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Is Bpd Similar To Bipolar

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Symptoms Of Bpd Can Include:

Bipolar vs Borderline Personality Disorder How to tell the difference
  • A pattern of intense and unstable relationships with others. This is where feelings can change quickly from love and closeness to hatred and anger
  • chronic feeling of emptiness
  • Impulsive or reckless behaviour, such as shopping sprees, gambling, substance abuse or unsafe sex
  • Tendency to perceive things in extremes. This means that situations are either all good or all bad
  • Uncertain about your role in the world
  • Feelings of disassociation. This is described as feeling that you or your surroundings are not real
  • Fear of abandonment. The sufferer may cut off ties with others in anticipation of this to protect oneself
  • Severe episodes of anxiety, depression, or anger
  • Intense interests that change quickly
  • An unstable and distorted sense of self
  • The sufferer may self-harm or have suicidal thoughts
  • Changing opinions about others frequently

Some people feel that a diagnosis helps them to understand their feelings and gives them a sense of relief. It also helps sufferers to explain to others reasons for their behaviour. Whereas others may feel that a diagnosis is not helpful and results in a stigma relating to mental health. Some people prefer not to describe their experiences as medical problems and would rather see them as their response to difficult life events.

Symptoms: Similarities And Differences

Not everyone with BPD has narcissistic traits. Most people with BPD or NPD dont have the other disorder. Research suggests 4.5% of people with BPD have NPD.

On the surface, BPD and NPD look quite different. When you dig deeper, though, you find some similarities.

In particular, the manic phase of bipolar disorder can make a person feel that theyre especially powerful, important, or talented. Thats a key trait of narcissism.

Other symptoms BPD and NPD have in common include:

  • Setting high, often unachievable goals
  • Impulsivity and risky behavior
  • Relationship problems
  • Appearing to be insensitive or dismiss the needs of others

The nature of BPD can help you distinguish between garden-variety narcissism and the pathological symptoms of NPD.

  • In NPD, narcissistic personality traits are always present
  • In BPD, narcissistic traits only tend to surface during manic episodes.

It also helps to look at other symptoms. That may help you rule out one of these disorders.

  • Preoccupation with fantasies of power, and intelligence

  • Unreasonable expectations of special treatment

  • Constant need for attention, admiration

  • Lack of empathy

  • Obsessive self-interest

In NPD, what appears as arrogance is an attempt to hide deep-seated fears and insecurities. This can lead to depression and other traits that may be similar to depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are common in both disorders.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

How Do You Diagnose Bipolar Disorder Or Borderline Personality Disorder

If you or a family member are experiencing symptoms of a mood or personality disorder, the best next step to getting better is to make an appointment with a psychiatrist for diagnostic assessment.

In addition to sharing historical experiences, feelings, and thoughts with a good clinician, some patients may be referred for formal psychological testing for diagnostic purposes. There are psychometrically normed instruments, like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, that diagnostic professionals can use to detect traits of a personality disorder, and there are similar instruments that can help a professional determine if someone has ever had a manic episode even if that person is not currently symptomatic. Test results can be useful, but developing a trusting relationship with a skilled diagnostic psychiatrist is the best way to arrive at a good understanding of what someone may be experiencing and tools to help them get better.

A person can be diagnosed with both concurrently. Among patients who are in inpatient hospital settings, 40 percent of patients with mood disorders have co-occurring borderline personality disorder. The best predictor for recovering from a mood or thought disorder is having a strong social support network. Having an untreated borderline personality disorder diagnosis can make it difficult to maintain a strong support network, and that may increase your risk of symptomatic episodes escalating to crisis situations that require hospitalization.

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What Is The Treatment

For people who are diagnosed with BPD, long-term treatment is usually the necessary answer. This treatment mainly involves specific forms of psychotherapy aimed at helping people manage impulses , feelings of distress or anger, and emotional oversensitivity to interactions with other people. Medications can be used but are not considered the best solution as they do not help address the present issues.

Treatment for Bipolar needs lifelong treatment to keep their condition managed. This will usually include medicine such as mood stabilizers, and sometimes antipsychotics or antidepressants. Therapy can also help people with bipolar disorder understand it and develop the skills they need to handle it. Occasionally hospital stays are necessary to help deal with the manic and depressive episodes.

All clinicians at Oxford CBT practice Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or are Psychologists, providing evidence-based interventions and support for a range of issues for both young people and adults. If you would like to book an appointment you can do so on our online booking portal. If you have a question please get in touch via our online contact form or call us on 01865 920077.

What Are The Symptoms Of Borderline Personality Disorder

Signs Of Bipolar Disorder Type 2

The overarching symptoms of borderline personality disorder include unpredictable behaviors, moods, and a distorted self-image. Symptoms such as these often result in difficulty maintaining relationships and a tendency for impulsivity.

Theres a long list of BPD vs. bipolar symptoms that are pretty similar, so its important to understand the ones that are unique to BPD. Its equally important to keep in mind that not everyone with BPD will have the same symptoms, or even the same severity of symptoms, at any given time.

Symptoms of BPD can include some or all of the following:

  • An inclination to view things as black and white either life is all good, or its all bad
  • Self-harming behaviors like burning, cutting, or overdosing or abusing drugs or alcohol
  • Uncertainty about your place in the world
  • A frequent change in values
  • A pattern of emotional instability
  • Frequently changing your interests
  • A changing pattern within close relationships swinging from being very close and filled with love, to feeling distant and experiencing hate and anger
  • Fast-changing opinions about others

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Bpd Recovery Is Possible

Luckily, BPD is treatable with consistent therapy, self-awareness and support. It doesnt have to be a lifelong chum like depression or anxiety. The ghost can definitely be outed. But like all mental illness, to do that requires some love, from friends, strangers, and yourself, Marlborough says.

This is a lifelong battle, but Im prepared to fight, the woman tells Elite Daily. I will never be cured of BPD, but I believe my disorder does not own me. This is my life, and I know it can be beautiful.

Diagnosing Bipolar And Borderline Personality Disorder

Both of these conditions can be difficult to diagnose, and misdiagnosis isnt uncommon. Both require medical and psychological exams to rule out other possible issues. To diagnose bipolar disorder, besides a thorough interview and evaluation, you might be asked to keep a daily record of your mood, energy level, and sleep patterns.

Diagnosing BPD isnt based on a particular sign or symptom. There may be a psychological evaluation that includes completing questionnaires. This disorder is diagnosed after a comprehensive clinical interview with the patient as well as previous providers and possibly interviews with family and friends.

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Similarities Of Bipolar Disorder And Borderline Personality Disorder

It can be difficult to differentiate between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder at times.

Both borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder are mental illnesses that are relatively common and have a serious impact on the emotions and lives of the people affected, the people who care about them, says Sarah Fineberg, M.D., of Yale Psychiatry. Both conditions involve periods of intense and fluctuating emotions, which can be very distressing and increase the risk of suicide.

According to Rachel Gabrielle, a psychodynamic therapist and owner of a virtual private practice in Seattle, it often takes a highly skilled clinician to distinguish the two from one another.

A person can have both , but they can be difficult to differentiate because both have characteristics such as impulsiveness and mood swings, she says. Both conditions take time to treat and understand, and both can be managed with the right treatment.

Why Are Bipolar Disorder And Borderline Personality Disorder Often Confused Or Conflated

What It’s Like When BPD Is Misdiagnosed as Bipolar Disorder

Sometimes interacting with someone with a bipolar diagnosis compared to interacting with someone with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder may feel similar. You may feel like you never know what to expect from one day to the next, with the persons mood or behavior being extremely variable. The origins of that unpredictability are different, but the effects on communication and relationships can be comparable.

If you have a relationship with someone who has bipolar disorder, when they experience an untreated manic or hypomanic episode, they may be euphoric, feel like theyre on top of the world, theyre the life of the party, they express love for you, etc. But when that episode ends, or maybe even transitions into a depressive episode, your interactions with that person may change dramatically.

Similarly, relational interactions with people with untreated borderline personality disorder may feel extreme. When they feel safe and secure in the relationship, they may express love for you, seem excited to spend time with you, and be very supportive. That behavior could look a lot like someone experiencing a manic or hypomanic episode. However, if the instability in the relationship emerges, that behavior can quickly flip into a very negative social interaction.

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Causes Of Borderline Personality Disorder

Like most psychological disorders, the exact cause of BPD is not known. However, there is research to suggest that some combination of nature and nurture is at play.

A few of the proposed causes of borderline personality disorder include:

  • Brain structure: There is evidence of differences in brain structure and function in individuals with BPD, especially in the parts of the brain that affect impulse control and emotional regulation. However, it’s unclear if these differences are a result of having BPD or if they are part of the cause.
  • Genetics: There appears to be a genetic component to borderline personality disorder as it’s not uncommon for close family members to have this condition.
  • Negative experiences: Many people diagnosed with BPD have experienced childhood abuse, trauma, neglect, or were separated from their caregivers at an early age. At the same time, not all people with BPD had one of these childhood experiences, and, conversely, many people who have had them do not develop BPD.

A Continuum Between Bd And Bpd: Factors In Favor

Despite a proposed alternative model for the classification of personality disorders in the DSM 5, the criteria for BPD were basically kept unchanged compared to the most recent DSM editions . The authors who support the inclusion of BPD in the spectrum of bipolar disorders argue that the DSM-based BPD construct lacks validity and steered the borderline concept away from its original psychodynamic characterization, corresponding to an amalgam of behavioral and cognitive symptoms, some of which overlap with features commonly found in patients with bipolar disorder . These features include impulsivity, recurrent suicidal behavior, affective instability, and anger. A key distinction, according to the DSM, is that these symptoms seem to be chronic and pervasive in BPD, while they occur intermittently in BD.

Similarly, impulsivity is considered a core feature in BPD, but a large amount of evidence indicates that impulsivity is commonly found in BD patients and, rather than a symptom restricted to mood phases, seems to correspond to a trait-like feature that is present not only during acute episodes of mania or hypomania but also during remission . Patients with BD have higher scores in the Barret Impulsivity Scale, a measure of trait impulsivity, than healthy controls. They also have high rates of comorbid substance use disorder and impulse control disorders, similar to patients with BPD .

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Recognizing Red Flags Of Bpd

If you think that someone you love might have borderline personality disorder, and they are expressing suicidal thoughts and feelings, this should not be taken lightly. Seek professional help immediately. If your friend or loved one is exhibiting any suicidal warning signs, contact a mental health professional, or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK . Or , or take them to the nearest emergency room. If the person is acting and not willing to accept treatment, call the police, your local hospital emergency department or 911 if you feel that they are in danger. Also take precautions to consider your own personal safety. It is important not to put yourself in harms way, experts say.

Are You Having Thoughts Of Suicide

What Are The Characteristics Of A Borderline Personality Disorder
  • abnormal brain structures
  • serotonin levels

Another potential cause of BPD involves harsh or critical parenting styles from a parent or caregiver while youre developing.

As for trauma, its thought that trauma related to BPD likely occurs in childhood or early adolescence and is usually interpersonal in nature, such as assault.

Both conditions can be inherited. Youre more likely to develop these conditions if your sibling or parent has it. Still, most people who have relatives with either condition dont develop it.

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Treatment For Borderline Personality Disorder

BPD can be treated using therapy and some types of medications for specific symptoms, like anxiety and depression. Psychotherapy is commonly suggested. Many people find that group therapy or one-on-one talk therapy is particularly effective. Generally, there are two forms of therapy often suggested for treating BPD.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy CBT is often helpful in helping someone recognize behaviors and beliefs that create their perception of the world. It can also help change some of those behaviors and beliefs.

Many people credit CBT with helping them learn how to manage their anxiety and reduce some of the mood-related symptoms that are associated with BPD.

  • Dialectical behavior therapy DBT is a form of therapy designed specifically for people who have a borderline personality disorder. The concept includes a focus on acceptance and being aware of your existing emotional state and the environment youre in at any given moment. Like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy can help those with BPD overcome an urge for self-harm and improve relationships while controlling emotions.

Reviewed On: September 22, 2021

Therapy For Caregivers And Family Members

Having a relative or loved one with the disorder can be stressful, and family members or caregivers may unintentionally act in ways that can worsen their loved ones symptoms.

Although more research is needed to determine how well family therapy helps with borderline personality disorder, studies on other mental disorders show that including family members can help support a persons treatment. Families and caregivers also can benefit from therapy.

Family therapy helps by:

  • Allowing the relative or loved one to develop skills to understand and support a person with borderline personality disorder.
  • Focusing on the needs of family members to help them understand the obstacles and strategies for caring for someone with the disorder.

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How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting The Right Diagnosis

To reduce your risk of a misdiagnosis, be sure to find a clinician who will conduct an extensive structured interview that addresses both your current symptoms and symptoms youve experienced in the past, Cullen says.

A psychiatrist, a psychologist, a clinical social worker, or a psychiatric nurse can help diagnose BPD correctly.

Distinguishing Between The Features Of Each Condition

Differences and Similarities: Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder
  • BPD has no mania, and is characterised by its own distinct features – see DSM 4
  • Mood variability in BPD is over a period of minutes or hours, in the form of state shifts between emotions. Distinct mood episodes in bipolar last days or weeks
  • Family history of one or other can be a guide as there is a genetic component to each
  • Age at onset and natural history
  • Bipolar disorder often presents later and worsens with age and recurrent episodes
  • BPD often presents in adolescence and improves with age
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    Diagnosing Borderline Personality Or Bipolar Disorder

    Welcome to Priory Bitesize, your monthly e-bulletin in which a mental health expert will discuss dealing with certain conditions to support your patient discussions.

    This month, Dr Judith Mohring, Consultant Psychiatrist at Priory Wellbeing Centre Fenchurch Street in London, talks about the challenges in diagnosing borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder.

    A common question asked by GPs is whether a patient has BPD or bipolar disorder.

    Having worked in a specialist BPD service and having set up a service in Holloway prison for women who self-harm, it was a question I felt reasonably confident to approach.

    Despite this, teasing out different symptoms and making a clear diagnosis takes time and is complex. Changes in the understanding and description of bipolar disorder have added to this complexity. A thorough assessment by a specialist in general adult psychiatry can be enormously helpful to patients and GPs in guiding further treatment.

    This article focuses on the diagnosis of the two conditions including:

    • Controversy over diagnosing BPD
    • The benefits of making a distinction between personality and mood disorder
    • The core features of BPD
    • The core features of bipolar disorder
    • Distinguishing between the features of each condition
    • A brief overview of treatment options for each condition

    Understanding The Diagnostic Processes

    BPD and NPD have similar diagnostic processes. It may begin with your healthcare provider, who will give you a physical exam and look at your medical and family histories.

    Depending on your symptoms, your healthcare provider may order blood work or other tests to rule out other conditions.

    You will then undergo a mental health evaluation. Your primary care provider may perform this themselves or refer you to a mental health specialist.

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