Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Help A Loved One With Depression

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A Folder Of 20 Supportive Encouraging Quotes

How to Support Someone with Depression

Each day, The Depression Project emails over 50,000 people a supportive, encouraging quote to help them through their depression. And, when you buy this book, we’ll give you a folder of 20 downloadable images depicting our favourites – which you can send to your loved one to uplift and inspire them!

Bonus #3!

Take Care Of Yourself Too

If you love someone with depression, its not your fault, and youre not responsible for making the person better, Dr. Gaynes says.

People will often feel its something they did wrong or theres something they didnt do, and that made the person depressed, he says. Most of the time, the person is depressed for a variety of reasons, and it has nothing to do with anyone elses actions.

Its important to take care of yourself, even as youre trying to help a loved one. That means eating healthy, sleeping and finding ways to relax and enjoy your own life.

You still need to do things to help you remain healthy, Dr. Gaynes says.

Get Help From A Mental Health Provider

If youve tried everything else and your loved one still hasnt gotten better, then it might be a good idea to ask for professional help from a mental health professional. Suppose they have agreed to see someone about their depression but arent taking any of the steps that need to be taken to get better .

In that case, this is an indicator that something more serious might be going on, such as a mental illness or maybe even obsessive-compulsive disorder. In these cases, its best if somebody close to them takes charge by forcing them into getting the treatment they need.

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What Is Complicated Grief

Grief is a normal, expected set of emotions that can occur after the loss of a loved one. However, some people experience a more significant and longer-lasting level of grief. This is known as complicated grief.

Complicated grief may share many of the same symptoms of depression. It can also lead to depression, or worsen depression in someone who already experiences it.

Symptoms of complicated grief include:

  • trouble thinking about anything other than your loved ones death
  • lasting longing for your deceased loved one
  • difficulty accepting that your loved one is gone
  • long-lasting bitterness over the loss
  • feeling as if your life no longer has meaning
  • trouble trusting others

Taking care of yourself is not a selfish action when youre experiencing grief. Instead, it can be a part of the process that helps you feel better mentally and physically.

Some ways to care for yourself include:

  • exercising regularly, such as going on a walk, riding a bicycle, using an elliptical machine, or taking an exercise class
  • getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night
  • exploring a new skill, such as taking a cooking class, joining a book club, or enrolling in a seminar at your local college
  • joining a support group for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one

Just as some approaches can help, others may not. Turning to drugs or alcohol to escape your thoughts is not productive behavior, and can actually make you feel worse over time.

Get Help With Depression With Acera Health

Infographic: 1 in 20 suffers from depression  know how to help a loved ...

Seeking professional help is the first step toward helping a loved one recover from depression.

At Acera Health, we understand that depression manifests differently for everyone and that an accurate diagnosis and early treatment are crucial to a better prognosis and, eventually, full recovery.

Our treatment center is adequately equipped to ensure your loved one gets all the help they need to recover from depression.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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Help Your Loved One Get Treatment For Depression

Somebody with depression may need help seeking care, both because of a sense of stigma or shame and because their illness makes it harder for them to manage tasks like finding a mental health provider or scheduling an appointment. Suggesting that you can do these things for them, remind them when the appointment is coming up, and accompany them to the visit can help them get treatment sooner rather than later.

If theyre hesitant to see a mental health professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, see if theyre willing to visit their primary care doctor, especially if this is someone they already know well and trust, Thienhaus says. Although its best to see someone specializing in mental health, the important part is getting connected to some form of help when needed.

You may also have to rethink the words you use to talk about depression treatment because different people may have distinct ways of viewing the condition, Thames says. Some people, for example, may not know to use the word depressed to describe how they feel, and might instead perceive their symptoms as being stressed out or not myself, for example.

Matching the language that the person can identify with is important when attempting to intervene, Thames says.

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Ways To Help Support Someone With Depression

It can be difficult to watch a loved one go through depression. Stigma often surrounds mental illness, and sometimes you may be unsure of what to do. A common misconception about depression is that it will go away on its own, says Dr. Lephuong Ong, a registered psychologist at TELUS Health Care Centres mental health clinic in Vancouver. In reality, clinical or major depression affects the mind, body and mood and can seriously disrupt someones ability to function in many aspects of their life. If you know someone experiencing depression, here are things you can do that may be helpful:

Be Patient And Celebrate Their Successes

How to help a loved one struggling with anxiety or depression l GMA

Depression doesnt have a clear recovery timeline. The therapy process can be slow and it doesnt always mean all symptoms will disappear entirely. Your loved one may continue to experience difficult periods from time to time.

There will be good days and bad days, so its important to manage your expectations and avoid feeling frustrated and impatient if a string of bad days shakes up your hope for improvement.

It can be hard to see the achievements and progress, especially in the darkest days. You will have to assume the role of personal cheerleader: each time your friend or family member takes a step towards greater well-being and mental health, cheer them on and help them feel proud of their accomplishment.

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What To Say To Someone Who Is Depressed

Consistently communicating with a depressed loved one is vital to their recovery. However, you often may not know what to say for fear that you could worsen the situation.

A reliable approach is to focus on empathy, try to get their perspective, and listen more with less bias. Here are four things you can say to someone with depression:

Ways You Can Help A Friend With Depression

10 Ways You Can Help a Friend with Depression

Depression can affect anyone. Yet, it is still an illness that many people don’t understand. People talk about mental illness much more than they used to. Even so, there is still a stigma attached to mental health. A stigma that prevents many people from being open about depression. If you have a friend with depression, it can be difficult to know what you can do to help them. Here are ten ways that you can help a friend who is suffering from depression.

1. Educate Yourself

The first thing to do if you want to help someone with depression is to learn more about the illness. If you have never suffered from depression, it can be very difficult to empathize with someone who is. There are lots of very good resources online that you can refer to. So, do some research and then you will be much better equipped to offer your friend help and support.

2. Take It Seriously

Depression is not something that someone can snap out of. You can’t fix the problem with one good night out, for example. When you are talking to someone with depression, don’t try to make light of the condition. Depression is a serious illness. You won’t be able to help a depressed person by telling them to cheer up or to pull themselves together and get over it.

3. Become a Good Listener

4. Encourage Them to Get Help

5. Offer Practical Help

6. Keep Them in The Loop

7. Don’t Try to Be an Expert

8. Don’t Belittle the Condition

10. Be Patient

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Make Getting To That First Appointment As Easy As Possible

You alone cannot fix this problem, no matter how patient and loving you are. A severely depressed friend needs professional assistance from a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker or another medical professional.

Yeah, you know. Youve told your boyfriend this, but its been months or maybe even years and he still has not set anything up.

You cant control someone elses recovery, said Kimberly Williams, president and chief executive of theMental Health Association of New York City. But you can try to make getting to that first appointment as easy as possible.

That might mean sitting next to your friend as he calls to make the appointment, finding counseling that he can afford, or even going with him that first time, if youre comfortable with it.

What if youre not sure whether you should start with a therapist or a psychiatrist, or whether youve found the perfect person? Ask around for recommendations, and know that one practitioner may ultimately lead to another.

But dont overthink it. The key initially is just getting a professional involved so you are not the only person managing this situation.

Depression And Relationships: How To Support Your Loved One With Depression

How To Help Depressed Loved One â

Reviewed by Heather Cashell, LCSW

Its estimated that 17.3 million adults in the United States alone have gone through a major depressive episode at least once, according to The National Institute of Mental Health. The severity of depression ranges from mild to severe. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 63.8% of those with a major depressive disorder are severely impaired by the condition. If you have a loved one with depression, you are not alone. Its a very common condition, and the good news is that its treatable, but you might wonder, how do I support my loved one with depression? Today, well talk about how to support your loved one in a relationship. Some of these tips may also be beneficial for friends and family members, so dont hesitate to continue reading if you are a family member or friend of someone with depression.

Depression Symptoms

Knowing the symptoms of depression and types of depression is one way to educate yourself on depression to be a supportive partner or spouse. Depression differs from sadness. Depression is a mental health condition characterized by a low or depressed mood and other symptoms. Here is a list of potential depression symptoms to be aware of:

  • Low or depressed mood

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Differences Between Grief And Depression

Everyone grieves differently. Some people may have symptoms that are very similar to depression, such as withdrawal from social settings and intense feelings of sadness. However, there are very important differences between depression and grief.

Symptom duration. People with depression feel depressed almost all the time. Grieving people often have symptoms that fluctuate, or come in waves.

Acceptance of support. People with depression often begin to isolate themselves and may even shun others. People who are grieving may avoid vibrant social settings, but they often accept some support from loved ones.

Ability to function. Someone who is grieving may still be able to go to work or school. They may even feel that participating in these activities will help occupy their mind. However, if youre clinically depressed, you may experience symptoms so severe that youre unable to go to work or do other important tasks.

Grief can be a trigger for depression, but not everyone who grieves will experience depression.

How To Help Someone With Depression

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health , around 21 million adults in the U.S. have depression. Because it is one of the most common mental health conditions, chances are good that you or someone you know has experienced at least one episode of depression in their life.

If someone you love has depression, you may wonder how you can help. You may even experience a range of difficult feelings of your own, such as worry, disappointment, and anger.

This article discusses how to support someone with depression. It focuses on strategies you can use to offer support and encourage your loved one to seek treatment for their condition.

If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

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Causes & Risks Of Depression

For each person dealing with depression, determining the cause of this condition can be challenging. However, the medical community agrees that several influences can come into play, and potential causes or risk factors include:

  • Genetics & heredity: Depression and other mood disorders sometimes run in families.
  • Brain makeup: Imbalances in brain chemicals can lead to depression.
  • Health conditions: Some medical conditions can contribute to or give rise to depression.
  • Trauma & stress: Depression can arise when life circumstances become excessively stressful or traumatic, impacting a persons coping mechanisms.
  • Medications: Prescription or illegal drug use can contribute to depression, as can excessive alcohol use.

In some people, there are no known causes of depression. Sometimes the start of depression can be traced back to a life-altering event, such as losing a loved one through death, divorce, separation, or other reasons, or being in a serious accident.

More and more, research points to depression being caused by a combination of different factors: genetic, environmental, psychological, circumstantial, and biological.

Listen To Your Loved One

Depression: How Do You Help A Loved One With Depression?

Before you do anything else, it is imperative that you listen to those you want to assist. Tell them you are concerned for them, let them know you care, and then let them speak. Look for empathy and understanding within yourself as you try to relate to their struggles. Remember their independence, agency, and autonomy of their own body and well-being. Keep in mind that though they may be hurting, they are facing their depression from their own perspective and not your own.

This is their story, to experience and hopefully to overcome. Ask questions that might help you understand what they are going through and be mindful of their boundaries as well as their need for support. Address acute stressors in their lives and try to help them better cope with them.

Depression can be extremely demoralizing and hard to contend with, inducing bouts of frustration, desperation, and a wish to give up on life. Try to be patient with those who are experiencing all of these symptoms and support their progression at their own pace. Make it a point to remain a stable source of compassion and friendship when possible, in an effort to solidify their ability to rely on others for support.

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Ask Direct Questionsthis Includes Suicide

Be clear and direct when youre finding out what you can do to help. These are often the easier questions to bring up.

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Is there something in the day-to-day that you can pitch in with? Are there any treatments or medications that theyre currently taking? What is the contact information for the medical professionals and other close friends and family members that should be notified during a crisis?

Know that its okay to ask if theyre thinking about suicide. While many people with depression do not contemplate suicide, over 50% of all people who die by suicide also have major depression.

Dont be afraid of bringing the subject up. You wont offend or inadvertently encourage suicidal thoughts.

If your loved one answers yes, then follow-up questions should include asking about when and where, so that you have a better chance of preventing them from hurting themselves. Though this answer may come as a shock, remain calm while you gather the facts, and refrain from passing any sort of judgement.

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