Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Unintentionally Have An Eating Disorder

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Can Eating Disorders Be Prevented Or Avoided

How do I tell if I have an eating disorder?

There is no known way to prevent eating disorders. The reason some people develop eating disorders isnt known. People who have anorexia may believe they would be happier and more successful if they were thin. They want everything in their lives to be perfect. People who have this disorder are usually good students. They are involved in many school and community activities. They blame themselves if they dont get perfect grades, or if other things in life are not perfect.

Do Consider Family Therapy

Eating disorders are complicated and require specialized, individualized treatment! Family therapy may help you figure out ways to support your loved one in eating disorder recovery and explore connections and relationships on a deeper, more personal level. Know that family therapy interventions work best when attending family members are ready for collaboration not when members are forced or threatened into going to therapy.

How Do I Know If I Have An Eating Disorder

Recognize common emotional symptoms of eating disorders. Many individuals with disordered eating habits are excessively concerned with body size, weight, and appearance. Some common behavioral and emotional symptoms that someone with an eating disorder might have include: paying an unusual amount of attention to food and calorie intake

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Eating Disorders On A Continuum

There are ranges to the severity of eating disorders, and there are typically co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and/or a distorted body image tied to the eating disorder . Individuals may begin to diet, or over exercise, and experience positive rewards in weight loss. Their peers may praise them for their weight loss and unknowingly encouraging the person to continue with the disordered behaviors.

A person will usually begin developing an eating disorder by engaging in unhealthy eating or dieting behaviors. They may start to diet, restrict eating, over exercise, etc. and then begin to receive accolades for their weight loss. This alone can be a tipping point for someone with a genetic predisposition to anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder.

This feeling of success or approval often encourages the person to continue with the restricting, dieting, and fasting which can then lead to Anorexia.

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental health disorder that is characterized by a person working to maintain lower weight through dieting, fasting, restricting food intake, and/or excessive exercise .

A Cat Eating Disorder Known As Pica

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Pica is the name given to a group cat eating disorders where cats become almost addicted to eating non-food substances. Reported cases of Pica have ranged from cats eating rubber, fabric, electrical cables and wool.

The cause is not yet known and the main way of treating these cases is to make the substance they are trying to eat very unpleasant by adding a strong smelling substance like lemon or eucalyptus to it.

Indoor cats more often display these strange cat eating disorders and so it is thought that it might be that the cats are under stimulated or have remained mentally as kittens because they have not been able to develop all their natural hunting skills etc.

n these cases providing more things for the cat to do may help to distract them from this strange and also dangerous occupation. Cat climbing frames and trees and various toys and dens may help to make their environment more appealing to their hide and seek temperament.

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Could You Have An Eating Disorder

If you havent had reason to know much about eating disorders previously, it may be that your understanding of them is based on the way theyre shown in the media, for example. This often portrays a particular type of story in terms of who gets eating disorders, what causes them, and what the symptoms are. For example, you may have most often heard about the experiences of young white women with anorexia, which doesnt reflect the full spectrum of eating disorders and people who can develop them.

  • Studies suggest around a quarter of people with eating disorders are male.
  • In 2015, 15% of the calls to our Helpline were about someone aged 40 or over.
  • According to a study , 80 Recovery is possible at any time, but its important to try and seek help as early as you can, as this can help in recovery. 85% of people with eating disorders are not underweight.
  • Stereotypes about who gets eating disorders might make them even harder to spot among older people, men and boys, and ethnic and cultural minority groups. The real number of sufferers overall could be much higher than we think, but particularly among groups like these.

You can read more about the symptoms of different eating disorders here. If youre at all worried about yourself or someone else, its always best to seek help as quickly as possible, as this gives the greatest chance of a full recovery.

Sign #: You Berate Yourself If You Dont Work Out Every Day

Regular exercise is essential for ideal health, and doctors recommend at least three to four workout sessions a week. But if you find yourself freaking out when you miss leg day at the gym, you might be developing an unhealthy attachment to your fitness regimen. There is no doubt that a regular exercise practice is healthy and can help alleviate stress and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, says Brennan. However, if you are doing things like skipping your kids dance recital, turning down social invitations, or feeling compelled to exercise in the middle of the night, you may be developing a compulsive relationship with exercise. This can lead to eating disorders and dangerous weight loss, poor nutrition, fragile bones, and injuries. If this is you, see a sports psychologist and registered dietitian who specializes in sports nutrition to help you get on a balanced movement plan.

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How Are Anorexia And Pseudo

Treatment will depend completely on what the diagnosis is. Associated or additional treatment will focus on treating/managing related symptoms. For instance, if your cat is dehydrated, then intravenous fluids may be needed. Any nausea must be eliminated. If it is appropriate, your veterinarian may prescribe a short-term appetite stimulant such as cyproheptadine or mirtazapine . If there is a mineral imbalance like low potassium, which can interfere with normal appetite, then a potassium supplement will be added. It may be useful to enhance the palatability of the cats food. Your veterinarian can help you with specific recommendations, but simple steps to try include:

  • Adding a canned formulation to the diet.
  • Heating food to approximately body temperature **If heating in the microwave, stir the food to ensure no hot pockets are left.
  • Adding a bit of low-sodium chicken, vegetable, or beef broth for flavor enhancement.
  • Temporarily preparing a home cooked diet with guidance from your veterinarian as to appropriate recipes.

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You Look Healthy/better Than Ever

My Eating Disorder Story: Anorexia and Bulimia

If there is one thing for certain, individuals suffering from an eating disorder are already well aware of their body. However, the majority of individuals suffering from an eating disorder find this compliment to be extremely triggering. Individuals in recovery may need to gain weight as part of their treatment, and their fragile mental state will cause any comment that notes a change in their appearance as confirmation of weight gain. Because to a disordered mind healthy is a synonym for fat.

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Their Food Isnt Meeting Their Nutritional Needs

Cats may also overeat if their food does not provide enough nutrients. Low-quality kibble will leave your cat unsatiated and hungry again shortly after they finish their meal. Their age may also come into play. As cats get older, they become less able to digest proteins and fats. At the same time, they need more energy. To get the calories their body needs, your senior cat may begin eating more.

Why Is My Cat Not Eating

Loss of appetite in cats, also known as anorexia, can be a sign of a serious underlying disease. The list of potential causes for cats not eating is long and diverse and includes kidney disease, cat flu, diabetes, fever, hyperthyroidism and pancreatitis. Dental problems, pain and internal obstructions may also result in your cat not eating. There may be a behavioural reason, such as stress, anxiety or depression, perhaps caused by a change in surroundings.

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Notice Whos Really Talking

People with eating disorders often describe the eating disorder as having its voice. But theres also another voice talking: your true inner voice.

To get more in tune with your wise and true inner voice, try journaling. Writing down your self-talk can help you distinguish the conflicting voices in your head. To cultivate and lean into the internal motivation to recover, take particular note of pro-recovery thoughts or the costs of the eating disorder like these when journaling:

What Are The Warning Signs Of Binge Eating

Can You Recover from an Eating Disorder?
  • Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as a 2-hour period.
  • Eating even when youre full or not hungry.
  • Eating fast while binging.
  • Eating until youre painfully full or sick.
  • Eating alone or in secret because youre embarrassed.
  • Feeling stressed, ashamed, or guilty when binging.
  • Trying to diet on occasion without success.

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Eight Things That Nobody Tells You About Anorexia

As there has been a lot of talk about anorexia, particularly in recent times, almost everyone now knows what it is. Or at least they think they know. In theory, anorexia is a very simple disorder that presents a simple solution just eat! But its not that simple. The disorder is incredibly complex and there isnt a single solution for it. Essentially, no one really knows whats going on in the mind of someone suffering from anorexia. And, believe me, a lot is going on!

I lived with anorexia for nine years. And until my book, Notice Me, was finally published, I never told anyone what it felt like. Now I want to tell everyone. Particularly the things that are not stated anywhere else. So, with that in mind, the eight things that nobody tells you about anorexia:

  • Youre thinking about food all the time
  • You hate those that are skinnier or more successful than you
  • If you had to choose between gaining weight or dying, you would choose dying
  • With each pound lost, you become less confident
  • Its not even about your physique, even though youre not aware of this
  • People are obstacles
  • You know youre too thin, but not really
  • You yourself dont believe the success youll achieve once you lose your unwanted pounds

Luckily, I managed to stitch myself back into a single personality, and that personality found the strength with I want out and Ill fight, and ultimately did so.

Contributed by pela

Normal Cat Eating Habits

To determine if your cats eating habits are abnormal, you must knowwhats normal for your cat. In their natural environment, cats hunt fortheir food and may go some time between meals. When living with humans,however, they often have a bowl of food available to them at all times.This food is filled with enticements, causing them to overeat.

Cats are also designed to mix up their diets from time to time,since they wouldnt always eat the same prey every day in the wild. Amix of protein sources is important to your cats dietary needs.

No two cats will have the same eating habits, so be aware of whenand how much your cat normally eats. This is easier if your cat is fedmeals on a regular schedule, rather than picking at food throughout theday. Then youll know if something is wrong.

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Can Cats Have Eating Disorders

Always talk with your veterinarian first to rule out serious medical causes for cat pica.

Then discuss with your vet ways to discourage your cat from eating nonfood items. The experts at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at University of California, Davis, as well as other vets and animal behaviorists, suggest the following actions:


Be patient. Everyone wants a step one, two, three to treat behavior, says Moon-Fanelli. But, she says, behavior is quite complex and theres no one-size-fits-all treatment. Every cat is an individual, and every environment is somewhat different.

Cats nibbling on teddy bears or chewing on string can look pretty cute, but the result can be anything but. Dont wait for a life threatening intestinal blockage or an underlying medical problem to come to the fore before talking to your vet about your cats unusual cravings.

Alice Moon-Fanelli, PhD, certified applied animal behaviorist, Animal Behavior Consultations, LLC, Brooklyn Veterinary Hospital, Brooklyn, Connecticut clinical assistant professor, department of clinical sciences, animal behavior, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.

Arnold Plotnick, MS, DVM, Dip. ACVIM, veterinary internist, feline specialist, Manhattan Cat Specialists.

Nicholas H. Dodman, section head and program director, animal behavior, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, author The Cat Who Cried for Help.

ASPCA, 17 Poisonous Plants.

How To Talk To Someone With Binge Eating Disorder


Figuring out the best way to help another person in recovery can be frustrating. Sometimes, even though we are desperate to help, our first instincts actually backfire on us! Heres an example: A natural urge when trying to help someone with a history of binge eating is to offer solutions. Perhaps you have some ideas on what has helped your friend in the past. Maybe you are thinking of suggesting a diet or exercise program. However, diets and exercise programs wont help those recovering from compulsive overeating. In fact, diets make binge eating behaviors worse! Dieting when you already have an eating disorder only exacerbates the eating disorder pathology making the eating disorder stronger. Another instinct that may backfire is this: well-meaning family members and friends often think, If I just encourage my loved one to try harder and have more willpower they could overcome this binge eating. Unfortunately, what some might call a lack of willpower doesnt have much to do with willpower at all binge eating disorder is a serious eating disorder. When it comes to eating disorders, one cannot just use willpower to change their behaviors or habits. So, what can you do to support a loved one in recovery? Ill get to that below, but first, Id like to define binge eating disorder for those new to this topic.

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What Can I Do If My Cat Wont Eat Or Drink

The most important thing you can do is speak to your vet as early as possible and follow their advice on providing nourishment for your cat. Outside of that, there are also some simple short-term steps you can take such as feeding your cat something that stimulates their appetite such as canned sardines or liver. Just remember these foods should only ever be given in moderation.

The Psychological Impact Of Insensitivity

Whether or not they are getting professional help for anorexia nervosa, people with body dysmorphia tend to take any kind of negative comments about weight personally, even if theyre just a joke or are tossed off casually. Even media representations of thinness or fatness can have an impact.

  • Fat-shaming in other forms of media can also reinforce disordered feelings and behaviors associated with anorexia nervosa. A movie comedy that portrays overweight people as comically lazy, gluttonous fools, like The Klumps, can unwittingly signal that being overweight makes someone a bad person. When added to an existing fear of gaining weight , this kind of portrayal can doubly reinforce someones attempts to avoid food and caloric intake and take ever more extreme measures to counteract what food is taken in .
  • Although there has been a recent trend in advertising and modeling circles to promote inclusivity for more body types and weights, there is still a tendency for stick-thin models to grace the covers of magazines and billboards. In many cases, the images are photoshopped to reduce curves as well as eliminate flaws. This creates an extremely unrealistic ideal of attractiveness and beauty that can have a huge impact on people who are already sensitive to negative feelings about themselves.

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What Are The Warning Signs Of Anorexia

  • Deliberate self-starvation with weight loss.
  • Fear of gaining weight.
  • Refusal to eat or skipping meals.
  • Denial of hunger.
  • Greater amounts of hair on the body or the face.
  • Sensitivity to cold temperatures.
  • Absent or irregular periods in girls or women.
  • Loss of scalp hair.
  • A self-perception of being fat when the person is really too thin.

What To Do If Your Teens Doctor Suspects An Eating Disorder

Why You Canât Tell If Someone Has An Eating Disorder Just ...

If you or your child are dealing with acid reflux disease and your health care provider insists they have an eating disorder, it can be hard not to get defensive. The best way to deal with the situation is to get a second opinion, and, if warranted, allow an evaluation to be done. If the health care professional determines that an eating disorder is not playing a role in your teenagers medical issues, they can move on to address the acid reflux more aggressively.

On the other hand, should an eating disorder specialist diagnose your teen with an eating disorder, its important to take that diagnosis seriously. Eating disorders can be deadly mental illnesses, and they require treatment. Diagnosis is just the first step months or sometimes years of treatment are needed to properly deal with an eating disorder. Treatment options will be tailored to what works best for your teen and may include psychological and nutritional counseling, according to NEDA.

If you believe that you or someone you love might have an eating disorder, you can contact NEDA’s helpline at 1-800-931-2237 for immediate assistance. They also offer a useful online screening tool.

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