Thursday, September 19, 2024

Does Menopause Cause Anxiety And Panic Attacks

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Why Does Anxiety Happen Or Get Worse In Perimenopause And Menopause

Can Menopause cause Anxiety, Depression or Panic Attacks ? | Apollo Hospitals

Dr. Vaidya: Anxiety can occur due to the estrogen and progesterone imbalance that occurs during perimenopause/menopause. When this hormonal system gets out of balance, symptoms of anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, foggy brain, tense muscles, and sleep disturbances can all occur. In the brain, reproductive hormones such as estrogen act via steroid receptors. They also have an effect on different neurotransmitters such as serotonin , dopamine , etc. Additionally, studies show estrogen can influence brain areas that regulate mood, behavior, and cognitive abilities. So when estrogen declines, we lose its regulating effect on our brain and central nervous system .

When To See A Doctor About Menopause And Anxiety

Symptoms of a panic attack can be caused by other conditions and problems, so its important to get medical help if youre not sure whats causing your symptoms. If you have chest pains, trouble breathing or feel very dizzy, you should call an ambulance or get emergency medical help.

You should also call an ambulance if you feel youre at risk of hurting yourself or other people, or youve seriously harmed yourself, such as by taking a drug overdose.

You should book an appointment with your doctor if:

  • your feelings of anxiety are affecting your daily life
  • things youve tried to help arent working and your symptoms arent improving
  • youd like to get a referral for psychological therapy

Q: Does Having Panic Attacks Mean You Have Panic Disorder

A: Not necessarily. Those with panic disorder have frequent panic attacks. And, in between, they worry about when the next one will strike and try to adjust their behavior to head it off. But a single or a few isolated panic attacks dont mean you have a panic disorder.

Women who were prone to anxiety in the past or who had postpartum depression are sometimes more likely to have a panic disorder during menopause. But any woman can develop one.

Panic disorders can be hard to identify because somesymptoms, such as sweating and palpitations, mirror those that many womenexperience anyway during perimenopause and menopause. But, just because a panicdisorder is not easily diagnosed, that doesnt mean that it doesnt exist orthat you cant treat it.

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Causes Of Panic Attacks

Unexpected panic attacks have no clear external triggers and come on suddenly. On the other hand, expected panic attacks and anxiety can be triggered by specific, common triggers include:

  • A stressful work situation or school,
  • Driving, and or flying,
  • Hypochondria: Fear of becoming ill.
  • Things that serve as reminders or memories of traumatic past experiences,
  • Chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, or asthma, pain,
  • High levels of caffeine,
  • Medication and supplements, and withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.
  • Tips For Menopause Struggles

    Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Spotting the Difference ...

    To improve sleep quality:

    • go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. If you want to wake up and start your day calm, find out the best alarm clocks for anxiety.
    • avoid exercising before bed
    • beware of computer screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

    To get rid of anxiety and depression:

    • slow down and try relaxation or yoga techniques. If youre open to trying yoga for anxiety and stress relief, check out these top Yoga DVDs.
    • exercise 30 minutes a day for the body to release endorphins, which will give you a natural boost
    • keep a diet rich in vitamin B, zinc and magnesium.

    For hot flashes and night sweats you can:

    • wear clothes made of natural fibres
    • wear clothes in several layers, easy to remove if a hot flash occurs
    • try to reduce stress levels with relaxation techniques
    • keep the bedroom cool at night
    • use bedding made only of natural fibres
    • avoid known triggers, such as red wine and spicy foods.

    Women are more lively to suffer from anxiety disorder overall, as compared to men. This is because they experience such events in life that can easily make them anxious. One such event, other than menopause is labor. The pain a mother bares during labor is immense, therefore it is very important for them to learn ways of not feeling nervous when in labor.

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    How Hormone Changes Impact Mental Health During Menopause

    Shifts in the levels of female hormones are one of the key causes of mood changes for many women. “The falling levels of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone influence women’s brains,” Vohra explains. “The resulting imbalance of lower chemicals such as serotonin and endorphins – and increased ones such as cortisol and adrenaline – can lead to feelings of anxiousness and irritability.”

    Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that carries signals between nerve cells, is linked to mood regulation, the body’s stress response and memory. Endorphins are chemicals known to increase feelings of well-being and pleasure, while reducing pain and discomfort.

    Why can the menopause trigger anxiety?

    What Can Be Done To Reduce The Stress Of Menopause And Perimenopause

    There are holistic things you can do of course, like decreasing your stress through meditation or relaxation techniques. Regular exercise and cutting down on alcohol will help and are good lifestyle measures regardless.

    READ MORE The lowdown on HRT and alcohol and how menopause affects your drinking habits.

    In my view it is essential to look at the root cause of all the problems, your hormonal imbalance. Addressing this is the best of all the treatments for menopause symptoms.

    Lets face it, when you are in the grips of this hormonal maelstrom, ignorance is definitely not bliss. So take control, dont wait out years for the symptoms of perimenopause to sort themselves out dont wait to seek treatment until your symptoms are so severe that you cant function. Please talk to a menopause specialist about addressing the problem.

    Read more from Dr Stephanie Goodwin and find out about her clinic, at

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    Analyze Your Fears And Avoid Panic Attacks

    It is common for people to experience panic attacks in their life. These are episodes of intense fear, usually lasting anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. If you experience these, it can be debilitating, and you may feel that you are having a heart attack or other serious medical condition. The good news is that there are many ways to prevent or alleviate these episodes by taking charge of the situation before they escalate.

    Here are a few of the most effective techniques: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Exposure Therapy, and Mindfulness Meditation.

    Fear is a natural thing, but its important to learn ways to manage ones fear. Panic attacks can take place without any warning and due to them, people feel hopeless, terrified of the future, and unable to function. The good news is that there are some things you can do if you suffer from panic attacks.

    If you are frightened during an assault, you should ask yourself what you are afraid of in your surroundings. Is there someone who poses a serious threat? The answer is most likely no just relax and let your anxiety pass.

    So Is Anxiety A Side Effect Of Perimenopause And Menopause

    Menopause, migraine, anxiety, panic attacks and heart palpitations.

    The answer is, yes it can be. Both anxiety and panic attacks are common during the transition through perimenopause into menopause. But not all women will suffer anxiety or panic attacks.

    Women who have a history of depression, postnatal or otherwise, anxiety or panic attacks, are more likely to find that the hormonal imbalance during perimenopause will trigger episodes of anxiety and/or panic attacks. But its true to say that any woman can experience these episodes regardless of her history.

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    Anxiety And Panic Attacks: What’s The Difference

    It can be tough to tell whether you’re having an anxiety episode or a panic attack. In your 40s, you may notice some of the symptoms of a heart attack for the first time. Some of the most frequent symptoms of menopause include mood swings, anxiety, and general anxiousness . Insomnia and exhaustion can exacerbate these symptoms. Keep the following distinction in mind between the types of attack:

    • Anxiety is often associated with something that is stressful or threatening. Panic attacks aren’t always triggered by stressors. They almost always happen out of nowhere.
    • Anxiety levels can range from mild to severe. Anxiety, for example, may be present in the background of your mind as you go about your daily activities. Panic attacks, on the other hand, are characterized by severe, disruptive symptoms.
    • During an anxiety attack, you still have some control. When the body’s autonomous fight-or-flight response takes over, this is referred to as a panic attack. Physical symptoms are frequently more severe than anxiety symptoms.
    • Anxiety attacks can build up over time. Panic attacks usually strike without warning. Panic attacks frequently cause anxiety about having another attack. This can have an effect on behavior, causing people to avoid places or situations that could trigger a panic attack.

    How Does A Menopausal Panic Attack Manifest Itself

    It is very possible for the woman to notice that she has a sudden and intense state of worry or anxiety, she has the feeling that things will end here and now. Physical symptoms can sometimes be:

    • heart palpitations
    • Nausea
    • a tingling sensation in the hands or feet.

    Some symptoms, experts say, such as anxiety, sweating and palpitations reflect those symptoms that many women have during perimenopause and menopause. It is possible for the woman to go to several specialist doctors, who will not reach the correct diagnosis.

    For example, palpitations may cause a woman to go to a cardiologist, but the results of investigations will often be normal. The neurologist may not discover a clear cause for dizziness or headaches, but from time to time, the patient will be diagnosed if she goes to a psychologist or psychotherapist.

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    Does A Panic Attack Mean I Have A Panic Disorder

    Experiencing a panic attack can be unnerving, but it doesnt necessarily mean you have a panic disorder. There are many potential causes for panic attacks and anxiety symptoms, especially when youre going through menopause. Some people go through several panic attacks, and then they stop. Others have one panic attack and dont experience another. Like other mental health issues, panic disorders can be complicated, especially when they overlap with menopause.

    I Know A Lot Of Younger Women Should I Talk With Them About Anxiety

    How to Deal with Anxiety or Panic Attacks

    Thanks to continuing social stigma around womens bodies, many of Generation X and older women entered perimenopause with no real understanding of what was happening or what was to come. Moving to normalize perimenopause and menopause can make it so much easier for younger generations of women to have a smoother, healthier transition.

    As Dr. Vaidya says, It’s important to talk about the natural change of life with women in your group. Very often menopause is culturally viewed as an end of reproductive ability or desirability. However, opening dialogue and sharing the challenges and treatments would help transform the way menopause is viewed. This can help dissipate fear as well about a normal change in life. Our anxiety, says Dr. Vaidya, is made worse when we keep menopause a mystery, so talking and educating ourselves and one another is good for us all.

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    Shifts In The Levels Of Female Hormones Can Cause Temporary Mood Changes Including Symptoms Of Depression

    The years leading up to menopause and the transition itself can bring changes to your body. But they can also have an effect on your mind, specifically your mental health.

    The incidence of depression doubles during this time. Women who have struggled in the past with depression or anxiety might also see a resurgence in symptoms.

    Shifts in the levels of female hormones can cause mood changes at other stages of life, so it’s not necessarily surprising that they can have some effect on mood during the menopausal transition as well, says Dr. Hadine Joffe, the Paula A. Johnson Associate Professor of Psychiatry in Women’s Health at Harvard Medical School and executive director of the Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder and postpartum depression are other examples of conditions that are driven by hormonal changes inside the body in these cases, before menstruation or after childbirth.

    “These disorders aren’t 100% hormone-based,” says Dr. Joffe, but female hormones play a major role.

    Other Factors That Can Cause Anxiety During Perimenopause And Menopause

    Anxiety is often caused by a variety of factors. Not all of which are hormonal. As we reach our middle years we often face big changes in our lives.

    One of the biggest factors for mothers at this stage of their lives is that their children leave home. Even if youve been looking forward to getting your freedom back once your children have flown the nest, it can come as a bit of a shock when your children actually start out on their own. Empty Nest Syndrome might not be a clinical condition but is nonetheless a real experience. Not just for mums but for fathers too.

    Parents can be left feeling that their lives are aimless and lack focus. Feelings of uselessness and what am I supposed to do now? are all too common. It can be a really upsetting and disturbing experience. It can take some time to adapt to your new situation but you do build a new life for yourself. You create a new normal with the focus switching more to your own needs and wants.

    Women in their middle years can find that they become carers for elderly/sick parents who need more help and support. Whether your children have left home, or you still have a house full of teenagers, the added pressure of caring for parents places extra demands on your time and energy. The extra responsibility and worry can all add to feelings of anxiety.

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    Perimenopause Can Bring On Unexpected Anxiety And For Some Women They Will Have Their First Panic Attacks Many Women Dont Realise That These Are Very Common Symptoms Of Perimenopause

    You may suddenly find yourself having general feelings of nervousness, maybe newfound social anxiety or full-blown panic attacks. Menopausal anxiety is very common and often quite unexpected. This may be a totally new feeling and experience for you or if you have previously suffered from depression or anxiety it may be exacerbated by menopause. In general, women suffer more from anxiety than men and at menopause, anxiety is very often made worse by changing hormone levels. You may find you have hormone imbalances as hormone levels change and adjust at menopause. Many women find that these symptoms come and go and different tools help at different times. Its a case trial and error. Seek help! And dont give up trying new solutions.

    Listed below is a range of symptoms, which may be associated with the menopause. You may find yourself experiencing some of these symptoms for the first time in your mid-late 40s. Mood changes, anxiety and general feelings of nervousness are some of the most common symptoms of menopause and can be even more undermining than hot flushes or night sweats. These symptoms are often exacerbated by insomnia and fatigue. Loads of fun isnt it?!

      Try to take some time out and about admiring the glory of nature.

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    Will Anxiety Get Worse

    Menopause & anxiety.

    It may for a while, says Dr. Vaidya: Studies of mood and anxiety during menopause have generally revealed an increased risk of depression during perimenopause with a decrease in risk during postmenopausal years. The Penn Ovarian Aging Study, a cohort study, showed depressive symptoms increased during the menopausal transition and decreased after menopause.

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    Q: Can Hormone Therapy Ease My Emotional Problems During Menopause

    A: While theres growing evidence that hormone therapy can help with emotional symptoms, it alone is not effective in treating more severe mental health conditions. Your doctor my prescribe medication for anxiety or depression. Counseling also helps treat the psychological symptoms.

    You may feel better after menopause ends and your hormoneslevel out. But talk to your doctor as soon as possible to start the righttreatments.

    Use Slow Motion To Avoid Panic Attacks

    Some individuals may be prone to recurring panic attacks, which can be traumatizing and severely affect their quality of life. For these people, one option may be to use slow motion techniques in order to avoid panic attacks. When someone feels the onset of a panic attack coming on, they would begin by focusing on their breathing for up to 10 minutes. Afterwards, the individual would continue with other methods like meditation or self-hypnosis until the symptoms dissipate.

    Experts say that slowing down can help avoid panic attacks. This is because its easier to look at the details of a situation when moving slower, and this will enable a person to make a plan for how they want to react to a stressful event. Slowing down also gives a person an opportunity to stretch out the moment and realize whats going on in their mind or body, which can make it easier for them to recover from the stress.

    There are many possible treatments for panic attacks including medication, therapy, and self-help methods. New research has shown that slow motion can reduce the severity of a persons panic attack. Researchers looked at people who have experienced panic disorder or had a first episode. They found that those who watched 1 minute of slow-motion video experienced less anxiety than those who watched other videos. Participants were given an anxiety rating before and after watching the video. The average rating was 8.

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