Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Recover From Binge Eating Disorder

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Do Consider Family Therapy

3 Steps towards Recovery from Binge Eating Disorder

Eating disorders are complicated and require specialized, individualized treatment! Family therapy may help you figure out ways to support your loved one in eating disorder recovery and explore connections and relationships on a deeper, more personal level. Know that family therapy interventions work best when attending family members are ready for collaboration not when members are forced or threatened into going to therapy.

How To Recover From Bulimia: Step One

The first step in recovering from bulimia is getting help. Tell a trusted family member or friend or reach out to a professional. Since recovering from bulimia is a difficult process, with many bumps in the road, guidance from a professional who specializes in eating disorder recovery will help you navigate the twists and turns of recovery. Many people are not able to recover on their own. Reaching out for help can be essential to recovery.

Once youve identified your support system, and ideally with help from a professional, you can then start to follow these steps to let go of bulimia once and for all.

Understandingand Healingbinge Eating Disorder

The most pervasive eating disorder in the United States is the one we rarely talk about: binge eating. A binge is different from an occasional overindulgence because these events are frequent and overpowering. For more than 3 million Americans, life with binge eating disorder is burdened by episodes of compulsive overeating, followed by overwhelming feelings of distress, shame, disgust, or guilt. It can be crippling, often impairing people who have it from carrying out routine activities.

Whats worse, BED is frequently trivialized. The idea that it can be cured with willpower or a good diet planor, worse, that its not a mental health disorder at all, but a poor lifestyle choiceis a gross misjudgment. In reality, BED is just as threatening to mental, physical, and emotional health as other eating disorders. And it can be near-impossible to heal without clinical help.

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Its Not Just One Thing Recovery From Binge Eating Disorder

I have lived with binge eating disorder for about 30 years, but recently I have been able to stop bingeing. I used to think it was something I would have to live with for the rest of my life. But I have found that recovery is possible.

We all want easy answers and a quick fix, but what I have learned is that there is no one single thing that works for everyone. It can take a lot of work, a lot of trying different things, and probably a combination of several different approaches to find what works for you.

Some things that I think helped me over the years, and which eventually contributed to my recovery:

I found that this final approach worked for me, and as days, weeks and months passed and I did not binge, I felt like a miracle had happened and I was cured.

I wish I could say that this was my Happy Ever After ending. However, after several months binge-free, I came home from a holiday feeling the post-holiday blues, and felt like I needed food to cheer myself up. I was in a stressful situation at work and I felt like I could not cope if I couldnt binge. Somehow I felt unable to stop this in its tracks, and I reverted to my old binge behaviour for several months.

Contributed by Karen

When Should I See A Doctor

How To Recover From Binge Eating Disorder?

It is important to see a doctor as soon as you suspect that you or someone else has binge-eating disorder. A doctor can refer you to a specialist in eating disorders such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

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The More Weight Thats Gained The Harder It Is To Get Motivated

As the habitual overeater ages, he or she steadily gains more and more weight. It becomes harder to find the motivation and physical stamina to lose weight. This is complicated by the drop in metabolism common with the onset of middle age.

Many habitual overeaters consign themselves to gaining more and more weight as they head into their later years. The more they eat, the larger they become. The larger they become, the less able they are to physically address their extra weight.

Eating Disorder Recovery Tips

Arguably the most common question that gets asked is how can one recover from an eating disorder.

Whilst theres no simple answer to this, I will do my best to provide some eating disorder recovery tips.

The first tip I can offer is that you must be motivated to change.

If youre not motivated, then theres a very good chance that you wont recover.

That said, its understandable that you might be ambivalent towards change. After all, you are probably so close to your eating disorder now that it might be too daunting to let it go.

This is the eating disorder mindset it tricks you into not wanting to change.

You need to override these thoughts and muster up the motivation to change.

A good model to assess where your current motivation is at is through the 5 Stages of Change Model.

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The Steps Toward Recovery

The roots of a dysfunctional relationship with food go deep into the binge eaters past. They need to allow that past to come to the surface so they can look back at the experiences of their childhood and begin to put life into perspective.

Somewhere, hidden away in a corner, frightened by all the chaos, is a lonely, hurting child who longs to be rescued and loved. This child is waiting for help to come and make sense of the chaos and heal the pain of the past.

Reject The Diet Mentality

How I Recovered From a Binge Eating Disorder

The second step of a binge eating disorder recovery plan is to Reject the diet mentality.

It is time to acknowledge the fact that diets have not given you the outcomes you had hoped for. What would it be like to consider the idea that you have been looking at this backwards? A diet is an outside-in intervention. This means that you are hoping that by changing the outside, you will feel better on the inside. What if we reversed that? What if we worked on changing the inside so that eventually you feel better on the outside? This may or may not mean your weight changes. What it means is that your intrinsic satisfaction with your life, your ability to manage your emotions, and your self-confidence will be something that others can detect. It means that these feelings will result in a general enhancement in your ability to take care of yourself, to communicate with others, and to make choices in your life that bring meaning and satisfaction to you on a daily basis.

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The Third Step Is Acknowledgement

When a binge eater acknowledges that God has the power to help them overcome their eating disorder and put their life back together.

Once taking these three steps, the binge eater will be ready to start along the road to recovery, and the resources to assist them along this journey will reveal themselves. There is always hope. There are countless stories of people that successfully confronted their Binge Eating Disorder, sought out the necessary tools, and regained a life of health and balance.

Eating Disorders Among Adults Binge Eating Disorder. NIMH RSS. Web. 18 Aug. 2014.

Recommended Treatments For Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, it is believed to affect 3.5% of women, 2% of men, and up to 1.6% of adolescents . It is characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating without the compensatory behaviors found in bulimia nervosa. Binge eating disorder was only recently classified as an official diagnosis. As such, knowledge about it lags behind that of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

It is important to note that BED is not something new. Prior to the publication of the DSM-5, binge eating disorder was listed in the appendix and could be diagnosed as an “Eating Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified” . Being identified as a distinct eating disorder means that individuals with this condition can receive more support and treatment. It also may result in further research on the condition and help reassure people that others share the same experience.

Although commonly thought to be a less severe eating disorder, binge eating disorder can cause significant emotional and physical distress and is associated with significant medical issues and an increased mortality rate.

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You Are Not Weak : Breaking Free From The Binge

The story is as old as diets themselves: Youre good all day. You deny all foods deemed bad, stick to a meal plan, and go home proud of yourself.

Then you get in the door, and youre absolutely famished. Maybe you have an unsatisfying dinner, or you think: One treat, then thats it.

But it isnt. One snack leads to a full on binge, and after, youre not sure what went wrong. You had been good all day, and now feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. You come to the conclusion almost immediately, mostly because diet culture has already force fed you the answer:

I am weak, you think. I didnt have enough willpower.

And then, perhaps even more common:

Ill start again. Ill be good from now on. No more binging.

For those with binge eating disorder, you already know how it goes: You restrict the next day, then come home and do the same thing all over again. This combination of events happens over and over again. This happens so often, and to so many people, that it has a clinical term: the binge-restrict cycle.

It may seem endless, but there is a way out of the cycle, and this article will tell you how.

Start Healing Your Relationship With Your Body

How To Recover From A Binge

Bulimia is destructive to your relationship with your body in so many ways. It can cause physical damage, such as esophageal and dental problems, but the damage goes well beyond that. Bulimia can turn you into a combatant against your body, waging a war against your own flesh. And an essential piece of recovering is healing that relationship and reconnecting with your body as a friend, not a foe.

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Do Watch Out For Diet Talk

Avoid talking about diets, body image, and food. Dont ask your loved ones to diet with you. Dont talk about the latest diet fads. Dont make comments about your or someone elses body or weight, even if you think you are saying something positive. Seemingly harmless comments like, You are losing weight! orWhy do you have an eating disorder? You look great! can be extremely triggering. DO identify other ideas, hobbies, or interests to talk about. DO shift conversations away from appearance, weight, and body image.

Learn New Ways Of Coping With Feelings Emotions Stress And Anxiety

This one is huge! You must learn alternate ways of dealing with your stress, anxiety, and the variety of emotions that will come up for you in your bulimia recovery, especially learning of ways to cope with the urges when they come up. When we abstain from the dysfunctional eating disorder behaviors there is a HUGE amount of stress that comes up and it feels very uncomfortable at first. This is normal and you must learn what other behaviors you can use to cope. For me I would go on a walk after meals when the anxiety was the greatest. Other ways of dealing with it include journaling, listening to music, talking about it with a support person, doing something fun, art, prayer, etc, etc.

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Behavioural Symptoms Of Binge Eating Disorder

Behavioural signs and symptoms can include:

  • unexplained disappearance of food hiding binge eating episodes
  • secretive behaviour around food hoarding food or hiding wrappers and packaging
  • evading questions about eating and weight
  • becoming more antisocial and withdrawn
  • erratic behaviour spending large amounts of money on food, or shoplifting food
  • self-harming behaviour, use of substances and suicide attempts.

Make Small Changes You Can Commit To

How I Recovered From Binge Eating Disorder

The last step of a binge eating disorder recovery plan is to start with one small change you can commit to. Maybe that is making an appointment with a psychologist, maybe that means taking a 15 minute walk at lunch, maybe that means calling a friend every day just to blow off steam, or maybe that is returning to a hobby or activity that you love. People often discourage themselves before they even get started because they feel that have to do everything they would be doing if they were recovered NOW. Getting to a place of balance and recovery takes time. It is a process and you dont know how it will turn out. By taking small steps, one at a time, you can get a better feel for where you want your recovery to go. As you make these changes and you learn to more fully experience your own feelings, you may find that you are headed in a new direction, one you might have missed if you pre-determined what you should be doing in advance. So take it slow, consider your options, and dont overwhelm yourself.

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What Is Binge Eating Disorder

All of us eat too much from time to time. But if you regularly overeat while feeling out of control and powerless to stop, you may be suffering from binge eating disorder. Binge eating disorder is a common eating disorder where you frequently eat large amounts of food while feeling powerless to stop and extremely distressed during or after eating. You may eat to the point of discomfort, then be plagued by feelings of guilt, shame, or depression afterwards, beat yourself up for your lack of self-control, or worry about what compulsive eating will do to your body.

Binge eating disorder typically begins in late adolescence or early adulthood, often after a major diet. During a binge, you may eat even when youre not hungry and continue eating long after youre full. You may also binge so fast you barely register what youre eating or tasting. Unlike bulimia, however, there are no regular attempts to make up for the binges through vomiting, fasting, or over-exercising.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eaters usually are unhappy about their weight and many feel depressed.

Someone who’s binge eating also might:

  • eat a lot of food quickly
  • hide food containers or wrappers in their room
  • have big changes in their weight
  • skip meals, eat at unusual times , and eat alone
  • have a history of eating in response to emotional stress

People who binge might have feelings that are common in many eating disorders, such as depression, anxiety, guilt, or shame. They may avoid school, work, or socializing with friends because they’re ashamed of their binge eating problem or changes in their body shape and weight.

When kids or teen binge eat, parents may first suspect a problem when large amounts of food go missing from the pantry or refrigerator.

Binge eating is different from bulimia, another eating disorder. People with bulimia binge eat, but try to make up for overeating by throwing up, using laxatives, or over-exercising to lose weight.

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What Causes Binge Eating

The exact cause of binge eating disorder isn’t known. But it’s likely due to a combination of things, including genetics, family eating habits, emotions, and eating behavior, like skipping meals. Some people use food as a way to soothe themselves or to cope with difficult feelings.

People with binge eating disorder are more likely to have other mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder , and ADHD.

It’s hard to know how many teens may binge eat. Because people often feel guilty or embarrassed about out-of-control eating, many don’t talk about it or get help.

So Is Recovery Possible

How To Stop Binge Eating

Recovering from an eating disorder is difficult.

Theres no doubt about that.

But it doesnt mean its impossible so many people all around have been able to recover from their eating disorder.

Implementing some of the techniques above may increase the likelihood of recovery.

But, ultimately, youll need to provide your absolute best efforts!

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Recognize That Foods Are Not Good Or Bad And Include Them In Your Day

One of the biggest lies spread by diet culture is that some foods are good and some are bad. Foods like chocolate, and food groups like carbs, are cast out as bad and diet culture tells you that you should consume them as little as possible.

This sets some foods up as fear foods and/or temptation foods. When you are told youre not allowed to have something you want, you start to become consumed by the thought of this food. This is a common reason why people binge on certain foods.

A big step towards freedom from obsessing about food is to realize that food is just food. There is no morality when it comes to food. All foods have value, whether nutritionally or mentally, and all foods should be treated equally. This means honoring your cravings by including them in your daily meals and snacks. This takes away the power your binge foods hold over you.

If you dont yet trust yourself to have an entire container of a binge food at home, buy a smaller version of it. Build up to having a regular sized amount of a binge food in your cabinet. For example: If you know you binge on cookies, and are too afraid to have them in the house, start by bringing home a small package of them. Get used to having just a few, just to satisfy your craving.

Once you get used to feeling satisfied after a few cookies, and begin to trust yourself around binge foods, you can start bringing home regular sized packages.

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