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What’s The Difference Between Fear And Phobia

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Fear Vs Phobia Vs Anxiety:

How To Know The Difference Between Anxiety and Stress

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If you have a phobia, you are likely to develop a fear of fear itself.

You may begin to worry that something will happen to trigger your fear.

You may start to change your daily routine in an effort to avoid any possible triggers.

On the other hand, if you get a simple fear, you will definitely spend much time thinking about the fear.

It will not affect your mindset until you are forced to confront it.

Whereas during an anxiety attack you may suffer from panic attacks which are manifested by sudden intense feelings of worry accompanied by the several of following symptoms:


What To Do If You Have A Phobia Of Something

David Kindy, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Mar. 2021 But Geller and Gallagher said barriers created by this fear or phobia could be lowered with careful public health messaging, along with self-help techniques individuals can practice or, in severe cases, professional assistance from a therapist.

Also known as social phobia, social anxiety affects up to 1 in 10 adults and is characterised by a fear of social interactions and being negatively judged by others. This is a phobia called thanatophobia and you may find that confiding in your doctor will be helpful and you can also discuss your worries with your priest.

How Do Phobias Develop

We dont know exactly why phobias develop. Specific phobias tend to begin during childhood, likely because a child’s brain is still learning how to react to certain stimuli. For example, a child who develops a fear of heights may have had a bad experience with heights, like falling off a jungle gym, or may have taken in information that encouraged a fear of heights, like seeing someone fall on TV or seeing a fear of heights in a family member. However, past experiences are not the only potential cause of specific phobias. Genetics may also play a role in the risk of developing a specific phobia.1

The causes of other types of phobias, like social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia, are also thought to be a combination of genetics and life experiences. Social anxiety disorders typically start in the teen years, likely because of the hormonal changes and social pressures teenagers endure. Since agoraphobia is highly related to panic disorder, the average age of onset is similar to panic disorder. Panic disorder and agoraphobia most often begin in young adults.11, 6, 12

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Kabourophobia And The Difference Between A Fear And A Phobia

Kabourophobia: Fear of crabs . From the Greek root kabouros, meaning crab, and phobos, meaning fear. Urban Dictionary

In one of my earliest memories, Im running along a beach. Im around 3 years old, maybe 4, so its probably North Berwick: I dont recall. What I do remember of that day, however, is that, at some point I either stopped or fell right in front of an old sandcastle, which was absolutely covered covered in dead crabs their spindly legs and spiteful little claws all sticking up in the air like something from a horror movie.

In later years, I assumed I must have imagined this scene or heavily embellished it, at the very least. When I asked my dad, though who had been chasing me along the sand at the time, and who came to a stop on front of that same sandcastle he confirmed that yes, it did happen, and, yes, it was a pretty horrible sight, really.

Can A Fear Of Something Turn Into A Phobia

Fears &  Phobia

But sometimes that normal fight-or-flight response can go a bit haywire, and thats when fear turns into a phobia. With a true phobia, the threat of injury or death is greatly exaggerated or even nonexistent, but the fear still persists, according to an article on Think of your own phobias, and youll see what I mean.

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You Feel Unable To Cope

As is true with a lot of mental health conditions, if there comes a point that you feel like you can’t support yourself through the experience, you deserve to get help.

“Having a phobia significantly affects a person’s ability to cope with any situation that involves or may involve the feared object,”GinaMarie Guarino, licensed mental health counselor , tells Bustle. “Phobias prevent people from developing healthy coping skills for stress and cause a significant impact on the quality of life for the affected person.” Luckily there are a lot of options to explore, not just exposure therapy, that can help you feel better.

The Difference Between Phobia And Fear

Psychologists often make a distinction between fears and phobias. A fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat. Fears are common in the population and are often normal — or at least innocuous — reactions to objects or events. For example, many people fear spiders — they experience a mild to moderate anxiety reaction when they see one.

A phobia is similar to a fear with one key difference: the anxiety they experience is so strong that it interferes with their quality of life and/ or their ability to function. Whereas many people fear spiders, only a small subsection of the population will meet criteria for a spider phobia. People who have a spider phobia often spend considerable time worrying about spiders, spend an inordinate amount of time ensuring they do not come in contact with a spider, and will avoid places and activities in order to avoid spiders.

Making a distinction between a fear and a phobia is useful because they are qualitatively very different problems.

Similarly, we can make a distinction between being afraid of rejection and being phobic of rejection. Whereas most people are at least mindful and vigilant for rejection , there is a subsection of the population that would be considered rejection phobic. While these two groups — fearful and phobic — obviously share some commonalities, they are fundamentally different groups.

Re-arranging your day and even your life to avoid being near a harmless spider is extreme and unnecessary.

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Common Types Of Phobias And Fears

There are four general types of phobias and fears:

  • 1. Animal phobias such as the fear of snakes, spiders, rodents, and dogs.
  • 2. Natural environment phobias such as a fear of heights, storms, water, and of the dark.
  • 3. Situational phobias including the fear of enclosed spaces , flying, driving, tunnels, and bridges.
  • 4. Blood-Injection-Injury phobia, the fear of blood, injury, illness, needles, or other medical procedures.

Some phobias, however, dont fall into one of the four common categories. These include fear of choking, fear of getting a disease such as cancer, and fear of clowns. Other common phobias that dont fit neatly into any of the four categories include:

Social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder, is fear of social situations where you may be embarrassed or judged. If you have social phobia, then you may be excessively self-conscious and afraid of humiliating yourself in front of others. Your anxiety over how you will look and what others will think may lead you to avoid certain social situations youd otherwise enjoy.

Fear of public speakingan extremely common phobiais a type of social phobia. Other fears associated with social phobia include fear of eating or drinking in public, talking to strangers, taking exams, mingling at a party, or being called on in class.

Agoraphobia was traditionally thought to involve a fear of public places and open spaces, but is now believed to develop as a complication of panic attacks.

Is It Fear Or Phobia

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One of the ways to tell the difference between fear and phobias is if there is a real and present danger. For example, its a normal human response to feel fearful if a vicious dog ran up toward a group of people. Adrenaline might kick in, triggering flight or fight mode. This is normal.

A phobia might cause those same feelings of fear even if the danger is not physically present. For example, a person with a phobia of dogs might feel that same psychological fear response watching videos of dogs, thinking about dogs, or looking at a puppy. These three situations do not present the same level of danger as the viscous dog, but to someone with a phobia, they respond as if it is. A person with a phobia of dogs might alter their daily routines to avoid passing houses where dogs live or to avoid driving past the dog park.

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Difference Between A Fear And A Phobia

Fear is a normal and healthy response to what might endanger us. It is something that In fact, fear plays an important role in keeping us from entering harmful situations and helping us decide when to get out of situations that are not necessarily the best.

Under normal circumstances, fear can be managed through reason and logic. It does not take over our lives or cause us to become irrational.

A phobia, however, twists the normal fear response into something that is persistent and difficult or impossible to control.

Treating Phobias With Technology

The treatment of phobias is going high-tech as well, with virtual reality being used as a tool in helping people overcome their anxieties.

“Virtual reality is the other newer treatment being used for phobias,” says Wilson. “It’s three to four years away from being used on a broad basis because the equipment is so expensive to use, but there are four or five places in the U.S. that are using it today.”

The University of Washington is one institution that uses virtual reality , coupled with real life, in treating phobias. According to a news release, “Researchers at the University of Washington’s Human Interface Technology Lab measured aversion and anxiety responses of students, some of whom had a clinical phobia of spiders, before and after undergoing VR therapy. During the therapy, some of the subjects touched a realistic model of a large spider while grasping a virtual one.”

The combination of fact with fiction worked: Those students were able to come twice as close to a real spider after completing three therapy sessions, and reported a greater decrease in anxiety during treatment, than those who underwent VR therapy alone.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Phobias

The symptoms of a phobia can range from mild feelings of apprehension and anxiety to a full-blown panic attack. Typically, the closer you are to the thing youre afraid of, the greater your fear will be. Your fear will also be higher if getting away is difficult.

Physical symptoms of a phobia include:

  • Difficulty breathing

Emotional symptoms of a phobia include:

  • Feeling overwhelming anxiety or panic
  • Feeling intense need to escape
  • Feeling unreal or detached from yourself
  • Fear of losing control or going crazy
  • Feeling like youre going to die or pass out
  • Knowing that youre overreacting, but feeling powerless to control fear

Symptoms of blood-injection-injury phobia

The symptoms of blood-injection-injury phobia are slightly different from other phobias. When confronted with the sight of blood or a needle, you experience not only fear, but also disgust.

Like other phobias, you initially feel anxious as your heart speeds up. However, unlike other phobias, this acceleration is followed by a quick drop in blood pressure, which leads to nausea, dizziness, and fainting. Although a fear of fainting is common in all specific phobias, blood-injection-injury phobia is the only phobia where fainting can actually occur.

What’s The Difference Between Fear And Phobia One Is A Help While The Other Is A Hindrance

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Happy Halloween, a day to reflect on all things scary. Cheap scares and tricks can be fun, but for people with phobias, they can be anything but a good time. It’s sometimes difficult to know where to draw the fine line between fear and phobia, but they are distinct: one can help ensure your safety while the other can seriously impede your daily life.

Fear is an evolutionary instinct that helps keep us alive. Think about all the things we naturally fear: snakes, spiders, the sick and the dead. Along the course of our evolutionary history, those ancestors with the genetic predisposition to avoid these dangers were more likely to live long enough to pass on these life-saving genes. Even in modern society, where lions and saber tooth tigers are no longer a pressing danger, our fear instinct helps us survive.

Think of our natural inclination to avoid getting into a car with a drunk driver, or our fear of walking down a dark alley as opposed to the well-lit street, and then thank your constantly on-edge ancestors.

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As for where fear comes from, it quite literally is all in your head. The emotion that keeps us awake at night is caused by chemical reactions in our brains that act as catalysts to a number of physical traits, such as increased heart rate, sweaty palms and a sudden increase in physical strengththe flight or fight defense.

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Tip : Learn To Calm Down Quickly

When youre afraid or anxious, you experience a variety of uncomfortable physical symptoms, such as a racing heart and a suffocating feeling. These physical sensations can be frightening themselvesand a large part of what makes your phobia so distressing. However, by learning how to calm yourself down quickly, you can become more confident in your ability to tolerate uncomfortable sensations and face your fears.

Perform a simple deep breathing exercise. When youre anxious, you tend to take quick, shallow breaths , which actually adds to the physical feelings of anxiety. By breathing deeply from the abdomen, you can reverse these physical sensations and feel less tense, less short of breath, and less anxious. Practice when youre feeling calm until youre familiar and comfortable with the exercise.

Now What Causes Phobia Fear And Anxiety

Phobia can come at a specific time, maybe at childhood, adulthood, and sometimes in aging.

Research has suggested that phobias could be linked to genetics, brain chemistry, and even gender, apparently, women are more likely than men to suffer from phobias.

On the other hand, there is no specific time for confronting fear.

It can be caused during an experience, during confronting anything.

There is no specific time for receiving fear.

Whereas anxiety is triggered by the following things or situations:

First day of your school or at any new place

Death of your loved one

Work pressure or stress

Going for a job interview

Financial problems

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How Do I Know This

Well, Suppose I was agoraphobic for twenty odd years. And I have first-hand experience of what it feels like to have a phobia.

I will share with you a brief from my knowledge read clearly and understand

Agoraphobia is a fear of panic attacks. I was having experienced several panic episodes while traveling and at any other time. Almost everyone and I, too, eventually gave up going outside altogether and became housebound.

Until quite recently, phobias were incurable. The only relief offered was in the form of medication. Still, under normal circumstances, this would only administer if the dread were such that it restricted the sufferers’ lives.

However, nowadays, a system will allow people to overcome their phobias and take back control of their lives once more. I used this system to say goodbye to my panic attacks and agoraphobia for good.

You Avoid Reminders Of The Thing Not Just The Thing Itself

Introversion, Social Anxiety, and Shyness

Another way to examine whether your fear is something more is to ask yourself: “Can I handle media that includes this thing?” In general, phobias exist even when the stimulus isn’t physically present.

“Fear tends to be reactive and protective when the threat is present, whereas a phobia is something that may persist even when the feared stimulus is not present,” Dr. Durvasula explains. ” generalizes to even non-noxious forms of the feared stimulus.” In everyday life, this could look like avoiding like elevators or protected observation decks if you have a fear of heights. In more serious cases, it could also include being scared of images of the thing you’re afraid of, or being afraid of even talking about it. Again, if this is the case for you, it’s worth it to talk to a professional about how the fear might be affecting your life.

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In a given situation, when an individual is faced with a potentially harmful situation, they may react by confronting the threat, escaping from it, or freezing in place . Fear is actually part of our normal response to certain life stressors. It subsides when the cause is no longer present. We often adapt improving our coping skills.

  • Explain the difference between what was just described and a person whose behaviors would be considered dysfunctional or even related to an anxiety disorder.
  • Go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website and review the available information on suicide . Describe the current definition of suicide. Explain the difference between completed suicide, suicide attempts, and suicidal ideation. Describe the gender and age differences in suicide and suicide attempts

What Is The Key Difference Between The Two

The main difference between experiencing a fear and having a phobia is that fear will be a reaction to an actual danger that subsides once the danger has either passed or been dealt with. Whereas phobias are a physical and mental tension that is felt when there is no danger to trigger the response. When this occurs, the individual is anticipating future peril without there being an indication of present danger. It is common to feel a moderate amount of anxiety when coping with situations that cause stress, such as school exams, but when the fear becomes long-lasting and interferes with everyday life, this becomes a major issue.

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