Friday, September 20, 2024

Can Panic Attack Cause Blurry Vision

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How Anxiety Causes BLURRY VISION (And How To Fix It)

When the eye problems vision anxiety symptoms are caused by apprehensive behavior and the accompanying stress response changes, calming yourself down will bring an end to the stress response and its changes. As your body recovers from the active stress response, this feeling should subside and you should return to your normal self. Keep in mind that it can take up to 20 minutes or more for the body to recover from a major stress response. But this is normal and shouldnt be a cause for concern.

Common Causes Of Blurred Vision

What causes blurred vision? We cant say with certainty that sudden blurry vision can be caused by anxiety, but there are a number of other medical conditions that definitely cause the issue. These include:

  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Hyphemaa pooling of blood between the cornea and iris
  • Iritisinflammation of your iris
  • Keratitisinflammation of your cornea
  • Optic neuritisinflammation of your optic nerve. Can be caused by multiple sclerosis.
  • Temporal arteritisinflammation of your temporal arteries
  • Uveitisinflammation of your eye wall. Can be caused by psoriasis.
  • Macular hole
  • Preeclampsiaa pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure
  • Brain tumour
  • Parkinsons Disease

You Have An Eye Infection

You dont have to wear contact lenses to get eye infections that damage the cornea.

Herpes keratitis is an infection in the eye caused by the herpes virus. You can get it just by touching a cold sore on your lips then touching your eyes. Bacteria and fungi that muscle their way in after an eye injury can also cause infection.

Treatments like eye drops and medications usually help, but the best method of protection from eye infections is prevention.;Your cornea will do a lot of that;work for you. The cornea is an amazing structure, says Bibiana Reiser, MD, assistant professor of ophthalmology at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California and director of cornea and glaucoma services at Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles. It has a lot of that kill things directly on contact.

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Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders:

Anyone may experience these symptoms during stressful times. However, individuals with anxiety disorders may experience them in absence of stress, with more severe symptoms and/or with several symptoms appearing together.

  • Inability to relax
  • Rapid pulse or pounding, skipping, racing heart
  • Nausea, chest pain or pressure
  • Feeling a “lump in the throat”
  • Dry mouth
  • Feelings of dread, apprehension or losing control
  • Trembling or shaking, sweating or chills
  • Fainting or dizziness, feelings of detachment
  • Thoughts of death

What Are Common Stress

Blurred Vision

Most stress-caused eye issues are temporaryif you have a consistent issue with your eyes, no matter whats going on in your life, the problem is likely with your eyes instead of your stress level. Make sure to see an eye doctor if you have persistent eye trouble.

But when you have a massive deadline or your children all get sick at the same time, you may notice these problems:

  • Tunnel vision.;You may lose some of your peripheral vision and feel like you can only see straight in front of you.
  • Sensitivity to light.;You may feel like bright light hurts your eyes or makes it difficult for you to see.
  • Eye twitching.;Maybe one, or both, of your eyes will randomly spasm.
  • Very dry or very wet eyes.;While these are opposite symptoms, either one can be caused by stress. It all depends on how your body responds to a difficult situation.
  • Blurry vision.;When caused by stress, blurry vision will probably be mild instead of severe.
  • Eye strain.;Eye strain may be caused by something simple, like staring at your computer screen too long at work. However, it can also be caused by stress.
  • Eye floaters.;Eye floaters are tiny spots that swim across your vision.

These symptoms are usually not terribleyou can live with them without seeing an eye doctor. The problems are more annoying than debilitating. However, if they last a long time or are very uncomfortable, you should still see a professional just in case.

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Binocular Vision Dysfunction & Anxiety

For your vision to be effective your eyes must work in coordination with each other. In order to do this they need to be perfectly aligned. Binocular Vision Dysfunction occurs when there is a subtle misalignment of your eyes. This misalignment forces your eye muscles to overexert themselves to realign the eyes and prevent double vision. However, the misalignment rapidly returns, which is again addressed by realignment. These misalignment/realignment cycles may lead you to have trouble navigating due to dizziness and balance issues, causing you to feel anxious and overwhelmed. Many of our patients with these symptoms have previously been diagnosed with the following:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Patients diagnosed with anxiety feel anxious without an obvious cause. It is believed to be associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain. When you are unable to find anxiety relief from traditional treatments the issue may actually be Binocular Vision Dysfunction. By treating your vision misalignment, you will have stable balance and be able to finally see your environment clearly, resulting in significant anxiety relief.

Panic Attacks

One of the most common causes of panic attacks in our patients is driving on the freeway. Aligning lenses break the misalignment/realignment cycle and, by treating the vision impairment, can reduce or eliminate the panic attack symptoms.

It Might Be Your Eyes

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It Might Be Your Eyes

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How To Prevent Blurred Vision

You can’t control your vision. If blurry vision occurs, you simply need to wait for your anxiety to calm down in order for your vision to return to normal or take special care to reduce secondary issues that may be leading to the symptom, like eye strain.

Closing your eyes for a while may help a little, since it will reduce how much you worry about your vision, but ultimately you’ll simply need to wait out your anxiety until it gets better.

But you can prevent blurry vision by curing your anxiety and stopping your panic attacks. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a great place to start, as it has shown itself to be effective at curing several different types of anxiety. You may also find that exercise helps a lot, since a calmer body tends to be less prone to anxiety attacks.

Blurry vision can be an inconvenient, stressful, and scary anxiety symptom. It always helps to double check with your doctor to ensure that it is caused by anxiety. But if it seems that anxiety is the cause, your best course of action is to start learning to manage your anxiety and your blurry vision should reduce as a result.

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How Stress And Anxiety Can Affect Your Eyes

When youre feeling extremely anxious, stressed, or having a panic attack, your body produces adrenaline as part of your fight or flight response, preparing you to either fight the danger in front of you, or run away from it. This puts pressure on your eyes, which can cause tunnel vision, floaters, flashes of light, and possibly blurred vision . Your eyes may also become sensitive to light, feel strained, start twitching, or become extremely dry or wet.2; Finally, severe anxiety can make you feel dizzy, which may make you feel like your vision has become blurred.

In the long term, when extreme stress and anxiety happens frequently, your bodys heightened cortisol levels can cause glaucoma and optic neuropathy, which can lead to blindness.3

Our bodies are complicated, which can make it difficult to find the cause of a symptom, including sudden blurred vision. If youre prone to extreme anxiety, and are experiencing common symptoms of anxiety such as an elevated heart rate, sweating, and not being able to concentrate, your blurry vision may be caused by your anxiety. But this is a big may. Its important to know that sudden blurred vision can be caused by other issues, and isnt necessarily a result of severe anxiety. Here are some other common causes.

Fight/flight Response: One Of The Root Causes Of Panic Attacks

Anxiety and Distorted or Blurry Vision

I am sure most of you have heard of the fight/flight response as an explanation for one of the root causes of panic attacks. Have you made the connection between this response and the unusual sensations you experience during and after a panic attack episode?

Anxiety is a response to a danger or threat. It is so named because all of its effects are aimed toward either fighting or fleeing from the danger. Thus, the sole purpose of anxiety is to protect the individual from harm. This may seem ironic given that you no doubt feel your anxiety is actually causing you great harmperhaps the most significant of all the causes of panic attacks.

However, the anxiety that the fight/flight response created was vital in the daily survival of our ancient ancestorswhen faced with some danger, an automatic response would take over that propelled them to take immediate action such as attack or run. Even in todays hectic world, this is still a necessary mechanism. It comes in useful when you must respond to a real threat within a split second.

Anxiety is a built-in mechanism to protect us from danger. Interestingly, it is a mechanism that protects but does not harman important point that will be elaborated upon later.

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Why Double Vision Is Common For Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is frequently accompanied with ervical degenerative disc disease. Any neck problem influences eyesight. The reason is the following: neck gristles and joints are deformed, lumbar arteries get squeezed and cerebral circulation is damaged. The result of it all is eyesight problems: double vision, floaters, blurred vision. The following symptoms also come together with cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • Eyeballs popping out;
  • Eye pupil size increase;
  • Eye shape change.

People can also suffer from double vision due to stress and anxiety. Psychological and emotional tension because of depression and anxiety can influence the extraocular muscles and cause insufficient blood supply to organs together with abnormalities of the different vascular beds of the eye.

Note!When people, who suffer from double vision, wear glasses because of poor eyesight, their extraocular muscles get weaker.

People can have double vision because of stress and panic attacks, but for a very short of time. They also have blurred vision, fast heart beating, labored breathing, diarrhea, repeated urination. There can also be other problems, causing this symptom. And theyre not connected with anxiety disorder. Those diseases are the following:

  • Diabetes;
  • Brain injury;
  • Multilocular sclerosis.
  • Double Vision Caused By Nerve Problems

    Certain cranial nerves connect the brain to the eye muscles to control eye movement. Some conditions that can affect or damage these cranial nerves and lead to double vision include:

    • Diabetes, a metabolic disease affecting your body’s ability to process blood sugar that can cause nerve damage
    • Guillain-Barre syndrome, a nerve condition in which early symptoms can occur in the eyes, causing muscle weakness
    • Myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks neuromuscular junctions involved in eye movement
    • Multiple sclerosis, a chronic neurological disease affecting the central nervous system, possibly damaging nerves that control eye movement

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    Double Vision Caused By Eye Muscle Problems

    Six muscles in your eye socket control your eye’s movement up, down, to each side and in rotation. Problems in these extraocular muscles include weakness or paralysis that prevent one eye from moving in coordination with the other. Eye muscle problems include:

    • Graves’ disease, a thyroid condition that affects eye muscles and causes vertical double vision, in which one image appears above the other
    • Strabismus , a weakened or paralyzed eye muscle that prevents the eyes from aligning properly

    You Have High Blood Pressure

    How Anxiety Causes BLURRY VISION (And How To Fix It)

    You probably know that high blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart disease. What you may not know is that it can also cause a mini stroke of the eye called vein occlusion. These patients feel no pain, says Dr. Shah. They will wake up and their vision is blurry. Blurry vision due to vein occlusion usually strikes just one eye, he adds.

    Treatments for vein occlusion, including medication to ease swelling of the macula, need to be given right away in order to be effective. Even then, you may lose some of your sight. To protect against vein occlusion, if youre over 50 and have high blood pressure, Dr. Shah recommends getting regular eye exams.

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    Double Vision Caused By Cornea Problems

    The cornea is the clear layer that covers the front of the eye. Its main function is to focus incoming light into the eye. Problems in the cornea distort its surface, which can create double vision. Such problems include:

    • Astigmatism
    • Infections such as shingles or herpes zoster
    • Scars caused by disease, injury or infection

    How Does Bvd Lead To Anxiety

    In severe cases of BVD, symptoms like dizziness may be so intense that a panic attack can be triggered just by walking outside.

    This is especially true for those who dont know they have BVD the unexplained dizziness and disorientation only exacerbate their anxiety.;

    Anxiety from BVD can even cause agoraphobia, a fear of leaving the home. Visually-busy environments, such as a grocery store or mall, can cause sensory overload and lead to panic attacks.

    When BVD leads to reduced attention, especially when reading or working, it can affect work and school performance leading to heightened anxiety.

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    What Causes Bvd

    BVD can be a matter of genetic inheritance, though often those who have it dont exhibit symptoms until years down the road. Many people who have BVD dont even realize it because many other conditions have the exact same symptoms. BVD can also come about as a result of stroke, neurological disorders or head trauma, including concussion and post-concussive syndrome.

    What You Can Do

    Blurry vision, dizzy spells and panic/anxiety attacks

    If you are experiencing a lot of headaches or migraines in addition to your panic disorder symptoms, discuss these issues with your doctor. Your doctor will be able to rule out any potentially serious medical conditions that may be contributing to your headaches.

    Treatment options for panic disorder and the co-occurring headaches may also be available. Some medications that are prescribed for panic disorder have been shown to effectively treat co-occurring headaches.

    On the other hand, your medication may actually be contributing to your headaches. Your doctor may need to determine if your medication for panic disorder is actually causing your headaches.

    Additionally, your doctor will create a treatment plan to help you manage both your headaches and panic disorder symptoms. Headaches and migraines are common issues among panic disorder sufferers. Fortunately, your doctor will be able to help you treat and manage both conditions.

  • Antonaci F, Nappi G, Galli F, Manzoni G, Calabresi P, Costa A. Migraine and psychiatric comorbidity: a review of clinical findings. J Headache Pain. 2011;12:115-25. doi:10.1007%2Fs10194-010-0282-4

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    You’re Dealing With Ocular Migraines

    An ocular migraine is typically caused by spasm of the blood vessels that feed the part of the brain responsible for processing vision, Vicente Diaz MD, MBA, a Yale Medicine ophthalmologist, tells Health.;Symptoms include flashing lights, blind spots, and seeing patterns often with many jagged edges and corners, he explains.;

    An ocular migraine can occur with or without a headache, and typically will last under an hour, but in 20% of cases, it can last longer. He adds that the term ocular migraine can also refer to a retinal migraine, a rare condition which causes loss of vision in one eye only and can indicate problems with retinal blood flow.

    The Burning Question Is: Why Is The Fight/flight Response Activated During A Panic Attack Even When There Is Apparently Nothing To Be Frightened Of

    Upon closer examination of the causes of panic attacks, it would appear that what we are afraid of are the sensations themselveswe are afraid of the body losing control. These unexpected physical symptoms create the fear or panic that something is terribly wrong. Why do you experience the physical symptoms of the fight/flight response if you are not frightened to begin with? There are many ways these symptoms can manifest themselves, not just through fear.

    For example, it may be that you have become generally stressed for some reason in your life, and this stress results in an increase in the production of adrenaline and other chemicals, which from time to time, would produce symptoms.and which you perceive as the causes of panic attacks.

    This increased adrenaline can be maintained chemically in the body, even after the stress has long gone. Another possibility is diet, which directly affects our level of stress. Excess caffeine, alcohol, or sugar is known for causing stress in the body, and is believed to be one of the contributing factors of the causes of panic attacks .

    Barry McDonagh is an international panic disorder coach. His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: This article is copywritten material

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    How Do Your Doctors Treat Bvd

    At Vision Specialists of Michigan, our specially trained doctors provide a wide range of services aimed at treating BVD and other binocular vision disorders. One such service is our NeuroVisual Examination, which is an extensive examination used to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms and determine if you have BVD. Upon a positive diagnosis, our specialists will create a customized treatment plan designed just for you. Treatment can include any of the following:

    • Custom micro-prism lenses that help realign the eyes, thus greatly reducing or even eliminating the symptoms of BVD.
    • Prism contact lenses that treat BVD, as well as contact lenses for astigmatism.

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