Symptoms And Consequences Of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder symptoms will differ for each who is suffering from them. There are also various symptoms of depressive and manic episodes. Those who also suffer from substance addiction ordinarily also have increased bipolar symptoms.
- Preoccupation with a particular goal
- Short attention span
Some individuals will experience manic episodes so severe that they become incapable of functioning in social settings. Those experiencing these episodes might require hospitalization. A common manic episode will not be caused by substance abuse. This makes it more difficult to diagnose bipolar disorder if they also suffer from addiction.
- Feeling depressed most of the day
- Feeling fatigued daily
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities
- Oversleeping
Extreme depressive episodes leave individuals unable to function in social or settings. A sufferers depressed mood must last at least two weeks to be clinically diagnosed as an episode. Similar to manic episodes, an actual major depressive episode is not the result of substance abuse.
Diagnosing individuals suffering from bipolar disorder and addiction is severe. The symptoms of the episodes individuals experience with bipolar disorder mimic many signs of substance abuse and addiction. Specialists will diagnose bipolar disorder through various tests to better identify between bipolar disorder and addiction.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms
A person with bipolar disorder will go through episodes of mania and at other times experience episodes of depression . These aren’t the normal periods of happiness and sadness that everyone experiences from time to time. Instead, the episodes are intense or severe mood swings, like a pendulum that keeps arcing higher and higher.
Symptoms of mania include:
- anger, worry, and anxiety
- thoughts of death or suicide
In adults, episodes of mania or depression usually last for weeks or months, although they can be shorter in length. In children and adolescents, though, these episodes can be much shorter, and a kid or teen can even go back and forth between mania and depression throughout the day.
Episodes of mania or depression may happen irregularly and follow an unpredictable pattern or they may be linked, with a manic episode always following a period of depression, or vice versa. Sometimes episodes have a seasonal pattern. Mania in the spring, for example, may be followed by depression in the winter.
Between episodes, someone with bipolar disorder usually returns to normal functioning. For some people, though, there is little or no “break period” between their cycles. These mood swing cycles can change slowly or rapidly, with rapid cycling between mania and depression being much more common in women, children, and adolescents.
Can Drug Induced Bipolar Go Away
Drug-induced bipolar is a different disorder from the kind of bipolar disorder that occurs from genetic factors. Some people may feel relief from their symptoms because of the drug-induced bipolar disorder. Others continue to have symptoms and may even suffer from the two types of the disorder at the same time. If you would like to know more about bipolar disorder, visit
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Similarities Between Cocaine Use And Bipolar Disorder
The symptoms of cocaine and bipolar disorder can appear similar to one another, so people may incorrectly believe they developed bipolar disorder from using cocaine. However, it is possible that the person may indeed have bipolar disorder and require treatment for both disorders at the same time. Cocaine and bipolar disorder share some of the same symptoms, so it can be difficult to identify the differences between each disorder. Some of the shared symptoms of cocaine use and bipolar disorder may include:
- Increased energy and mental alertness
- Optimism
- Increased recklessness
Which Occurs First The Substance Abuse Or The Bipolar Disorder
Individuals who struggle with undiagnosed bipolar disorder may turn to a substance to self-medicate the unwelcome and disruptive symptoms. Alcohol use disorder commonly coexists with bipolar disorder, termed a dual diagnosis. Marijuana is another often-utilized substance to help alleviate the symptoms.
Individuals may have developed a substance use disorder than then led to the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Of the various mental health disorders, individuals with bipolar disorder have the highest rates of co-occurring substance use disorders. There is some evidence that regular marijuana use can instigate the symptoms of bipolar disorder, for example. It is believed that early marijuana use during adolescence, during a period when the brain is still developing, may increase the risk of acquiring bipolar disorder.
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How Do I Deal With A Narcissistic Bipolar Boss
You cant know your boss really has a personality disorder or a mood disorder unless you have read their medical files, which is illegal. They may have narcissistic traits or change their mind frequently . You basically have two choices: Put up with it or quit. You will not be able to change your bosss behavior.
What About The Brain Makes These Two Co
Our brains are still some of the top technology in existence. Theyre impressionable and constantly adapt to the environment around us. By taking in constant feedback from the outside, the brain rewires itself to best adapt to our needs.
Substances such as alcohol and cocaine are the kryptonite to the brains super strength. They hijack the brains ability to modify connections in the mind and reroute those connections to home in on the pleasurable effects of a drug at the expense of all other functions.
For this reason, addiction cant be willed away overnight since it causes long-term physical and structural changes to the brain.
Almost all drugs that are misused from nicotine to opioids target a an area of the brain called the nucleus accumbens. Drugs release excessive amounts of a chemical called dopamine in this region to create pleasurable effects.
Incidentally, dopamine is one of three main messengers that research links to bipolar disorder as well. These neurotransmitters carry messages to nerve cells, help regulate behaviors and mood, and keep brain function smooth.
Serotonin, noradrenaline , and dopamine often dont operate as they should in folks who have bipolar disorder.
This, in addition to both substance use disorder and bipolar disorder having increasing the likeliness of the conditions in some people, are why scientists believe they often coincide.
Drug-induced bipolar disorder
- actively use a drug
- are intoxicated
- go through withdrawal
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Im Afraid My Parents Will Find Out I Have Bipolar Disorder
If you are underage, you probably cannot hide it from them. Its not a good idea to delay treatment until you are of legal age, though. You can ask your family practice physician to recommend a good psychotherapist or psychiatrist. You can ask your school counselor to help you find help. There are telephone and text hotlines. The best bet may be to talk to your family about it, in a quiet, low-stress environment and explain what bipolar disorder is and why you believe you have it. Their responses may surprise you.
How A Person With Bipolar Thinks
Most people with bipolar disorder have a combination of manic episodes and depressive episodes. The severity of the episodes varies from person to person. During manic episodes, a persons energy and activity levels are increased, sometimes to the point of insomnia. They may also be overly sensitive, impulsive, and irritable. During depressive episodes, a persons energy and activity levels are decreased, and they may feel hopeless and helpless. They may also sleep too much or have difficulty sleeping. As a person with bipolar disorder experiences more episodes, the symptoms between episodes may get stronger and stronger. In the early stages of bipolar disorder, the symptoms tend to be mild and somewhat predictable. As the disorder progresses, the episodes typically last longer, the symptoms within episodes usually become more severe, and the time between episodes tends to become shorter and shorter..
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Treatment For Bipolar Disorder And Drug Abuse
If you or someone dear to you is battling drug addiction and bipolar disorder, youre not alone. An estimated 70% of people with manic depression have also faced addiction at some point in their lives. Though common, co-occurring bipolar disorder and drug abuse are very serious and potentially dangerous.
Seeking treatment for both conditions is critical. However, its important for co-occurring disorders to be not only addressed but also treated simultaneously. Otherwise, the path to recovery can be hindered by the symptoms and behaviors of the other condition. Not only that, but going to rehab without getting treatment for bipolar disorder can increase a persons risk of relapse. And being treated for manic depression without addressing drug abuse can result in severe dependence and addiction. For these reasons, the most effective treatment for co-occurring disorders is an integrated dual diagnosis rehab program.
Treatment In Children And Teenagers
Treatments for children and teenagers are generally decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on symptoms, medication side effects and other factors. Generally, treatment includes:
- Medications. Children and teens with bipolar disorder are often prescribed the same types of medications as those used in adults. There’s less research on the safety and effectiveness of bipolar medications in children than in adults, so treatment decisions are often based on adult research.
- Psychotherapy. Initial and long-term therapy can help keep symptoms from returning. Psychotherapy can help children and teens manage their routines, develop coping skills, address learning difficulties, resolve social problems, and help strengthen family bonds and communication. And, if needed, it can help treat substance abuse problems common in older children and teens with bipolar disorder.
- Psychoeducation. Psychoeducation can include learning the symptoms of bipolar disorder and how they differ from behavior related to your child’s developmental age, the situation and appropriate cultural behavior. Understanding about bipolar disorder can also help you support your child.
- Support. Working with teachers and school counselors and encouraging support from family and friends can help identify services and encourage success.
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Treatment For Drug Induced Bipolar Disorder
The primary methods of treating bipolar disorder are with the use of prescription medications and targeted psychotherapy. Medications have different effects on different individuals, so it often takes some trialing before the right medication is discovered to effectively help stabilize the patient. If the individual is already taking medications, these will be reviewed to determine if they may be contributing to the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Psychotherapy is a central treatment element for bipolar disorder. Some of the psychotherapies used for bipolar disorder include:
If there is a co-occurring substance use disorder, the dual diagnosis treatment plan will focus on treating both the addiction and the mental health disorder at the same time. Addiction treatment involves:
Dual diagnosis programs often provide a menu of experiential and holistic therapies that aid in the healing of severe bipolar disorder symptoms while promoting overall wellness. These activities might include massage therapy, yoga, mindfulness exercises, guided meditation, acupuncture, therapeutic gardening, and art therapy. These complementary activities help the individual to better regulate emotions and teach them important relaxation skills that are an important recovery skill.
Fortunately, bipolar disorder can be effectively managed through medication, psychotherapy, and psycho-education interventions, allowing the individual to enjoy a full and satisfying life.
Effects Of Substance Abuse On Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating mood episodes. Some people with bipolar disorder may simply shift from manic episodes to symptom-free periods, while many others experience manic or hypomanic episodes followed by depressive episodes.
People with bipolar disorder may use the same substances in both manic and depressive periods or use multiple substances with different effects. Drugs like alcohol and marijuana can help people feel calmer during manic periods or may act to heighten feelings of creative inspiration. Alcohol can also numb the pain associated with a depressive episode. Whereas, Stimulants can temporarily boost energy.
Some of the biggest risks for people with co-occurring mood and substance use disorders come from the residual effects that occur between periods of use. Most substances that boost mood or energy cause people to experience dysphoria and lethargy after their effects wear off. These effects can be especially severe for people with bipolar disorder and may trigger a mood episode.
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Learn About Your Bipolar Disorder Medication
When starting a new medication, educate yourself about how to take it safely. Questions to ask your doctor about any new prescription include:
How often should you talk with your doctor?
During an acute manic or depressive episode, youll likely need to talk with your doctor at least once a week to monitor your symptoms, medications, and any side effects youre experiencing. This will become less often as you start to recover. Once youre feeling better, youll likely still need to review things with your doctor every few months. However, its important to see your doctor right away if you experience any of the following:
- Suicidal or violent feelings.
What Is The Best Medication To Take For Bipolar
This one is the question most commonly asked, and it is easy to answer. I dont know which medication is right for you. Only you and your psychiatrist can figure that out, basically through trial and error. It may take a while to settle on a med or combination of meds that will work for you with the maximum effects and the fewest side effects.
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Treating Bipolar Disorder And Addiction
Treating co-occurring disorders involves tackling both problems at once. Doctors use medications and therapy to treat these conditions. Addicted people with bipolar disorder can get treatment through an inpatient or outpatient rehab.
Medications for Bipolar Disorder and Addiction
Medication can help people with bipolar disorder and addiction. Addiction treatment medications stifle cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms. The type of addiction medication prescribed depends on the patients drug of abuse.
Medications for bipolar disorder can calm mood shifts and bring equilibrium to a persons life. Some medications for bipolar disorder include:
- Anticonvulsants
- Lithium
- Benzodiazepines
Each of these medications helps with either a manic or depressive episode. Doctors may be careful to prescribe benzodiazepines because they are addictive. But benzos may simultaneously help with manic episodes and withdrawal symptoms.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people with addiction and co-occurring bipolar disorder. CBT addresses the thoughts and feelings that people with these conditions face.
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With just 30 days at a rehab center, you can get clean and sober, start therapy, join a support group, and learn ways to manage your cravings.
What Happens When A Person With Bipolar Disorder Uses Drugs
Bipolar disorder is caused by a number of different factors, but regardless of whether it is the result of genetics or environment, a patient who suffers from bipolar disorder will experience shifts in their neurochemistry . These chemical shifts in the brain result in the mood swings that are exhibited by the patient. They also result in the more alarming and upsetting symptoms, like psychosis, hallucinations, mania and depression.
Of course, if the brain chemistry is impacted severely by bipolar disorder, it is understandable why any more manipulation or disruption of the chemical balance can put a patient at high risk for some serious side effects. This is why actively using mood-altering substances like alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, opiates and hallucinogenic drugs all severely impact the severity of someones bipolar disorder.
Mood-altering substances like drugs and alcohol will have a major impact on the patients bipolar symptoms. The most significantly affected symptoms of the condition will be the rate, prevalence and intensity in which a patient experiences manic, hypomanic and depressive episodes. Sometimes, patients will use drugs to cope with these episodes and the stress that they bring in to their lives. This behavior is called self-medicating. It is not uncommon for drug-using bipolar patients to self-medicate with drugs.
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Substance Abuse Bipolar Disorder Or Both
Bipolar disorder symptoms will often mirror the signs of substance use and addiction. Someone going through a manic episode resembles someone on cocaine. Both will experience high energy and mood. Those suffering from a major depressive episode may also experience withdrawal symptoms.
If an addict has a co-occurring bipolar disorder, theyll need the help of a specialist trained in producing a dual diagnosis. Due to the risk of both symptoms and conditions overlapping, its crucial to see an experienced specialist. This specialist can differentiate between symptoms of addiction and bipolar disorder.
How To Prevent Crises
Managing symptoms and preventing episodes of bipolar disorder requires the person to take their medication regularly. The medication should be assessed by the prescriber at specific intervals to ensure their continued therapeutic effect. People who have bipolar should also avoid any alcohol or drug intake.
Complications of bipolar disorder arise when treatment is not carried out properly. Noncompliance to treatment can lead to severe depression or to excessive mania, . In these cases, hospitalization may be necessary to stabilize the mood episode.
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Bipolar Disorder: How Mental Health Can Mimic Drug Use Without The Drugs
Bipolar disorder is one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses, and for good reason. Often, the behavior of a person who is in the throes of a manic episode can resemble an individual who is on drugs, but this is not always the case.
Bipolar, once referred to as manic depression, is a mood disorder that causes people to feel intense emotions that swing wildly between deep depression and mania. While in a depressive state, the individual will be withdrawn, antisocial, uninterested in participating in normal activities, and may sleep a great deal. While in a manic phase, their thoughts will race, they may not sleep for days at a time, will be hyperactive, and often unrealistically happy, powerful, over-confident, optimistic, or even hostile, aggressive, and violent. The emotions they are feeling can turn on a dime, causing the person to go from being extremely happy to crying hysterically, often within seconds. During a manic phase, they may also engage in extremely risky behavior, and will likely act impulsively, saying or doing things that are largely out of character and sometimes outright dangerous.