Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Does Chamomile Help With Anxiety

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Chamomile Tea For Sleep

Chamomile Tea Review (For Sleep & Anxiety)

Did you know that chamomile has a beneficial effect on your sleep? We can thank the apigenin for it.

Apigenin is a chemical ingredient in the chamomile that calms the central nervous system and consequently helps us fall asleep. This flavonoid acts anti-inflammatory and softens the spasms of smooth muscles.

Chamomile Tea Benefits Your Body And Mind Need

You may want to keep a box of chamomile tea in your pantry and your medicine cabinet.

Some people believe certain teas contain magical properties, and when it comes to chamomile, they wouldnt necessarily be wrong. Chamomile tea benefits range from helping with sleep to aiding digestion, and the drink can even play a role in heart health. So what exactly is chamomile tea? Chamomile flowers contain flavonoids, sesquiterpenes, and antioxidants, and once dried, they can be used for herbal and natural remedies.

While chamomile tea is good for many things and is a great caffeine-free drink option, its important to know that its not for everyone. Here are some of the most well-known chamomile tea benefits for adults.

How Much Chamomile Should You Take

There is no standard dose of chamomile. Studies have used between 900 milligrams to 1200. milligrams daily in capsule form. The most common form is a tea, and some people drink one to four cups daily. To make chamomile tea, steep a chamomile tea bag or chamomile flowers in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes in a mug covered with a saucer. Then, drink the infusion when it has cooled to the point it is safe to drink. Ask your doctor for other advice.

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Chamomile Tea Side Effects And Precautions

When you are using chamomile tea, it is important to know about the possible chamomile tea side effects that may affect you when using the tea for medicinal purposes.

If you have an allergic reaction to chamomile tea, cease using it immediately. Pregnant women should also consider not using chamomile tea as its powerful anti-inflammatory properties may cause issues with the pregnancy including possible miscarriage.

Chamomile tea should also be avoided before any surgery as well. If you are taking any blood thinning medications, it can make clotting difficult.

Be Careful With Alcohol

Herbal Remedies For Anxiety: Chamomile Tea

The connection between alcohol and anxiety is interesting. Many people do use alcohol to help with anxiety, especially right before a social event. Alcohol can even be a tool for taking the edge of a severe panic attack.

Alcohol is also a double-edged sword. It tends to make anxiety symptoms worse in the long-term. Theres also the risk that youll end up dependent on alcohol to manage your anxiety, which isnt what you want.

This connection doesnt mean that you need to avoid alcohol entirely. Simply be careful about when you drink and why. If taming your anxiety is the main reason for wanting a drink, its better to choose another item on this list instead.

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Risk Of Chamomile Tea: Severe Allergic Reaction

One of the main risks of chamomile tea is that you might be allergic to it. Because chamomile is a flower after all, its more likely to cause an allergic reaction.

Youll want to;stay away from chamomile;if youre allergic to flowers in the daisy family. This includes ragweed, marigolds, and chrysanthemum.

But if youve already tried chamomile tea, then obviously you dont have to worry about this risk.

How To Take Chamomile For Anxiety

Chamomile is one of the safest herbs you can ingest or apply.

But is it OK to drink chamomile tea every day, and how many cups of chamomile tea should you drink for anxiety?

The following doses are recommended for adults:

  • Tea: 1 to 5 cups of tea per day
  • Capsules: 400 to 1600 mg in divided doses daily
  • Liquid extract: 1 to 4 ml three times daily
  • Foods that taste very neutral, and
  • Tincture: 15 ml three to four times daily

Always read the product label for dosing instructions. Increase your dose towards the upper limit to relieve anxiety symptoms.I used to drink 4-5 cups of chamomile tea a day to manage my anxiety.I usually had my first cup first thing in the morning, another one at around 11:00, the third one at 16:00, and the last one before bedtime.If I had really bad anxiety days then I would have the fifth cup at a time when I needed it the most.Now I probably have 1-2 cups a day.

Chamomile Tea vs Chamomile Supplement for Anxiety

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Chamomile Acts As A Sleep Aid

Chamomile as a sleep aid is one of the most well known benefits of this tea, and we have apigenin to thank for it!;

Apigenin links certain receptors in your brain to promote sleep. Its actually used as a main ingredient for minor tranquilizers. Its no wonder chamomile tea is great to drink before bed!

Surprisingly, there arent enough conclusive studies showing that chamomile does in fact help you sleep better. Its not for lack of trying though. There have been studies with new mothers, the elderly, and insomniacs. The results just arent enough to say anything for certain.

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Read a full overview of the;studies on chamomile and sleep.;

Helping With Sleep And Relaxation

Chamomile Helps With Mood & Anxiety

Chamomile tea is widely thought to help people relax and fall asleep. Few clinical trials have tested this, however.

In one review of the current evidence, 10 of 12 cardiovascular patients are quoted as having fallen asleep shortly after consuming chamomile tea. A handful of other studies looking at clinical models also suggest that chamomile tea may help people relax.

In a study using rats, chamomile extract helped sleep-disturbed rodents fall asleep. Many researchers believe that chamomile tea may function like a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines are prescription drugs that can reduce anxiety and induce sleep. Some research suggests that chamomile binds to benzodiazepine receptors.

A review looking at the is inconclusive. Some studies show a modest anti-anxiety benefit, but others do not.

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What Makes Chamomile So Great

Chamomile has a number of health benefits that make it a coveted ingredient in herbal teas and other Ayurvedic concoctions. Most notable among these is its ability to settle an upset tummy, cure mouth ulcers, its sleep-inducing power, and its calming effect. Because of its calming effect, chamomile is actively used in the treatment of anxiety. Unlike other anxiety drugs, chamomile is completely natural and has no known side-effects. This has made it even more popular as an anti-anxiety treatment.

Chamomile Tea May Improve Sleep Quality

Chamomile tea has long been used in treating insomnia. That’s because chamomile contains apigenin, which is a flavonoid.; Flavonoids are chemical compounds that give plants their colors and are rife with antioxidants, assisting your body in its fight against toxins.;

Apigenin attaches to the GABA receptors in the brain. GABA receptors are the same receptors that prescription anti-anxiety drugs, called benzodiazepines, are formulated to target. This is because the chemical profile of apigenin is similar to;benzodiazepines. So, as with anti-anxiety drugs, chamomile tea can make you feel calm and even mildly sedated.;

A small 2015;study;examining postpartum women with poor sleep patterns suggests that chamomile tea does work as a sleep aid. Compared to a control group, those in the experimental group who drank the tea scored lower, after two weeks, on scales that measured physical symptoms related to loss of sleep.;

However, after four weeks, both groups scored about the same. This led researchers to conclude that chamomile tea might be used as a sleep aid or supplement, but not as a replacement if a more serious treatment is required.

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Where Do We Use It

Traditionally we prepare tea from chamomile because it calms the gastrointestinal tract and effectively relieves insomnia and stress.

At the same time, it is good against constipation and is often used for gargling at the oral mucosa inflammation.

The pleasant scent of chamomile calms us and gives us joy and optimism. It helps to heal the skin, soothes the irritable bowel and serves as a gentle help for better sleep.

Data And Safety Monitoring

The Health Benefits of Chamomile

Data and Safety Monitoring Board

In order to assess possible changes in risk/benefit ratio to study subjects and to obtain independent oversight of the study conduct, an external Data and Safety Monitoring Board will be established to oversee the progress of the study. External DSMB study reviews will be conducted at 6-month intervals. The DSMB members will review and monitor the study procedures, potential risks, changes in risk/benefit ratio, subject enrollment, number and nature of medication side effects, and any study-related serious adverse events . All SAEs will be reviewed by the DSMB members in order to determine whether additional safety measures should be initiated, or whether there is a change in the risk/benefit ratio for study subjects.

Adverse Event Monitoring & Documentation

Data Monitoring

A project manager trained in regulatory procedures and experienced in managing clinical and research documentation will be responsible for maintaining the completeness of all source documentation and case report forms . A study and database manager will verify the accuracy of data recorded on the CRFs in the subject study binder and identify any discrepancies and inconsistencies. Study quality assurance and data checking process will take place in a continuous fashion to maintain the integrity of the data.

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Chamomile Can Interact With Your Medication

One of the main concerns with herbal teas are their ability to interact with other medications, and chamomile is no exception.;

There still isnt too much information about the interaction between chamomile and drugs, but its always best to be on the safe side.

It may increase the risk of bleeding if you are on blood thinners, or ibuprofen or naproxen. If you take benzodiazepines, barbiturates, narcotics, anti-seizure medications, some antidepressants and alcohol it may cause increased drowsiness .

If youre already on medication to control your blood sugar or blood pressure, there are added risks as well. For example, it can cause them to drop too low .

Chamomile is also comparable to estrogen, so, it can interfere with the effectiveness of hormone therapy.

If youre unsure about how chamomile will react with a medication youre taking, its always best to consult your doctor first.

Chamomile For Anxiety Studies

The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale is a 14-item list designed to measure anxiety levels. Examples of criteria used in HAM-A include cardiovascular symptoms, tension and fear. Each item has a number of associated symptoms which are rated on a scale of 1 to 4.

HAM-A has been the medical standard for measuring anxiety since its creation in 1959. And its been used in numerous studies to test whether chamomile really does work for anxiety.

This trial, for example, tested the effects of chamomile on HAM-A scores in 57 patients with mild generalized anxiety disorder. The patients were randomly assigned either 440mg chamomile daily or placebo. Both researchers and patients were unaware; whether they had received chamomile or placebo to prevent this from affecting the results:

We observed a significantly greater reduction in mean total HAM-A score during chamomile versus placebo therapy This is the first, controlled clinical trial of chamomile extract for GAD. The results suggest that chamomile may have modest anxiolytic activity in patients with mild to moderate GAD.

In other words, chamomile really does appear to reduce anxiety in a manner which cannot be attributed to the placebo effect.

And this isnt the only such trial, either.

The same results have been replicated in similar studies. Here, the same randomized, double-blind process was used this time with 1500mg per day:

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How To Make Chamomile Tea

Did you have a long hard day? Have you been feeling anxious lately? Are you not able to sleep even after an hour past your bed?

Are you feeling irritated? If the answer to all of these questions or even for one question is yes then you should take a cup of chamomile tea for anxiety. You dont know how to make an amazing hot cup of chamomile tea?

Dont worry, we have got you covered.

Here is a step by step simple yet delicious recipe for you to enjoy a nice hot cup of chamomile tea.;

Another way to take advantage of this beautiful plant is to buy it as an indoor plant for your room or living room. Check which are the Best Indoor Plants for Anxiety.

Benefits Of Chamomile For Diabetes

Chamomile Fact or Fiction: Does It Actually Help Anxiety, Depression and Sleep?

There have been several studies examining the relationship between chamomile and diabetes. Those anti-inflammatory properties protect your pancreas .

Its also linked to lowering blood sugar levels. There was a;promising study conducted with people drinking tea with every meal for 8 weeks. They all saw significantly lower blood sugar levels than if they drank water.

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Check Out More Of Our Health Benefits Guides

Nicola Shubrook is a nutritional therapist and works with both private clients and the corporate sector. She is an accredited member of the;British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine; and the;Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council;. Find out more at;

All health content on;;is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other healthcare professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact;your local healthcare provider. See our;terms and conditions;for more information.

Chamomile Tea Bags For Eye Relief

A cooling sensation on eyes, although not a direct impact on your mind, can lead to reduced anxiety. When you brew your chamomile tea using tea bags, do not throw away the tea bags. Rather uses them as cool compresses over your eyes. Chamomile contains natural blood circulation enhancers. These enhancers provide a soothing sensation to the eyes and the temporal region.

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The Indispensable Basis For Effective Work

Sleep is an active process in which the brain can be even more active than during a state of alertness. Research has shown that sleep helps with certain types of memory and learning.

It certainly contributes to consolidating procedural memory that enables people to learn different skills. In addition, good sleep raises our productivity, concentration, and working ability.

It is, therefore, an indispensable basis for effective work.

Cancer Treatment And Prevention

3 Reasons Chamomile Benefits Dogs With Anxiety

Some studies suggest that chamomile tea may target cancer cells, or even prevent those cells from developing in the first place. However, research so far is inconclusive, and scientists say more work is needed to prove chamomiles anti-cancer claims. Also, most research has looked at clinical models in animals, not humans.

A compared the cancer-fighting powers of marigold and chamomile teas. Both were able to target cancer tumors selectively, but the effects of marigold tea were more potent.

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Potential Risks Of Chamomile Tea

The risks of chamomile tea are far less than other herbal teas Ive researched .

Even though there arent as many studies on chamomile tea as wed hope, its been around for so many centuries that there really isnt much to worry about.

Its recommended that if youre pregnant or have asthma you stay away from chamomile tea just in case. This is the recommendation for most herbal teas, as the effects are still widely unknown. For pregnant or nursing women, it may act as a uterine stimulant or cause miscarriages.;

How To Take It


Ask your doctor before giving chamomile tea to a child. Children under 5 should not take more than half a cup of tea per day.

To relieve colic: Some doctors suggest 1 to 2 oz. of tea per day. Your doctor may recommend other doses.


  • Tea: Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 to 3 heaping tsp. of dried herb, steep 10 to 15 minutes. Drink 3 to 4 times per day between meals.
  • Tincture : 30 to 60 drops of tincture, 3 times per day in hot water.
  • Capsules: 300 to 400 mg taken 3 times per day.
  • Gargle or mouthwash: Make a tea as above, then let it cool. Gargle as often as desired. You may also make an oral rinse with 10 to 15 drops of German chamomile liquid extract in 100 ml warm water, and use 3 times per day.
  • Inhalation: Add a few drops of essential oil of chamomile to hot water and breathe in the steam to calm a cough.
  • Bath: Use 1/4 lb. of dried flowers per bath, or add 5 to 10 drops of essential oil to a full tub of water to soothe hemorrhoids, cuts, eczema, or insect bites.
  • Poultice: Make a paste by mixing powdered herb with water and apply to inflamed skin.
  • Cream: Use a cream with a 3 to 10% chamomile content for psoriasis, eczema, or dry and flaky skin.

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Other Benefits Of Chamomile

Chamomile has long been used for a wide range of ailments, not just anxiety and insomnia. For some conditions, theres growing research that it works; for others, it remains popular belief at least for now.

A particularly interesting benefit might be for cancer. A team in Sweden tested a botanical agent, known as TBS-101, that consists of chamomile and 6 other plant extracts. They found that it had significant anti-cancer activity with rats with prostate cancer.

In 2010, researchers in Cleveland investigated all of the traditional uses of chamomile.;They were able to find research demonstrating that chamomile can help with:

  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Stimulating the immune system
  • Providing some protection against cancer

In addition, they found that in parts of the world, chamomile is thought to have many other benefits and uses, such as:

  • Anti-inflammatory

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