Counseling Strategies For Contraception And Mental Health
Women with depression and anxiety, as well as all women, may benefit from education and counseling strategies that deliver repeated and specific information on user-related method effectiveness rates and the relationship of contraceptive effectiveness to mental wellbeing . Providers should monitor for and counsel on adherence issues; reports of missing dosages or discontinuation of an antidepressant may alert the provider to contraceptive misuse or discontinuation. Evidence-based counseling techniques like motivational interviewing can be used to focus attention on specific problematic behaviors to evoke motivation for change by increasing confidence, readiness, and planning to improve contraceptive behaviors,, for instance the use of cell phone reminders or a consistent daily pill-taking routine. Providers should also work to dispel myths and misperceptions of side effects and reinforce the benefits and positive non- contraceptive effects of modern methods. Finally, counseling should include information on dual method use and sexual risk behavior given documented higher rates of sexually transmitted infections among women with depression and anxiety.
What We Know So Far
As mentioned above, birth control has not been proven or disproven as a cause of depression. However, many women complain about depression as a side effect. It is crucial that we do not take these claims lightly as depression is a serious illness that must be approached with sensitivity and caution. To be dismissive could be life threatening to some. If you or anyone who may be close to you are facing these symptoms, get in touch with a specialist to help talk you through it. We need to take care of our minds in order to take care our bodies, lives and those we love.
Oxidative Stress And Depression
Since most people have never heard of oxidative stress as it related to Depression and anxiety, Lets talk for just a moment about oxidative stress
- What is it,
- Why you need to know about it,
- How to test for it and
- Its connection to depression and anxiety
First off, Oxidative stress is a destructive force on the cells in your body and it happens when you dont have sufficient amount of antioxidants due to poor diet, poor absorption underlying inflammatory condition in the body.
While that might not seem like a big deal-its a huge problem to the integrity of the cells in your body. I like to use this illustration of an apple when explaining oxidative stress to my patients.
We all have apples in our house sitting on our kitchen table. As long as you dont bite into that apple and disturb the outer skin of the apple, that apple will keep fresh for several weeks and perhaps even a month or two.
But have you ever noticed that when you take a bit out of that apple, within just a few short minutes, that apple begins to turn brown. If you left that apple on the kitchen table for a week it would be rotten. Thats Oxidative stress! But when it happens in your body- that oxidative stress is damaging the cells and causing disease at the cellular level. One way we measure oxidative stress is by measuring lipid peroxidation,
When To Talk To Your Health Care Provider
Depression is serious and it should not be taken lightly. If you are experiencing depressive symptoms, you may ask your health care provider to refer you to a mental health professional, especially when the symptoms of depression you are having begin to affect your relationship with your family or at work.
If you or someone you know is having overwhelming feelings of depression or suicidal thoughts, seek help right away.
You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK .
So How Do Birth Control Pills Affect Our Psyche
After analyzing the obtained data about the supposition that birth control pills can worsen anxiety, the researchers found the proof that tablets really change how women perceive and respond to information. Some pieces of research revealed changes in communication, memory impairment, emotional non-stability for those who use contraceptives, they revealed that pills can lead to a structural reorganization of the brain. The researchers also noted that some studies have found a link between oral hormonal contraceptives and mood disorders based on chemical processes, such as depression, fatigue, man, a and anger.
In view of the seriousness of the evidence presented by a very limited amount of data, scientists called for a more thorough study of the side effects of birth control pills including anxiety.
Can Birth Control Help With Anxiety
Anxiety can cause many significant problems in daily functioning, and severely impact a persons quality of life. For women, can taking hormonal birth control cause or alleviate the symptoms of anxiety? The following article will explore what an anxiety disorder is and if birth control has any impact on anxiety.
What If You Already Have Depression
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization guidelines put no restrictions on the use of any type of birth control for people who have depression . The use of combined hormonal birth control, the hormonal IUD, implant, and the shot is not associated with worsening of symptoms among people with depression or bipolar disorder . One study actually showed less depressive symptoms among combined hormonal birth control users compared to people not using hormonal methods .Â
There arenât believed to be any interactions between SSRIs , which are commonly prescribed for depression, and hormonal contraception . The CDC puts no restriction on the use of any hormonal birth control for people who are taking SSRIs .Â
Other supplements and medications used for depression, such as tricyclic antidepressants, bupropion, and St. Johnâs Wort may interact with hormonal contraception .
Itâs important to speak with your healthcare provider about what supplements and medications you are taking and whether there are possible interactions with hormonal birth control.
#1 And #2 When You Take The Pill You Are Flooding Your Body With Unnatural Synthetic Hormones And These Synthetic Hormones Will Affects Your Thyroid And Affect Your Testosterone Levels
The Pill increases SHBG and TBG.
The best way to understand SHBG and TBG is to think of them like taxi cabs. Hormones, hitch a ride though our bodies by attaching to these proteins or taxi cabs.
SHBG is a protein made by your liver and It binds tightly to Three sex hormones found in both men and women. The three hormones that it binds to very tightly are basically your Estrogens and your Androgens
The Pills Surprising Effects On The Brain
June 29, 2020
The Pill is the most popular form of contraception in the U.S. with over 9 million women using it. Oral contraceptive pills contain synthetic that hijack your cyclical hormonal process, replacing it with a steady supply of low levels of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. You may already be aware that OCPs have been shown to cause problems with blood pressure and blood clots and increase the incidence of strokes, especially if you smoke or have a history of migraine headaches. But did you know that OCPs also affect your brain and mental well-being?
Why Does Birth Control Cause Depression
The addition of hormones in birth control may affect an individuals mental state. While many women report improved moods while taking birth control, others may respond differently. If you notice increased feelings of sadness after starting birth control, consult a doctor to determine whether you should try a different method.
What Types Of Birth Control Can Affect Your Mood
There are many types of birth control. These include IUDs, implants, injections, combined oral contraceptives , progestin-only pills, patches, and the hormonal vaginal contraceptive ring.
Each form of birth control may have a different impact on mood or risk of depression. Only hormonal forms of birth control can impact mood.
Hormonal Birth Control And Depression: Is There A Link
Hormonal birth control comes in many forms. It includes the pill, the implant, the intrauterine device , the patch, the shot, as well as the vaginal ring.
These forms of hormonal contraceptives use hormones to prevent pregnancy.
But can these methods of birth control really alleviate symptoms of depression?
This has been a cause for worry on the copper IUD Paragard.
Even though this birth control device does not make use of hormones, recently filed complaints in the Paragard lawsuit have mainly spoken of the device being prone to breaking inside the body of the woman who had it implanted, in some rare and severe cases, side effects and injuries were not the only worries that women had after using Paragard.
For instance, once the birth control device breaks, its pieces can become embedded so deeply into the womans tissue to the point that a hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is necessary.
Side effects and injuries may be painful, but additional surgeries that may burden patients not only with a permanent injury but also with additional costs from medical procedures may ultimately lead to devastating psychological consequences which can affect someones overall quality of life.
Heres the thing: hormones are quite complicated.
Decades of studies have actually explored the association between various types of hormonal birth control and depression, or its impact on mental health in general.
Are There Birth Control Methods That Wont Make Anxiety Worse
Only 4 to 10% of women who take the birth control pill report adverse mood symptoms as a result a figure relatively consistent across other methods of hormonal birth control.
There are, however, non-hormonal methods of birth control available that are less likely to interfere with mood. Condoms, diaphragms, and copper are all highly effective methods of hormone-free birth control that women looking to avoid the potential of added anxiety may want to consider.
Is There A Link Between Birth Control Pills And Depression
Depression and mood swings are commonly reported side effects of birth control pills. Researchers have been unable to prove or disprove a link. The research is often conflicting.
A pilot showed that depression is the most common reason women stop using birth control pills. It also found women using combination birth control pills were significantly more depressed than a similar group of women not taking the pills.
Despite the lack of a definite link, many women report feeling depressed while taking birth control pills. According to the AGO study, this may be due to the inconsistent use of the word depression. This could also be due to variance in pill formulations
The perceived connection may also be due to a large number of women with depression. Approximately 12 million women in the United States experience clinical depression each year. Although exact numbers cant be confirmed, its likely that many of those women take birth control pills. In some cases, the timing of depression may be a coincidence.
One showed birth control pills may improve mood swings. The study used data from 6,654 non-pregnant, sexually active women ages 25 to 34 taking hormonal contraception. These women had fewer symptoms of depression and were less likely to report a suicide attempt than women using less effective contraception or no contraception.
Diet Exercise And Sleep Affect Heart Health But Why
Some womens vulnerability to anxiety and mood disorders may be explained by their estrogen levels, according to new research by Harvard and Emory University neuroscientists presented in this months issue of Biological Psychiatry.
Low estrogen levels can make women more vulnerable to trauma at some points in their menstrual cycles, while high levels of the female sex hormone can partially protect them from emotional disturbance, the research suggests. Since birth control pills affect estrogen levels, they might one day be used to help prevent post-traumatic stress.
Depression and anxiety disorders are twice as common in women as in men, but the reason for this gender difference is unclear. The new work, reviewed by Harvards Mohammed Milad and colleagues in a commentary, suggests that women are most at risk for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder when their estrogen is low during the menstrual cycle.
PTSD is a disorder of recovery, said author Milad, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital . Men may be less at risk because testosterone, the male sex hormone, is converted into estrogen in the male brain, and so is more stable in their brains than in womens.
Is Anxiety A Side Effect Of Birth Control
Medically reviewed by Dr. Betty Acker, MD on November 17, 2020
Birth control, aside from just preventing unwanted pregnancy, can have other effects on the body, some welcome , and some unwelcome. Although most people who take hormonal birth control do not experience unpleasant side effects, there are some who say that it increases their anxiety levels.
There is no solid research supporting the idea that birth control has an adverse impact on anxiety levels or emotional state in general. On the contrary, a 2013 study showed that hormonal birth control use may actually reduce depression among women, and other studies have pointed to the potential benefits that birth control may offer in terms of mood. Birth control keeps hormone levels relatively steady, meaning that women with mood disorders made worse by fluctuating levels of hormones may find that birth control is beneficial for their situation.
However, the relationship between birth control and mental health is very complicated, and no two women will have the exact same experience while taking birth control. If youre worried about how birth control might affect your anxiety levels, here are answers to come common questions you may have:
If You Suspect Copper Overload Or Copper Toxicity
If you can relate to these symptoms that you see associated with copper toxicity, I recommend that you talk to your doctor about getting your
Ceruloplasmin is a protein made in your liver and it stores and carries anywhere from 60-90% of the mineral copper around your body. If you have low levels of ceruloplasmin and low levels of Zinc, you will have a large percentage of unbound copper in your blood and we know that high levels of unbound copper cause oxidative stress in the body-and we talked about that just a moment ago. Well if you made it all the way to the end of this video- congratulations! I know this was a long one, but there was so much information I wanted to share with you. I also know how tough it can be if you have depression. Most conventional western doctors are not interested in truly doing the investigative work in order to get to the root cause of chronic health problems and this is especially true for mental health problems.
If you are suffering with depression or anxiety- Please work with a Functional Medicine doctor who will be willing to put in the time digging into these areas and find out what is causing your depression. Mental health is a serious problem and I truly believe that there are answers out there. There are solutions! Life is such a gift and no one should have to struggle with this.
Please dont give up! Hang in there until you find the right doctor.
Till Next time! Take care.
Risk Of Depression With Hormonal Birth Control Small But Real
All forms of hormonal contraception were associated with an increased risk of developing depression, with higher risks associated with the progesterone-only forms, including the IUD. This risk was higher in teens ages 15 to 19, and especially for non-oral forms of birth control such as the ring, patch and IUD. That the IUD was particularly associated with depression in all age groups is especially significant, because traditionally, physicians have been taught that the IUD only acts locally and has no effects on the rest of the body. Clearly, this is not accurate.
Should we stop prescribing hormonal birth control? No. Its important to note that while the risk of depression among women using hormonal forms of birth control was clearly increased, the overall number of women affected was small. Approximately 2.2 out of 100 women who used hormonal birth control developed depression, compared to 1.7 out of 100 who did not. This indicates that only some people will be susceptible to this side effect. Which ones, we dont know. But I plan to discuss this possibility with every patient when Im counseling them about birth control, just as I would counsel about increased risk of blood clots and, for certain women, breast cancer. In the end, every medication has potential risks and benefits. As doctors, we need to be aware of these so we can counsel effectively.
Do Antidepressants Affect Birth Control
No, antidepressants do not affect birth control. However, if taking these medications, it is key to talk to your doctor before starting birth control to avoid any negative reactions in your body.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article intend to inform and induce conversation. They are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Pandia Health, and are for informational purposes only, even if and to the extent that this article features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.
Regular Mental Health Screening Is Needed
However, its also clear that some women who are prescribed hormonal contraceptives will develop low mood.
“Although research studies have not unanimously confirmed any direct correlation between hormonal contraception and depression, and often have conflicting findings, in my clinical experience many adolescents and adults may experience depressive symptoms subsequent to starting birth control,” says Leela R. Magavi, MD, a Hopkins-trained adult, adolescent, and child psychiatrist and regional medical director for Community Psychiatry, California’s largest outpatient mental health organization.
What Do You Do If You Are Facing Depression
Depression is not something to be taken lightly. If the symptoms persist for over two weeks it is crucial that you ask your doctor to refer you to a mental health specialist. Therapy and anti-depressants may help depending on what your doctor may prescribe.
Simply talking to someone can prove to be extremely rewarding. If you know of someone who may be facing these symptoms, lend an ear, or suggest a specialist if they are not comfortable talking to you. Even the smallest detail can completely change the way we look at things.
In more severe cases, thoughts of suicide are a symptom, and should be treated with the utmost sense of urgency. If you are facing these thoughts, contact your local helpline or get in touch with a specialist who can help.
Can Iuds Cause Depression Or Other Mental Health Issues
Whether or not IUDs cause mental health issues isnt a universal yes-or-no question. Each womans hormonal profile is different, so the low levels of progesterone that hormonal IUDs emit may or may not affect your overall hormonal balance or mood.
There are a few things about IUDs that make them a popular form of birth control. The hormonal IUD has a low dose of progesterone, which mainly has a local effect in the uterine cavity. Hormonal IUDs can last anywhere from three to five years, making them great for long-term family planning.
Some studies have indicated that there is no correlation between IUDs and depression or anxiety. However, other studies show that women who have a history of depression and anxiety, or mental health issues related to those two conditions, may have a negative experience with hormonal birth control of any sort. Research into the effects of added female hormones from birth control has been extensive and is still inconclusive. Essentially, whether or not an IUD will cause depression depends on each womans individual chemical makeup.
Birth control, including IUDs, that contains only progesterone seems to be linked to more incidences of depression than methods that also include low doses of estrogen.
What Are The Benefits Of Quitting Birth Control
The benefits are also different for each person, but going off birth control may help in some of the following ways:
- If your sex drive was diminished on birth control, going off it might help increase it. Studies show that, for some people, birth control does decrease their sex drive, Dr. van Dis explains. So once youve stopped taking it, you may find yourself more interested in having sex.
- If birth control adversely impacted your mood, going off it might improve it. While we previously discussed the many different ways birth control may or may not affect someones mood, those who experience depressionas a side effect of their BC may feel an improvement in their general mood.
How Is The Contraceptive Pill Affecting Your Mood
A new citizen science project is helping people understand how their menstrual cycle and hormonal birth control affects mood, wellbeing and behaviour
Yaz. Yasmin. Isabelle. Diane. Brenda.
There are more than 30 different brands of contraceptive pill in Australia alone, and while they dont all have cutesy condescending womens names, they are taken daily by more than 100 million people worldwide to protect against unwanted pregnancy, resolve hormone imbalances and improve complexion.
A new study now indicates that the pill also affects patterns of activity in areas of the brain related to stress, memory and emotional processing. In line with previous research, changes were seen in both brain structure and function, with some greater differences among women who started using the pill in adolescence.
The study compared two groups of 18 to 26-year-old women: those who were currently using and those who have never used the oral contraceptive pill.
Participants completed a social stress test, which involved cortisol sampling, public speaking and a mental arithmetic task.
They then completed questionnaires assessing anxiety and depression, an emotional memory task and a structural and functional MRI brain scan.
Pill use was linked to increased activation in the prefrontal cortex during working memory processing for negatively arousing stimuli, such as images of a car crash or gun. This suggests that the negative images were having greater impact on them.
Can Birth Control Cause Depression Experts Break Down The Correlation
Many people who use birth control experience unpleasant side effects like nausea, breast tenderness, and changes in sex drive. But not all side effects are physical doctors say birth control can also affect your mood, noting that studies have found a correlation between hormonal contraception and depression. So, could your birth control be to blame for your symptoms? Experts say that, while there’s a link, it’s a bit more complicated than that and other factors certainly play a role.
Kim Langdon, MD, a board-certified ob-gyn in Ohio, told POPSUGAR that the hormones in birth control could worsen a mood disorder or unmask a latent depression or anxiety disorder. However, Dr. Langdon explained that it’s unlikely birth control is the sole cause of depression or anxiety because these conditions are caused by low neurotransmitters in the brain which are influenced by many factors, including genetics.
“There’s a complex interaction and balance of serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and norepinephrine, or the ‘happy hormones’ in the brain,” Dr. Langdon said. Low estrogen and testosterone play a role in depression and, as Dr. Langdon explained, even though birth control pills contain hormones, ” actually lower the overall production of hormones from the ovaries by stopping ovulation.” She added that, conversely, too little progesterone is linked to anxiety because progesterone has a sedating or calming effect.
An Ob-Gyn Explains Why You Might Experience Spotting While on Birth Control
My Nightmare On The Pill
Millions of women rely on the contraceptive pill and many are happy with it – but some find it has a devastating effect on their mental health. Here Vicky Spratt, deputy editor of The Debrief, describes years of depression, anxiety and panic as she tried one version of the pill after another.
I sat in the GP’s office with my mum and told her that I’d been having my period for three weeks. She told me that the contraceptive pill might help. She warned that it wouldn’t protect me from sexually transmitted infections and told me that if I had unprotected sex I could get cervical cancer, so I’d best use it wisely. She had to say that, though I was 14 and sex was very much not on the agenda.
My prescription was printed in reception. And then, a three-month supply of the combined pill was mine. Picking up the green foil-covered packets full of tiny yellow pills felt like a rite of passage – I was a woman now. In the plastic pockets was the sugar-coated distillation of feminism, of women’s liberation, of medical innovation.
This is where it all began, 14 years ago. I then played what I call pill roulette for more than a decade, trying different brands with varying degrees of success and disaster. It was around this time that I also developed anxiety, depression and serious mood swings which, on and off, have affected me throughout my adult life.
Pill varieties
Find out more
The Debrief carried out an investigation, surveying 1,022 readers, aged 18-30
The pill and depression