Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Postpartum Depression A Disability

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What Should I Do If Ssa Denies My Application

Promising new treatment for post-partum depression

If your application is refused, you have 60 days to appeal the decision.

  • You can request SSA to reconsider your application if it is denied for medical reasons or disagrees with any other reason.
  • You can request for hearing from a law judge if you disagree with the SSA decision made after reconsideration. The hearing can also take place through video calls.

Does Postpartum Depression Qualify For Disability

Many new moms experience postpartum depression after childbirth, marked by mood swings, crying spells, anxiety, and depression. This form of depression can begin within the first two or three days after delivery and for some new moms, the symptoms can be severe and long-lasting. These women experiencing postpartum depression require help from their doctor or psychiatrist. They may also require some form of income and support because of their condition. Postpartum depression can be a condition that makes you eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.

To qualify for SSDI or SSI benefits, your disability must be severe enough to last at least 12 months and prevent you from full-time gainful employment. If your postpartum depression is expected to last and prevents you from returning to your past work or doing any other full-time work, you should consider a Social Security Disability case.

How Long Will Ssa Give Disability Benefits For Major Depression

You will get disability benefits until major depression prevents you from working in any organization. Social Security Administration will review your case at a fixed interval to find out whether you are eligible to get the benefits of SSDI.

The SSA stops providing benefits if your disability starts to improve and you are in a condition to return to work life.

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Applying For Disability Benefits In Ontario

As with any type of disability, when applying for short-term or long-term disability benefits, it is important to provide a complete application to your insurance provider. The Attending Physicians Statement is particularly important as it sets out your diagnosis, symptoms, restrictions and limitations and prognosis for return to work. Your physician/specialist must outline how your diagnosis of postpartum depression prevents you from working and functioning. Your insurance company is looking for evidence of treatment with an appropriate specialist and of treatment/medication compliance.

Do I Have The Right To Take Leave For Postpartum Depression

Three Lessons I Learned Through Postpartum Depression
  • The Family and Medical Leave Act gives eligible workers the right to take unpaid, job-protected leave to care for their own serious health condition . Postpartum depression may be considered a serious health condition under the FMLA. Learn more here.
  • Am I covered? You are covered if you work for an employer with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius of one another, you have worked for your employer for at least one year, and you have worked at least 1,250 hours in the prior 12 months.
  • How much unpaid leave can I take? You can take up to 12 weeks total of FMLA leave per year.
  • Under the Americans with Disabilities Act , you may also have the right to unpaid leave as a reasonable accommodation, unless such leave would create an undue hardship for your employer. For more information about ADA coverage and eligibility, see Do I have the right to an accommodation? above.
  • In addition, you may have rights under state or local law, depending on where you work:
  • Medical leave or temporary disability insurance: If your state or locality has a pregnancy leave law, medical leave law, or short-term disability law, you may be entitled to job-protected leave and/or partial wage replacement for time-off due to postpartum depression. Such leave is usually a longer-term leave of up to a few months . Learn more here.
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    Knowing Your Rights When Suffering From Postpartum Depression In The Workplace

    Originally published on Republished with permission.

    You expected this would be one of the happiest times of your life, but youre feeling so miserable you can barely make it through the day. You love your newborn child dearly, but you also feel like running away. Youve been told by well-meaning people that its common to have the baby blues, but its difficult to believe that anyone truly understands what youre going through. You feel incredibly alone.

    You are definitely not alone. One in seven women suffer from a serious mood disorder called postpartum depression following their pregnancy. While its symptoms vary from person to person, postpartum depression is a debilitating condition that can last many months if not properly treated.

    In this blog, Ill outline the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression, explore how postpartum depression can make returning to work extremely challenging if not impossible, and explain your right to claim disability benefits and/or to workplace accommodations.

    What Is Postpartum Depression?

    Following pregnancy, its very common and completely normal to experience a short period of sadness or irritability commonly called the baby blues. Research suggests about 60-80 per cent of women who experience significant post-birth hormonal changes, often combined with sleep deprivation, may feel weepy, moody and unsure of themselves as parents.

    Other symptoms or warning signs of postpartum depression include:

    How Can You Prevent Ppd

    There is no hard and fast rule on how to prevent PPD but if you take care of yourself by following the given points, you might be able to stop PPD from getting worse.

  • Have an open discussion with your doctor about your mental health. If you had any depressive episodes during pregnancy or before, make sure to share this with your doctor so that a care plan can be made to watch for signs of postpartum depression after delivery.
  • Look for the risk factors and if you have any of them, look out for any symptoms. Do not dismiss them as mere mood swings and seek medical help.
  • Lastly, education and awareness about PPD not only to you but also to your family members can enhance a positive attitude towards mental health. Have a healthy relationship with others so that you can have a strong support system when you feel low. This way, the question, is postpartum depression a disability? wont arise.
  • No doubt, post-delivery, it becomes extremely important for a mother to take care of her mental and physical health. One such concern is taking care of the genital region. Read our blog, Wound healing post-delivery so that you can take more care of your body.

    Before concluding this blog, let us take a brief look into the other two kinds of postpartum mood disorders that I have mentioned in the beginning.

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    Is Major Depression Considered A Disability

    As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

    Major depression impacts nearly 21mn people in America. But is major depression considered a disability? How can you get disabiltiy benefits if you have been diagnosed with this disorder? Lets find out


  • A Few Final Words
  • Depression is a mental illness in which you feel sad for more than a few weeks. Simultaneously you lose interest in your life and feel hopeless.

    These feelings will stop you from doing daily activities and disturb your work life. Sometimes the depression can become severe that you can not even go to your work organization.

    But is major depression considered a disability? Many people think only physical impairment is regarded as disability. But no, mental health problems like major depression are also regarded as a disability.

    Major depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. It can occur at any age, but it usually starts after the age of 32. Major depression can occur for various reasons like the death of a loved one, taking medications like isotretinoin, conflict with family members, and numerous others.

    If you have been struggling with major depression for more than a year and cannot work, you may get financial benefits from the government like Social Security Administration. The SSA will pay for your daily expenses so that you dont have to worry about meeting them.

    Disability And Depression Symptomatology Before During And After Pregnancy

    Surviving postpartum depression: Why it matters to have a conversation around it

    Disability-related differences were found in the mental health of the mothers before, during and after pregnancy . Almost 40% of mothers with disabilities reported being diagnosed with depression before their pregnancy compared to 16.3% of non-disabled mothers . One in four mothers with disabilities reported being diagnosed with depression during their pregnancy compared to 7.6% of other mothers . Compared to those without disabilities, mothers with disabilities were more likely to talk to their health care provider during their pregnancy about âwhat to doâ if they felt depressed during their pregnancy or at during postpartum.

    Almost 30% of mothers with disabilities reported often or always feeling down, depressed or sad after childbirth compared to 10% of those without disabilities . Similar differences by disability status were found to the questions on feeling âslowed downâ and feeling âhopelessâ since the baby was born .

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    Family Medical Leave And Disability Insurance Help Secure Your Job And Provide Income

    My final realization from this experience is how important it is for parents to take undisturbed time off to heal and bond when welcoming a new member to the family, and to know what benefits youre entitled to during that time.

    I had my first son in 1991, two years before President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act that allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave. Id like to think if FMLA existed then, my employer wouldnt have asked me to find a replacement for my job while I was on leave. And perhaps I would have been more comfortable saying, Im on maternity leave but Im glad to send you some names so you can do the interviewing.

    Knowing my job was safe would have been a much-needed relief. But I also had to worry about bringing in income while I was off work.

    When I was on maternity leave, I only had saved a week or two of paid time off. Thankfully, I had short-term disability insurance to help replace a portion of my lost income while on leave. Without that safety net, my stress and depression couldve been much worse if I also had to worry about paying our bills.

    And its that final realization thats inspired me throughout my career in employee benefits. I am a huge cheerleader for buying disability insurance, because I know what can happen without it. Sometimes its not enough to know your job is safe, you also need to know how youre going to pay for your everyday expenses.

    About Diane Russell

    What About Family Leave

    Title 29 of the Family Medical Leave Act gives both women and men a federally mandated unpaid leave. The law authorizes 12 weeks for healing and bonding with your child. It also protects your job while youre on leave. Unfortunately, the FMLA does nothing to fill the financial gap between available sick pay benefits, short-term disability benefits, and your return to paid work.

    Currently, nine states and the District of Columbia have active or pending Paid Family Medical Leave legislation. In these states, women have additional income benefits during their maternity leaves.

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    Know More About Your Legal Rights In The Workplace Contact Diamond Law Today

    Suffering from postpartum depression is already difficult enough. Knowing your rights in the workplace will help you better manage your needs and assert your rights when it comes to your employment.

    Diamond & Diamond Laws expert team of workplace lawyers will help you navigate the different laws covering your condition and fight for the benefits you are entitled to. Their services would provide you with the help and relief you need in this difficult time.

    You dont have to go through your postpartum depression alone. Call Diamond & Diamond Lawyers today at 1-800-567-HURT for a free legal consultation.

    Are you experiencing depression at any stage of pregnancy? Contact Diamond Law and learn how you may be entitled to the legal protections.

    Can My Employer Deny Me Leave For Postpartum Depression In California

    Postpartum Depression Tear Pad

    Postpartum depression is a very serious and widespread condition that strikes approximately 1 out of every 7 mothers after delivering a child. The effects can be debilitating on the new mothers physical and emotional health for months at a time, and cause serious side effects for the child as well, which can even put the childs life in danger in extreme cases. When a new mother is also providing for her family by working outside of the home, this can complicate and exacerbate the effects of postpartum depression, while limiting her ability to get the treatment she needs and take actions to mitigate the condition.

    Many women who may be suffering from postpartum depression would like to take leave full or partial leave from their employment to seek treatment and spend more time at home and with their new child, but are concerned that doing so will endanger their employment status, especially where they have already taken time for pregnancy leave.

    In California, however, most employers are required to provide medical leave for postpartum depression and should provide new mothers with certain rights following the leave.

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    Is Ppd A Disability

    Usually. State and federal law consider mental health disorders like PPD to be a disability when they interfere with your ability to work or live your life. PPD is recognized as a mental health disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and by all major medical organizations.

    When To Call A Doctor

    911, the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD , or other emergency services immediately if:

    • You or someone you know is thinking seriously of suicide or has recently tried suicide. Serious signs include these thoughts:
    • You have decided on how to kill yourself, such as with a weapon or medicines.
    • You have set a time and place to do it.
    • You think there is no other way to solve the problem or end the pain.
  • You feel you can’t stop from hurting yourself, your baby, or someone else.
  • Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get help right away. You can:

    • Call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.
    • Call 1-800-273-TALK .
    • Text HOME to 741741 to access the Crisis Text Line.

    Consider saving these numbers in your phone.

    • You hear voices.
    • You have been thinking about death or suicide a lot, but you don’t have a suicide plan.
    • You are worried that your feelings of depression or thoughts of suicide aren’t going away.

    Seek care soon if:

    • You have symptoms of depression, such as:
    • Feeling sad or hopeless.
    • Feeling guilty.
    • Feeling anxious or worried.
  • You have been treated for depression for more than 3 weeks, but you are not getting better.
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    Can I Get Disability Compensation From Va Related To My Mental Health

    Veterans may be able to receive compensation for conditions that started or got worse in the line of duty. This may include depression. Explore disability eligibility here. If you have questions, a Veterans Benefits Administration representative at your nearest regional office can explain more. Find your nearest regional office.

    Legal Rights When Suffering From Postpartum Depression In The Workplace

    Fighting postpartum depression with Jeffrey Meyer

    Motherhood is an exciting time for many people expecting a new addition to their family. After a gruelling pregnancy, the birth of a baby is sure to bring joy to any new parent and their loved ones.

    However, giving birth also comes with a new set of challenges, and for 23% of new moms in Ontario and the rest of the country, one of these challenges includes postpartum depression. This condition could pose significant challenges, especially when maternity leave ends and the mother wishes to return to the workplace.

    This post will outline the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression and discuss possible accommodations you could ask for, including short-term disability benefits and long-term disability benefits.

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    Medical Reasons For Short

    Does my high-risk classification or bed rest prescription qualify as a valid medical reason for a short-term disability during pregnancy?

    How does the coverage work while recovering after childbirth? Can you extend maternity leave if postpartum depression delays your return to work?

    The answers depend on where and when you obtained the coverage and why your doctor wants you to stop working or delay your return to work.

    Learn what insurance companies look for when processing a claim. Enjoy wage replacement benefits while resting at home before your due date, while bonding with your baby, or dealing with your emotions.

    What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

    SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

    Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.

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    Does Ssd Cover Postpartum Depression

    On Behalf of Disability Rights Law Center | Jun 15, 2020 | Social Security Disability

    Though not largely understood, postpartum depression is a condition that affects many new mothers following the births of their children or a miscarriage. Postpartum depression, otherwise known as postnatal depression, can persist for several months or even years following the triggering event.

    According to Disability Benefits Help, postnatal depression can have several adverse consequences for both mother and baby. On the one hand, the baby suffers because it does not receive the love, affection and care it needs to thrive both physically and emotionally outside of the womb. On the other hand, the mother suffers from excess stress, behavioral disengagement and the inability to problem solve. For many women, the condition becomes disabling.

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