Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is It Possible To Have Ptsd Without A Traumatic Event

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Myth #: Symptoms Of Ptsd Go Away As A Person Heals From Trauma

6 ways to heal trauma without medication | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think

Symptoms of PTSD can come and go, and can vary in intensity over time. As with an anxiety disorder, stress can exacerbate a person’s PTSD symptoms. Reminders of the trauma, even many years later, can cause long-dormant symptoms to reappear.

people with PTSD commonly cannot control re-experiencing a trauma

It’s called re-experiencing a trauma, and it’s common in people with PTSD. They might experience the same emotions or even physical sensations they felt during a trauma. People with PTSD commonly cannot control re-experiencing a trauma.

Superordinate Theme : Challenges

Within the superordinate theme Challenges , eight themes were identified and are presented below in an order which broadly reflects participants journey through accessing and receiving treatment/assessment. Additional quotes supporting these themes are shown in Table 2.

Mindmap showing themes and subthemes for the superordinate theme challenges.

Ptsd Can Be Treatedyes Theres Hope

If you are overwhelmed by symptoms or negative thoughts that you suspect are related to PTSD, you should contact your health care team to discuss the possibility of a PTSD diagnosis. You can also contact a local mental health facility, like McLean, to get the help you need. You dont have to struggle on your ownthere is a path to recovery.

If you recognize the symptoms in a friend or loved one, you should always reach out to them and offer support. Whether they accept your help or not, knowing that youve offered can be incredibly helpful to those who are affected by mental illness.

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How Can Parents Help

If your child has been through trauma, here are things you can do:

  • Help your child feel safe. They may need extra time, comfort, and care from you for a while.
  • Help your child relax. Invite them to take a few slow breaths with you. Breathe in while you count to 3. Breathe out while you count to 5.
  • Do things together that you enjoy. Trauma can make it harder to feel the positive emotions that naturally help kids recharge. Play, laugh, enjoy nature, make music or art, cook. These activities can reduce stress and build your childs resilience.
  • Reassure your child. Let them know they will get through this. And that you are there to help.
  • Let your childs doctor know what your child has been through. Get a referral to a mental health professional .
  • Tell your childs teacher that your child went through a trauma. Kids with PTSD may have more trouble focusing on schoolwork. Ask for your child to have extra help or more time to do schoolwork if they need it for a while.

You Can’t Sleep Well At Night

Simple Self

As Rob Cole, LMHC, clinical director of mental health services at Banyan Treatment Center tells Bustle, PTSD is a response to trauma that can make individuals feel scared, hopeless, or horrified for at least one month following the trauma. According to Cole, having disturbances in your sleeping pattern due to reoccurring dreams is a sign that you may have minor PTSD and not anxiety. If this becomes a problem for you, a therapist or counselor can help you address the trauma that is keeping you up at night.

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Getting Professional Help For Ptsd

If you suspect that you or a loved one has post-traumatic stress disorder, its important to seek help right away. The sooner PTSD is treated, the easier it is to overcome. If youre reluctant to seek help, keep in mind that PTSD is not a sign of weakness, and the only way to overcome it is to confront what happened to you and learn to accept it as a part of your past. This process is much easier with the guidance and support of an experienced therapist or doctor.

Its only natural to want to avoid painful memories and feelings. But if you try to numb yourself and push your memories away, PTSD will only get worse. You cant escape your emotions completelythey emerge under stress or whenever you let down your guardand trying to do so is exhausting. The avoidance will ultimately harm your relationships, your ability to function, and the quality of your life.

Why you should seek help for PTSD

Early treatment is better. Symptoms of PTSD may get worse. Dealing with them now might help stop them from getting worse in the future. Finding out more about what treatments work, where to look for help, and what kind of questions to ask can make it easier to get help and lead to better outcomes.

PTSD symptoms can change family life. PTSD symptoms can get in the way of your family life. You may find that you pull away from loved ones, are not able to get along with people, or that you are angry or even violent. Getting help for your PTSD can help improve your family life.

How Does Ptsd Happen

During a trauma, your body responds to a threat by going into âflight or fightâ mode. It releases stress hormones, like adrenaline and norepinephrine, to give you a burst of energy. Your heart beats faster. Your brain also puts some of its normal tasks, such as filing short-term memories, on pause.

PTSD causes your brain to get stuck in danger mode. Even after youâre no longer in danger, it stays on high alert. Your body continues to send out stress signals, which lead to PTSD symptoms. Studies show that the part of the brain that handles fear and emotion is more active in people with PTSD.

Over time, PTSD changes your brain. The area that controls your memory becomes smaller. Thatâs one reason experts recommend that you seek treatment early.

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Information For Carers Friends And Relatives

If you are a carer, friend or relative of someone who lives with PTSD, you can get support.

How can I get support?

You can do the following.

  • Speak to your GP about talking therapies and medication for yourself.
  • Speak to your relatives mental health team about a carers assessment or ask for one from your local social services.
  • Join a carers service. They are free and available in most areas.
  • Join a carers support group for emotional and practical support. Or set up your own.

What is a carers assessment?A carers assessment is an assessment of the support that you need so that you can continue in your caring role. You might be able to get support from social services.

You can find out more about Carers assessment Under the Care Act 2014 by clicking here.

How do I get support from my peers?You can get peer support through carer support services or carers groups. You can search for local groups in your area by using a search engine such as Google. You can find all of our peer support groups here:

You can look on the following websites:

How can I support the person I care for?

You can do the following.

You can find out more about:

  • Supporting someone with a mental illness by clicking here.
  • Responding to unusual thoughts and behaviours by clicking here.
  • Worried about someones mental health by clicking here.
  • Stress How to cope by clicking here.

You can find out more about:

How Does Therapy Help

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – causes, symptoms, treatment & pathology

Trauma therapy gives kids a way to safely share their feelings, tell their story, and get support.

In therapy, kids learn coping and calming skills to help them deal with anxiety they feel after a trauma. This makes it easier to talk about what theyve been through.

Through therapy, kids learn to adjust some of their thoughts about the trauma. They learn to let go of any guilt or shame about what happened to them. Slowly, they learn to face things they used to avoid.

Therapy helps children gain courage and confidence. Kids use their strengths to cope.

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Trauma From Adverse Childhood Events

Traumas experienced in childhood and their far-reaching PTSD effects have only recently begun to be understood.

In 1995, a landmark study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente sought to identify the extent of ACEs in a group of 17,337 adult participants as well as any potential long-term effects. The participants were surveyed using 8 specific questions that covered neglect, abuse, and household dysfunctionsuch as witnessing domestic violence. The results were astounding. Nearly 25% of those in the study had been exposed to 3 or more of the 8 ACEs that were being studied at that time.

The fact that the participants were primarily middle-class adults suggests that ACEs can happen in almost any household. Of course, we now understand that chronic poverty, community violence, and racism can also adversely affect a childs mental and physical health and development.

What Are The Treatments For Post

The main treatments for PTSD are talk therapy, medicines, or both. PTSD affects people differently, so a treatment that works for one person may not work for another. If you have PTSD, you need to work with a mental health professional to find the best treatment for your symptoms.:

  • Talk therapy, or psychotherapy, which can teach you about your symptoms. You will learn how to identify what triggers them and how to manage them. There are different types of talk therapy for PTSD.
  • Medicines can help with the symptoms of PTSD. Antidepressants may help control symptoms such as sadness, worry, anger, and feeling numb inside. Other medicines can help with sleep problems and nightmares.

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Ptsd In Military Veterans

For all too many veterans, returning from military service means coping with symptoms of PTSD. You may have a hard time readjusting to life out of the military. Or you may constantly feel on edge, emotionally numb and disconnected, or close to panicking or exploding. But its important to know that youre not alone and there are plenty of ways you can deal with nightmares and flashbacks, cope with feelings of depression, anxiety or guilt, and regain your sense of control.

Will People With Ptsd Get Better

How to help your spouse or partner with PTSD

“Getting better” means different things for different people. There are many different treatment options for PTSD. For many people, these treatments can get rid of symptoms altogether. Others find they have fewer symptoms or feel that their symptoms are less intense. Your symptoms don’t have to interfere with your everyday activities, work, and relationships.

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When To Seek Help For Ptsd

A person who has experienced a traumatic event should seek professional help if they:

  • donât feel any better after two weeks
  • feel highly anxious or distressed
  • have reactions to the traumatic event that are interfering with home, work and/or relationships
  • are thinking of harming themselves or someone else.

Some of the signs that a problem may be developing are:

  • being constantly on edge or irritable
  • having difficulty performing tasks at home or at work
  • being unable to respond emotionally to others
  • being unusually busy to avoid issues
  • taking risks or not caring what happens to oneself
  • using alcohol, drugs or gambling to cope
  • having severe sleeping difficulties.

Other Effects Of Ptsd

If you are experiencing symptoms of PTSD, you might also find that you have difficulty with some everyday aspects of your life, such as:

  • looking after yourself
  • remembering things and making decisions
  • coping with change
  • simply enjoying your leisure time.

If you drive you may have to tell the DVLA that you have PTSD. For more information on your right to drive, including when and how to contact the DVLA, see our legal pages on fitness to drive.

My behaviour changed and became erratic. I would alternate from wanting to shut myself away and not see or talk to anyone to going out to parties in the middle of the week and staying out late.

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How Is Ptsd Treated

The sooner you seek treatment, the faster you can begin to feel relief and not be burdened by the symptoms of your trauma.

Two specific treatments are effective in treating PTSD: medications and psychotherapy. Both can be beneficial on their own, and combining the two types of treatment often is helpful.

Psychotherapytalk therapycan take place in one-to-one meetings and/or group meetings. Talk therapy helps people with PTSD in many ways.

Talking about the traumatic memories with a trained therapist can provide the patient with education about their symptoms so they dont feel so alone and out of control.

Talking can desensitize people to their memories, which gradually allows them to stop avoiding reminders of the trauma. It can help them build skills for re-evaluating the thoughts and feelings that surround the memories. Most importantly, talk therapy can allow people to feel supported and safe.

What If I Get Ptsd

PTSD Treatment Options – How to Find a Good Trauma Therapist

An important minority of people who experience a traumatic event will go on to develop PTSD. This is a serious mental health condition.

People who have PTSD may have more severe initial difficulties and their distressing thoughts and feelings will not go away on their own. They can make it difficult for the person to live their life as they used to.

You can find out more about the symptoms, causes and treatments for PTSD in our PTSD resource.

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You’re Depressed And Feel Hopeless But Don’t Know Why

As Lena Derhally MS, Licensed and Imago Certified Psychotherapist, tells Bustle, “Trauma manifests in interesting ways.” People who experience trauma can often feel depressed, hopeless, and worthless. So if you know your symptoms are relatively new and you dont have a history of major depressive disorder, this could point to trauma, she says. Regardless of the cause, though, if you are experiencing these symptoms, you do not have to suffer in silence discussing these challenges with someone close to you or a professional can help keep these feelings from taking over your life.

Myth #: Ptsd Isn’t Treatable

It’s actually quite treatable, even if it isn’t completely curable in everyone. PTSD is frequently treated with drugs, behavioral therapy, and other approaches. Writer P.K. Phillips had PTSD that caused her terrible flashbacks and nightmares and left her unable to sleep alone in her own home. She started taking medication and going through behavioral therapy when she was diagnosed. Now, she says, she has control of her life again.

“For me there is no cure, no final healing. But there are things I can do to ensure that I never have to suffer as I did before being diagnosed with PTSD. I’m no longer at the mercy of my disorder,” she writes.

Several forms of counseling have proven effective in treating PTSD, including talk therapy, exposure therapy, and behavioral therapy. The FDA has also approved two medications to treat PTSD: sertraline and paroxetine . They’re both antidepressants, and can help control emotional symptoms of PTSD like sadness, anger, and anxiety. There’s evidence that meditation can help those with PTSD, as well. Treatments are different for everyone, and sometimes people need to try various combinations to find what works.

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You Can Get Ptsd Without Experiencing Violent Trauma

Five years ago, I developed PTSD after a freak accident in which my jawbone popped out of its socket while I was yawning, leaving me unable to talk, swallow, or close my mouth. ER doctors were able to reset the bone, and the ordeal lasted no more than an hour. I knew deep down that it wasnt a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and yet, in the months that followed, I developed a panic disorder that consumed my life.

Until then, Id never experienced a panic attack, and at first I didnt understand what was happening: All I could think, as I stood in a crowded train station with my heart pounding out of my chest, was that my life as I knew it was over and that I was going to die. It was difficult for me to accept that something as everydayand frankly ridiculousas dislocating my jaw could result in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder , and for a long time, I felt too embarrassed to admit how much the incident affected me.

But as it turns out, this reaction is not uncommon. Feelings of guilt and shame frequently go hand-in-hand with a PTSD diagnosis, says psychologist Elena Touroni, director of the Chelsea Psychology Clinic in London. Touroni says this reaction is especially common for someone whose life was previously stableit doesn’t seem bad enough to warrant PTSD. But what you experience is individual to you,” she says. “If you’re having symptoms, then clearly that event was significant enough .”

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*Name changed for legal reasons

Mental Illness Has Always Been A Part Of My Family History But For Some Reason I Thought I Had Somehow Narrowly Escaped It It Started To Become Clear To Me That I Hadnt

EP 0040

It wasnt until 2015, when I started working alongside a team of trauma therapists, that I finally understood that I likely had complex post-traumatic stress disorder , a different form of PTSD along with depression.

During my first intake, they asked me questions about my emotion regulation, alterations in consciousness, and relationships with others and my childhood.

The intake got me to look back and take stock of just how many traumatic incidents had taken place in my life.

As a child, my self-esteem was continually pummeled as my parents would spend time gaslighting and criticizing me it seemed I could do nothing right, because, by their estimation, I wasnt thin enough or didnt look feminine enough. The psychological abuse wore me down over the course of many years.

Those feelings of self-blame and shame came to the surface again when, at my 30th birthday party, I was raped.

These experiences have imprinted themselves on my brain, forming pathways that have affected how I experience my emotions and how connected I am to my body.

Carolyn Knight explains in her book, Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma, that a child shouldnt have to cope with abuse. When abuse occurs, a child isnt psychologically equipped to process it. The adults in their lives are meant to be role models on how to regulate emotions and provide a safe environment.

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