Monday, April 29, 2024

How To Know If You Have Schizophrenia

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Is Ocd A Thought Disorder

The 4 Schizophrenia Symptoms You Need to Know

Obsessive-compulsive disorder patients often experience a change in thought patterns, particularly obsessive and recurring thoughts. Fish’s classification of thought disorder set out different categories, with one being the “possession of thought.”

With that classification in mind, OCD can be comorbid with thought disorders since patients often lose control or ‘possession’ of their thoughts.

It’s important to note that while many of these conditions can be linked to thought disorders, the term itself is not often perceived as a standalone disorder but rather a key feature of some severe mental illnesses.

What Risks And Complications Can Schizophrenia Cause

Physical health

Research suggests that people with serious mental illness , such as schizophrenia, have a shorter life expectancy. People with mental illness may die 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population. This may because people who live with SMI are at higher risk of having a range of health issues. Such as being overweight, having heart disease, smoking and diabetes.

Because of these issues, NICE recommends that when you start taking antipsychotic medication, your doctor should do a full range of physical health checks. This should include weight, blood pressure and other blood tests. These checks should be repeated regularly.

Mental health professionals are responsible for doing these checks for the first year of treatment. Responsibility may then pass to your GP. Your doctor or mental health team should offer you a programme which combines healthy eating and physical health checks. You should be supported by a healthcare professional to help stop smoking.


The risk of suicide is increased for people with schizophrenia. Research indicates that around 513% of people who live with with schizophrenia die by suicide.

Research has found that the increased risk is not usually because of positive symptoms. The risk of suicide is associated more to affective symptoms, such as low mood.

Key risk factors for suicide include:

  • previous suicide attempts,

What Cognitive Schizophrenia Symptoms Are Like

Someone with these symptoms may have trouble concentrating, focusing, taking in new information, and using that information. Their brain processes information more slowly, their memory declines, and they often have trouble reading and understanding social cues, Weinstein says. Though these symptoms can be made even worse by the brain âtrafficâ from positive symptoms, cognitive decline is a symptom all on its own, Margolis says.

âEven getting dressed was a very complicated process for me,â Collins says. âItâs like a traffic jam of information going in and out of your brain, so itâs like everything is always new, you donât remember the process.â

Dickson describes feeling like his brain was under constant assault. âMy analogy is if youâre playing a game of tackle football with some friends and the ball is coming to you, can you really do algebra in your head at that moment? I was a fairly smart guy, but when youâre sick with what I had, you really canât do a lot of deep intellectual thinking.â

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Getting Help May Be Delayed

Tina Collins, 53, of Baltimore says she was extremely anxious as a child and had her first breakdown at age 14. âWhen I first started having hallucinations, it was the late 70s, and there wasnât a lot of recognition of mental illness, especially in young people,â she says. She says it took decades to get diagnosed due to the stigma that comes with the condition. âNo one wanted to talk about it. Because I always had anxiety and other symptoms, my family would say, âOh sheâs always like that, sheâll be OK.ââ

Matthew Dickson, now 47, of New Brunswick, Canada, started having symptoms when he was 17. He didnât know what was happening to him. âI told people about some of the feelings I was having, but I had no idea what mental illness was. I still managed to go to class and even bicycle across Canada, but at the end of the last term of my last year at university, it hit me hard.â When Dickson started to worry that he would kill himself, he finally sought help and started treatment.

Because thereâs no test for schizophrenia, the first step in diagnosis is to eliminate other conditions, says Russell Margolis, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia Center. He notes that some of the symptoms can be similar to those of depression and dementia, or that another illness could be to blame. âThere can be a mood disorder or a delirious state brought about by an acute medical problem,â he says.

How Is It Treated And Is There A Cure

How To Get Diagnosed With Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia isnt curable, but it is often treatable. In a small percentage of cases, people can recover from schizophrenia entirely. However, this isnt a cure because there isnt a way of knowing who will have a relapse of this condition and who wont. Because of that, experts consider those who recover from this condition in remission.

Treating schizophrenia usually involves a combination of medication, therapy and self-management techniques. While therapy alone is often effective for treating most mental health conditions, managing schizophrenia usually requires medication. Early diagnosis and treatment are important because they increase the chances of a better outcome.

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Are People With Schizophrenia Intelligent

While no one is born with this condition, all patients before the disease sets in have average intelligence.

However, at the onset of disease, the different lobes of the brain like the frontal and temporal lobes become impaired or malfunction due to which most schizophrenic patients lose their cognitive abilities, their ability to reason, comprehend and organize their thoughts.

As a result of this, they tend to score low on IQ or other intelligence tests.

Helping A Loved One Cope With Schizophrenia

As with any mental health condition, it is important to show compassion and be supportive to people experiencing schizophrenia. If someone you know has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, you might wonder how you can help them successfully manage their illness.

First, learn everything you can using the many reliable resources that are available. Most importantly, you should learn about helping your loved one stick to their treatment plan. This may include ensuring that they have a reliable way of tracking their medication usage or that they have a reliable way to attend therapy sessions.

Schizophrenia can be severe, and hallucinations and delusions can be difficult to witness. It can be hard to understand what someone is going through. The most important thing is to make sure your loved one knows that you are there for them.

It is also incredibly important to help your loved one abstain from using certain substances. People with schizophrenia should stay away from alcohol and drug use. Tobacco, nicotine, alcohol, and recreational drugs make treatment difficult and can complicate symptoms. These substances also interact with antipsychotic medications, making side effects worse.

Help your loved one set long-term goals. Managing this condition is an ongoing processif people have goals, they will stay motivated to stick to their treatment plan.

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When To See A Healthcare Provider

As schizophrenia usually develops gradually, it can be difficult to pinpoint when changes in behavior start or know whether they are something to worry about. Identifying that you are experiencing a pattern of concerning behaviors can be a sign you should consult with a professional.

Symptoms may intensify in the run-up to an acute episode of psychosis in schizophrenia. The warning signs include:

  • A worrying drop in grades or job performance
  • New difficulty thinking clearly or concentrating
  • Suspiciousness of or uneasiness with others
  • Withdrawing socially, spending a lot more time alone than usual
  • Unusual, overly intense new ideas, strange feelings, or having no feelings at all
  • Difficulty telling reality from fantasy
  • Confused speech or trouble communicating

While these changes might not be concerning by themselves, if you or a loved one are experiencing a number of these symptoms, you should contact a mental health professional. It can be difficult for those with schizophrenia to want to get help, especially if they are experiencing symptoms such as paranoia.

If you or your loved one is thinking of or talking about harming themselves, contact someone who can help right away. You can call the toll-free, 24-hour National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-237-8255.

If you require immediate emergency care, call 911 for emergency services or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.

The Most Common Early Warning Signs Include:

Do YOU Have Schizophrenia?
  • Depression, social withdrawal.
  • Inability to cry or express joy or inappropriate laughter or crying.
  • Oversleeping or insomnia forgetful, unable to concentrate.
  • Odd or irrational statements strange use of words or way of speaking.
  • While these warning signs can result from a number of problemsnot just schizophreniathey are cause for concern. When out-of-the-ordinary behavior is causing problems in your life or the life of a loved one, seek medical advice. If schizophrenia or another mental problem is the cause, getting treatment early will help.

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    What Can Cure Thought Disorders

    While there is no known cure for thought disorder, there are effective treatments for treating associated symptoms. These treatments often target an underlying mental illness such as schizoaffective disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, or communication disorders. This could mean taking a medication like antipsychotics or participating in psychotherapy .

    What Can I Expect If I Have This Condition

    Schizophrenia is a condition where the outlook varies greatly from person to person. People who have schizophrenia tend to struggle with work, relationships and self care. However, with treatment, some are able to work, care for themselves and have fulfilling relationships.

    This condition also often affects people in cycles. That means many people with this condition go through periods where the condition flares up and their symptoms get much worse, followed by a period where symptoms improve but they still have some ongoing struggles.

    Despite how serious this condition is, treatment does make it possible for people with schizophrenia to live with the condition and minimize how it affects their lives.

    How long does schizophrenia last?

    Schizophrenia is a lifelong condition. While some people will recover from this condition after having only one or two episodes, schizophrenia symptoms can return unpredictably. People with a history of schizophrenia are in remission as long as symptoms dont return.

    Whats the outlook for this condition?

    Schizophrenia itself isnt a deadly condition. However, its effects on a person can lead to dangerous or harmful behaviors, to both themselves and the people around them.

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    Isolation And Social Withdrawal:

    As the disease progresses, people with schizophrenia are more apt to isolate themselves from others. Social withdrawal may be both a symptom of the disease and a conscious decision by someone suffering from the disease. Those with schizophrenia are often embarrassed by their behavior when cognizant. Therefore, they choose to limit their interactions with other people.

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    How Is Schizophrenia Diagnosed And Treated

    What You Need to Know about Schizophrenia

    Your healthcare provider will examine you. Your provider will ask if you have a history of psychological trauma, such as physical, sexual, or mental abuse. Your provider will ask if you were given the care that you needed when you needed it. Tell your provider if you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse. Your provider will ask if you want to hurt or kill yourself or others. Tell your provider about your hobbies and goals, the people in your life who support you, and how you feel about treatment. The answers to these questions help healthcare providers plan your treatment. Antipsychotics help decrease psychotic symptoms and severe agitation. You may need antiparkinson medicine to control muscle stiffness, twitches, and restlessness caused by antipsychotic medicines.

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    Articles On What Is Schizophrenia Prodrome

    If you have schizophrenia or know someone who does, youre probably familiar with symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. But you may not realize that warning signs can show up before a full-blown episode. When that happens, its called a prodrome or prodromal period.

    About 75% of people with schizophrenia go through a prodrome phase. It may last a few weeks, but for some people, these signs slowly worsen over several years.

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    What Is The Outlook

    • In most cases there are recurring episodes of symptoms . Most people in this group live relatively independently with varying amounts of support. The frequency and duration of each relapse can vary. Some people recover completely between relapses. Some people improve between relapses but never quite fully recover. Treatment often prevents relapses, or limits their number and severity.
    • In some cases, there is only one episode of symptoms that lasts a few weeks or so. This is followed by a complete recovery, or substantial improvement without any further relapses. It is difficult to give an exact figure as to how often this occurs. Perhaps 2 in 10 cases or fewer.
    • Up to 2 in 10 people with schizophrenia are not helped much by treatment and need long-term dependent care. For some, this is in secure accommodation.
    • Depression is a common complication of schizophrenia.
    • It is thought that up to a third of people with schizophrenia misuse alcohol and/or illegal drugs. Helping or treating such people can be difficult.
    • About 1 in 10 people with schizophrenia end their own life.

    The outlook is thought to be better if:

    Newer medicines and better psychological treatments give hope that the outlook is improving.

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    What Myths Are There About Schizophrenia

    There are some myths or mistaken beliefs about schizophrenia which come from the media. For example,

    • Schizophrenia means someone has a split personality

    This is not the case. The mistake may come from the fact that the name ‘schizophrenia’ comes from two Greek words meaning ‘split’ and ‘mind’.

    • People who live with schizophrenia are dangerous

    Those who live with schizophrenia arent usually dangerous. People who live with schizophrenia are far more likely to be harmed by other people than harm others.

    There is a higher risk of violent behaviour from those who live with schizophrenia. But, as with people who dont live with schizophrenia, much of the risk is linked to the use of street drugs or alcohol.

    Sometimes people who live with schizophrenia commit violent crimes. The media often report them in a way which emphasises the persons mental health diagnosis. This can create fear and stigma in the general public. But it should be remembered that:

    • violent crimes are also committed by people who dont live with schizophrenia,
    • its often later found that the person was failed or neglected by the mental health system, and
    • the crime might have been prevented if the person had received the care and support they needed.

    So, its not right to say that schizophrenia equals dangerous.

    Common Questions People Ask Themselves When Considering Schizophrenia

    If you have Schizophrenia

    As you work on answering your question, Am I schizophrenic? consider asking yourself these common questions:

    • Do other people see the things that Im seeing, hear what I hear, etc.? You can casually ask others to see what they say. That said, schizophrenia makes people withdraw from others, so if thats happening, pay attention.
    • Do I have an explanation for my hallucinations, and what is it? If your answer seems a bit odd to you, or if you share it with someone and they think it doesnt make sense, this could be a sign of a delusion. For example, if you believe that youve been placed here on a special mission and youre sensing special things because youre being tested or trained, you are having a delusion.
    • Is this just part of being a teenager ? While the teen years bring challenges and are an intense stage of growth and development, it is not part of adolescence to have the symptoms of schizophrenia .

    If you notice any of the symptoms and signs of schizophrenia, there are things you can do:

    Know yourself, and when thats hard, let others help. Professional treatment is essential because if you do have schizophrenia, the sooner you begin treatment, the better youll respond to it.

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    Lack Of Emotional Expressions

    A characteristic symptom of schizophrenia is a lack of emotional expression. People with this condition may show little or no reactions to good or bad news.

    They also begin to show fewer facial expressions and gestures when they talk. Their voice may become flat when they speak.

    Interestingly, suggests that while they appear to have a wooden expression, what they express outward may not be the same as what they feel inside.

    Sometimes, they can have unexplained and seemingly inappropriate reactions to things, like overwhelming anger or inappropriate laughter.

    How Is Paranoid Personality Disorder Treated

    Many people with paranoid personality disorder may not seek treatment on their own accord, either because they do not see that their behaviors are out of the ordinary or because they are distrusting of other people, including the healthcare professionals wanting to help them. Treatment for PPD is usually centered on psychotherapy. While there are no specific medications to treat PPD, medication may be prescribed if symptoms are severe or to treat co-occurring conditions, like anxiety or depression.

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    Schizophrenia Is A Disease That Keeps Many Illusions Know Its Symptoms And Treatment

    Symptoms of Schizophrenia: schizophrenia a mental There is disease. There is a change in the way of thinking, understanding and behavior of the person suffering from this disease. The patient of schizophrenia suspects every thing and person without any reason and remains lost in his own world. Such people hear such voices which in reality do not exist at all. Apart from this, people who are suffering from schizophrenia always feel that someone is conspiring against them or trying to trap them wrongly. Although people do not know much about this disease. Let us tell you what is schizophrenia. What are the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

    what is schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is a Greek word, which means split mind. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that describes a mental disorder in a person. Some patients of schizophrenia live in a kind of imaginary world or delusional state. His perspective is different from the real world. Many people consider this disease as split personality whereas it is a different type of disorder. These people are not able to express their feelings properly. They lose interest in life and become very emotional about anything.

    due to schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia can also happen due to these reasons

    • break up of joint families
    • race to make money
    • seeing many things, persons or figures
    • loss of function in crowded or public places
    • frequent mood swings and signs of depression
    • saying things that have no relation to reality

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