Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is The Phobia For Bees

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Apiphobia Can Cause One To Stay Inside

If your concern causes you to alter your lifestyle, it may be time to consider some changes. Don’t miss the enjoyment of the great outdoors. Everyone needs to be able to enjoy warm Summer days.

Some people miss out on family picnics and don’t go to sporting events that they would otherwise enjoy. Their over-riding concern that stinging insects will be present destroys their chance of having a good time.

Insects do love to attend picnics – especially in late Summer. They are attracted to sweet drinks and food available at these events. Yellow Jacket Wasps can be especially troublesome at outdoor food events.

To avoid some of the worry, learn where bees and wasps tend to congregate. Stay away from park trash cans and other high risk areas.

Be cautious of wasp nests under picnic tables or benches and watch out for nesting ground bees. But, this doesn’t mean you have to stay inside all Summer.

Associations With Dangerous Animals

Another theory suggests that clustered holes share a similar appearance to skin and coat patterns on some venomous animals. People may fear these patterns out of unconscious associations.

There is some research that supports this idea. A 2013 study looked at how people with trypophobia respond to certain stimuli in comparison to those without the condition.?? When viewing a honeycomb , people who don’t have trypophobia immediately think of things such as honey or bees.

The researchers believe that those with trypophobia non-consciously associated the sight of a honeycomb with dangerous organisms that share the same basic visual characteristics, such as rattlesnakes. While they are not consciously aware of this association, it may be what causes them to feel feelings of disgust or fear.

What Causes People To Develop A Fear Of Bees

Insect-related phobias like melissophobia are a common type of specific phobia. However, it’s still unknown what exactly causes phobias to develop. The following factors are believed to contribute:

  • Negative experiences. A phobia may be linked to a distressing or unpleasant experience. For example, feeling the pain associated with a bee sting or having a bad reaction to a bee sting could lead to a fear of bees.
  • Learned behavior. You may learn to fear something based off of information you receive from other sources. This could include things like observing a parent’s fear of bees or hearing news stories or warnings about “killer bees.”
  • Individual factors. Everyone processes fear and anxiety in different ways. Some people may naturally have a more anxious temperament than others.

Symptoms of a specific phobia can be both psychological and physical. If you have melissophobia, you may experience psychological symptoms, such as:

  • feeling an immediate intense fear or anxiety when you think about or see bees
  • knowing that the anxiety you’re feeling is unreasonable, but being unable to control it
  • going out of your way to avoid locations or situations that may bring you into contact with bees

Physical symptoms can also occur when you’re exposed to bees. They can include:

Wasps: Facts And Help For Wasp Phobias

Wasp: Facts and Help for Wasp Phobias

Summer is upon us once again and I’m sure you have noticed wasps buzzing about, now that the queens have come out of their winter hibernation and the worker wasps have built new colonies.

If you’re one of the many people who dread this time of year because of wasps, you may take reassurance in the knowledge that, contrary to urban myth, wasps do not sting people just for the fun of it.

They only sting if they feel threatened so it’s never a good idea to swing your arms around or turn into John Cleese with your newspaper. And definitely never, ever, poke a wasps nest!


Why do wasps stingWasps are generally not a problem until the wasp colony starts to break down in late Summer. After the queen cells are laid, the hormone that maintains colony cohesion is no longer produced. Without this hormone, the worker wasps become disorientated and go searching for sweet foods – which is why you might find them buzzing around your picnic table or kitchen. It is these confused, worker wasps, that sting.

Wasps are, in fact, quite good-natured, and the best thing to do if one lands on you, during the search for something to indulge its sweet tooth, is to gently brush it off with a piece of paper.

If you find one in your house, cover any sweet foods/drinks with a tea towel, switch off any electric lights, and close the doors and curtains to all light sources except one – such as an open, kitchen window – that they will fly to.





What Are The Symptoms

Apiphobia Fear of Bees

As with any phobia, the symptoms vary by person depending on their level of fear. The most common symptoms of phobias are trembling, chest pains, heart palpitations, elevated blood pressure, shortness of breath, rapid speech or inability to speak, dry mouth, upset stomach, nausea, and hot or cold flashes.

Links To Other Disorders

Researchers have also found that people with trypophobia were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. Symptoms of trypophobia were also found to be persistent, leading to functional impairments in daily living. The symptoms were most likely to meet the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for specific phobias rather than other conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder .

Apiphobia Fear Of Bees

Bee stings can be really nasty if you get one. While it is perfectly normal for anyone to have an adrenaline rush whenever a bee comes humming around, many others might feel much more scared just by thinking about bees. Such extreme and irrational fear triggered by bees is known as apipobia.

It has been derived from Latin word “api” meaning bees. Apiphobia, also known as melissophobia, is closely related with fear of other flying and stingy insects like wasps, yellow jackets or hornets. Apiphobia is signified by unreasonable amount of fear for bees, and the panic can be onset even by a picture or talking about bees.

What Are The Treatment Options For Phobias

Phobias are treatable and people who have them are nearly always aware of their disorder. This helps diagnosis a great deal. Phobias are treated with a combination of therapy and medications, which may include the following

  • Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy is an umbrella term for the types of therapy that are used to treat mental health disorders. This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors. It functions on the idea that all behaviors are learned and that unhealthy behaviors can be changed. The focus of treatment is often on current problems and how to change them.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy : The doctor, therapist or counselor helps the person with a phobia learn different ways of understanding and reacting to the source of their phobia. This can make coping easier. Most importantly, CBT can teach a person experiencing a phobia to control their own feelings and thoughts.
  • Medications such as beta blockers, and tranquilizers may help treat a phobia
  • Beta blockers: These can help reduce the physical signs of that can accompany a phobia.
  • Antidepressants: Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are commonly prescribed for people with phobias. They affect serotonin levels in the brain and this can result in better .
  • Tranquilizers:  are an example of a tranquilizer that might be prescribed for a phobia. These may help reduce symptoms.

How To Deal With A Fear Of Bees

If you find that you have a fear of bees, there are some things you can do to help manage it.

  • Aim to reframe the situation. While there are several very valid reasons to be afraid of them, bees are also very important. As pollinators, they’re vital for our ecosystems — and their numbers are in decline.
  • Be prepared at home. Avoid having bees in your home by doing an inspection during winter for any areas that could potentially house a bee colony. If you find a hive or colony, contact a local beekeeper.
  • Take steps not to attract bees. Bees are more drawn to dark colors, perfumes, and colognes. If you’re going to be in an area where bees are present, avoid wearing these things.
  • Resist the urge to totally avoid bees. Take small steps to feel more comfortable around bees. This could be something like going to a park where bees may be around or a bigger step such as watching beekeepers at work. This is known as exposure therapy.
  • Try to relax. Practice relaxation techniques to help lower your anxiety levels. These can include things like breathing exercises, , or .
  • Join a support group. Sometimes talking to others that have shared similar experiences can help you to cope. Consider looking into an anxiety support group near you.
  • Stay healthy. Taking care of yourself is important. Try to regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep.
  • Carry your EpiPen. If your fear of bees is due to an , be sure to carry your on you at all times.

How Do Bees Smell Fear

When we or other animals are afraid, we produce fear pheromones. For us, that detection occurs in the palate of the mouth. From there, it is transferred to our limbic system, which in turn produces the right emotional response. In most cases, these hormones are only detectable by other creatures of the same species. According to School of Bees, bees are the exception to this rule. 

Bees don’t have a palate or a sense of smell that works like ours. Still, they know what fear “smells” like. They can also transmit that smell to their fellow bees, alerting them to the fear. People often say that fear is contagious and in humans, it sometimes is. In bees, fear is an indication that a nearby creature might be scared enough to do them some harm. Bees are not forward-thinking creatures, but they certainly know what has to happen after that. 

How Do You Overcome Apiphobia

One of the best ways to overcome the fear of bees phobia is to change your focus and think about something else. Focus on positive ideas and think about great stuff in your life.

If you avoid being negative you will have much better results and that’s exactly what you have to think about. It’s also important to be practical and to understand that bees are just like other insects.

They are dangerous, but at the same time if you don’t provoke them they will rarely come to you and sting you. If you stay calm near bees you will be fine.

It’s that moment of panic and constant running that will make bees interested in you, so you have to think about something peaceful. If you use these tips and avoid panic you will be fine more often than not. Panic will lead to Apiphobia, and you want to stay away from it!

Killer Bee News Stories Create Fear

News stories about killer bees have created great public concern in some regions. These ” Killer Bees” are actually a hybrid. They are offspring of more defensive bees from Africa cross-bred with our honey bees.

Africanized Bees are a real problem in some southern areas of the US. They are dangerously defensive of their nest area. However, they are not the killers of the horror movies.

If you live in an area that has AHB, contact your state agriculture department. This is the best source of information on how to protect yourself and your family.

Helping Child With Fear Of Bees

Simple Tips To Overcome Your Bee/Wasp Phobia I The ...

Dr. Laura, My six year old is mildly autistic, high anxiety, but very high functioning. 

Now that spring is here, he has suddenly become violently afraid of bees. I’m not sure where the fear comes from; he’s never been stung and his father and I have never shown any fear toward them. He has always loved the outdoors. But the new fear of bees has him in a panic and no longer enjoying time outside.

Do you have any ideas of how we can help me make him comfortable and less fearful? I’m totally at a loss at how to deal with it. Thank you!

So frustrating, when you want him to enjoy being outdoors in the spring, and he’s afraid of bees!

Maybe he saw a cartoon of someone being chased by a bee? But it’s just as likely that while your son is focusing his fear on bees, the fears are more free-floating. Maybe they simply derive from the fears that all children have, and his have somehow gotten focused onto bees.

Regardless of where his fear is coming from, right now it is doing what all fear does: making him panic, so he can’t think or listen to reason. The way to help him with this is to help him to gradually “face” his fear and realize that he’s actually safe. That’s the only way fear goes away. If we don’t face fears, they gradually expand to take over other areas of our lives. In fact, wherever this fear comes from, it is now curtailing his ability to feel comfortable outside and causing a sense of constant threat when he is outside.

Know The Causes Of Bee Defensiveness Near A Hive

Around the hive, three main factors have the potential to heighten honey bee defensiveness:

  • Misplaced hive entrance: Alvéole’s hives are always carefully situated so their entrances are ideal for both bees and people, each hive facing away from where people are active, giving bees plenty of open space to come and go as they explore the flowers nearby. When the hive entrance faces away from higher traffic areas, bees’ defenses won’t be inadvertently triggered.
  • Stormy weather: Bees can get used to most environments, from a windy rooftop to a busy patio, though when the weather or temperature suddenly changes, they may become briefly defensive if one opens their hive. This is rare, and usually people are inside protecting themselves from the rain so isn’t a real danger.
  • Mismanaged hives: Urban beekeeping focuses on an approach that is more or less opposite to that of commercial beekeeping, with a focus on education rather than production. This is why choosing a qualified provider like Alvéole is essential. You’ll be able to count on an experienced urban beekeeping partner that knows the tricks of the trade, such as following a rigorous hive management schedule and choosing the right type of honey bees .

    What Causes Apiphobia Or Fear Of Bees

    Fears like apiphobia don’t always have a logical or memorable cause. Some people develop fears through a traumatic experience when they were still children. Such negative experiences would be embedded in their minds that can turn into fear.

    However, any person can be scared of anything for no apparent reason. Such fear is part of being human and varies from person to person.

    In some cases, it is possible for a person to trace the cause of their apiphobia back to an experience with a sting. Others might be able to trace back their fear back to an accidental run-in with a bee’s nest or swarm. For others, exposure to a scenario of how bees attack can cause this adverse reaction.

    Can I Take Medicine

    Medicine can be prescribed, but please note that these medications can have side effects and/or withdrawal systems that can be severe. It is also important to note that medicines do not cure phobias, at best they only temporarily suppress the systems. Unfortunately, some people turn to illegal drugs and alcohol to treat their symptoms, which also do not treat phobias, but can cause the person to form an addiction to them. Thankfully, there are treatments for phobias, additional information regarding treatments can be found on the Treatments page.

    The Warning Signs You Should Be Looking For

    You can use our two minute Phobia of Bees Online Test to determine the problem’s severity, but it’s really pretty simple: If this phobia is having a significant negative impact on your life, its time to do something about it.

    • Do you become queasy at the smallest idea of Bees?
    • Does your mouth go dry and your palms get sweaty?
    • Does your heart begin to pound?
    • Do your legs turn to rubber?

    Those are just a few of the symptoms. If you want to understand more about the symptoms of Phobia Of Bees, .

    We not only help you deal with the symptom you experience, but we find the cause. That’s why we’re here

    Overcoming Fear For Fun And Profit

    Posted August 26, 2016

    For most of his life, my friend Dick Nunamaker has kept bees. In effect, he began by using cognitive behavioral to avoid developing a fear of them, rather than to treat a . Before setting up his own hives, he listened to experienced apiculturalists, read dozens of books, and imagined every step he needed to take with the bees . So when he was stung as a new beekeeper, the cognitive model worked against conditioning a fearful response. At least for Dick, the risk of being stung does not evoke but provides a paradoxical source of calm.

    Dick describes beekeeping as a kind of therapy, a refuge from problems and worries. He eschews protective equipment to keep open the potential for being stung. It is precisely this possibility that requires him to be fully in the moment. If his wanes, the insects provide a sharp reminder to pull him back into the flow. So for Dick, a bee yard is a kind of sanctuary, an unexpectedly peaceful place where anxiety dissolves.

    People often stop to watch Dick work his hives. They call out, “Aren’t you afraid?” but then see this jovial fellow dressed in shorts and a T-shirt calmly moving among the insects without being harmed. As with cognitive behavioral therapy, the empirical data are contrary to their hypothesis of danger. And the bees aren’t coming after them either. Firsthand experiences begin to undermine irrational fear.

    Do You Have A Fear Of Bees

    If you or a member of your family have a strong fear of bees, you are not alone. Many people suffer from an heighten anxiety when it comes to stinging insects. This can be especially troubling if you are someone who enjoys being outdoors. And, if you have aspirations of having a hive of your own, this condition must be dealt with quickly. Developing a better understanding of bees may help you become less afraid.

    How Is A Fear Of Bees Diagnosed

    There are no lab tests that can diagnose a specific phobia such as melissophobia. A doctor will begin by taking your medical and psychiatric history.

    Next, the doctor will interview you about your condition. They’ll ask you for more details about your fears, how long you’ve had them, and the symptoms you’re experiencing.

    They may also use diagnostic criteria to help them make a diagnosis. One example is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , which is published by the American Psychiatric Association.

    The treatment for melissophobia involves therapy provided by a mental health professional. There are several possible treatment options.

    What Is A Phobia

    What is Apiphobia

    A is a strong, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger. It is a type of anxiety disorder. A phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity, or situation. are diagnosable mental disorders. People with try to avoid what they are afraid of. If they cannot, they may experience the following

    • Panic and fear
    • A strong desire to get away

    Aggressive And Placid Bee Types

    Honey bees are placid creatures that will not give chase or show aggression. There are, of course, exceptions. The Africanized honey bees, or killer bees, are certainly aggressive.

    This type of bees will actually signal for backup when they feel threatened. This backup from their colony is usually in the form of a swarm in the thousands.

    Unfortunately, the Africanized honey bees are sensitive souls and do feel threatened easily. So, if a bee is acting at all aggressive, move away quickly and, if possible, avoid exposure by finding an enclosed shelter.

    Final Thoughts On Having A Fear Of Bees

    For those of you with a severe bee phobia, you may need to seek professional help. And, you may never have a desire to become a beekeeper. But, who knows – it might be something you could consider someday with a good mentor.

    Regardless, overcoming some of your phobia will enhance your enjoyment of outdoor living.

    Causes Of Apiphobia And Spheksophobia

    In most cases, the fear of bees and wasps is irrational. The main cause of these phobias is prior experiences from childhood. Previous traumas from stings will also cause some degree of phobia, and it can translate into irrational fear. In some cases, these phobias are socially conditioned.

    The main causes of apiphobia and spheksophobia include:

    • Negative experiences from childhood, or a traumatic experience from the past. For example, a child who inadvertently stepped onto a bee experienced some degree of agony, which can potentially result in a phobia later on in life. The same goes for when a child accidentally stumbles into a beehive, which can result in a negative experience that might have consequences.
    • Sometimes, the phobia is like a learned behavior. This usually happens when another family member or a parent is also afraid of bees or wasps. And when they show their fear, the child will also start to feel fear of these insects. This fear is usually irrational and based on no prior negative experience, but rather on the experiences of other people.
    • Apiphobia and spheksophobia are common also due to over-protectiveness by the parents. These fears are socially conditioned responses based on the excessive warnings that their parents might have given them in the past.
    • TV programs, movies, and shows can also introduce a person to this fear.

    Normal Fear Reaction To Stinging Insects

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    And, many of us will remember the childhood experience of a sting . Perhaps that is where our anxiety about bees began. It’s okay to be a little afraid-caution is a good thing. .

    This allows you to respect their space and reduces the chance of stings. Still, there is a difference between being scared of getting stung vs feeling panic when you just see one 6 feet away.

    Do not be ashamed of your anxiety, getting to understand insects better may be of some help. Knowing the nature of different insects gives you valuable information to help avoid conflict.

    Phobia Of Bees Its Over

    Does phobia of bees have a serious impact on your life? It may not seem possible, but after more than a decade working with the most severe fears and phobias we know for sure: there’s no question you can overcome phobia of bees.

    Here is what we offer:

    • Phobia of bees better or gone in as little as a day
    • Complete confidentiality and privacy
    • Clients in 70+ countries have put their trust in CTRN

    The Symptoms Of Apiphobia

    Common symptoms which indicate apiphobia in people are:

    • Extreme and irrational fear of bees
    • Even a thought, picture or talking about bees can trigger the fear
    • Complete avoidance of places where bees and bee hives can be found such as forests or caves
    • Avoiding activities like hiking and camping due to the fear of seeing bees
    • Realizing that the fear is unreasonable
    • Panic attacks accompanied by signs such as sweating, trembling, racing heart beat, dizziness or fainting, nausea or vomiting, trouble in breathing, abdominal uneasiness and unable to think properly

    What To Do About It

    Next be clear that that there’s nothing to fear – at worst a painful sting for an hour or two. And even this is unlikely to occur – if you handle the situation with a bit more calmness and watch the creature until it landed and then brush it away quickly.

    As with all single-issue phobias the best and quickest approach is to seek.  If this is not possible use the methods in the phobia-fix section. Take your time about this and carefully work through the hierarchy in a systematic manner.

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