Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Anxiety And Depression

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Path To Improved Health

How to Talk to Your Doctor About Depression

Sometimes it can be hard to start a conversation with your doctor about your mental health. Here are some tips that can help you before, during, and after your appointment.

Before your appointment:

  • Set reasonable goals for the appointment. Diagnosing and treating mental illness takes time. If you set a goal of having your symptoms go away immediately, you will likely be disappointed. Instead, set a few reasonable goals. These could include explaining your symptoms to your doctor, learning a possible diagnosis, and coming up with a treatment plan.
  • Write down important information. Take some time before your appointment to write down what youd like to talk about. This will help you make sure you dont forget anything when youre in the doctors office. Some things you can write down include:
    • Your symptoms. These could be physical, mental, emotional, or behavioral changes that youve noticed in your life.
    • How your mood affects your everyday life.
    • Key personal information, such as traumatic events in your past, or current stressful situations you are facing.
    • Your medical information, such as other physical or mental conditions you currently have. Also write down all medicines you are taking, including over-the-counter medicine and herbal supplements.
    • Questions you want to ask your doctor.

    During your appointment:

    After your appointment

    Start A Walking Program

    Walking just 30 minutes a day can significantly reduce your risk for major chronic diseases, including anxiety and depression. Read these tips to get started.

    Use the following ideas to start your own walking program.

    • Wear the pedometer for a few days and see how many steps you average.
    • Set a daily goal and work up to it. A good goal is to increase your average daily steps gradually so that you get used to the increased distance. Recommendations vary on how fast to increase steps. Anywhere from 500-2,000 steps a week is reasonable.
    • Record your daily steps in a log or notebook.

    There are many ways to increase your daily steps:

    • Choose a more distant parking place
    • Take the stairs
    • Walk over to a friends dorm room or a colleagues office instead of using the phone or e-mail
    • Walk the dog
    • Walk with a friend each day

    Find ways to walk even during the winter months or other inclement weather.

    • Walking in the malls
    • Local school track or fitness center
    • 3-5min walk breaks during study time/work/etc

    If you experience pain or discomfort, check with your primary care provider.

    Remember, it takes about six months to lock-in a new behavior. Think of your walking program as a permanent change in your behavior. If you maintain your walking program for a minimum of six months, you are much more likely to maintain this change long-term.

    The Healing Power Of Yoga

    Antidepressants take some time to reach their full potential, which is usually about 4 to 6 weeks. A patient needs to give informed, verbal consent that they understand this type of medication wont operate like an antibiotic, Dr. Garbely states. Fortunately, the benefits of therapy are more immediate.

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    How Do I Find And Register With A Gp

    Everyone in England and Wales has the right to register with a GP and use their services. You don’t need to provide a fixed address or show ID. If you live in England you can use the NHS online ‘service search’ tool for finding GP surgeries near you. If you live in Wales, you can find your nearest surgery by visiting the NHS Direct website.

    When registering with a GP surgery, you might like to think about:

    • how close it is to your home or work
    • if its opening times are convenient for you
    • whether the doctors have any specialist training in mental health
    • looking for patient reviews on the surgery’s website.

    NHS Choices has a detailed guide on registering with a GP, including information on how to register if you are:

    • homeless or away from home
    • visiting or living in the UK temporarily
    • a former armed forces member.

    How To Ask Your Doctor For Anti

    Are you Afraid to Tell Your Doctor About Your Depression?

    So you think you might benefit from anti-anxiety medications. How do you initiate the conversation?

    Its normal to worry about this exchange with your doctor. Many people worry about advocating properly for themselves when asking for medication.

    Asking your doctor about anti-anxiety medication is a simple process, though they may have questions about your symptoms and elements of your lifestyle that may need addressing.

    They may, for instance, ask about other medications youre taking or your daily caffeine intake, as those things may affect your anxiety.

    Before starting you on medication, they may have you make other changes to avoid putting you on a medication that isnt necessary.

    If youre drinking six lattes a day, cutting back on the excess caffeinated beverages may solve some of your problems.

    This is a good time to ask your own questions and get an expectation for how your treatment may work.

    A doctor will be able to explain different medication options and make recommendations based on your particular symptoms.

    Theyll also be able to explain how long you can expect medications to take to start working, and how to take them properly.

    They will also explain the effects of medications for anxiety, including what may happen as a result of long-term use, and resulting withdrawal symptoms if you discontinue use.

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    Talking To Your Doctor About Your Mental Health

    Talking about mental illness can be hard. There is a stigma that surrounds mental health and mental illness. It can prevent people from getting the support and help they need. But mental illness is a common problem. In fact, about 1 in 5 people will experience some sort of mental illness in their lifetime. So, dont be afraid to reach out for help. Your family doctor is a good place to start.

    For some people, the thought of talking to their doctor about their mental health is scary. But getting treatment for mental illness is important. It rarely goes away on its own. Left untreated, it can get worse, lead to other health problems, or last for a long time. Deciding to talk to your doctor about your mental health is the first step on your journey to feeling better.

    Can You Have Anxiety And Depression At The Same Time

    This is actually quite common. In fact, around 50% of people with an anxiety disorder will also have depression, and its estimated that up to 85% of people with depression experience symptoms of anxiety.Its also possible to have symptoms of both, but at a level that doesnt lead to a diagnosis of either. This is called mixed anxiety and depressive disorder.And you can be diagnosed with one of the conditions and have symptoms of the other, but at a level that isnt severe enough to lead to a second diagnosis. Diagnosis cant ever fully capture someones personal experience, so its important to think of each person as an individual.

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    Tip #: Make It A Top Priority Not An Afterthought

    In a busy medical practice, your time with the doctor is limited. Many patients see their PCP for a brief visit once a year or less. The temptation is to stuff a number of issues into one meeting. When mental health issues fall to the end of the list and are shared at the very end of the appointment, little time is left for discussion, screening and treatment planning. Instead, express your mental health concerns and symptoms up front. Consider preparing a brief list or using the First Meeting with Your Provider worksheet on this site to guide the discussion. To allow enough time, you may need to schedule a separate appointment to address your other medical concerns.

    What To Do If You Are In Crisis

    How to Spot Severe Depression vs Feeling Depressed

    If you find yourself in a mental health crisis at any point in time, its important to reach out for help. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 to speak with a trained counselor. If you feel that you or someone else is in immediate danger, then you should call 911 or the emergency number where you live.

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    How To Know When Its Time To Take Medication For Anxiety

    Until a couple years ago, I didnt think I was an anxious person. On the outside, Im easygoing. Im adventurous, spontaneous and social. Im not afraid of flying, public speaking or crowds.

    But throughout my entire life, I have worried, silently and constantly, about almost everything. Ive worried about possibilities that I knew, deep down, werent at all rational. Ive always feared that worst-case scenarios would come true even though they hardly ever do.

    I didnt realize that these thoughts stemmed from mental illness. Since I never had full-on panic attacks, I didnt think that I had anxiety. I thought it was normal to feel this way. I thought I was fine that is, until I went on anti-anxiety medication at 29 years old. And it changed my life.

    Little did I know, I was one of the 40 million Americans adults dealing with an anxiety disorder about 18% of the population. And up until last year, I was also part of the majority of people with anxiety who dont receive treatment.

    Need To Be A Consistent Advocate

    The physician is a good first responder for the concerns that include those affecting the mental health and must be both able and willing to handle this challenge. However, in an unfortunate event that she or he doesnt act upon the concerns, do not give up.

    You should be patient with the health care providers. Every case is different, and this does take enough time to reach the impactful individualized treatment plans.

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    What Are The Causes For Anxiety

    Both hereditary and environmental factors determine the way in which our body reacts.

  • Genetic And Hereditary Just like we inherit certain physical and behavioral traits from our parents, anxiety and panic are also can be inherited.
  • Temperament Persons having a specific type of temperament are bound to react in a particular way.
  • Stress This factor is known to bring out the worst in some people. It is also associated with depression and anxiety in people.
  • Learning From A Previous Bad Experience Instils fear in the mind of the person. When faced with a similar episode in future, the person experiences anxiety and panic.
  • Related to Thoughts About a Situation When a person has been constantly warned about some bad situation, it instils fear towards that particular situation.
  • Amygdala A component of our brain is responsible for recognizing frightful conditions.
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    Managing Anxiety And Depression

    Talking to Your Doctor About Your Mental Health

    A therapist can offer more guidance on treatment options for anxiety and depression, but you can also take steps to cope with symptoms on your own.

    The strategies below may not always help, but trying different approaches at different times can help you learn more about what works for you. That insight can guide you toward a personalized toolbox of coping strategies, so you always have options to consider when feeling distressed or overwhelmed.

    Your therapist can also offer suggestions for new strategies to try, plus offer tips on putting them into practice.

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    Talking About Your Mental Health Medication

    It is common for a doctor or psychiatrist to prescribe medication for a mental health condition. Different types of mental health medications treat different types of mental illness, including:

    • antidepressant medications
    • antipsychotic medications
    • mood stabilising medications.

    If you have been prescribed medication it is important that you understand how to take it, why you are taking it and what to do if you have unexpected or serious side effects.

    Before starting any new medication , let your doctor know about any other medication, therapies or complementary medicines you are already taking this will make sure you avoid potential problems from mixing these medications.

    Speak to your doctor if you experience unwanted side effects from the medication.It may be that by adjusting the type or dosage of medication your side effects will reduce or stop.

    Speak to your doctor before ceasing your medication. The dosage for some medications must be cut back gradually as it can be dangerous to suddenly stop taking them.

    If you are particularly concerned and cannot reach your doctor, call the NPS Medicines Line on 1300 633 424 or the Adverse Medicines Events Line on 1300 134 237 for advice.

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    Why Does Nobody Listen To Me

    When I was a freshman in college, I felt like no one was listening to what I had to say. I would have ideas, and I would throw them out, but they would fall by the wayside. Even worse, they could be taken over and made their own! This was very painful for me, but as time went on, I realized why no one was listening to me. There are several reasons for this, which stems as much from our personality as from the way we express ourselves and the way we turn to others. Here are some explanations.

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    Will Everything I Tell My Doctor Be Confidential

    In most cases: yes. Your doctor should keep whatever you tell them confidential, and ask your permission before sharing it with anyone else. However, they may need to make an exception if they believe that you’re at risk of seriously harming yourself, or someone else. In this case they should still try to tell you first so you know what’s going on.

    Depending on how big they think the risk is, they could:

    • Not tell anyone, but ask to see you again soon to check how you are, and keep seeing you regularly.
    • Not tell anyone themselves, but ask you to tell other people yourself. For example, they could ask you to volunteer to go to hospital as an inpatient .
    • Tell another health or social care professional, such as a psychiatrist or social worker, and ask for an assessment to see if you can be made to go to hospital under a section of the Mental Health Act . The decision to section someone is very serious and can only be taken jointly by a team of approved mental health professionals .
    • Tell the police but this would only happen if they believe there is a very immediate, serious risk of danger.

    If you care for children and are worried about what might happen if you tell your doctor how you’re feeling, our pages on parenting with a mental health problem provide more information.

    Finding The Right Resources To Answer Your Questions And Meet Your Complex Needs

    Magnesium for Anxiety and Depression? The Science Says Yes!

    Just as anxiety and depression tend to be worse when occurring together, treatment of these disorders is most effective when both conditions are addressed at the same time.1

    Hartgrove Behavioral Health System provides integrated care that treats these and other mental health issues simultaneously. As part of our comprehensive care, medical specialists and therapists work together to help bring healing and balance in our patients lives a feeling of being in charge of their inner self again.

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    What Happens If I Dont Get Treatment For My Child With An Anxiety Disorder

    Getting your child help for an anxiety disorder can improve their development and self-esteem. But untreated anxiety disorders can harm:

    • Family relationships.
    • School performance.
    • Social functioning.

    Your child may also end up with more serious mental and physical health problems. Fortunately, there are several treatments for anxiety disorders. The right treatment can help your child manage their symptoms and feel their best.

    You Might Feel A Bit Uncomfortable While Sharing Your Legitimate Medical Issues For Getting Assistance

    Sometimes, patients get scared while bringing issues up. Unfortunately, despite huge progress in this field, mental concern is yet an important subject that is branded by stigma, shame, and misunderstanding. When you link your signs with character flaws or weaknesses, it is no wonder that you are hesitated to discuss these. That is why the first conversation that you must have is just with yourself.

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    Depression Versus Sadness: When To Talk With Your Doctor

    Most people will have depressive periods or times of sadness throughout their lives. For someone experiencing these feelings, it can be difficult to know when to seek help.

    If you find yourself fighting early morning wake-ups or losing your appetite, Joseph Garbely, DO, DFASAM, a psychiatrist and the Chief Medical Officer at Caron Treatment Centers in Reading, PA, recommends scheduling time with your general practitioner. Trouble sleeping and appetite fluctuations are often the first symptoms to take root of Major Depressive Disorder, more commonly known as depression.

    These are early signs that you need to seek attention, Dr. Garbely says. While many people think they need a specialist, primary care physicians are well-trained in dealing with depression and anxiety. If they feel a case is more complicated, they may bring in a psychiatrist to manage medication and a psychologist to provide psychotherapy.

    Depression is a mental health disorder affecting more than 16 million people in the United States alone.

    According to Dr. Garbely, anyone displaying four or more of the following symptoms for more than two weeks should reach out to their physician for guidance.

    • Depressed mood
    • Appetite disturbance

    What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

    How to Talk to Your Doctor About Depression and Anxiety

    SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

    Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.

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