Friday, July 26, 2024

Did Trump Say Veterans With Ptsd Are Weak

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To Say That Suicidal Veterans Are Not Strong Or That Ptsd Only Affects Those Who Can’t Handle Service Doesn’t Help Anyone And It Could Hurt A Whole Lot More

Newsmax Host Totally Loses It When Veteran Criticizes Trump

Anyone seeking the role of commander in chief, though, should understand and empathize with the very real repercussions of putting your life on the line for your country and be deliberate in the way he or she talks about it.

Trump prides himself on not being politically correct, but there are very real repercussions for talking about PTSD in a politically incorrect way. Despite his good intentions to provide more mental health support to veterans, Trump’s disregard for the way mental health professionals and advocates have worked for years to correct the misinformation and stigmatization of PTSD and depression shows a level of flippancy towards an important issue that a commander in chief cannot afford.

GTUxs Psychedelics and Religion, Part 1 has nine easy-to-watch modules offering in-depth conversations from leading scholars in both religious and medical fields, including Michael Pollan, Celina De Leon, Ayize Jama-Everett, and many others.

The content is practical for a general audience, and particularly for those interested in using plant medicine in holistic ways.

Brian Anderson, Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSF General Hospital, and one of the GTUx speakers considers it paramount to incorporate spiritual knowledge from ancient practices into the medical use of psychedelics. This is important even if the person taking these substances doesnt label themselves as religious.

For context, normal high temps in the U.K. in July hover around 20 C .

Trumps Says Warriors With Ptsd Aren’t ‘strong’ Will Veterans Still Back Him

Donald Trump, speaking at an event in Virginia, said some vets are strong enough to deal with what they experience during military service while others ‘can’t handle it.’


Despite making a comment that implied those who struggle with mental health issues after serving the country in combat are weaker than those who don’t have a diagnosis, Donald Trump doesnt seem to be losing significant support from veterans.

Speaking at an event in Herndon, Va., organized by the Retired American Warriors political action committee Monday, Mr. Trump responded to a question about faith-based programs intended to help soldiers struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder , brain injuries, and other issues as a result of their service.

“When you talk about the mental health problems when people come back from war and combat, and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people can’t handle it,” he said.

“And they see horror stories. They see events that you couldn’t see in a movie, nobody would believe it,” he added.

Ptsd A Weakness In Veterans I Don’t Think So Mr Trump

Donald Trump seems to be looking for the last corners of the human population that he has yet to insult, and today he turned his schoolyard bully brain on U.S. veterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder . In comments to the Retired American Warriors PAC in Virginia, Trump said:

When people come back from war and combat, and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it.

The implication, of course, is that people who are not strongi.e., who are weak, at least in Trumps worldcant handle it, and they develop PTSD. That’s not how PTSD arises, and it’s not associated with some phantom concept of psychological or mental weakness. It’s a pretty typical response to trauma of many different types, but Trump doesn’t seem to know much about that.

After all, this is coming from a guy whose entire experience with combat consisted of getting five deferments during the Vietnam era. One of them was for bone spurs in his heels, a condition that didnt seem to stop him from participating in several sports.

He claimed that his doctor at the time wrote a very strong letter about the spurs that excused him from facing what so many not-rich, not-daddy-supported, not-deferred men his age went through in that period. That strong letter was the only strong thing ever involving Donald Trump and military service.

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Trump Media At War Over Ptsd

Democrats have seized on remarks Donald Trump made to a veterans group on Monday, accusing the GOP nominee of disrespecting veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder .

The Trump campaign insists Trumps words have been taken out of context and are lashing out at the media for headlines that suggest the celebrity businessman described those suffering from PTSD as weak-minded.

The media continues to operate as the propaganda arm of Hillary Clinton as they took Mr. Trumps words out of context in order to deceive voters and veterans an appalling act that shows they are willing to go to any length to carry water for their candidate of choice, said Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a top Trump surrogate said in a statement.

Speaking to a veterans group in Virginia, Trump was asked by a former Marine whether he would take a holistic approach, including the assimilation of faith-based Christian programs, in assisting veterans who return from war with PTSD.

Yes, I would, Trump responded.

Were going to have a very robust level of performance having to do with mental health, Trump said. We are losing so many great people who could be taken care of if they had proper care.

Trumps remarks were received warmly by the veterans at the town hall event moderated by Christian leader Tony Perkins.

Draft-dodger Trump: PTSD sufferers are weak, said a tweet from The Daily Beast.

Evan McMullin

Opinion: Trump Is Wrong I Treat Combat Veterans With Ptsd And They Are Not Weak

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump Didn

by Joan Cook, The Conversation

Mr. Trump, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.

Well, not one person per se, but the thousands of veterans I’ve had the privilege to work with as a clinical psychologist over the past 20 years. They’ve served this country proudly shouldering the responsibilities of the world while others went to college or into family business. They’ve served in war zones in Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and places some probably couldn’t pronounce or find on a world map.

These men and women have seen direct combat and the aftermath of battle, and experienced extreme threats to personal safety. They’ve lived through the unthinkable rocket-propelled grenade and artillery attacks, seeing friends’ bodies ripped in half or faces blown off, handled human remains, intentionally killed enemy combatants and had to live with the haunting consequences of accidentally taking the life of women and children.

In the war zone, our brave men’s and women’s safety is often in danger. Alert around the clock, they are in constant fear of attack, have concern over encountering explosive devices and come within inches of their own death. Even in peacetime, our military face significant stressors assisting in disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts, exposure to hazards and harmful substances and strenuous physical demands.

Lives never the same

Silent suffering adds to the burden

‘All these years, I thought was crazy’

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White House: No Donald Trump Vets With Ptsd Are Not Weak

WASHINGTON The White House collectively sighed Monday before responding to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trumps suggestion that veterans who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder are weak.

It is not a sign of weakness to get help, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in his daily briefing. In fact, its a sign of character and a sign of strength to ensure that youre taking care of yourself.

Earnests comments came hours after Trump, who dodged the military draft five times, suggested veterans with PTSD are not strong and cant handle it.

When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and youre strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people cant handle it, Trump said during a Q& A with the Retired American Warriors PAC.

Heres a video clip:

Between 11 and 20 percent of veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan have PTSD, and about 12 percent of Gulf War veterans struggle with the condition, according to theDepartment of Veterans Affairs. About 30 percent of Vietnam veteranshave had it in their lifetimes.

PTSD is also a risk factor for suicide among veterans. On average, 20 veterans die from suicide every day.

Others vented on Twitter.

My 71 yr old father would knock out then ask who is weak. #PTSD


We are losing so many people that can be taken care of if they have proper care, he said.

The Gop Nominee’s Thoughtless Remarks Prove He Is Not Fit To Be The Next Commander In Chief

Like countless combat veterans and civil servants in our country, I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. The Department of Veterans Affairs diagnosed me with PTSD and traumatic brain injury in 2012 once I separated from the Marine Corps.

My fellow troops and I witnessed horrific tragedy on a regular basis while deployed to the Middle East. Prolonged engagements with the enemy improvised explosive devices around every corner the bloodied, lifeless bodies of men, women and children all served as a constant reminder of the horrors of war. We were able to compartmentalize these eye-searing and deafening events while still in the fight but, once we returned safely, the memories left a lasting impression.

I was initially hesitant to acknowledge these memories because I understood the social stigma attached to PTSD and the resultant symptoms. Social isolation, irrepressible anxiety and impetuous behavior are symptoms of PTSD and factors that perpetuate this unjustified stigma. People dont know us and dont have empathy for us, and therefore they are ignorant about the condition.

Speaking to a group of noteworthy veterans in Northern Virginia, Donald Trump confirmed his ignorance with a : “When people come back from war and combat, and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and youre strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people cant handle it.

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Trump Suggests Veterans With Ptsd Arent Strong Cant Handle It

For a candidate who has repeatedly vowed to be the best advocate for veterans, Donald Trump sure has a way of talking about them. On Monday, the Republican nominee stepped in it again for characterizing military veterans who dont need mental help as strong, suggesting that those who do need help simply cant handle the stress of combat.

Trump made the offending remark while speaking off-the-cuff Monday at the Retired American Warriors town hall, responding to a question about his plans to address veteran suicide, post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injuries, and other mental- and physical-health issues facing Americans who serve in the military. When you talk about the mental-health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see maybe what the people in this room have seen many times over, and youre strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people cant handle it, Trump said.

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Roughly 5% Of All Us Troops Have Been Diagnosed With Ptsd

Media twisting Trumps words about military veterans?

The implication that veterans who die by suicide or suffer from mental health problems are simply not “strong” or “can’t handle it” is not only inaccurate but reinforces a dangerous, life-threatening attitude toward mental health.

PTSD diagnoses are nearly double that for veterans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and those numbers only account for the veterans who have received treatment. Like many mental health issues, PTSD is stigmatized and often goes unreported or untreated, which means an unknown number of veterans could be suffering silently, afraid to ask for the treatment they need, for fear of being perceived as weak.

For those who do seek help, researchers have found that the suggestion to “toughen up” only increases cases of depression. PTSD is a real mental health disorder that affects millions every year, not just veterans.

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Trump Draws Criticism For Comments About Ptsd And Veterans

Video by Donald Trump Speeches & Events

HERNDON, Virginia Donald Trump is drawing scorn from veterans groups after he suggested that soldiers who suffer from mental health issues might not be as strong as those who dont.

Trump was speaking at an event organized by the Retired American Warriors political action committee Monday when he was asked about his commitment to faith-based programs aimed at preventing suicides and helping soldiers suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury and other issues.

When you talk about the mental health problems when people come back from war and combat, and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and youre strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people cant handle it, he said.

And they see horror stories. They see events that you couldnt see in a movie, nobody would believe it, he added.

The comment drew condemnation from critics as well as veterans groups that have been working for years to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues in an effort to encourage soldiers to seek treatment.

David Maulsby, the executive director of the Texas-based PTSD Foundation of America, told The Associated Press that, at first, he hoped Trumps remarks had been taken out of context. But after watching a recording of the exchange, he said the Republican nominees words were detrimental to veterans struggling with PTSD symptoms.

Colvin reported from Washington.

Trump Defends Remarks On Veterans And Mental Health

By Amy Tennery

3 Min Read

NEW YORK – U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trumps campaign defended comments he made on combat veterans and mental health on Monday, after some said his remarks implied service members diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder were weak.

At an event with veterans in Herndon, Virginia, Trump called for better mental health services for those returning from combat, saying that while many are strong, others cant handle what they have seen on the battlefield.

The response struck some as insulting to veterans struggling with PTSD, as the Republican candidate works to motivate traditionally conservative military voters to support him in the Nov. 8 presidential election.

Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, a Trump adviser on military issues, said in a written statement that the candidates comments were taken out of context in order to deceive voters and veterans.

I took his comments to be thoughtful and understanding of the struggles many veterans have, said Robichaux, an Afghanistan combat veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD.

Trump made his remarks at an event hosted by a political action committee called Retired American Warriors. Trump has cast himself a champion of veterans during his campaign and in July pledged to reform federal programs for war veterans.

He attended a military preparatory school but did not serve in the U.S. military.

Reporting By Amy Tennery Editing by Bill Rigby

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All These Years I Thought Was Crazy

About 10 years ago, one World War II veteran was referred to me by a primary care doc. Always dutiful, he came pleasantly to my office on his physicians orders not really understanding why he was there. As I rattled off some signs and symptoms of trauma-related distress, his eyes widened as if to say, How do you know whats been happening to me? He thought he had buried the horrors deep in his soul. He was shocked when he thought I could see it. This large, strong 80-plus year-old man openly sobbed and said, All these years, I thought I was crazy, lazy, weak and bad.

I wanted to cry too. This man suffered in silence for over 60 years. How sad is that?

In the line of duty and service to our country, men and women risk lasting impact on their mental and physical well-being, as well as on their families. They deserve respect, not shaming.

Exactly What Donald Trump Said About Ptsd Veteran Suicides

Iraqi Veterans Unleash On Trump For Implying That Vets Who Suffer From ...

Where in the hell is he from? asks U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, attacking Republican Donald Trump for his controversial comments on combat veterans and mental health.

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Veterans, including some in San Diego, are criticizing Donald Trump while others come to his defense for remarks he made to a veterans group on the sensitive subject of PTSD and suicides among those with combat-related injuries.

On Monday, the Republican presidential candidate addressed the Retired American Warriors PAC in Herndon, Virginia, where Marine Staff Sgt. Chad Robichaux asked whether Trump would support funding holistic approaches to helping veterans treat PTSD and other injuries sustained in combat.

Trump gave a 285-word answer but the crux of his remarks was focused on these four lines:

When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and youre strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people cant handle it. And they see horror stories. They see events that you couldnt see in a movie, nobody would believe it.

Several news organizations ran headlines seizing on Trumps cant handle it quote, and on social media people alternately criticized Trump for his remarks or news outlets for omitting some context. Read on for a transcript of the full exchange between Trump and Robichaux, the full context and a flavor of the conversation.

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