Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Can You Faint From Anxiety

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In The Meantime Heres How To Deal

Though professional help is the most effective way to treat physical symptoms of anxiety, therapy and/or medication arent always accessible. In that case, it might be helpful to know some of the common ways people with anxiety practice self-care and help themselves feel better. Like we mentioned earlier, deep breathing is a big one for anxiety symptoms, since hyperventilation can exacerbate many of the symptoms on this list.

Beyond that, our Anxiety Center is full of helpful, expert-recommended tips to make living with anxiety a little easier. Here are a few specific articles to get you started:

Causes And Prevention Of Teen Fainting

Physical surroundings Getting too warm from exercise or being in a stuffy room can trigger fainting. In addition, standing for a long time or getting up too quickly after lying down can cause a teen to faint.

What to do: If possible, lie down. When feeling better, move to sitting, then slowly standing. If you cant lie down, then sit with your head between your knees to get blood back to the brain. When standing for long periods of time, move your legs periodically and dont lock your knees.

Food/water connections Being overly hungry, whether from skipping meals or an eating disorder, can cause fainting from low blood sugar. Dehydration and anemia can also have the same effect. Some illegal drug use can also cause fainting, such as inhalants, cocaine or methamphetamine.

What to do: Teens need to be encouraged to drink plenty of water, especially when exercising. And women need to maintain iron through diet, especially during menstrual periods. If you suspect your teen is using drugs, talk with a professional about getting the right resources.

Emotional reactions When the nervous system has a sudden shock, such as anxiety, pain or fear, then blood pressure can drop so low as to trigger fainting. Hyperventilating from anxiety can have the same reaction.

What to do: Sit or lie down. Drink plenty of fluids.

Physical conditions Conditions such as pregnancy or heart conditions can cause fainting.

Youre Sweating Up A Storm

If youre already grappling with anxiety, the thought of profusely may just make it worse. Who wants to worry about pit stains or wiping their palms when theyre already totally anxious? Unfortunately, sweating is a common side effect of anxiety disorders, according to the .

When your sympathetic nervous system gets activated, it can influence the sweat glands basically all over your body. You have two kinds, according to the Mayo Clinic: eccrine, which cover most of your skin, and apocrine, which are only on body parts that have a lot of hair follicles. Both types of sweat glands can cause anxiety-induced perspiration, but its the milky fluid from your apocrine glands in particular that may make it smell bad.

Can Zoloft Make Anxiety Worse

Zoloft is an antidepressant. It belongs to the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors class. It is used widely to treat depression and various types of anxiety disorders. 

However, it has been reported that Zoloft and other SSRIs can have mysterious side effects. These drugs can worsen anxiety in the initial weeks of use. This is called antidepressant-induced anxiety/ jitteriness syndrome. This can make the patient stop their treatment. 

A study conducted in 2014 revealed that 7% of the participants whove been using SSRIs for one month developed antidepressant-induced anxiety syndrome. It is also known as activation syndrome or jitteriness syndrome. 

Also Check: Dog Separation Anxiety Medication Over the Counter

Can You Faint From A Panic Attack

Anxiety & Fainting: Can Anxiety Cause You To Faint?

When someone experiences high anxiety or panic, its very common to feel light-headed or dizzy. This sensation is alarming because it makes you feel very vulnerable. If youre alone, you might fear falling in unconsciousness with no one to look after you. Or if the sensation happens in public, it can lead to feelings of vulnerability surrounded by strangers.

The dizziness often felt during an episode of anxiety is caused by increased respiration. People tend to overbreathe, or hyperventilate, when theyre anxious, which can lead to dizziness or light-headedness. Dizziness can also be triggered by pressure to perform in situations. For example, you may think this:

I dont know why, but any time my boss asks me a question, I freeze up and start to feel dizzy.

Certain situations can also trigger anxious memories, like this:

I felt dizzy the last time I was in an elevator, and now, every time I get in one, I start to feel a bit woozy.

Its very uncommon for a person to faint when feeling anxious or threatened. This is because fainting is the result of low blood pressure. When we faint, the body falls to the ground; this allows blood to be easily supplied to the brain, a clever safety mechanism. When you feel anxious, your blood pressure goes up, not down. Hence, fainting is unlikely because your brain has plenty of blood supply.

No one can faint on demand. What youll find is that the fear evaporates quickly as you call its bluff. Sit there and say to your fear:

Can You Faint/pass Out From A Panic Attack/anxiety Why/why Not

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I’m Having A Heart Attack

When the heart begins to beat quickly and people experience “palpitations”, they sometimes feel a heart attack is occurring. In the first place, the heart can beat quickly and continuously for a long period of time without causing any damage. Although heart palpitations seem to occur in the left side of the chest, there are many DIFFERENCES between panic attack and a real heart attack. During a real heart attack, the primary symptom is a crushing sensation inside the chest and a pain that is continuous. During a panic attack, the attention is focused on the quick and rapid beating of the heart itself. People having panic attacks are NOT experiencing heart problems. A real heart attacks produces crushing internal pain that doubles people up and drops them to the floor. They DO NOT hear their heart beating nor do they care. The intense, crushing pain is the only thing they can pay attention to.

How To Make Yourself Pass Out For A Few Minutes

Fainting or passing out on purpose is not recommended. It can be dangerous and you can end up hurting yourself.

There are different reasons that can make you want to faint on purpose. If you have to try this, you need to do it in presences of other people.

If you do this alone, you could end up hurting yourself during the process or when you fall down on the ground. Have a friend ensure you have a cushioned place to land.

Here is what you need to do if you want to go off for a few minutes:

  • Hyperventilating to reduce the amount of oxygen in your body. This can be an easy way to induce fainting on your own. With this method, you start feeling dizzy, lightheaded and may lose vision, then you fall over
  • The other way you can do this is by holding your breath and depriving your body oxygen. With this method, the shortness in oxygen causes your body goes numb and you start feeling lightheaded.
  • You could also induce fainting by starving your body. Not eating for long can cause someone to faint.
  • The other method you can use is putting your head between the knees while standing. Now stand up without breathing in or out and quickly insert your thumb in your mouth, breath against your thumb for some second. You will faint without knowing.
  • Holding smoke in your lungs is the other simple trick to make yourself lightheaded and faint on purpose. Cigarette, weed or sheesha smoke inhaled in large amounts can make you faint for some minutes.
  • Panic Attacks I Turned My Mental Health Crisis Into A Mental Health Triumph

    “Although it’s taken me a long time I have learned I am a strong person who has the potential to help others.”

    Read Abby’s story

    You might find that you become scared of going out alone or to public places because you’re worried about having another panic attack. If this fear becomes very intense, it may be called agoraphobia. See our pages on types of phobia for more information.

    “I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I just wanted to get out, to go somewhere else, but I couldn’t because I was on a train.”

    Your Stomach Is All Sorts Of Messed Up

    Anxiety really hits the G.I. system hard, says Dr. Potter. People with anxiety may notice general stomach pain, , diarrhea, or other kinds of G.I. distress, she explains.

    A lot of this may boil down to what experts call the gut-brain axis, which is a communication system between your brain and the enteric nervous system that governs your digestion. This connection is why stress can so easily mess with your poop. Theres also the fact that anxiety-induced lifestyle choices like eating foods that dont agree with you or not exercising can affect your digestion as well.

    Fainting Can Be Common Among Adolescents After Vaccination

    Reports from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System shows that fainting after vaccinations is common in adolescents. One study of VAERS reports found that 62% of syncope reports were among adolescents 11 to 18 years old. However, because syncope may not always be reported, VAERS data cannot be used to determine how often fainting happens after vaccination.

    I’m Going To Pass Out

    Temporary dizziness leads people with panic to feel that they may pass out. This is not possible because, during panic, your heart beats faster, and your blood pressure rises. As the blood pressure rises, it becomes impossible for you to “pass out”. When people faint or “pass out”, it’s because of a sudden DROP or lowering in blood pressure.

    Why Do Anxiety And Dizziness Occur Together

    Can Anxiety Make You Pass Out?

    We still dont fully understand all the ways that anxiety and dizziness are related, but evidence suggests that there are multiple potential ways that they can occur together and exacerbate each other:

    • Peripheral vestibular system disorders are the leading cause of dizziness, and they can make it difficult to carry out normal tasks without becoming dizzy. People can develop potentially debilitating anxiety about becoming dizzy, and if dizziness and anxiety are not managed, people are increasingly at risk for developing a psychiatric disorder or worsening a pre-existing mental health condition.
    • Brain imaging studies have identified a bidirectional connection between the parts of the brain that are involved with anxiety and dizziness. This means that when the part of the brain that causes anxiety becomes active, it sends signals to the parts of the brain that cause dizziness to increase activity. Similarly, when someone becomes dizzy, the part of the brain that causes anxiety becomes more active.
    • The brain consumes more energy than any other organ, and without adequate blood pressure it does not receive enough oxygenated blood or glucose . Low blood pressure and low blood glucose are two common causes of dizziness, and they may also be associated with increased anxiety. Thus, the circulatory system can play a role in some episodes of dizziness with anxiety.

    I Will Stop Breathing And Suffocate

    Sometimes panic people feel that because they can’t catch their breath , they will suffocate. This is impossible because you cannot pass out and suffocate.  It feels like you can, because the mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your bloodstream is out of proportion. That is why people feel weak, dizzy, lightheaded, and faint. Suffocation is not a possibility during a panic attack.  In a few moments, as the body gradually calms down, breathing returns to normal, and the other symptoms gradually go away.

    What Is Panic Disorder

    If you’re having lots of panic attacks at unpredictable times and there doesn’t seem to be a particular trigger or cause, you might be given a diagnosis of panic disorder. It’s common to experience panic disorder and certain types of phobia together. People who experience panic disorder may have some periods with few or no panic attacks, but have lots at other times.

    Panic disorder and high sensitivity

    Some research suggests that people who have panic disorder might be very sensitive to sensory experiences , but there’s not enough evidence yet to say for sure.

    Also it’s not clear whether having a high level of sensitivity to these sorts of things is something that might cause you to develop panic disorder, or whether it may be an effect of having it.

    “Never knowing when I was going to have a panic attack was the worst feeling in the world.”

    When Should I Call The Doctor

    If you’ve only fainted once, it was brief, and the reasons why are obvious , then there’s usually no need to worry about it. But if you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medicines, it’s a good idea to call your doctor.

    • hurt yourself when you fainted
    • have chest pain, palpitations , or shortness of breath
    • had a
    • fainted during exercise or other physical activity
    • have fainted more than once

    The doctor will ask a few questions, do an exam, and might order some tests, such as:

    • an EKG
    • a blood sugar test
    • a blood test to check for anemia

    What Causes Fainting Or Feelings Of Faint

    With that in mind, let’s discuss many of the issues that can lead to either fainting or more realistically, feeling you’re going to faint. While fainting may be rare, feeling like you’re about to faint is incredibly common. In fact, lightheadedness, dizziness, and weakness are extremely common symptoms of panic attacks, so much so that those that don’t know they’re having a panic attack may think that they’re in the process of a heart attack, or worse, feeling as though fainting is imminent. What causes this feeling can be complicated, but the most common causes are:

    These are the reasons that it often feels like you’re about to faint during a panic attack, and in rare cases these are the issues that could actually lead to faint. But in general, they simply cause severe physical symptoms that mimic near-fainting, which is why so many people worry about whether or not they are going to faint in the future.

    Fainting For A Long Time Without Hurting Yourself

    As mentioned, you would wish to try all this for different reasons. You should, however, take caution when doing this given that it can turn be very dangerous. So how do you make yourself pass out for long without hurting yourself or without side effects?

    Fainting occurs naturally and those who suffer it are often not aware when it occurs. They are however some signs that can help show that someone is about to experience it. For starters, you start feeling dizzy, lightheaded and may start to lose vision.

    Occasional fainting is often not a cause for concern, however, if you experience repeated episodes then urgent medical attention is required.

    This can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. If you have to induce passing out for long, you need to do it in presence of other people.

    There are a lot of ways you can induce lightheadedness on your own. We greatly advise against doing this, but if you have to try, then you can use the following to make yourself faint without hurting yourself.

    How To Know When To Go To The Doctor For Fainting

    If fainting is rare, and you can clearly identify the cause, then there is probably no need for medical care. There are times when it is good to see your doctor:

    • If the teen is taking prescription medications that could be related to the fainting.
    • If you suspect or have a family history of abnormal heartbeat or heart problems, talk with a doctor to rule out or confirm a heart condition that needs treatment.
    • If someone experiences a hard hit to the head when fainting, seek medical attention for a possible concussion.
    • If fainting seems to happen more often than you think is normal, talk with a doctor.

    Types Of Anxiety Disorders:

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder  is characterized by chronic and exaggerated worry and tension, much more than the typical anxiety that most people experience in their daily lives. People may have trembling, twitching, muscle tension, nausea, irritability, poor concentration, depression, fatigue, headaches, light-headedness, breathlessness or hot flashes.

    Panic Disorder: People with panic disorder have panic attacks with feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. During the attacks, individuals may feel like they can’t breathe, have lost control, are having a heart attack or even that they are dying. Physical symptoms may include chest pain, dizziness, nausea, sweating, tingling or numbness, and a racing heartbeat. Some people will have one isolated attack, while others will develop a long term panic disorder; either way, there is often high anxiety between attacks because there is no way of knowing when the next one will occur. Panic disorders often begin early in adulthood. Many people with panic disorder also suffer from agoraphobia . See more on Panic Attacks.

    Phobias are irrational fears. Individuals with phobias realize their fears are irrational, but thinking about or facing the feared object or situation can bring on a panic attck or severe anxiety.

    Mayo Clinic Q And A: When Does Fainting Require Medical Attention

    Feeling Faint Anxiety Symptom Anxietycentre Com

    DEAR MAYO CLINIC: What causes fainting? Is it always harmless, or can fainting be a sign of a more serious medical problem?

    ANSWER: Fainting happens when your brain doesnt get enough blood, and that causes you to briefly lose consciousness. In many cases, fainting is not a reason for concern. But, in some people particularly in those with a history of heart problems or those who faint while exercising fainting may be caused by a more serious underlying medical condition. In those cases, a health care provider should assess it as soon as possible.

    One of the most common reasons people faint is in reaction to an emotional trigger. For example, the sight of blood, or extreme excitement, anxiety or fear, may cause some people to faint. This condition is called vasovagal syncope.

    Vasovagal syncope happens when the part of your nervous system that controls your heart rate and blood pressure overreacts to an emotional trigger. Your heart rate slows, and your blood vessels widen. In turn, that causes your blood pressure to drop. When that happens, your body cannot deliver the blood your brain needs, and you lose consciousness.

    This kind of fainting doesnt require treatment. Because fainting is more likely when standing up, though, to prevent fainting, it can be useful for people prone to vasovagal syncope to lie down or sit down with their heads between their knees if they begin to feel lightheaded or dizzy.

    How Is A Blackout Diagnosed

    A psychogenic blackout can be difficult to diagnose. Most often it occurs in young adults as a result of stress or anxiety. However, the link between blackouts and stress may not be obvious.

    Psychogenic does not mean that people are putting it on. In most cases a psychogenic blackout is an involuntary reaction of the brain to pressure or distress. Psychogenic blackouts sometimes develop after people have experienced ill treatment or trauma. They are sometimes a reaction to a horrific experience in the past which a patient has not able to come to terms with.

    Specialists in treating blackouts can sometimes make a clear diagnosis when you, or someone who has seen an attack, describes it in detail. Although a psychogenic blackout does resemble an epileptic seizure or reflex syncope, there are small but important differences between these types of attacks:

    • Psychogenic attacks tend to be numerous, often occurring several times a day, or at the same time each day. This differs from reflex syncope which is typically no more frequent than four or five times a year.
    • During an episode, the eyes may be tightly closed with a lid flutter, whilst during reflex syncope or epilepsy the eyes are often open.
    • Patients can experience psychogenic syncope when they are lying on their back.
    • Typical symptoms associated with reflex syncope, such as looking pale or becoming sweaty, maybe absent.
    • A psychogenic blackout often lasts much longer than reflex syncope.

    When Should You See A Doctor For Fainting

    The most common cause of fainting, vasovagal fainting, is usually not a serious problem. However, there are times when you should see a doctor in case there is a more serious cause. Make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible if you have never fainted before and faint for no apparent reason. See a doctor right away if you are fainting often or if new symptoms occur along with fainting.

    • The person cannot speak, understand speech, see normally, or move one side of the face or body.
    • The person complains of heart , pounding heart, or chest , pressure or tightness.
    • The person does not regain alertness within a couple of minutes.
    • The person has convulsions or loses bowel or bladder control.
    • The person has fallen, hit their head upon fainting, or is injured or bleeding.
    • The person is diabetic, pregnant, or over age 50.

    Does Anxiety Make You Lose Weight

    Can anxiety make you like weight? Yes, it can. It can have a direct impact on a persons weight and body mass. Either people lose weight or some even gain some pounds. It depends on how a person takes the stress. 

    Stress may lead to loss of appetite which can eventually lead to missed meals. It feels as if your hunger has died. You dont feel the desire to eat anything, even if your favorite food is in front of you. This might be temporary and you may feel normal once the stressor has passed.

    If this goes on for too long, you may lose a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time which can be an alarming situation. If youve lost more than 5% of your weight in a short time period, you should see your doctor. 

    You can talk to your therapist, or work with a nutritionist to develop a proper diet plan. It might take you time to regain your weight. 

    Without treatment, a large amount of weight loss can lose serious risk to a persons health. 

    Also Check: Why Is My Anxiety Worse In The Morning?

    What You Fear The Most Cannot Happen

    A panic attack is a horrible and terrifying experience, but it is not in any sense “dangerous”. Panic disorder is actually a natural bodily reaction that is occurring OUT OF CONTEXT.

    For example, when we feel our survival is somehow threatened, all mammals have an instinctual response to either fight or flee. This response produces a sudden surge of adrenaline, accompanied by strong feelings of anxiety and panic, and a very intense urge to flee or escape the fearful situation or circumstance.

    It is interesting that the intensity of the reaction and the strong urge to flee are things that would ensure your survival if you were truly in danger.

    The flow of adrenaline and the resulting extra blood flow increases your strength and awareness of the danger. This extra “awareness” of the perceived danger may cause all sorts of feelings, such as dizziness, nausea, hyperventilation, heart palpitations, confusion, lack of control, unreality, being dazed, shaking, trembling, and sweaty palms, among others.

    During a panic attack, your body goes through the same physical processes as it would if you were in real danger. The DIFFERENCE, of course, is that although you feel you are in danger, you really ARE NOT. That you undergo panic attacks — without knowing why — only makes the situation much more frightening.

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