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How You Get Bipolar Disorder

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Is It Hard To Live With Someone With Bipolar Disorder

Treatments for bipolar disorder | Kay Redfield Jamison

Bipolar disorder doesnt define an individual but can affect their mood and behavior.

You might find some of your loved ones behaviors upsetting or challenging to manage at home. This could negatively affect your relationship with them, as well as your mental health and quality of life.

It may also affect your relationships with other family members or housemates.

If you help to care for someone with bipolar disorder, your caregiving responsibilities might limit your social activities or ability to work. This might lead to social isolation, financial difficulties, or other challenges related to your living situation.

Developing effective strategies to cope with challenges that arise at home is important. It may help improve your relationship, living situation, and quality of life.

Its also important for people with bipolar disorder to get treatment and learn how to manage their condition. This can help limit their symptoms and reduce relationship conflicts.

Learning to manage bipolar disorder is an ongoing process. It may take time for you and your loved one to develop coping strategies that work well for you.

Are There Clinical Trials Studying Bipolar Disorder

NIMH supports a wide range of research, including clinical trials that look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat diseases and conditionsincluding bipolar disorder. Although individuals may benefit from being part of a clinical trial, participants should be aware that the primary purpose of a clinical trial is to gain new scientific knowledge to help others in the future. Researchers at NIMH and around the country conduct clinical trials with patients and healthy volunteers. Talk to a health care provider about clinical trials, their benefits and risks, and whether one is right for you. For more information, visit the NIMH clinical trials webpage.

Who Is A Candidate For Diagnosis

Mood episodes are the main characteristic of bipolar disorder, and everyone experiences these a little differently. Most people who live with bipolar disorder experience manic episodes and depressive episodes .

These episodes can last for several days, weeks, or more. People with bipolar disorder tend to fluctuate rapidly between mania and depression. Some people with bipolar disorder have long periods of time with neutral moods as well.The way people experience manic episodes varies from one person to another, but the episodes are

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Can You Get Fmla For Bipolar Disorder

Find more info at The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year to care for a newborn, newly adopted or newly placed foster child, or for a seriously ill spouse, parent or child. This law covers employers with 50 or more employees at a necessary worksite within 75 miles. A 50 employee employer is one that has at least 50 employees for at least 20 workweeks in the current or preceding calendar year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that in 2009, family leave coverage was provided to about 60 million employees. Employees are eligible for FMLA leave if they have worked for a covered employer for more than 12 months and if they have worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months preceding the start of their leave. Employees who take FMLA leave are guaranteed their jobs will be held for them when they return to work, although they are not guaranteed to return to their exact job..

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What Are The Different Types Of Bipolar Disorder You Can Receive A Diagnosis For

What Causes Bipolar Disorder?

A bipolar disorder diagnosis will most likely fit into one of these categories:

  • Bipolar I disorder involves one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes, and it may include a major depressive episode. The episodes are not due to a medical condition or substance use.
  • Bipolar II disorder has one or more severe major depressive episodes with at least one hypomanic episode. There are no manic episodes, but you may experience a mixed episode.
  • Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder is a severe form of bipolar disorder. It occurs when you have at least four episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania, or mixed states within a year.
  • Not otherwise specified is a category for symptoms of bipolar disorder that do not clearly fit into other types. NOS is diagnosed when multiple symptoms of bipolar disorder are present but not enough to meet the label for any of the other subtypes. This category can also include rapid mood changes that do not last long enough to be true manic or depressive episodes. NOS includes multiple hypomanic episodes without a major depressive episode.

To be exact with a diagnosis, doctors use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders .

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What Is The Best Medication For Me

You need to discuss this with your doctor, but there are some general principles.

  • Lithium is usually the first choice sodium valproate a second choice, although it can also be prescribed with lithium. Olanzapine can be tried if lithium and sodium valproate have not helped.
  • Quetiapine can also be used, particularly where someone remains depressed between manic episodes8.
  • Lamotrigine may be suggested for bipolar II disorder or bipolar depression, but not for mania.
  • Sometimes a combination of these drugs is needed.

Much depends on how well you get on with a particular medication. What suits one person may not suit another.

Lithium reduces your chance of relapse by 3040%8, but the more manic episodes youve had, the more likely you are to have another one.

Number of previous manic episodes Chance of having another episode in the next year
Not taking Lithium

Resources For Managing Bipolar Depression

Living with bipolar disorder comes with a variety of challenges for both you and your loved ones. Fortunately, there are a number of good sources of accurate information on the condition, as well as organizations that provide emotional support and suggestions for seeking financial assistance if needed.

Whether youre decoding the symptoms, looking for the right treatment , or dealing with the prognosis, Harvard University experts help you understand when its time to call a professional and get help.

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Services That Can Help

You may be involved with many different services during treatment for bipolar disorder. Some are accessed through referral from your GP, others through your local authority.

These services may include:

  • Community mental health teams these provide the main part of local specialist mental health services. They offer assessment, treatment and social care to people with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses.
  • Early intervention teams these provide early identification and treatment for people who have the first symptoms of psychosis. Your GP may be able to refer you directly to an early intervention team.
  • Crisis services these allow people to be treated at home, instead of in hospital, for an acute episode. These are specialist mental health teams that deal with crises that occur outside normal office hours.
  • Acute day hospital these are an alternative to inpatient care in a hospital. You can visit every day or as often as you need.
  • Assertive outreach teams these deliver intensive treatment and rehabilitation in the community for people with severe mental health problems, providing rapid help in a crisis. Staff often visit people at home and liaise with other services, such as your GP or social services. They can also help with practical problems, such as helping to find housing and work, or doing your shopping and cooking.

How Do You Qualify For Disability Benefits Based On The Bipolar Listing

How to Spot the 4 Types of Borderline Personality Disorder

To qualify under the SSAâs official listing for bipolar disorder, you must have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and your medical records must show that you have at least three of the following symptoms:

  • unnaturally fast, frenzied speech
  • involvement in risky activities with painful consequences that you donât recognize, and/or
  • increase in physical agitation or in âgoal-directed activityâ .

You must also meet Social Securityâs âfunctionalâ criteria to show that you have a loss of abilities due to these symptoms. Just having a diagnosis isnât enough for the SSA to find you disabledyouâll need to show that your bipolar disorder causes an âextremeâ limitation in one, or a âmarkedâ limitation in two, of the following areas:

  • understanding, remembering, or using information
  • interacting with others
  • concentrating and maintaining pace in performing tasks , and/or
  • adapting or managing oneself .

Proving these limitations can be tricky because terms like âmarkedâ and âextremeâ are subjective and not well defined. To help the SSA understand how you meet these criteria, itâs a good idea to ask your treating psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or therapist for a medical source statement. Having multiple providers who can provide evidence that your limitations are medically disabling strengthens your claim.

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Mania And Mixed Depressive Episodes

Any antidepressant should be stopped. Haloperidol, olanzapine, quetiapine or risperidone can be used to treat a manic episode. If these do not work well, Lithium can be added.

Once the treatment has started, symptoms usually improve within a few days, but it may take several weeks for a full recovery. You should check with your doctor if you want to drive while taking this sort of medication.

Receiving Disability Benefits For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder was once known as Manic Depressive disorder due to periods of extreme euphoria, followed by bouts of severe depression. Bipolar disorder can be considered a disability under the Social Security disability program if you meet the work and medical requirements. Specifically, you must have 40 work credits to receive SS disability benefits, 20 of which were earned over the past 10 years, ending with the year you become disabled. Once you meet the work, resource, and income requirements, you must meet the medical requirements outlined in the SSA impairment listings.

According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, bipolar disorder affects about 5.7 million adult Americans. The median age of onset for bipolar disorder is 25 years, although the illness can begin in early childhood, or as late as the 50s. More than two-thirds of those with bipolar disorder have at least one close relative with the illness, indicating a genetic component.

We are particularly skilled in telling your story. Your story clearly shows the impact your impairment has had on your ability to work as well as your ability to handle normal, day-to-day activities. Once we ensure you meet SSAs five-step review process, we will begin crafting your story to give you the very best chance of receiving the disability benefits you need and deserve.

The five-step review process includes:

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Lithium Is The Standard Treatment

The current pharmaceutical treatment for bipolar disorder is lithium. Lithium, in its purest form, is a mineral. Research conducted at the University of Wisconsin found that lithium stabilizes neurotransmitter release in the brain . However, opinions on the effectiveness of lithium still vary among mental health professionals. No matter our opinion, it is important to note that no one should ever quit a medication for mental illness without first consulting their health care professional.

Answered By Dr Gustavo Campos

How To Get Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder
Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience · Brazil

It is not understood what causes people to have episodes of bipolar disorder. However, there are certain triggers for some individuals. Among these include being placed in a stressful situation, having difficulties sleeping, and having socioeconomic issues.

Learn more about bipolar disorder: See the causes, symptoms, treatment options and more.

Disclaimer: This is for information purpose only, and should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. These are opinions from an external panel of individual doctors, and not to be considered as opinion of Microsoft. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns.

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Are You Bipolar How To Get Evaluated For A Diagnosis

If you suspect you are bipolar, you might be wondering how to find out for sure. Bipolar disorder can be very disruptive to your life, including your personal relationships, finances, and overall health. Yet unfortunately, many people with bipolar disorder are not diagnosed correctly until later in life, after years of struggling, misdiagnoses, or even hospitalization.

If you think you might have bipolar disorder, you should get evaluated by a mental health professional as soon as possible. They will be able to confirm your suspicions or ease your concerns. If they diagnose you with bipolar disorder, they will be able to suggest an effective treatment plan.

Lets take a closer look at bipolar disorder and the signs and symptoms that may suggest you should get evaluated for a diagnosis. You will also find out what diagnosing bipolar disorder involves and the steps you can take from there.

Have you considered clinical trials for Bipolar disorder?

We make it easy for you to participate in a clinical trial for Bipolar disorder, and get access to the latest treatments not yet widely available – and be a part of finding a cure.

Whats The Screening Test For Bipolar Disorder Like

Current screening tests for bipolar disorder dont perform well. The most common report is the Mood Disorder Questionnaire .

In a 2019 study, results indicated that people who scored positive on the MDQ were as likely to have borderline personality disorder as they were to have bipolar disorder.

You can try some online screening tests if you suspect you have bipolar disorder. These screening tests will ask you a variety of questions to determine if youre experiencing symptoms of manic or depressive episodes. However, many of these screening instruments are home grown and may not be valid measures of bipolar disorder.

Symptoms for shifts in mood include:

Mania, or hypomania Depression

When getting a diagnosis for bipolar disorder, the usual method is to first rule out other medical conditions or disorders.

Your healthcare provider will:

  • order tests to check your blood and urine
  • ask about your moods and behaviors for a psychological evaluation

If your healthcare provider doesnt find a medical cause, they may refer you to a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist. A mental health professional may prescribe medication to treat the condition.

You may also be referred to a psychologist who can teach you techniques to help recognize and manage shifts in your mood.

Even in the case of rapid cycling or mixed episodes, a bipolar diagnosis requires someone to experience:


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Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

During a depressive episode, a person may experience irritability, persistent sadness, or frequent crying. He or she may have thoughts of death or suicide and lose interest in activities that were previously enjoyable. Other signs include a low energy level, fatigue, poor concentration, and a change in eating or sleeping habits.

During a manic episode, a person may seem unusually happy or excited. He or she may also talk too much and too fast or appear distracted or overly confident and ambitious.

Mania may also involve psychosis, or being out of touch with reality. This symptom can be characterized by hallucinations, which involve hearing or seeing things that arent there, or delusions, which involve believing things that arent supported by evidence.

Other symptoms of mania include experiencing increased energy despite a lack of sleep, driving recklessly, being sexually promiscuous, and engaging in risky behavior, such as abusing drugs or alcohol.

How Do Medications Factor In

10 Signs of Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Treating bipolar disorder with medication can be something of a delicate balance. Antidepressants that help ease depressive episodes can sometimes trigger manic episodes.

If your healthcare provider recommends medication, they might prescribe an antimanic medication such as lithium along with an antidepressant. These medications can help prevent a manic episode.

As you work to develop a treatment plan with your care provider, let them know about any medications you take. Some medications can make both depressive and manic episodes more severe.

Also tell your care provider about any substance use, including alcohol and caffeine, since they can sometimes lead to mood episodes.

Some substances, including cocaine, ecstasy, and amphetamines, can produce a high that resembles a manic episode. Medications that might have a similar effect include:

  • high doses of appetite suppressants and cold medications
  • prednisone and other steroids
  • thyroid medication

If you believe youre experiencing a mood episode or other symptoms of bipolar disorder, its always a good idea to connect with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

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Why Its Important To Advocate For Yourself

Advocating for yourself will help you get a correct diagnosis. If you believe you have been misdiagnosed, or you are unhappy with the time your psychiatrist spent assessing you and the methods they used, you should seek a second opinion.

The best way to advocate for your own mental health is by paying close attention to your moods and symptoms and communicating them to your psychiatrist. For some, this is where keeping a mood diary is helpful.

Once you are confident with your diagnosis, work closely with your psychiatrist to find the best treatment for you. Be honest when you dont believe things are working as expected. You and your healthcare provider should work as a team, and your input is essential to your ongoing care.

Treatment Options For Bipolar Disorder

If a person isn’t treated, episodes of bipolar-related mania can last for between three and six months. Episodes of depression tend to last longer, for between six and 12 months.

However, with effective treatment, episodes usually improve within about three months.

Most people with bipolar disorder can be treated using a combination of different treatments. These can include one or more of the following:

  • medication to prevent episodes of mania, hypomania and depression these are known as mood stabilisers and are taken every day on a long-term basis
  • medication to treat the main symptoms of depression and mania when they occur
  • learning to recognise the triggers and signs of an episode of depression or mania
  • psychological treatment such as talking therapies, which help you deal with depression and provide advice on how to improve relationships
  • lifestyle advice such as doing regular exercise, planning activities you enjoy that give you a sense of achievement, and advice on improving your diet and getting more sleep

Read more about living with bipolar disorder

Most people with bipolar disorder can receive most of their treatment without having to stay in hospital.

However, hospital treatment may be needed if your symptoms are severe, or if you’re being treated under the Mental Health Act, as there’s a danger you may self-harm or hurt others.

In some circumstances, you could have treatment in a day hospital and return home at night.

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