Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can A Panic Attack Wake You Up

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When Might I Have Panic Attacks

Can anxiety attacks wake you up at night?

Panic attacks happen at different times for everyone. Some people have one panic attack then don’t ever experience another, or you might find that you have them regularly, or several in a short space of time. You might notice that particular places, situations or activities seem to trigger panic attacks. For example, they might happen before a stressful appointment.

Most panic attacks last between 5 to 20 minutes. They can come on very quickly. Your symptoms will usually be at their worst within 10 minutes. You might also experience symptoms of a panic attack over a longer period of time. This could be because you’re having a second panic attack, or you’re experiencing other symptoms of anxiety.

“My panic attacks seem to come out of the blue now. But in fact, they seem to be triggered mainly at night when I want to go to sleep but cannot stop my mind racing, experiencing worry and panic about anything that may be on my mind.”

How To Tell If Youre Having A Panic Attack Versus An Anxiety Attack

The terms panic attack and anxiety attack are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Both have several symptoms in common but there are key characteristics that help to distinguish them both. The different attacks have a different duration and have different intensities as well.

The Uncommon Panic Attack Symptom We Don’t Talk About

Anyone who has experienced a panic attack knows it is one of the most terrifying and physically exhausting things a person can experience. People talk about the common symptoms a lot: hyperventilating, chills, shaking, crying, disassociating, feeling like youre going to die, sweating, etc. But one of the less common symptoms is one of the absolute worst for me throwing up.

For me, this isnt nausea or anything. During my most severe panic attacks, I cant breathe. I still experience most of the other symptoms I shake a ton, I cry, I get chills and I hyperventilate what seems like 100 miles a minute. But because Im hyperventilating so much, I just cannot get enough air into my lungs. So, I end up choking and coughing, and then I feel it. That feeling right before you throw up. Your mouth starts to water a ton, and you can just feel it coming. And I run to the sink because its the closest thing to me, still shaking, and I vomit. And Im still coughing and hyperventilating, my legs are crumbling beneath me. And Im just talking to myself at this point, whispering, begging myself to hold on, Come on, come on girl, you got this. Breathe, you gotta breathe, come on, just breathe. It wont always be like this, I promise you. I promise you that youll get out of this. I promise. Come on, just breathe, please calm down. Please. Come on, please.

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Types Of Anxiety Disorder

There are several different classified anxiety disorders. Each one features different types of symptoms that can, in some cases, be triggered by specific situations.

Panic disorder : This involves at least two panic attacks accompanied by the constant fear of future attacks. People with panic disorder may lose a job, refuse to travel or leave their home, or completely avoid anything they believe will trigger an attack of anxiety.

Generalized anxiety disorder : This is a constant state of worry about a number of events or activities in the persons life.

Phobic disorder: This features an incapacitating and irrational fear of an object or situation, for example, a fear of spiders or open spaces . Most adults with phobic disorder are aware that their fear is irrational.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder : This condition is marked by unwanted repeated thoughts and behaviors .

What Is A Panic Attack

Panic Attack in the Night While Sleeping  Self Care Tips for Women

A panic attack is a brief episode of intense anxiety, which causes the physical sensations of fear. These can include a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling and muscle tension. Panic attacks occur frequently and unexpectedly and are often not related to any external threat. A panic attack can last from a few minutes to half an hour. However, the physical and emotional effects of the attack may last for a few hours. Panic attacks are common. Up to 35% of the population experience a panic attack at some time in their lives. A panic attack can also be called an anxiety attack. Without treatment, frequent and prolonged panic attacks can be severely disabling. The person may choose to avoid a wide range of situations for fear of experiencing an attack.

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How To Stop Anxiety And Panic

Of course, even if you reduce the frequency of your nighttime panic attacks, you are still going to find yourself suffering if you continue to deal with panic disorder. That’s why you need to make sure that you find the appropriate long term treatment for reducing the frequency and severity of your panic attacks and doing whatever it takes to prevent them from coming back.

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Causes Of Nocturnal Anxiety Attacks

Because panic attacks can have many triggers , it can be difficult to fully address why an individual is suffering from nocturnal panic attacks. Despite the variability, there are some possible causes that have been linked more with nighttime panic attacks than with daytime panic attacks. The most likely causes of nocturnal panic attacks include the following:

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Treatment In The Moment

If youre experiencing a panic attack, these steps may help ease symptoms:

  • Help yourself relax. Instead of thinking about the rushing feelings youre having, concentrate on your breath. Focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Feel the tension in your jaw and shoulders, and tell your muscles to release.
  • Distract yourself. If the symptoms of the panic attack feel overwhelming, you can try to distance yourself from the physical sensations by giving yourself another task. Count backward from 100 by intervals of three. Talk to a friend about a happy memory or funny story. Focusing your thoughts away from the sensations in your body helps them ease their grip.
  • Chill out. Keep ice packets ready to go in your freezer. Apply them to your back or neck. Sip a glass of chilled water slowly. Feel the cooling sensation as it overtakes your body.
  • Go for a walk. A bit of light exercise might help your body soothe itself. Ask a friend to walk with you if you can. The additional distraction will be welcome relief.

When To See A Doctor

Can I Have a Panic Attack while Sleeping? [ 1 Thing YOU Need to do when you Wake Up!]

You probably don’t need to worry if you have just one or two incidents and they go away without other problems. But if it happens more often than that, or if you’re concerned, you should see your doctor. They can help you figure out what’s triggering your attacks and how to manage them. They’ll also want to rule out a heart condition call mitral valve prolapse.

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Can Anxiety Attacks Wake You Up At Night Or Happen While You Are Sleeping

January 16, 2015 by Jenny

Hi. Its Jenny at Our question today is from Michael in Fort Lauderdale. Can anxiety attacks wake you up at night or happen while you are sleeping?

A good nights sleep is vital if we want to wake up refreshed and reenergized for a new day. If you are a worrier, you are possibly more prone to insomnia and a panic attack. Can anxiety attacks wake you up at night or happen while you are sleeping? Yes and worrying about your sleep deprivation can make the situation even worse.

A panic attack can strike without any warning and even happen when you are relaxed or asleep. Stress and anxiety may cause sleeping problems, which put us at risk for high blood pressure, heart failure, obesity, stroke and diabetes. Often people suffering with stress turn to nicotine, caffeine and alcohol, to comfort foods as well, to calm themselves down before going to sleep. But these are just quick fixes which may work in getting you to sleep, but your sleep pattern will be interrupted later on. Some comfort foods eaten too close to bedtime can also cause heartburn. These substances as well as sleeping pills and anti-anxiety drugs can be habit forming and they dont promote normal sleep patterns.

Physical Anxiety Symptom : Spots And Acne

There are multiple reasons as to why anxiety and stress can cause breakouts of adult acne, these are:

  • Increased production of the stress hormone which can up the amount of oil your skin produces.
  • Increased sweating which can clog pores.
  • Touching your skin more, including your face, neck and shoulders, as you feel fidgety and on edge. This transfers dirt from your hands onto your skin and makes you more prone to breakouts.

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Recognizing Panic Attack Symptoms

The particular symptoms of a panic attack will vary depending on the personand not every panic attack mimics what you might see on TV or in movies. But typically, Chambless says, in addition to a sudden onset of anxiety and fear, a panic attack is accompanied by four or more of the following symptoms, which are outlined in a widely used professional guidebook :

Exactly What To Do If Youre Having A Panic Attack

Panic attack when waking up

Usually, a panic attack only lasts a few minutes, but those moments can feel like an eternity. To shorten its duration, the most important thing you can do is not fight it. Easier said than done, right? But its important. The more you struggle not to panic, the more anxious you make yourself and the more adrenaline you feed into your system, which extends the panic attack, Chambless says.

Instead, take slow, calming breaths and tell yourself that this will all pass in a few moments. Progressive muscle relaxation can also help, says Ellen Albertson, PhD, a psychologist in private practice. With this technique, you work from head-to-toe systematically tensing groups of muscles, like your neck and shoulders, and then relaxing those muscles and noticing how that makes you feel.

Panic attacks can be a one-time thing for some people. So even though theyre pretty freaky, theyre not necessarily a cause for concern. Theyre often more of a wakeup call that you need to minimize the stress in your life. But if youre experiencing panic attacks often, your best long-term strategy is to learn how to deal with your feelings of worry and fear in a way that doesnt allow them to escalate. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you recognize which anxious thoughts and feelings often trigger an attack and how to better manage them, says Albertson.

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Changes In Digestive Function

Cortisol blocks processes that the body considers nonessential in a fight or flight situation.

One of these blocked processes is digestion. Also, adrenaline reduces blood flow and relaxes the stomach muscles.

As a result, a person with anxiety may experience nausea, diarrhea, and a feeling that the stomach is churning. They may also lose their appetite.

suggests that stress and depression are linked to several digestive diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome .

One , of outpatients at a gastroenterology clinic in Mumbai, reported that 3040 percent of participants with IBS also had anxiety or depression.

What To Do During A Panic Attack At Night

Because panic attacks can feel so surprising and trigger so much fear, finding an appropriate course of action is challenging. By making slight adjustments to their thoughts and behaviors, a person can limit the negatives of having a panic attack.

If you experience a panic attack at night, cope by trying the following:

  • Identifying the attack: Remind yourself that it is a panic attack, not a heart attack or other scary event.
  • Remind yourself that panic attacks bring discomfort, not danger: Panic attacks are awful, but they rarely end with real physical harm.
  • Remember that all panic attacks end: Knowing that the panic is not permanent can ease the fear.
  • Focus on your breathing: Paying attention to your breath and working to slow and extend the inhalation and exhalation can prevent symptoms from worsening.
  • Focus on an object: Place an object by your bed, so when a nocturnal panic attack occurs, you can pick up and hold the object to feel grounded and safe.
  • Document the experience: After the attack is over, write down the experience to gather information about what worked and what may have triggered the event.

Once the panic attack starts, you cannot magically stop it. What you do and how you respond can make the next one easier and shorter, though.

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Diagnoses Related To Panic Attack

For some individuals, experiencing a panic attack may be an indication that they have an ongoing mental health condition.

According to the DSM-5 Manual, the principal conditions which may be diagnosed after experiencing a panic attack, include:

Panic disorder

Recurrent panic attacks that are not related to another condition will be diagnosed as panic disorder, which is treatable with psychotherapy and/or anxiolytic medications.

To be diagnosed with panic disorder, an individual must have experienced frequent, full-symptom panic attacks, which are not caused by a concurrent health condition or chemically induced. The extent to which oneâs panic attacks impact oneâs daily life between episodes will also be considered â most people with panic disorder present with debilitating anxiety about the possibility of future panic attacks.

People with panic disorder are likely to experience panic attacks in situations which replicate or resemble the circumstances of a previous panic attack, such as being in a crowd or before public speaking. This can have a negative impact on a personâs day-to-day routine, as many people choose to avoid situations which may provoke a panic attack, thereby experiencing a diminished quality of life.

Panic disorder usually occurs concurrently with other anxiety disorders.It is fairly rare for panic disorder to occur on its own. Conditions which most commonly co-occur with panic disorder include:

  • Other anxiety disorders, in particular agoraphobia

How To Calm Yourself Down When Crying

Panic Attack When Waking Up – Why is This Happening? [1 Super Simple Way to STOP It!]

Many feelings can result in tears. There are happy tears, angry tears, tears of frustration, grief, or embarrassment. Even though its a universal experience, most people dont want to cry in front of others. Berating yourself doesnt make it any better. Here are some self-compassionate ways to manage tears.

  • Cry it out

Ever try not to cry? It doesnt feel great. If you can, let yourself cry. Its often over much more quickly then it would be if you tried to fight it. Sometimes, you just need to feel whatever the feeling is.

  • Wash your face

Yes, it helps cover up the fact that youve been crying. However, it feels really good to wash your face with some cool water when you cry.

  • Drink something warm

You know that swollen feeling in the throat of trying to choke back tears? Drinking something warm can help you relax. It also helps you to slow down. Nothing inspires mindful breathing more than blowing on a hot beverage.

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What Is Morning Anxiety

Although not a medical term, morning anxiety refers to waking up with feelings of stress and worry. If you are dealing with excessive anxiety, worry, and stress in the morning, theres a good chance you may also have generalized anxiety.

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive and uncontrolled worry that pervades daily life and occurs frequently for at least six months. People with GAD typically worry about everyday actives such as work, money, family, and health.

The symptoms of morning anxiety often mimic those of generalized anxiety disorder. If you are struggling with anxiety upon waking, you may be experiencing:

  • feeling restless, on-edge, or wound up
  • irritability

Morning anxiety can be caused by many factors that may also contribute to an anxiety disorder. Since morning anxiety is a reaction to excess stress and worries, there are several potential causes that may contribute to your symptoms.

The stress hormone cortisol is released by the adrenal glands in response to fear or stress. Researchers have studied the cortisol awakening response and have found that cortisol is highest in the first hour of waking for people with an increased level of stress in their lives. This helps explain why you may experience an increase in anxiety in the morning.

If you go to bed worrying or wake up during the night with anxious thoughts, you are likely to feel anxious and concerned about your day in the morning.

Can Beanxiety Disorders Cause Nightmares And Nightmares Are Different To Nocturnal Panic Attacks

Nocturnal panic attacks are when you wake up and youre actually sort of acting out a panic attack and most of the time, youre aware that youre in your bedroom, you feel like youre not quite awake, not quite asleep but theres a definite feeling of panic.

Anxiety and panic attacks at night can begin while you are asleep, and will most often wake you up with a feeling of intense fear and bewilderment.

A nightmare is when youre definitely asleep and your subconscious mind is presenting you with images that are frightening in nature and sometimes, this can be your anxiety manifesting in a direct or indirect way.

Other times, it can be your anxiety manifesting in a more underlying way. So, dont expect that your anxieties in real life will automatically reflect whats in your dreams.

As you know, dreams are often very symbolic and dont make a lot of sense at all when you wake up. But they are your brains way of being able to process that youve been through in your waking hours and kind of help you to try and bring things to a conclusion in your mind.

So that is the purpose of your dreams and sometimes, when you have anxiety, your dreams can come into play because its just the way that your brain tries to cope but its not necessary for you to have anxiety nightmares. There are definitely ways that you can prevent them from happening and Ive got three tips that you can use to help prevent nightmares and nightmares cause by anxiety when youre trying to sleep.

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