Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Seroquel Cause Panic Attacks

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How Do People Use Seroquel

6 most common side effects on Seroquel | Quetiapine

Seroquel can be used in various ways. Most commonly, its taken orally as a pill or a tablet on its own. Some people crush the pill or tablet and snort its contents.

Those who dont want to snort the pill dissolve it in a water-based liquid and inject the content into their veins. Abusing Seroquel intravenously carries the highest risk for overdose. It also increases the risk of transmission of HIV and hepatitis.

Seroquel might also be abused in combination with other substances such as cocaine. Mixing prescription medications with illicit drugs has been a common practice. Some people take the mix to enhance the intoxication effects from the illicit substances and lower their adverse effects. For example, Seroquel is, dangerously, mixed with cocaine to mitigate the dysphoria effects related to cocaine withdrawal.

Injecting the drug into the veins increases the risk of developing pulmonary complications. Moreover, Seroquel can amplify the cardiovascular and arrhythmogenic properties of cocaine.

Weight Gain And Increased Levels Of Blood Sugar And Cholesterol

  • Risk factors: Diabetes | High cholesterol | Family history of diabetes | Obesity

Quetiapine can raise your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and increase your appetite, all of which can lead to weight gain. Blood tests may be done regularly by your provider to make sure that your blood sugar and cholesterol are not too high.

Seroquel May Help Depression Anxiety

Antipsychotic Drug Already Used to Treat Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

May 6, 2008 — The antipsychotic drug Seroquel may help battle major depression and generalized anxiety disorder, two new studies suggest.

Seroquel is already approved to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder .

The new studies were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.

Major depression, which affects 15 to 19 million Americans, “is not just your typical blues. This is depression that lasts for a few weeks, even months,” says researcher Richard Weisler, MD, of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and Duke University Medical Center.

One study involved more than 700 people who had suffered from depression for at least one month but less than one year.

Patients were randomly assigned to take one of three doses of Seroquel or a placebo once a day for six weeks.

Those taking Seroquel showed greater improvement in depression symptoms than those on placebo.

“There was improvement in all the things that are impaired when you’re depressed — sleep, appetite, suicidal thoughts,” Weisler tells WebMD.

After six weeks of treatment, 25% were in remission, he says.

Importantly, patients on Seroquel experienced a significant improvement in depressive symptoms as early as the fourth day of treatment, Weisler says.

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Can You Overdose On Seroquel

The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey found that 39.5% of total prescriptions in 2017 were written for Seroquel. The increase in Seroquel prescriptions has led to a rise in overdoses and problems with dependence. According to the US Drug Abuse Warning Network, there has been a 90% increase in the number of Seroquel-related emergency department visits between 2005 and 2011.4 It was found that the recreational use of the drug poses health risks for users, especially women and polydrug users.

Although the drug has positive effects for people with mental illness, recreational use is dangerous. Injecting Seroquel has many risks associated with it, including increased risk for HIV and hepatitis transmission.

Seroquel blocks histamine, muscarinic, and alpha receptors. An overdose might lead to CNS depression, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, or delirium.5

The most common symptoms of a Seroquel overdose include:

  • Drowsiness

Difficulty sleeping

Suicidal thoughts

The best method for getting clean is entering a substance abuse rehab center and undergoing detox, where a team of medical professionals can care for the person in recovery and attend to their needs.

Will Quetiapine Affect My Sleep

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In the first few days of taking quetiapine, you may feel extremely sleepy.

Taking quetiapine with alcohol or some other medicines could make this even worse.

If you have been taking quetiapine for a few weeks, and you feel very sleepy, you should go back to your doctor to see if there is something else that you can try.

Quetiapine can also cause sleep-talking, sleep-walking, and some people have done other activities while they were asleep, like eating.

You might also have strange dreams or nightmares.

Talk to your doctor if any of this worries you.

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Getting Off Seroquel Cold Turkey

Quetiapine is a drug that is generally not considered to have much addictive potential or risk of dependence. However, it has been documented before, and as time moves on, more and more cases of addiction to Quetiapine are seen. These users typically discover this when they stop using the drug, and begin to experience discontinuation symptoms. These symptoms are uncomfortable enough to push them back into using the medicine, even if it is no longer medically required.

Quitting the drug can be difficult because it is potent and affects major CNS functions. The regulation of neurotransmitters and levels of dopamine, histamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine is greatly affected. It can be dangerous when a person decides to stop Quetiapine cold turkey. It is even more dangerous if one has been using Quetiapine with other substances such as alcohol or other medications, which are likely to increase the effect of the medicine, and can possibly lead to Seroquel overdose.

Quetiapine side effects can be quite intense, especially for those who may have developed a tolerance for high doses. When quitting cold turkey, withdrawals from Seroquel affect brain functions, creating a sudden disruption in an established system.

It has been confirmed that getting off Seroquel cold turkey could lead to health problems such as cardiac arrests and other dysfunctions.

Can I Take Quetiapine If I Am Pregnant Or Breastfeeding


When deciding whether to take quetiapine during pregnancy it is important to weigh up how necessary quetiapine is to your health against the possible risks to you or your baby, some of which will depend on how many weeks pregnant you are.

Quetiapine is not seen as high risk and has a low rate of transfer across the placenta into a baby.

There does not appear to be an increased risk of malformations, miscarriages or having a baby born early.

From month four of a pregnancy onwards, an increase in dose of quetiapine may be required to keep body levels the same.Quetiapine may slightly increase your chance of getting high blood pressure linked to pregnancy , putting on extra weight and gestational diabetes.

To reduce the chance of a blood clot in your leg you may be advised to have a course of blood-thinning injections. Your doctor can advise you about this.


If you take quetiapine close to delivery your baby may have some side effects or discontinuation symptoms, like being irritable, crying or problems feeding and sleeping. These are usually mild and go away within a few days without treatment.


Quetiapine is passed in small amounts to the baby through breast milk. Breastfeeding may help with any discontinuation symptoms.

You should discuss the risks and benefits of breastfeeding with your midwife or doctor.

Make sure that your doctor, nurse, or health visitor checks your baby for any side effects.

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Seroquel Withdrawal: How To Discontinue Seroquel Safely

Reviewed by Michael Espelin APRN

Seroquel has the active ingredient quetiapine and is most often administered as an antipsychotic. The drug exerts several effects on the human central nervous system. Stopping Quetiapine abruptly may lead to serious health issues by affecting the distribution of major neurotransmitters in the brain. Seroquel withdrawal symptoms can be extreme and pose a risk to wellbeing.

Some individuals may experience different levels of withdrawals from Seroquel due to particular health conditions. The concern with Seroquel withdrawal is that many individuals try to get off the drug without proper information or consultation with a medical professional. There are significant risks connected with stopping Quetiapine abruptly, especially for those who may be using very high doses of this medication. There are several options to Quetiapine treatment discontinuation that will ensure the patient safely gets off the drug with minimal to no side effects.

Take Seroquel As Directed

Seroquel Serious Side Effects

Take Seroquel exactly as instructed. Doses will vary, particularly at the beginning of therapy. In order for Seroquel to work, doses must be taken every day following a daily schedule. Dont skip a dose. Take a missed dose unless it is almost time for the next dose. In that case, skip the missed dose and take the next dose on time.

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Common Conditions People Have *:

  • Multiple Sclerosis : 13 people, 18.31%
  • Stress And Anxiety: 13 people, 18.31%
  • Pain: 10 people, 14.08%
  • Narcolepsy : 8 people, 11.27%
  • Muscle Spasms : 8 people, 11.27%
  • High Blood Cholesterol: 7 people, 9.86%
  • Fibromyalgia : 6 people, 8.45%
  • Restless Leg Syndrome : 5 people, 7.04%
  • Quit Smoking: 5 people, 7.04%
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: 5 people, 7.04%
  • * Approximation only. Some reports may have incomplete information.

    Have You Tried Seroquel For Anxiety

    If youve tried quetiapine for anxiety, feel free to document your experience in the comments section below. From your perspective, was quetiapine: effective, partially effective, or ineffective as an anxiolytic? If you had to rate the effectiveness of quetiapine on a scale from 1 to 10 for the treatment of your anxiety , which numeric rating would you assign it?

    In the event that you found quetiapine to be ineffective for anxiety, did it make your anxiety worse than before taking it? To help others get a better understanding of your situation, provide some personal details such as: your specific anxiety subtype , any comorbid psychiatric diagnoses , your daily dose and formatting of quetiapine , and co-administered substances . In your subjective experience, do the anxiolytic benefits of quetiapine outweigh its side effects?

    For those that found quetiapine to be effective for anxiety, how long did it take for the symptomatic reduction to occur after initiation of treatment ? If youve been using quetiapine for a long-term for anxiety, has it maintained a robust anxiolytic effect at a stable dose, or have you had to increase the dosage due to onset of tolerance? In summary, quetiapine can be a useful anxiolytic intervention among persons with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, refractory depression with comorbid anxiety, and treatment-resistant generalized anxiety disorder, however, it will not work for everyone and patients should beware of risks prior to treatment.

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    A Brief History Of Quetiapine

    Quetiapine was first registered in 1997 and by 2010 it was the fifth biggest selling pharmaceutical in the USA, with annual sales of US$6.8 billion.8 However, in 2010 the manufacturer of quetiapine agreed to pay US$520 million following government allegations of promoting off-label prescribing. This included promoting the drug to non-psychiatrists for indications such as anger management, dementia and sleeplessness. There were also allegations of remunerating doctors for articles that had been ghostwritten by other people to promote off-label uses.9

    A patent extension was granted for the extended-release formulation in 2010 until 2017 for very similar indications to the immediate-release formulation which came off patent in 2012. There are now around 17 generic forms of quetiapine available in Australia.

    Tips For Good Medication And Treatment Reviews

    Antidepressant side effects Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Luvox ...
    • Post reviews only for medications or treatments you have used or prescribed.
    • In your description, mention whether you’re reviewing the medication or treatment for a child or for an adult , and as a patient or as a medical professional.
    • Mention what medical condition you were using the medication or treatment to address.
    • Mention the brand, dose, and period of time that you used the medication or treatment.
    • Please share your positive and negative experiences with the medication or treatment in detail. Note effectiveness, ease of use, side effects and compare it with other treatments you have used.
    • Do not include any personal information or links in your review.

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    Metabolic Effects And Sudden Death

    The newer antipsychotic drugs increase weight to different degrees and this contributes to the differing relative risk of insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia and hyperglycaemia.24 Even at low doses quetiapine has been linked to significant weight gain. A retrospective study of quetiapine for insomnia found that the most commonly prescribed dose was 100 mg, and there was an average weight gain of 2.2 kg over the average treatment period of 11 months.25 Taking quetiapine contributes to a significant risk of metabolic complications, often in patients with a number of other cardiovascular lifestyle risk factors such as smoking. Patients need to be monitored for these adverse effects.

    There is an increased risk of sudden cardiac death with antipsychotics, with an aggregate adjusted riskincidence ratio for newer antipsychotics of 1.59 for low-dose and 2.86 for high-dose therapy. Within this, quetiapine accounted for a riskincidence ratio of 1.88 .26

    Seroquel Lowers Anxiety Too

    Weisler says that in other studies looking at Seroquel for bipolardepression, “we noticed that patients’ anxiety levels frequently dropped.”

    The observation led to a two-month study pitting Seroquel against placebo in nearly 1,000 patients with generalized anxiety disorder.

    It’s estimated that generalized anxiety disorder affects about 6.8 million Americans, with women twice as likely to be affected as men, according to the researchers.

    Symptoms, which can linger for six months or longer, include constant worry and anxiety about things most people take in stride. Sufferers often can’t get rid of their concerns even though they realize their level of anxiety is out of proportion with the situation at hand.

    By one week after the study started, anxiety symptoms, such as trouble sleeping and relaxing, began to improve in patients given Seroquel compared with those given placebo. That improvement continued over the course of the trial, Weisler says.

    Seroquel was generally well tolerated in both studies, he says. The most common side effects included dry mouth, sedation, sleepiness, headaches, and dizziness.

    Temple University’s David Baron, DO, chairman of the committee that chose which studies to highlight at the meeting, says that new treatment choices for patients with major depression and anxiety are needed.

    AstraZeneca, the makers of Seroquel, funded the studies.

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    Safety And Tolerability Assessments

    The incidence, severity, and withdrawals because of AEs were recorded throughout. All AEs and serious AEs , including any ongoing at study end or discontinuation, were followed up until resolution or until the investigator decided that no further follow-up was necessary. Tolerability was assessed through physical examination and 12-lead electrocardiogram recordings , laboratory measurements , and recording of body weight, vital signs, and concomitant medication . The self-administered, 14-item Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire was completed at randomization and weeks 2, 4, and 8, with separate versions for males and females . Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale and SimpsonAngus Scale scores were assessed at randomization and weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8. All investigators performing BARS and SAS ratings received instructions on how to use these scales and it was recommended that the same rater conduct all assessments for a given patient.

    During the 2-wk drug-discontinuation phase, treatment discontinuation signs and symptoms were measured using a modified 18-item TDSS scale , which included the additional AEs vomiting, nausea, and insomnia. Patients completing the randomized period were asked to rate discontinuation symptoms using the TDSS scale on post-treatment days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14. During the drug-discontinuation phase patients were encouraged not to take any medication for anxiety.

    Important Safety Information About Seroquel Xr

    Seroquel Side Effects (Quetiapine) | What To Expect | Bipolar Disorder

    Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis treated with this type of medicine are at an increased risk of death, compared to placebo . SEROQUEL& nbspXR is not approved for treating these patients.

    Antidepressants have increased the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions in some children, teenagers, and young adults. Patients of all ages starting treatment should be watched closely for worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, unusual changes in behavior, agitation, and irritability. Patients, families, and caregivers should pay close attention to any changes, especially sudden changes in mood, behaviors, thoughts, or feelings. This is very important when an antidepressant medicine is started or when the dose is changed. These symptoms should be reported immediately to the doctor. SEROQUEL& nbspXR is not approved for children under the age of 10 years.

      Do not take SEROQUEL XR if you are allergic to quetiapine or any of the ingredients in SEROQUEL XR.

      Stroke that can lead to death can happen in elderly people with dementia who take medicines like SEROQUEL XR.

      Stop SEROQUEL XR and call your doctor right away if you have some or all of the following symptoms: high fever excessive sweating stiff muscles confusion changes in pulse, heart rate, and blood pressure. These may be symptoms of a rare, but very serious and potentially fatal, side effect called neuroleptic malignant syndrome .

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Quetiapine

    Is quetiapine a sleeping pill?

    Quetiapine can cause sleepiness, however it isn’t considered a sleeping pill and isn’t FDA approved to treat insomnia .

    Does quetiapine calm you down?

    Quetiapine balances dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain which produces a calming effect. This can be helpful for someone who is experiencing psychosis or hallucinations .

    Can quetiapine cause weight gain?

    Yes. Many people experience weight gain with Quetiapine . This medication can also affect the levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood and can make you more hungry.

    Should I take quetiapine in the morning or at night?

    If you’re taking quetiapine once daily then you should take it in the evening time, because it can cause some sleepiness and fatigue. If you’re taking this medication twice daily or multiple times during the day, then you should space out the doses evenly. For example, if you’re taking quetiapine twice daily, you should take one pill in the morning and the second pill in the evening time.

    Can quetiapine cause suicidal thoughts?

    Quetiapine can cause worsening of depression and can lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviors, especially in people age 24 or younger. It’s important to look out for changes in mood or behaviors while taking quetiapine .

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