Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Tell Your Depressed

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Most People With Depression Need Treatment To Feel Better

How Do You Know If You Have Depression?

If you think you may have depression, start by making an appointment to see your health care provider. This could be your primary doctor or a health provider who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions . Certain medications, and some medical conditions, such as viruses or a thyroid disorder, can cause the same symptoms as depression. A health care provider can rule out these possibilities by doing a physical exam, interview, and lab tests. Your health care provider will examine you and talk to you about treatment options and next steps.

Talking to Your Health Care Provider About Your Mental Health

Communicating well with your health care provider can improve your care and help you both make good choices about your health. Read about tips to help prepare and get the most out of your visit. For additional resources, including questions to ask your health care provider, visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

Major depression is more than just feeling down for a few days. You may have depression if you have signs or symptoms of depression that last for more than 2 weeks. Signs of a condition are things someone else can see or know about you, like you have a rash or youre coughing. Symptoms are things you feel yourself that others cant see, like having a sore throat or feeling dizzy.

Signs and symptoms of depression include:

Changes in your feelings

  • Thinking about death or suicide

Changes in your everyday life

  • Eating more or less than you usually do
  • Having trouble remembering things, concentrating or making decisions
  • Not being able to sleep or sleeping too much
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Losing interest in things you usually like to do

Changes in your body

  • Having no energy and feeling tired all the time
  • Having headaches, stomach problems or other aches and pains that dont go away

If youre pregnant and you have any of these signs or symptoms, or if they get worse, call your health care provider. There are things you and your provider can do to help you feel better. If youre worried about hurting yourself, call emergency services at 911.

Recommended Reading: Prodromal Psychotic Disorder

Have Them Go To Therapy With You

But only if you want them there, of course. Having your partner come to a therapy session with you can help both of you out in a lot of ways. First, hearing a professional’s opinion might help your partner understand your issue more than your own explanation. Therapists deal with plenty of clients just like you every day, so even though every case is unique, they’ll be able to reassure your partner that they can help you. Secondly, a licensed therapist will be able to give your partner advice on how they can help you, even if you believe you’ve thought of every way your S.O. could be the best sidekick in the world. And of course, having your partner come with you to at least one therapy session will really solidify the concept of you two being a team and remind both of you that you’re in this together.

Images: Sophia D. Photography/ Flickr Giphy

Challenge Your Negative Thinking

How to Know if You Have Depression? [infographic]

Once you identify the destructive thought patterns that contribute to your depression, you can start to challenge them with questions such as:

  • Whats the evidence that this thought is true? Not true?
  • What would I tell a friend who had this thought?
  • Is there another way of looking at the situation or an alternate explanation?
  • How might I look at this situation if I didnt have depression?

As you cross-examine your negative thoughts, you may be surprised at how quickly they crumble. For example, the negative thought: My boss hates me. He gave me this difficult report to complete, could be replaced with: My boss must have a lot of faith in me to give me so much responsibility. In the process of challenging negative thoughts, youll develop a more balanced perspective and help to relieve your depression.

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What Do You Need To Know About St Johns Wort To Treat Depression

St. John’s wort is an herb that some people use to treat depression. We dont know for sure how well it works in pregnant women or if it can cause problems during pregnancy. Herbal products arent regulated by the Food and Drug Administration , so there isnt much information about how safe it is for pregnant women or rules about how much you can take.

If youre thinking about taking St. Johns wort or any other herbal product during pregnancy, talk to your provider first. Theres very little information on how herbal products may affect your pregnancy.

Be Prepared For Questions And Have Research Available

Some people will take the phrase, “I’m depressed,” and understand exactly what you mean. Others might have a harder time comprehending exactly what you’re trying to tell them. Having all your research ready will help your partner understand that you are not the only person who constantly feels tired and gets physical symptoms in addition to your emotional symptoms. It can also help them see that this isn’t just you being perpetually “bummed out ” Depression can cause serious physical health problems if left untreated.

In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health has discovered that people with depression are four times as likely to have a heart attack than people without the disorder. Even though your partner should obviously trust you enough to take your word for how you’re feeling, it can still be reassuring for them that this is a very common and manageable illness

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What Treatment Should I Be Offered

The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence writes guidance on what treatment doctors should offer you. But your doctor does not have to give you these treatments. And the treatments may not be available in your area.

Different treatments may be available in your area. Your doctor might think these suit your symptoms more than the recommended treatments.

NICE recommend that depression is treated in different steps depending on how severe the condition is for you. The steps are as follows.

Step 1: Everyone who may have depression

Your doctor should offer you:

  • an assessment of your symptoms,
  • support, such as regular appointments in person or by telephone,
  • information on how to deal with your symptoms,
  • monitoring of your symptoms and follow-up, and
  • referral for further assessment and treatment if needed.

Step 2: Mild to moderate depression

Your doctor may offer you:

  • low-intensity interventions, such as self-help guided by the doctor or computerised cognitive behavioural therapy ,
  • physical activity programmes,
  • group cognitive behavioural therapy ,
  • medication if you have a history of moderate or severe depression, or you have had symptoms for a long time, and
  • referral for further assessment and treatment if needed.

Step 3: Moderate to severe depression, or mild to moderate depression when other treatments havent worked

Your doctor may suggest:

Step 4: Severe and complex depression or if your life is at risk Your doctor may suggest:

  • medication,

When To Seek Professional Help

How To Tell If You’re Depressed

If support from family and friends and positive lifestyle changes arent enough, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional. There are many effective treatments for depression, including:

Therapy. Consulting a therapist can provide you tools to treat depression from a variety of angles and motivate you to take the action necessary. Therapy can also offer you the skills and insight to prevent the problem from coming back.

Atypical Depression: Whats in a Name? Article on the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of atypical depression.

Depression and Other Illnesses An overview of the mental and physical illnesses that often co-exist with depression, and how this impacts treatment.

Depression support & suicide prevention help

Depression support

In the U.S.: Find DBSA Chapters/Support Groups or call the NAMI Helpline for support and referrals at 1-800-950-6264

UK: Find Depression support groups in-person and online or call the Mind Infoline at 0300 123 3393

Australia: Find Support Groups and regional resources or call the SANE Help Centre at 1800 18 7263

India: Call the Vandrevala Foundation Helpline at 1860 2662 345 or 1800 2333 330

Suicide prevention help

In the U.S.: Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

UK and Ireland: Call Samaritans UK at 116 123

Australia: Call Lifeline Australia at 13 11 14

Other countries: Visit IASP or International Suicide Hotlines to find a helpline near you

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If Youre Experiencing Symptoms

  • Recognize if youre starting to slip. If you are struggling with new or worsening symptoms, dont hesitate to seek help. If you already have a therapist, reach out to them right away. If you do not have one, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP for a free, confidential referral for treatment. If youre considering harming yourself, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 .
  • Ignore incorrect attitudes. The old idea of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is not only outdated, but also not based in science. If you feel depressed, there is no cause for guilt, says Dr. Solomon.

Try Practicing The Conversation Beforehand

Telling someone that youre depressed is a major step, and theres nothing wrong with practicing the conversation ahead of time.

If you feel nervous about talking to your friend, partner or family member about your depression, dont feel hesitant to prepare notes that cover what youd like to talk about, phrases you can use to describe how you feel, or anything else you think is relevant or helpful.

Its also totally okay to practice certain parts of your conversation in your head or with yourself in the mirror before talking to a real person.

Discussing your depression with another person even someone thats close to you can be a daunting experience, and a little preparation can make the experience far easier.

Read Also: Closed Depressions Are Shown By Closed Contours With Inward Pointing Hachures.

What If My Symptoms Dont Improve

If youre not responding to treatment, you may live with treatment resistant depression. This is when your symptoms have not improved after at least 2 standard treatments. This can also be known as treatment-refractory depression.

There is currently no official criteria used to diagnose treatment resistant depression.

What treatment is available for treatment-resistant depression?There are treatment options for treatment resistant depression. Even if antidepressants have not worked already for you, your doctor may suggest a different antidepressant from a different class.

The new antidepressant you are offered will depend on the first antidepressant you were given.

Sometimes your doctor can prescribe a second type of medication to go with your antidepressant. This can sometimes help the antidepressant work better than it does by itself.

Where antidepressants have not worked, your doctor may suggest talking therapies, ECT or brain stimulation treatments. See the previous section for more information on these.

What is an implanted vagus nerve stimulator, and how is it used in treatment resistant depression?If you live with treatment resistant depression, and youve not responded to other treatments, you may be able ask for an implanted vagus nerve stimulator.

Please speak to your doctor if youre interested in this treatment and for more information. You may be able to get this treatment funded through an Individual Funding Request.

  • NHS – Your Rights by clicking here.

Depression In Women: 5 Things You Should Know

signs of depression?

Being sad is a normal reaction to difficult times in life. But usually, the sadness goes away with a little time. Depression is differentit is a mood disorder that may cause severe symptoms that can affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities such as sleeping, eating, or working. Depression is more common among women than men, likely due to certain biological, hormonal, and social factors that are unique to women.

This brochure contains an overview of five things that everyone should know about depression in women.

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How Is Depression Treated During Pregnancy

Its best if a team of providers treats your depression during pregnancy. These providers can work together to make sure you and your baby get the best care. Your providers may be:

  • Your prenatal care provider. This is the provider who gives you medical care during pregnancy.
  • Your primary care provider. This is your main health care provider who gives you general medical care.
  • A mental health provider. This may be a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, counselor or a therapist.
  • Your babys health care provider

Depression can be treated in several ways. You and your providers may decide to use a combination of treatments instead of just one. Treatment can include:

  • Counseling, like CBT and IPT
  • Support groups. These are groups of people who meet together or go online to share their feelings and experiences about certain topics. Ask your provider or counselor to help you find a support group.
  • Medicine. Depression often is treated with medicines called antidepressants. You need a prescription from your provider for these medicines. You may be on one medicine or a combination of medicines. Dont start or stop taking any medicine for PPD without your providers OK.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy . In this treatment, electric current is passed through the brain. This treatment is considered safe to use during pregnancy. Providers may recommend ECT to treat severe depression.

Can You Inherit Depression

Genetic factors do play a role in depression, but so do biological, environmental, and psychological factors.2 Unipolar depression is less likely to be inherited than Bipolar disorder , says Steven Hollon, PhD, of Brentwood, Tennessee, a professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University.

While depression does tend to run in families, just because a family member has depression does not mean you are going to get it, says Rudy Nydegger, PhD, Professor Emeritus of psychology and management at Union College and chief in the Division of Psychology at Ellis Hospital, both in Schenectady, New York. It is not a simple gene thing, he says. And the important thing is not so much why a person has depression but what are we going to do to help them.

Also Check: Schizophrenia Inheritance Rate

Suicidal Thoughts: An Emergency

For people who are severely depressed, suicide is a real threat. Each year, about 30,000 people in the U.S. take their own lives, although the true number may be higher. Some suicides go unrecognized because they’re classified as accidents, drug overdoses, or shootings. Among people whose depression remains untreated, up to 15% will kill themselves.

What are the warning signs of suicide? According to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, they include:

  • Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill yourself
  • Looking for a way to kill yourself, such as searching online for methods or buying a gun
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
  • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
  • Talking about being a burden to others
  • Increasing use of alcohol or drugs
  • Acting anxious or agitated behaving recklessly
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Withdrawing or feeling isolated
  • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
  • Displaying extreme mood swings

How To Know If Youre Depressed

The 6 Must Know Signs of Depression!

If you identify with several of the following, you may be suffering from depression.

  • You feel hopeless and helpless
  • Youve lost interest in friends, activities, and things you used to enjoy
  • Youre much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual
  • Youre consuming more alcohol, engaging in reckless behavior, or self-medicating
  • You feel restless and agitated
  • Your sleep and appetite has changed
  • You cant concentrate or your productivity at work has declined
  • You cant control your negative thoughts
  • If youre feeling suicidal

    Problems dont seem temporarythey seem overwhelming and permanent. But if you reach out for help, you will feel better.

    Read HelpGuides Suicide Prevention articles or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline in the U.S. at 1-800-273-8255. For help outside the U.S., visit Befrienders Worldwide.

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    How Is Depression Diagnosed

    Depression presents with symptoms that range from mild to severe. Feelings of sadness, difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much, feeling worthless or guilty, loss of energy or increased fatigue, and a loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed are common. Children and adolescents who are depressed may come across as irritable rather than sad.

    A health care professional looks for symptoms that are interfering with the persons relationships and with their work and that represent a change in the persons previous level of functioning.1 To receive a diagnosis of depression, the person must have five depression symptoms every day, and nearly all day, for at least two weeks.2

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