Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Weed Good For Schizophrenia

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Assessment Of Study Quality

How Does Medical Cannabis Relate To Schizophrenia | Medical Marijuana Experts At DocMJ

Once studies were selected, we conducted an assessment of study quality using a checklist for the âgrading of recommendation, assessment, development, and evaluation . The GRADE is a widely used, transparent classification system for rating research quality and developing evidence summaries that provides a systematic approach for making clinical practice recommendations . We used two categories: study quality/risk of bias and directness/indirectness of evidence.

Whats The Best Advice

Although the exact nature of the marijuana-schizophrenia link is still murky, doctors know enough to offer some guidelines:

  • Itâs wise for teens to avoid marijuana or delay using it until they are adults.
  • If you have schizophrenia, donât use marijuana.
  • If you have a family history of schizophrenia or other psychotic illness, avoid marijuana.
  • If you are a caregiver for someone who has schizophrenia and uses marijuana, encourage them to quit.

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Science Agrees: Marijuana Is Good For You

The medical marijuana scholarly articles dont lie marijuana is good for you.

These medical issues are just a few of the things marijuana can treat. However, new research is constantly unearthing new possibilities for the plant. And, of course, theres plenty to be said for the benefits of using cannabis recreationally.

Want the benefits without the high? No problem at all just choose a CBD product or a low-THC strain. Check out some surprising benefits of sobriety here.

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Ways Others Have Found Useful To Help Them Quit

  • Find other things that give you what the drug used to provide. For example, if you use cannabis when bored or lonely, plan other activities to deal with boredom or loneliness.

  • Plan ahead of time what to say to turn down cannabis if it is offered to you.

  • Avoid situations or activities where you know you will feel tempted to use.

  • Spend time with friends who dont use cannabis or other street drugs.

  • Visit with friends who do use cannabis in places where it will not be possible to use it.

Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia linked to marijuana use disorder is on the ...

Because of how commonly marijuana is used, the reduction in stigma associated with it, and the increasingly legal status of the substance, people tend to be lulled into a false sense of comfort with this substance.

In general, compared to many other drugs, marijuana tends to have fewer adverse side effects and outcomes, but this doesnt mean its entirely safe. Some people may be at risk of developing serious side effects resulting from their use of marijuana.

One area of concern is marijuana and schizophrenia. People wonder if there are links between marijuana and schizophrenia, so whats the truth? Does marijuana cause schizophrenia?

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The Chemistry Of Marijuana

Marijuana is a mixture of the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa plant that consists of more than 500 chemicals. This includes delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol , which has hallucinogenic properties and is responsible for the high and cannabidiol , touted to provide health benefits such as antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotection effects, according to NIHs National Institute on Drug Abuse . Both medical and recreational marijuana can contain a mixture of THC and CBD.

Additionally, there are a plethora of products marketed as CBD or hemp-infused including drops, vape pens, and tinctures that do not contain THC or contain it in lower amounts that will not cause a high. Hemp is not marijuana, however. It is a completely separate plant even though they are both cannabis varieties.

NIDA reports that other uses being explored include treatment of epilepsy, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, schizophrenia, cancer, pain, inflammatory diseases, and acne, among other conditions. However, more research is needed to fully understand the effects and whether or not there are actual benefits for these conditions.

Is It Biologically Plausible That Cannabis Could Cause A Psychotic Disorder

Yes. Brain scientists know very little about the underlying biology of psychotic conditions, other than that hundreds of common gene variants are likely involved. Schizophrenia, for instance, is not a uniform disorder but an umbrella term for an array of unexplained problems involving recurrent psychosis, and other common symptoms.

Even so, there is circumstantial evidence for a biological mechanism. Psychotic disorders tend to emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood, during or after a period of rapid brain development. In the teenage years, the brain strips away unneeded or redundant connections between brain cells, in a process called synaptic pruning. This editing is concentrated in the prefrontal cortex, the region behind the forehead where thinking and planning occur and the region that is perturbed in psychotic conditions.

The region is rich with so-called CB1 receptors, which are involved in the pruning, and are engaged by cannabis use. And alterations to the pruning process may well increase schizophrenia risk, according to recent research at the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard. In a 2016 analysis, scientists there found that people with the disorder often have a gene variant that appears to accelerate the pruning process.

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Schizophrenia And Smoking Weed: Huge Risk For Teens

In adolescence and early adulthood, there is a strong link between schizophrenia and weed. Smoking marijuana more than doubles a teens risk of developing schizophrenia . The National Institute on Drug Abuse cites studies that show that cannabis use increases the schizophrenia risk by four times. Other studies show a similar, striking relationship between schizophrenia and cannabis, especially in people under the age of 21.

The reason that schizophrenia and weed are so strongly correlated in the teen years is that the brain is very vulnerable in this stage of life. Its still developing and is highly susceptible to outside influences such as cannabis. The younger the teen, the greater the risk that cannabis will cause schizophrenia, especially if the genetic component is present .

Researchers are discovering that the chemicals in cannabis drastically alter the way the brain develops. In particular, using cannabis while the brain is still developing boosts dopamine to unnaturally high levels. The high dopamine levels are directly linked to schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia and weed are strongly connected, and smoking weed can lead to the development of schizophrenia, especially in a developing brain with a genetic predisposition to mental illness. Of course, not everyone who smokes weed will get schizophrenia. But there is enough evidence that cannabis use can and does cause schizophrenia to warrant being cautiousand to make teens aware of the risk.

Best Strains Of Marijuana To Use For Symptoms Of Schizoaffective Disorder

Paranoia, Schizophrenia and Marijuana

Individuals with schizoaffective disorder will likely want to avoid certain types of medical cannabis plant that are high in THC since it can stimulate a mind thats already excited. CBD, however, is non-psychoactive and a potent antipsychotic. CBD also counteracts THCs effects. Try strains high in CBD and low in THC.

Some good marijuana strains for schizoaffective disorder to start with include:

  • Charlottes Web : Creates an uplifting, relaxing and happy effect while helping with depression, anxiety, stress, pain and fatigue.
  • Avidekel : Helps relax you and make you sociable and happy. It also helps with anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue.
  • Remedy : Helps with pain, anxiety and insomnia and creates a happy, mellow and relaxing feeling.
  • ACDC : Has antidepressant and antipsychotic properties, making you feel more relaxed, friendly and uplifted while treating your anxiety and stress.
  • Brainstorm Haze : Makes you feel more sociable and happy while it treats your depression, anxiety, pain, fatigue and more.

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Thc Psychotic Symptoms Cognition And Adverse Effects

Controlled laboratory research to date has used heterogonous methodology and reported different findings. The D’Souza study, which was carefully designed to assess symptoms, documented increased positive, negative, and general symptoms of psychosis, as well as impaired cognition when intravenous THC was given to patients with schizophrenia. While there was a clear dose effect for learning and recall, there was not a clear dose effect for positive symptoms . These results are consistent with findings in healthy subjects, where 15 trials have demonstrated that THC can induce psychosis in many people .

In contrast, the other study, which included patients with schizophrenia having co-occurring CUD, did not report symptom changes with administration of a modest dose of oral and smoked THC THC significantly increased serum THC and resulted in a trend toward tachycardia, as expected. This study demonstrated that THC reduced the resting state functional hyperconnectivity in regions of the DMN and improved the DMN-ECN anticorrelation in brain circuits associated with schizophrenia symptomatology , an effect that is opposite of what might be expected if THC worsened psychosis.

What Medical Marijuana Strains For Schizophrenia Should You Try

Cannabis Strains For Schizophrenia

Cannabis Strains for Schizophrenia – Do Indicas or Sativas Help? from CannabisNet on Vimeo.

One of prohibitionists favorite things to say about cannabis is that it causes mental illness. Smoke cannabis, they said. It will fry your brain, they said.

Although studies in the area of cannabis for schizophrenia are still in its infancy, the findings of scientists have been promising so far. Cannabidiol , a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis, has been found to be effective in reducing the effects of schizophrenia while mitigating anxiety. However, tetrahydrocannabidiol , is psychoactive and may worsen the symptoms of schizophrenia.

CBD works in the brain by nullifying psychotic activities in the brain, as well as in THC-like molecules. This is why CBD naturally works to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia especially anxiety, which can make the symptoms worse. CBD can naturally induce calmness and stress in an individual without a psychoactive high.

These are the 5 best high CBD strains for schizophrenia:

  • AC/DC is a sativa-dominant variety of Cannatonic. AC/DC is renowned for its medicinal properties, and has a 1:20 ratio of THC:CBD, which offers terrific healing benefits for individuals with mental illness including schizophrenia. AC/DC is widely used for the treatment of epilepsy, as well as pain, anxiety, tension, and much more without a psychoactive high.
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    Regular Marijuana Use May Increase Your Risk For Schizophrenia Or Other Mental Illness

    You may be more at risk of developing schizophrenia if you use marijuana habitually. One 2017 study looked at marijuana use and the risk of developing schizophrenia and found marijuana users had a 1.37 times increased risk for developing the condition than those who did not use the drug.

    A 2018 study showed an increase of 2 percent in cases of serious mental illness in states that have made medical marijuana legal.

    How Can Cannabis Make Me Feel

    Pot Might Not Cause Schizophrenia, But Schizophrenics Are ...

    The effects of cannabis can be pleasant or unpleasant. Most symptoms will usually last for a few hours. But there can be unpleasant long term symptoms. Especially if you used cannabis regularly over a long period of time. The risks can also be worse if are young and smoke strong cannabis, like skunk.

    What are the pleasant effects of cannabis?

    Cannabis can make you feel happy, relaxed, talkative or laugh more than usual.You may find that colours and music are brighter and sharper. Pleasant effects are known as a high.

    What are the unpleasant effects of cannabis?

    Cannabis can cause hallucinations, changes in mood, amnesia, depersonalisation, paranoia, delusion and disorientation. You might find it harder to concentrate or remember things. You may find that you cant sleep well and you feel depressed. You may also feel hungry or like time is slowing down.

    You might have lower motivation. And cannabis can affect how you sense things. You may see, hear or feel things differently. This is known as hallucinating. Hallucinations can be a sign of psychosis.

    Psychosis can be a symptom of mental illness, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder. These can be called psychotic illnesses.

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    Does Smoking Weed Cause Schizophrenia

    The high likelihood of smoking weed with schizophrenia is well documented. But does the correlation go the other way: Can marijuana use trigger schizophrenia symptoms in an apparently healthy teenager?

    According to researchers like Dr. Ran Barzilay, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Tel Aviv Universitys Sackler School of Medicine, the answer is yesif the adolescent is already at risk for the disorder.

    Our research demonstrates that cannabis has a differential risk on susceptible versus non-susceptible individuals. In other words, young people with a genetic susceptibility to schizophreniathose who have psychiatric disorders in their familiesshould bear in mind that theyre playing with fire if they smoke pot during adolescence.

    Dr. Ron Barzilay

    Medicinal Cannabis: Current Therapeutic Usage

    Cannabinoids from the cannabis plant are being explored for a range of therapeutic uses. Medicinal cannabis extracts are currently prescribed in a number of countries to alleviate pain, treat muscle spasticity, and reduce nausea during chemotherapy.

    CBD is being investigated as a potential treatment for epilepsy, diabetes, appetite-loss, a range of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, and psychosis and schizophrenia. The compound has also been found to be a potent antioxidant and even appears to inhibit cancer cell growth in certain rare cancers.

    The fact that chemicals produced by cannabis interact with key receptors in the body is purely a coincidence, it is believed. Cannabinoids are thought to be merely a defensive mechanism to protect the plant against predators and harsh environmental conditions.

    A mixture of dozens of cannabinoids and bitter-tasting oils are produced in special structures called trichomes, tiny membrane-bound globules which are mostly clustered around the flowers of the plant.

    When an invading insect breaks the delicate membrane of the globule, volatile oils evaporate off, like in a solvent-based adhesive, and the insect is glued to the plant in seconds.

    THC, therefore, much revered for its psychedelic effects, is nothing more than an ingredient in natures Loctite, it seems. As are dozens of other potentially useful compounds.

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    Treatment Of Schizophrenia And Psychosis

    Effectively treating schizophrenia and psychosis is a complicated affair. Antipsychotic drugs can be helpful for breaking the acute phase and maintaining recovery. However, these drugs can cause problems of their own. Some common side effects of antipsychotic drugs include:

    • Weight gain
    • Heart problems
    • Neurological problems

    One of the more distressing effects of antipsychotic medications is tardive dyskinesia. Tardive dyskinesia is a condition that results in unusual, involuntary movements such as shaking, squirming, chewing, or lip-smacking. Newer antipsychotic drugs are designed to decrease the risk of tardive dyskinesia, but it is still a significant problem.

    In addition to medication, people with schizophrenia or psychosis will need ongoing psychiatric and social care to remain as independent as possible. Some patients with these conditions find therapies such as counseling or art therapy help them to deal with some of their symptoms.

    Another novel therapy showing promise in the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis is cannabidiol , one of the many biologically active compounds in cannabis.

    What Causes Schizophrenia And Psychosis

    My Experience with Marijuana and Schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia and psychosis are thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. These factors result in an imbalance in neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals responsible for mood and behavior, among other things. The primary neurotransmitter involved in psychosis is thought to be dopamine.

    In a person with a tendency towards psychosis, the symptoms can be triggered by stress, lack of sleep, and regular drug or alcohol use. This is especially likely if drugs are frequently used during adolescence while the brain is still developing or if the persons mother used drugs during pregnancy.

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    Can Cannabis Affect My Mental Health

    Regular cannabis use is linked to an increased risk of anxiety and depression. But most research seems to have a focus on the link between psychosis and cannabis.

    Using cannabis can increase the risk of later developing psychotic illness, including schizophrenia. There is a lot of reliable evidence to show a link between the use of stronger cannabis and psychotic illnesses, including schizophrenia. But the link is not fully understood.

    Cannabis may be one of the causes of developing a mental illness, but it isnt be the only cause for many people. Not everyone who uses cannabis will develop psychosis or schizophrenia. And not everyone who has psychosis or schizophrenia has used cannabis. But you are more likely to develop a psychotic illness if you smoke cannabis. And are genetically vulnerable to mental health problems.

    Genetically vulnerable means that you are naturally more likely to develop a mental health problem. For example, if people in your family have a mental illness, you may be more likely to develop a mental health problem. if someone in your family has depression or schizophrenia, you are at higher risk of getting these illness when you use cannabis.

    Cannabis can have the following effects.

    For more information, see our Does mental illness run in families section Or call our General Enquiries team on 0121 522 7007 and ask them to send you a copy of our factsheet.

    Does Marijuana Use Cause Schizophrenia

    As the drug becomes more popular, concerns have been raised that its use can lead to psychotic disorders. Heres what scientists know for sure, and what they dont.

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    By Benedict Carey

    Nearly a century after the film Reefer Madness alarmed the nation, some policymakers and doctors are again becoming concerned about the dangers of marijuana, although the reefers are long gone.

    Experts now distinguish between the new cannabis legal, highly potent, available in tabs, edibles and vapes and the old version, a far milder weed passed around in joints. Levels of T.H.C., the chemical that produces marijuanas high, have been rising for at least three decades, and its now possible in some states to buy vape cartridges containing little but the active ingredient.

    The concern is focused largely on the link between heavy usage and psychosis in young people. Doctors first suspected a link some 70 years ago, and the evidence has only accumulated since then. In a forthcoming book, Tell Your Children, Alex Berenson, a former Times reporter, argues that legalization is putting a generation at higher risk of schizophrenia and other psychotic syndromes. Critics, including leading researchers, have called the argument overblown, and unfaithful to the science.

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