Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Prove Ptsd For Va Disability

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Does The Va Give All Ptsd Veterans A 50% Disability Rating

Winning 100% VA Unemployability for PTSD: TDIU

One of the most common misconceptions among veterans is that they believe they will receive an automatic disability rating of 50% if they are diagnosed with PTSD. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. A veteran must first meet a very specific set of criteria in order to get an automatic 50% rating.

First, in order for a veteran to get an automatic 50% disability rating, they had to have been discharged from the military as a direct result of their PTSD symptoms. This means that if they were discharged from the military for any other reason, the automatic 50% rating does not apply.

Also, veterans that do get an automatic 50% PTSD disability rating are only guaranteed to have it for six months. After the initial six-month period is over, veterans will have to be re-evaluated to ensure that they still qualify for the 50% disability rating.

Some of the criteria that will be looked at during the re-evaluation include:

  • The severity of PTSD Symptoms
  • Frequency and duration of the PTSD symptoms
  • The severity of social and occupational impairment
  • Has the veteran experienced remission periods?
  • The ability for the veteran to readjust into civilian life

Once you have been re-evaluated, the VA will decide whether or not you still qualify for disability based on the criteria listed above. In some cases, they may decide to extend your disability period. They could also either reduce or increase your rating based on the severity of your symptoms.

What Can You Expect For Va Disability Compensation

The VA rating determines what youre eligible to receive based on the PTSD compensation chart, but other factors also come into play. For example, if you have dependents and a spouse, the compensation will be higher than if you are single. The rate of compensation can also change from year to year.

The 70% PTSD rating compensation is $1,529.95 per month if you have a spouse and three children under 18 years of age.

How Does That Compare To A 50 Or 70 Percent Rating For Ptsd

While the criteria for a 50 or 70 percent rating is still pretty high, it is much less than the 100 percent rating. The 70 percent PTSD rating talks about occupational and social impairment, with deficiencies in most areas At the 50 percent level, the definition reads, occupational and social impairment, with reduced productivity and reliability due to such symptoms as

Both the 50 and 70 percent level go on to list examples of symptoms that might qualify you for these ratings. But, the big difference is that we go from total occupational and social impairment to essentially partial impairment.

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What Is An Automatic 50 Ptsd Rating

There is a confusing VA disability policy that can explain why so many veterans think that the VA offers an automatic 50 percent rating for PTSD. According to VA Policy , an automatic disability rating of 50% will be granted to veterans with PTSD, but only for those veterans who must be discharged from military service because their PTSD impacts their ability to perform their job duties effectively.

However, this rating only lasts for six months, and only applies to a small number of veterans. After six months, the VA will schedule an exam to re-evaluate the veterans condition. At that point, the VA will schedule an examination to determine whether or not the veteran will continue to receive a 50 percent disability rating for their PTSD.

It is possible to get a 50 percent disability rating for PTSD, but there is no automatic rating for any condition, and no automatic disability rating that applies to all veterans. Veterans with PTSD can receive a rating as low as zero percent for the condition. While PTSD is a common condition for veterans, it is not considered a presumptive condition one that is directly caused by military service. A veterans disability rating for PTSD depends on their specific situation, as well as how severe their symptoms are.

What Are The Special Requirements For Ptsd Stressors Based On Areas Of Potential Hostile Military Or Terrorist Activity

How to Service Connect Your VA Disability Erectile Dysfunction ...
  • Concede a stressor when the Veterans DD Form 214 or other service records show service in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity.
  • Service personnel records must be requested prior to or concurrently with any necessary examination being ordered to avoid unnecessary delays in claims processing.
  • The receipt of military awards such as, but not limited to, the Vietnam Service or Campaign Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, and Afghanistan Campaign Medal is generally considered evidence of service in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity.
  • The receipt of military awards such as the National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal generally does not indicate service in locations that involve exposure to hostile military or terrorist activity because these are general medals that do not denote service in a particular area or campaign. If the Veteran served in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity, he/she/they likely would have received a more specific medal for such service.
  • The GWOT Expeditionary Medal also does not necessarily indicate service in an area that would involve exposure to hostile military or terrorist activity. Consider that award and the other evidence of record to determine if there was service in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity before scheduling an examination.


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How Can I Get A 100% Va Disability Rating For Ptsd

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With Mental Illness Awareness Week upon us and World Mental Health Day coming up on October 10, we thought wed shed some light on PTSD and the VA disability benefits system.

First known as shell shock or operational fatigue, our society has come a long way in understanding the full impact of what is now known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder , a mental health condition affecting the lives of millions of veterans.

The 1983 National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study, the first long-term study of its kind, found that some 30% of Vietnam veterans had symptoms of PTSD within eight years of the wars end.

A follow-up study published in 2015 in JAMA found that 11% of those male veterans and 9% of female veterans still struggled with PTSD 30 years later. These findings suggest that if PTSD is not treated early, it tends to become a chronic condition. When that happens, veterans with a PTSD diagnosis, along with evidence to back their claim, become eligible for disability benefits through the VA.

Fortunately, growing public awareness of PTSD, and mental health in general, has made it easier for veterans seeking compensation for service-related PTSD. Previously, PTSD was only recognized as an outcome of combat operations, but that too has changed. The VA now acknowledges that non-combat stressors can cause PTSD, if the traumatic event occurred during the veterans time of active duty service.

What Are Common Signs And Symptoms Of Ptsd

PTSD symptoms usually start soon after the traumatic event, but they may not appear until months or years later.

Your symptoms can also can ebb-and-flow over many years.

If the symptoms last longer than four weeks, cause you great distress, or interfere with your work or home life, you might have PTSD.

Generally, there are 4 types of PTSD symptoms, but they may not be the same for veteran.

Each veteran experiences symptoms of PTSD in their own way.

#1. Reliving the event

Memories of the traumatic event can come back at any time, and they can feel very real and scary.

  • You may have nightmares.
  • You may feel like you are going through the event again. This is called a flashback.
  • You may see, hear, or smell something that causes you to relive the event. This is called a trigger. News reports, seeing an accident, or hearing fireworks are examples of triggers.

#2. Avoiding things that remind you of the event

You may try to avoid situations or veterans remind you of the trauma event.

You may even avoid talking or thinking about the event.

  • You may avoid crowds because they feel dangerous.
  • You may avoid driving if you were in a car accident or if your military convoy was bombed.
  • If you were in an earthquake, you may avoid watching movies about earthquakes.
  • You may keep very busy or avoid getting help so you dont have to think or talk about the event.

#3. Having more negative thoughts and feelings than before the event

#4. Feeling on edge or keyed up

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How Does The Va Rate Ptsd

The VA uses the 38 CFR PTSD rating scale to rate PTSD. The VA rates veterans with service-connected Combat PTSD at 0 percent, 10 percent, 30 percent, 50 percent, 70 percent, and 100 percent, depending on severity and symptoms. The average VA disability rating for PTSD is 70 percent.

To learn more, read our article on how the VA rates PTSD.

How To Win Your Ptsd Va Disability Benefits Claim

Proving Non-Combat PTSD Stressors

Published on by Neil Woods Last Updated on

This article gives tips on how to win your PTSD VA disability benefits claim. Well cover applying, appealing, evidence, stressors, and all kinds of information youll need when filing a PTSD VA disability benefits claim.

If you need help with your PTSD VA disability benefits claim, you can always give Woods & Woods a call. We always offer free legal consultations to veterans filing PTSD VA disability benefits claims. For help, just fill out the contact form.

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Individual Unemployability Benefits & Your Ptsd Claim

Veterans that cant work because of severe PTSD may be eligible for Total Disability Individual Unemployability benefits. The VA will consider not just your PTSD but other mental and physical conditions too. PTSD Individual Unemployability benefits pay the same as a 100% rating. However, you are not required to obtain a 100% rating to be eligible. Eligibility will depend upon your rating and how much your service-connected disabilities prevent you from working.

Veterans that cant work from PTSD may be eligible for both Individual Unemployability and Social Security Disability. Remember, both benefits are completely separate from each other. Each benefit system has different eligibility guidelines. It is possible to be approved for one benefit and denied the other benefit. They each require different evidence as well.

If you cant work from your PTSD, talk to the Individual Unemployability lawyers at Woods & Woods. Our law firm has handled thousands of PTSD claims for veterans that cant work. Our law firm fights for veterans that cant work from PTSD every day.

In this video, a VA disability attorney explains how veterans with PTSD can obtain Individual Unemployability:

How Does The Va Determine A Disability Rating For Veterans Suffering From Ptsd

Compensation amounts for disabled veterans are determined based on a rating system. Each disability’s severity is measured in 10% increments, ranging from 10% to 100% disabled. A higher percentage rating given to a veteran’s disability results in a higher level of compensation received by the veteran.

In order to determine what percentage disability rating to assign to a veteran with PTSD, the rating agency considers the frequency, severity, and duration of psychiatric symptoms, the length of remissions, and the veteran’s capacity for adjustment during periods of remission. The rating agency also takes into account the degree of occupational and social impairment suffered by the veteran

If the PTSD results from a highly stressful event that requires a serviceman be released from military duty early, then the VA must assign a rating of no less than 50% disabled, and another evaluation must be done within six months of the veteran’s discharge to determine if the rating should be changed.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers a free, anonymous screening for PTSD on its website at .

You could be eligible for up to $3,148 per month in SSDI benefits

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Some Experts Now Think That Most Veterans Who Served Active Duty During Wartime Will At Some Point Suffer From Ptsd

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs , Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the most common mental health problem suffered by troops returning from combat. If you are a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, and have developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of your service, you are likely eligible for veterans disability benefits.

How Can You Prove A Drone Pilot Has Service

Did the VA lowball your VA PTSD rating? Here

There should be no difference in how one soldier with a disability claim receives approval or denial compared to another soldier who serves in a different role. But drone pilots face more than their fair share of roadblocks as they attempt to get fair treatment and disability benefits to address their PTSD and other mental health concerns. Just because the drone pilot is operating their aircraft remotely, it does not mean that the magnitude of the destruction does not affect them. These men and women are still operating an aircraft, even if they are stateside.

Their jobs are that much harder because they must make instant decisions about whether a group of people are combatants without the benefit of being there to gather all the intel. Since they are remote, it can be difficult to prove how the combat affects them. To prove PTSD, a drone pilot must show that they were in combat and that is the part that gets tricky since they arent technically in a combat zone. The drone pilot does not experience sniper fire, IED blasts, or gunfire, against their person.

In this video from one of our VA disability lawyers, we explain how to service connect your disability that was caused by your military service.

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How Long Does It Take For Signs And Symptoms Of Combat Ptsd To Appear

The timing of combat PTSD varies from veteran to veteran. Many veterans start dealing with signs of combat PTSD within three months of the event, but sometimes PTSD takes longer to show up. Some veterans dont experience signs until after returning home from deployment. Sometimes symptoms take months or even years to develop. Other veterans may have signs and symptoms within hours of the traumatic event.

If you or someone you love is dealing with suicidal ideations, dont wait. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 and press option 1.

Understanding Va Ptsd Ratings

The VA rating formula goes from zero percent to 100 percent in increments of 10. Not every disability includes each rating percentage. For example, a veterans PTSD can be rated at 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, or 100 percent debilitating.

A zero percent rating means that PTSD has been diagnosed. The symptoms, however, are not severe enough to interfere with work or social functioning or to require continuous medication. A 100% rating is for total occupational and social impairment due to specified symptoms.

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Rules For Verifying Stressors

When a stressor needs to be corroborated for service connection, the VA will look for credible supporting evidence of the veterans account of the in-service stressor. According to the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, testimony by itself cannot, as a matter of law, establish the occurrence of an in-service stressor when the stressor was not related to combat or fear of hostile or terrorist activity. This restriction results in many claims being denied because the only proof available is the veterans statement. However, this does not have to mean that the claim cannot be service-connected. There are many ways to corroborate a stressor, and the VA is required to assist in doing so.

Do You Have Questions About Service Connect Sleep Apnea

30% PTSD VA Disability Rating Breakdown

4 Lessons You Need to Learn to Service Connect Sleep Apnea. Do you have questions about how to service connect sleep apnea claims? Youre arent alone. Winning a VA claim to service connect sleep apnea is hard. Winning a VA Sleep Apnea is much harder.

Is sleep apnea could be a service-connected VA disability?

You must produce the facts that will connect the dots for the VA that your disability is related to neurological or physical damage suffered during service. This is what will compel VA to acknowledge service connection and rate your disability for sleep apnea fairly with the benefits you deserve.

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Need Help Join Va Claims Insider Elite Now

Hi Veterans, do you need more medical evidence to service-connect and get rated at the appropriate level in support of your PTSD non-combat claim?

Join VA Claims Insider Elite and get expert Strategy, Education, and Medical Evidence to support your VA disability compensation claim.

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You are not alone! We are Veterans helping Veterans!Become an Elite Member and work with our Veteran Coaches to get the rating you deserve!

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How To Appeal To The Va For Ptsd

Dealing with the VA for a disability compensation claim can be frustrating and overwhelming. Being granted service connection for PTSD often requires detailed knowledge of the process and what adjudicators want to see. Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, knows the battle you are facing to get the benefits you deserve and will use this knowledge to your advantage. Working with disabled veterans nationwide,me today at for a free phone consultation.

Gregory Rada is an Air Force veteran that helps veterans nationwide receive the benefits to which they are entitled. He works with all his clients one-on-one from the start of their case to the end and never hands them off to case managers or paralegals. Learn more about his experience by clicking here.

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