Friday, July 26, 2024

How Can You Tell If Your Bipolar

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Know How To Spot Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar vs Borderline Personality Disorder How to tell the difference
  • 1Look for seasonal changes in mood. It’s common for people with bipolar disorder to experience a shift as the seasons change. In some cases, a manic or depressive episode will last an entire season. In other cases, the change in season prompts the beginning of a cycle that includes both mania and depression.
  • Manic episodes are more common in the summertime. Depressive episodes are more common in the fall, winter and spring. This is not a hard and fast rule, however some people experience depression in the summer and mania in the winter.
  • 2Understand that having bipolar disorder doesn’t always impair functionality. Some people with bipolar disorder have trouble at work and in school. In other cases, the person may seem to be doing just fine in these areas.
  • Those with bipolar II and cyclothymia can often function at work and school. Those with bipolar I tend to have a harder time in these areas.XResearch sourceAmerican Psychiatric Association. . Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . Washington, DC: Author.
  • 3Be aware of substance abuse issues. Up to 50 percent of people who suffer from bipolar disorder struggle with substance abuse. They use alcohol or other tranquilizers to stop racing thoughts during manic episodes. They may also use drugs to try to achieve a high when they’re in a depressive episode.XResearch source
  • Substances like alcohol have their own effects on mood and behavior. They can be difficult to distinguish bipolar disorder.
  • Tips For Living With Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition that doesnt go away on its own. While it can feel overwhelming and isolating at first, an early, accurate diagnosis is the first step toward getting better. Proper treatment, along with support and self-care, helps people with bipolar disorder live healthy, fulfilling lives.

    You Have Another Illness Such As Psychosis Anxiety Adhd Or A Drug Or Alcohol Addiction

    Some bipolar disorder symptoms are a lot like other conditions. They can be hard to separate and diagnose.

    For example, mania can feature psychotic symptoms. You might think youâre famous or have superpowers. On the flip side, with manic depression, you might think youâve ruined your life in some dramatic way.

    People with bipolar disorder also can have:

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    How Do I Know If I Have Bipolar Disorder

    Symptoms of bipolar disorder vary among individuals. Symptoms typically begin between ages 15 and 25. They usually last several years before disappearing completely. However, some people continue to experience symptoms throughout their lives.

    If you recently found that you have bipolar disorder, its time to start exploring effective treatment options and learning how to deal with bipolar disorder in relationships.

    Types Of Bipolar Disorders

    How Would You Know If Your Bipolar

    Bipolar disorder, as discussed in this quiz, is often characterized by extreme moods, they will often come in waves or episodes, the “high” episodes are known as manic episodes, and the “low” episodes are called depressive episodes. Although this quiz is testing for general symptoms of bipolar disorder, there are two types of bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder 1 and bipolar disorder 2.

    Bipolar disorder 1 is characterized by at least one manic episode, but no occurrence of a major depressive episode is required for diagnosis with type 1 bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder 1 is often more extreme in the manic episode that it may require hospitalization for full treatment.

    Bipolar disorder 2, on the other hand, is characterized by a major depressive episode that lasts at least two weeks and at least one manic episode. However, manic episodes with bipolar disorder are often not as severe as they are with bipolar 1, they are sometimes referred to as hypomanic episodes, and do not usually result in hospitalization.

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    What Are The Signs And Symptoms

    Everyones experience with bipolar disorder is different, and the signs and symptoms vary.

    • A manic episode may include these symptoms:

    • Intense feelings of euphoria, excitement, or happiness
    • Appearing abnormally jumpy or wired
    • Having excessive energy
    • Insomnia or restlessness
    • Speaking fast or being unusually talkative
    • Having racing or jumbled thoughts
    • Distractibility
    • Inflated self-esteem
    • Doing impulsive, uncharacteristic, or risky things like having unsafe sex or spending a lot of money
    • Increased agitation and irritability
  • A depressive episode may include these symptoms:

  • Feeling down, sad, worried, worthless, anxious, guilty, empty, or hopeless
  • Lack of interest, or no interest, in activities
  • Feeling tired, low energy
  • Changes in sleep, either sleeping too much or too little
  • Changes in appetite, either eating too much or too little
  • Thoughts of death and/or suicide
  • A severe manic or depressive episode may trigger psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations .

    Do People With Bipolar Know They Have It

    Bipolar disorder is a pretty common mental health condition. About 1 in 40 American adults live with it. Its common in children and adolescents, but it usually doesnt get diagnosed until adulthoodit can take up to ten years from the time a person experiences symptoms to the time they actually get diagnosed!

    So no, not everyone who has bipolar disorder knows they have it. There are lots of reasons why someone with bipolar disorder might not realize itor why they might deny having it even if they do. If you think someone you know might have untreated bipolar disorder, there are a few things you can do to help.

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    How Does Bipolar Disorder Affect People

    At times, people with bipolar disorder go through depression. Other times, they go through manic moods. They may have normal moods in between.

    When they go through depression, people with bipolar will:

    • have a sad or irritable mood that lasts for at least 2 weeks

    Added to that, they may:

    • feel hopeless or worthless
    • use poor judgment, do things they shouldnt do
    • try risky behaviors
    • think of themselves in inflated ways or think they have superpowers

    Going through these two types of extreme moods is hard on a person. Bipolar moods can make it harder to get along well with others. It can be a challenge to succeed at goals.

    Bipolar can cloud peoples judgment and lead them to take unsafe risks. It can cause problems they didnt expect and didnt intend. Some people might be more likely to self-harm or try suicide. They may drink alcohol or use drugs.

    Thats why it matters to get the right diagnosis and treatment for bipolar moods. It can help reverse or prevent problems like these.

    Moods dont have to run a persons life. With treatment, people with bipolar can learn to manage their moods and symptoms. This helps them feel and do better in things that matter to them.

    Bipolar In Men During A Depressive State

    How To Tell what Mania and Hypomania Really Look like

    In both genders, bipolar depression manifests itself through six behaviors: excessive sleeping, changes in eating, being withdrawn and sullen, irritability, inability to concentrate, and lack of interest in virtually anything typically enjoyed. Extremes, not surprisingly, include suicidal impulses and attempts as well as reclusive behaviors.

    Bipolar disorder carries a high risk of suicide. Suicide in men is a significant social, behavioral health and medical problem. Men have a much larger rate of attempts and completed suicide rates in comparison with women. Early identification of bipolar disorder and risk factors is essential to intervene, treat, and prevent any risk-taking behavior.

    Again, it can be argued that women more easily reveal their emotion and more willing to seek help. Extensive evidence supports that men are typically unwilling to admit to depression. In fact, they often take extreme measures to avoid being identified as depressedclinically or otherwisebecause depression and the symptoms that come with it defy male norms of independence and emotional control.

    Sadly, men suffering from bipolar are less easy to identify and less likely to seek assistance and treatment.

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    Manic Symptoms In Children

    Symptoms of mania in children can include:

    • acting very silly and feeling overly happy
    • talking fast and rapidly changing subjects
    • having trouble focusing or concentrating
    • doing risky things or experimenting with risky behaviors
    • having a very short temper that leads quickly to outbursts of anger
    • having trouble sleeping and not feeling tired after sleep loss

    Talk With Your Doctor

    If you think that you or a loved one has signs or symptoms of bipolar disorder, your first step should be to talk with your doctor. Only a trained medical professional can diagnose this disorder, and diagnosis is key to getting proper treatment.

    Medication, therapy, or other treatment options can help you or your loved one manage symptoms and maximize quality of life.

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    Coping With Bipolar Disorder

    Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging, but there are ways to help yourself, as well as your friends and loved ones.

    • Get treatment and stick with it. Treatment is the best way to start feeling better.
    • Keep medical and therapy appointments and talk with your health care provider about treatment options.
    • Take medication as directed.
    • Structure activities. Keep a routine for eating, sleeping, and exercising.
    • Try regular, vigorous exercise like jogging, swimming, or bicycling, which can help with depression and anxiety, promote better sleep, and is healthy for your heart and brain.
    • Keep a life chart to help recognize your mood swings.
    • Ask for help when trying to stick with your treatment.
    • Be patient. Improvement takes time. Social support helps.

    Remember, bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness, but long-term, ongoing treatment can help manage symptoms and enable you to live a healthy life.

    What Is A Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar Journal

    Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that causes extreme shifts in moods and energy levels, often with periods of depression and mania.

    The manic episodes are characterized by elevated mood, decreased need for sleep, increased talkativeness, and other changes in behavior. It is a medical condition that affects a persons mood, energy levels, sleep patterns, ability to function in daily activities, and thoughts. The exact cause of this condition is not known however, genetics may play a role.

    Some researchers believe that certain genes may predispose someone to develop bipolar disorder. Other factors that could contribute to the development of bipolar disorder include brain injury, environmental factors like stress, substance abuse , and family history.

    Bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of extreme highs and lows. These episodes are called manic and depressive states. A person who experiences one or both of these states is said to have bipolar disorder. It is often misunderstood as merely experiencing wild mood swings. Unfortunately, this type of misconception can make it difficult to research how to determine whether you are bipolar or not.

    An individual with bipolar disorder experiences high periods of mania and low periods of depression .

    In contrast, the depressive episodes are marked by feelings of sadness, lethargy, loss of interest in activities, appetite change, and suicidal thoughts. These episodes can last weeks, months, or even years at a time.

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    How To Know If You Have Bipolar Disorder

    This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011.There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 82% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 378,014 times.

    Warning Signs Of Bipolar Disorder

    We all have ups and downs. But the steep climbs and sudden plunges of bipolar disorder can lead to life-threatening situations.

    Shirley Rogerson thought her husband of 40 years was simply prone to dark moods. At other times, he was the life of the party, telling jokes that had everyone in stitches. But as years passed, his behavior became frightening. He threatened to kill himself and had hallucinations, says Rogerson, an author and library information specialist. Once, he saw visions of killing me and the dogs. Her husband was eventually diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

    This serious mental illness affects about 6 million women and men in the U.S., according to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance . And it can be harrowing and dangerous for people around them. In the manic phase, sufferers often dont think anything’s wrong. Theyre hyper-energized and brimming with confidence. But theyre not as invincible as they feel. Eventually, people almost always make a big mistake, such as a foolish investment or an ill-advised affair. When they realize what theyve done, they can crash into really bad depression, says psychiatrist Igor Galynker, MD, PhD, director of the Family Center for Bipolar Disorder at Beth Israel Medical Center, in New York City.

    What Is Bipolar Disorder?This complex mental condition comes in various forms. These are the most common:

    6 Warning Signs of Mania

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    What Are The Different Types Of Bipolar Disorder

    There are different types of bipolar disorder.

    What is bipolar disorder I disorder?

    A diagnosis of bipolar I disorder means you will have had at least 1 episode of mania that lasts longer than 1 week. You may also have periods of depression. Manic episodes will generally last 3-6 months if left untreated. Depressive episodes will generally last 6-12 months without treatment.

    What is bipolar II disorder?

    A diagnosis of bipolar II disorder means it is common to have symptoms of depression. You will have had at least 1 period of major depression. And at least 1 period of hypomania instead of mania.

    What is bipolar I or II disorder with mixed features?

    You will experience symptoms of mania or hypomania and depression at the same time. You may hear this being called mixed bipolar state. You may feel very sad and hopeless at the same time as feeling restlessness and being overactive.

    What is bipolar I or II disorder with rapid cycling?

    Rapid cycling means you have had 4 or more depressive, manic or hypomanic episodes in a 12-month period.

    What is bipolar I or II with seasonal pattern?

    Seasonal pattern means that either your depression, mania or hypomania is regularly affected in the same way by the seasons. For example, you may find that each winter you have a depressive episode, but your mania doesnt regularly follow a pattern.

    There can be some similarities between bipolar I or II with seasonal pattern and another conditional called seasonal affective disorder.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar Disorder vs Depression – 5 Signs You’re Likely Bipolar

    Bipolar disorder symptoms can make it difficult to deal with day-to-day life. It can have a bad effect on your relationships and work. The different types of symptoms are described below.


    Symptoms of mania can include:

    • feeling happy or excited, even if things arent going well for you,
    • being full of new and exciting ideas,
    • moving quickly from one idea to another,
    • racing thoughts,
    • sleeping too much or not being able to sleep,
    • eating less or over eating,
    • losing or gaining weight, when you dont mean to, and
    • thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts.


    Sometimes you can have psychotic symptoms during a severe episode of mania or depression. Symptoms of psychosis can be:

    • hallucinations. This means that you may hear, see, or feel things that are not there, and
    • delusions. This means you may believe things that arent true. Other people will usually find your beliefs unusual.

    Psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder can reflect your mood. For example, if you have a manic episode you may believe that you have special powers or are being monitored by the government. If you have depressive episode, you may feel very guilty about something you think you have done. You may feel that you are worse than anybody else or feel that you don’t exist.

    You can find more information about:

    • Depression by clicking here.

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    What Will My Doctor Ask Me

    To make a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, your doctor will ask you about:

    • How many symptoms you experience
    • Which types of mood episodes you experience
    • How long your mood episodes last for
    • How many mood episodes youve had
    • How often your mood episodes occur
    • How your symptoms impact your life
    • Your family history

    They may also:

    • Ask you to keep a diary of your moods to help you both identify patterns and triggers.
    • Check up on your physical health. For example, some conditions like thyroid problems can cause mania-like symptoms.

    Only a mental health professional like a psychiatrist can give you a bipolar disorder diagnosis not your GP.

    However, if youre experiencing bipolar moods and symptoms, discussing it with your GP can be a good first step. They can refer you to a psychiatrist, who will be able to assess you.

    For more information see our pages on seeking help for a mental health problem.

    Once properly diagnosed, I knew the cause. I understood that I was someone with an illness. I was not a failure, not a bad person.

    How Is Bipolar Disorder Diagnosed

    Your teens doctor may perform a physical exam, an interview, and lab tests. Although your doctor cant diagnose bipolar disorder through a blood test or body scan, it helps to rule out other illnesses that mimic the disorder. These can include hyperthyroidism.

    If your doctor finds that no other diseases or medications are causing your teens symptoms, they may suggest that your child see a psychiatrist.

    A psychiatrist will conduct a mental health assessment to determine if your child has bipolar disorder. There are six types of bipolar disorder diagnoses recognized in the DSM-5 , which doctors use to diagnose mental health disorders. These types are:

    • substance/medication-induced bipolar and related disorder
    • bipolar and related disorder due to another medical condition
    • unspecified bipolar and related disorder

    With bipolar I disorder, your teen experiences at least one manic episode. They may also have a depressive episode before or after the manic episode. However, bipolar I disorder doesnt always cause depressive episodes.

    With bipolar II disorder, your teen experiences at least one depressive episode and one hypomanic episode. A hypomanic episode is a less intense manic episode that doesnt significantly impact your teens life.

    If a doctor diagnoses your teen with bipolar disorder, you, your teen, and their doctor can work on creating an effective treatment plan.

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