by the mere thought, talk, literature, and sight of anything relating to feet, and some are scared of their feet.

Extreme podophobia can be detrimental to the well-being and health of the podophobics because they would not like removing their shoes and socks even while sleeping; they would prefer to have them on at all time. This can cause them to develop allergies, fungal infections, and other health conditions.

Moreso, this condition can be overwhelming to the sufferer because almost everybody has feet, and developing a fear for feet means that you are at higher risks of getting triggered at all times since feet are practically everywhere.

Causes Or Origin Of Fear Of Feet Phobia

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Nobody knows for sure why the fear of feet occurs.

  • Some experts believe that a traumatic or negative experience in the past, which had something to do with feet, might have triggered this phobia. A child might remember being kicked over and over by an elder or sibling and hence come to hate or dislike feet intensely. In such cases, the Podophobe tends to get irritated, anxious or extremely frightened at the sight of other peoples bare feet.
  • Some doctors believe that the fear might have been inherited or have genetic causes. Sometimes, it might simply exist without any explicable reasons.
  • Painful foot conditions like bunions, hammertoe etc can also lead to fearing pain of the feet. In some cases, these conditions can be linked to Podophobia.
  • Generally speaking, people who tend to be high strung, overly anxious or are having some kind of adrenal deficiency might also acquire Podophobia.

Signs And Symptoms Of Thalassophobia

Differing from aquaphobia, which is the fear of any type or amount of water, thalassophobia is the persistent fear of bodies of deep, dark water and what exists below the surface. Whether in the ocean, a deep river, or a large lake, the fear can stem from the thought of an unknown creature swimming below you or even just knowing how deep, expansive, and dark some large bodies of water are. Often, the most frightening part is the waters ability to get darker the deeper it gets, coupled with what little we actually know about the life forms inhabiting the deepest depths.

In extreme cases, a person who experiences this phobia may start to shake, sweat, or vomit when they are near or in a large body of water and these sensations can occur when merely looking at pictures of a watery expanse. It can also be a terrifying thought to be so far away from the land while in the water. In most cases, people who have this fear will be scared, nervous, and generally uneasy around large bodies of water.

  • Uncontrollable anxiety when confronted with the fear
  • The need to avoid the source of the fear at all costs
  • Inability to function normally when around the trigger
  • Awareness the fear is irrational, yet an inability to control the feelings

Additionally, if you are experiencing the feelings of panic and intense anxiety when exposed to a large body of water, physical sensations can include:

  • Sweating
  • Chest pains or tightness in the chest
  • Dry mouth

Pediophobia: Hey There Doll

The fear of dolls is one of the more understandable phobias. This beady little eyes staring out, watching you, waiting until you are asleep to come alive and get you, ahhhhhh.

Sorry, got a little distracted there. Where was I? Oh yes, pediophobia, the irrational fear of dols which is actually a very broad phobia that includes the fear of mannequins, puppets, robotic figures, waxworks and any other doll-like item.

This doesnt mean that all sufferers are scared of all things. In fact, some are only scared of particular forms of dolls such as one with a porcelain face or a doll that walks.

Nomophobia: A New Generation Of Fears

Your grandparents would never have had to deal with a child who had nomophobia, but you might. The fear of being without a smartphone is a relatively new phenomenon but one that psychologists are beginning to see cropping up in children.

Those kids are scared of physically being without their phone, as well as being out of a cell phone coverage area, or of their battery dying. This is often an excessive response to the worry of being out of contact with their friends, not knowing what is going on socially, or being outcasts if they are out of the loop.

Common Causes And Triggers Of Verbophobia

There are a large variety of reasons that cause or trigger the fear of words. But the most prominent ones are are:

  • Upbringing People who are raised by people that either are afraid, or have transmitted a sense of uncertainty or danger related to words, might experience Verbophobia most commonly.
  • Past Experience It might be also induced, or suggested from people that might have had bad past experiences with/in words.
  • Genetics A persons ancestors that have been fearful of words were probably more likely to survive and pass down these fearful genes to their children and so on.

Why Do Some People Fear Feet

There has been very little research about this psychological condition; nevertheless, podophobics can relate to many such incidents, which actually causes distress and anxiety, and thats how they developed this fear. As is the case with all other phobias, this phobia finds its roots and causes in some childhood trauma regarding feet, or maybe, some negative experience in the past, which may have helped triggered this fear in that individuals mind. For a third person, these reasons might be silly or dumb, but it actually affects the person suffering from it to a great extent.

Some experts believe that it may be inherited or have genetic causes. People who tend to be overly anxious, or are highly strung, may possibly acquire podophobia.

Symmetrophobia: Straight Matching Or Not

A handful of unfortunate people have symmetrophobia, a morbid and irrational fear of symmetry. This can manifest itself as a compulsive need to move the tables at either end of the sofa to ensure they don’t match or something similar. Sufferers cannot bare the order of items displayed in an even fashion and will respond with the physical symptoms of terror when faced with them.

On the flip side, there is asymmetriphobia, the fear of uneven or mismatched items. One child who had asymmetriphobia was unable to go outside for fear he would see someone with odd socks. He would not even open the door to his home, in case the caller was wearing something mismatched.

Globophobia: Popping With Anxiety

For some of us the popping of a balloon means a brief jump, then it is forgotten. For others, an air-filled globe of rubber exploding at a children’s birthday party is the first stage of a life suffering from globophobia, the fear of balloons.

Its easy to see how this might happen. One popped balloon and a child becomes tense, waiting for the next, building up fear until the kiddo is in a mental place where even the sight of a deflated balloon is enough to provoke a severe anxiety attack. These kids are prevented from attending birthday parties, special events, even theme parks — basically anywhere that they might see a balloon.

Thalassophobia: How To Deal With Fear Of The Ocean

Trypophobia and other phobias which can be crippling

  • 6 minute read

Are you afraid of being in or around large bodies of dark water? Perhaps this fear prevents you from going too far out while in an expansive lake or makes your heart drop into your stomach when thinking about all that exists beneath the waters surface. Because water is an important part of enjoying a lot of new experiences whether a cruise, a trip to the beach, or a visit to a tropical island this anxiety can have a negative impact on your quality of life.

If this fear rings true, you may be suffering from a common phobia called thalassophobia. Although the name is long and complicated, the description is pretty simple it is defined as the persistent fear of vast, deep and often dark bodies of water, which to us humans often feels dangerous. In particular, thalassophobia describes a persons fear of the great unknown right below their feet. To better understand this phobia and help manage its symptoms, it is imperative to gain a solid understanding of its causes and treatment.

How To Overcome Podophobia Which Is The Fear Of Feet

The American Psychological Association officially recognizes only 100 phobias, but there are actually more than 500 of them in existence. Podophobia just happens to be one of them. And this is not just some minor fear, were talking about. Its so intense, in fact, that it disrupts the sufferers life.

Anyone who has ever tried to conquer the irrational fear like podophobia knows just how difficult the effort can be. Indeed, the seeming impossibility of it all leads many a sufferer to give up, allowing their phobic tendencies to take over their lives.

The good news for these individuals is that podophobia can be overcome if it is approached in the right way. Following are five effective strategies for putting this unwanted fear to rest once and for all so that those afflicted with it can reclaim their lives.

Thoughts On Yes I Have A Fear Of Feet

  • JAMIE LYNN BAIRDOctober 23, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Like a comment above me, I really couldnt believe that there havent been studies to explain a fear of feet. Maybe it is just me, but I feel like Ive encountered many people with a fear of feet, making it a fairly common phobia. However, like what you found, when I further researched feet phobia I found that there arent many solutions for the fear besides therapy, hypnosis, drugs, and self help books. This got me thinking if these are the typical solutions to fears, and I found that for the most part yes. This article explains that even with the most common fears, the most typical way to rid yourself of your fear is therapy or medications.

  • JEFFREY THOMAS CARPENTEROctober 23, 2012 at 1:04 pm

    Personally my fear of feet stemmed from when I was little. I think most people have irrational fears, and most all of them can be related to nature vs nurture. In this situation, I feel like whatever fears you establish when youre little transcend into adulthood. For instance, the revolving door entering the library always gives me a slight worry when I walk in. When I was little, I got stuck in one and have been afraid ever since. This can go back to psychology, with conditioned responses and Pavlovs dogs. All of this is relevant and intertwined whether it be revolving doors, feet, or other childhood fears.

  • Associations With Infectious Pathogens

    A 2017 study found that participants tended to associate hole patterns with skin-transmitted pathogens. Study participants reported feelings of skin-itching and skin-crawling when viewing such patterns.

    Disgust or fear of potential threats is an adaptive evolutionary response. In many cases, these feelings help keep us safe from danger. In the case of trypophobia, researchers believe it may be an overgeneralized and exaggerated form of this normally adaptive response,

    Unusual And Uncommon Phobias

    A phobia is a mental condition that occurs due to feelings of persistent and unreasonable fear caused by an object or situation. Although there is normally little danger in object of the phobia, the presence or anticipation of the object can cause signifiant distress, including panic attacks, fainting, and/or sweating. Some of the most unusual and uncommon phobias are included below.

    I Have A Phobia Of Bare Feet

    Podophobia is the fear of bare feet. This is actually more common of a phobia than people realize. However, I dont know anyone else with this phobia. I know people with petaphelaphobia, which is the fear of people touching your feet, but not podophobia. People with podophobia tend to have petaphelaphobia as well. I have had this since I can remember and nothing triggered it. I made up reasons such as being stung three times in the foot in the exact same place when I was young. That was the last time I walked in the grass barefoot, but I was developing this phobia before then. It is this quirk I have that my family and friends love to torture me with. I have also been called a freak because of this.

    A memory I have that has, in a way scarred me, is with my mother. My parents found this hilarious, but I was disgusted. My mother had clipped her toenails and out of her three children, she decided to call me to throw them away. I didnt know what she wanted me to throw away until she dropped them in my hand and I froze for a second or two with a face of pure horror. My parents laughed hard at it and joked about how they have scarred me as I ran to throw them away. I washed my hands about four to five times and my hands were red afterwards. It felt like her toenails were burning into my hand and even after I washed my hands a good amount, I still felt like they were there. They dont know that is how I felt and I can still feel it as I just wrote about it.

    Trypophobia: What Holiness Is This

    You can find endless photoshopped images of the holes on lotus pods being superimposed on people and everyday objects. This is usually enough to see most peoples stomachs turning because there is a primeval fear that is prodded by the sight of tiny, dark holes in which something may be lurking.

    Trypophobia is diagnosed when this goes a step further and sufferers are actually physically ill at the sight of an item with small holes or large pores, experiencing trembling, nausea, and hyperventilating so strongly they have to flee.

    This may not sound like much of a problem, but I speak from experience when I say, a child with trypophobia can be terrified by the most random items such as a bath sponge, strawberries, honeycomb-shaped cereal or pasta, or the drain in the shower. The fact that it is not a particular item, but rather a cluster of holes, or sometimes bumps, that trigger the phobia, makes it more difficult to avoid than most.


    How To Tell Fear From Phobia:

    We all feel fear in our lives, but some people suffer from a condition of extreme and irrational fear, usually with a particular trigger like snakes, heights, or spiders. While many of us may feel uncomfortable with these things, phobias are characterized by extreme fear reactions, including the physiological effects of fear as well as the behavioral effects.

    I Have Had A Fear Of Feet For As Long As I Can Remember

    Turns Out Trypophobia Isn

    When I was young, my hatred of bare feet made me very uncomfortable doing sports in the gymnasium at school because when using much of the gym equipment and the landing mats we were required to go barefoot. I was very self-conscious about my feet, even though they are perfectly normal and petite in size. When being bullied at school I desperately wanted to take up a martial art for self-defense but was put off after one judo lesson, when I realized that it was essential to go barefoot. I never went back, and the bullying continued.

    As the years have gone by, my foot phobia has not diminished, and even now I will never walk around the house in bare feetI always choose to wear shoes or slippers. When in bed at night, I keep my own feet well away from my husband’s. Occasionally, his feet will accidentally touch mine at night and I will flinch as if I have been stung, instinctively moving my feet to the opposite end of the bed. In many ways, I am not sure if this reaction is because I can’t stand the contact from his bare feet, or if it is because I can’t bear him touching my bare feet. Either way, I dislike it intensely.

    If your friend or partner suffers from this phobia, don’t tease them or put your bare feet near them.

    What Are You Afraid Of

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said: “…we have nothing to fear but fear itself.” For many people, however, there are many other things to fear, some of them seemingly strange or unusual to other people who don’t fear them. Here is a list of nine things that enough people are frightened of that experts have classified them as bona fide phobias. What’s on your list?

    What Is The Fear Of Feet

    Fear of feet is a phobia in which a person cannot stand looking at any feet including their own. This phobia causes the person to wear socks the majority of the time, even in bed or in the shower. Due to the constant wearing of socks, fungal infections can occur without the person realizing it.

    Fear of feet comes from the Greek work podos, for feet and phobia for fear. Podophobia is different for each person. Some cannot even talk about feet or see someone wearing sandals. If you have podophobia you may have a fear of people touching your feet or a fear of feet being uncovered.

    What Is Melissophobia Also Known As Apiphobia

    Melissophobia, or apiphobia, is when you have an intense fear of bees. This fear may be overwhelming and cause a great deal of anxiety.

    Melissophobia is one of many specific phobias. Specific phobias are a type of anxiety disorder. People with a specific phobia have a deep, irrational fear of an animal, object, or situation.

    Specific phobias are common. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 12.5 percent of adults will experience a specific phobia during their lifetime. Read on to learn more about melissophobia, what causes it, and how its treated.

    How To Deal With A Fear Of Bees

    If you find that you have a fear of bees, there are some things you can do to help manage it.

    • Aim to reframe the situation. While there are several very valid reasons to be afraid of them, bees are also very important. As pollinators, theyre vital for our ecosystems and their numbers are in decline.
    • Be prepared at home. Avoid having bees in your home by doing an inspection during winter for any areas that could potentially house a bee colony. If you find a hive or colony, contact a local beekeeper.
    • Take steps not to attract bees. Bees are more drawn to dark colors, perfumes, and colognes. If youre going to be in an area where bees are present, avoid wearing these things.
    • Resist the urge to totally avoid bees. Take small steps to feel more comfortable around bees. This could be something like going to a park where bees may be around or a bigger step such as watching beekeepers at work. This is known as exposure therapy.
    • Try to relax. Practice relaxation techniques to help lower your anxiety levels. These can include things like breathing exercises, , or .
    • Join a support group. Sometimes talking to others that have shared similar experiences can help you to cope. Consider looking into an anxiety support group near you.
    • Stay healthy. Taking care of yourself is important. Try to regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep.
    • Carry your EpiPen. If your fear of bees is due to an , be sure to carry your on you at all times.

    + Important Phobias List For General Awareness

    The knowledge of important phobias list is critical as the topic is covered under the general awareness section of various government exams and other competitive exams.

    What is Phobia?

    Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is an irrational fear of some object or environment or something that is unlikely to cause any harm to the person. The word Phobia is derived from the Greek word phobo which means horror or fear.

    Examples of phobias:

    • Phobophobia Fear of Fears
    • Agoraphobia fear of places that triggers helplessness

    Candidates preparing for various Government exams such as SSC, RRB, Bank, etc. might encounter 1-2 questions related to important phobias in the general knowledge section of these examinations.

    Hence the article will provide the list of phobias. Candidates will get 100+ important phobias in alphabetical order along with the sample questions asked in the exams based on Fear or Phobias.

    Important Phobias List:-

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