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Causes And Risk Factors Of Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

There may be a genetic component to social anxiety disorder for some people. You’re more likely to develop the disorder if your biological parents or siblings have the condition. However, scientists still dont understand why some family members have the condition while others dont.

Research suggests that being raised by parents who engage in negative parental practices, such as being overprotective, overly anxious, or rejecting, may contribute to the development of social anxiety.

Some researchers think misreading other peoples behavior may play a role in causing social anxiety or making it worse. For example, if you think people are staring or frowning at you when they are not.

Underdeveloped social skills may also contribute to social anxiety disorder.

Researchers are also investigating the roles that stress and environmental factors may play in causing social anxiety disorder.

Increase Social Situations Gradually

People with social anxiety disorder often avoid social situations where they may trigger their feelings of anxiety. Although this reduces anxiety in the short-term, avoidance can make anxiety much worse in the long-term.

If possible â and with the help of a therapist, if necessary â the person can gradually increase their exposure to the situations they fear. This creates space for them to have a positive experience with the situation.

Having positive social experiences can boost a personâs confidence and reduce their anxiety or reassure them that they can overcome it.

Ways Children Learn Social Anxiety

  • Direct conditioning: Did you forget your lines in the class play? Did other kids make fun of you or were you the victim of constant teasing or bullying? While it is not a necessary trigger, going through an early traumatic event may have an impact on the development of social anxiety, sometimes years later.
  • Observational learning: If you did not experience a traumatic event yourself, did you see someone else in a traumatic social situation? For those already vulnerable to the disorder, this may have the same impact as going through the situation firsthand.
  • Information transfer: Fearful and socially anxious parents unknowingly transfer verbal and non-verbal information to their children about the dangers of social situations. If your mother worries a lot about what other people think of her, chances are you have developed some of this same anxiety yourself.

Your upbringing can also impact the likelihood that you will develop SAD. You are more likely to develop the disorder if:

  • As a child, you were not exposed to enough social situations and were not allowed to develop appropriate social skills.
  • One or both of your parents was rejecting, controlling, critical, or overprotective. Children that do not form a proper attachment to their primary caregiver are at greater risk because they can’t calm and soothe themselves when in stressful situations.

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Get Help If You Need It

Although there is a lot you can do to support yourself, its also okay to ask for help. Talking therapy can help a lot, and if you need it you can also get medication that helps.

Find a counsellor or therapist or a psychologist or a clinical psychologist and talk to your doctor about whether medication would help you. It can be helpful to ask if the health professional is trained in cognitive behaviour therapy, as this is currently the treatment of choice for social anxiety.

How Is It Diagnosed

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You must have three features to be diagnosed with social anxiety disorder:

  • Your symptoms must not be the result of some other mental health condition .
  • You feel anxious entirely or mostly in social situations.
  • One of your main symptoms will be the avoidance of social situations.

As well as discussing your problems, your doctor or practice nurse may use a short questionnaire to obtain extra information on how severely you are affected.

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Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Over 35% of those suffering from social anxiety disorder report that they experienced signs and symptoms of the disorder for over 10 years before seeking treatment. This may be due to the isolating nature of the affliction – sufferers may find it difficult to ask for or find help.

Social anxiety disorder is generally treated with psychotherapy, counseling, or medication. Many professionals recommend a synthesis of both therapy and medication and emphasize that medication alone may not be effective for treating the cause of the affliction. Supplementing these methods with alternative treatments like meditation, mindfulness training, or yoga may facilitate recovery.


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is currently the gold standard for treating anxiety disorders, SAD included. This psychiatric therapy technique encourages the patient to learn the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This understanding can allow the patient to visualize and therefore control the underlying cause of their anxiety.


  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors : A frequently used anti-depressant medication for SAD, SSRIs include fluoxetime , sertraline , citalopram , escitalopram , paroxetine , and fluvoxamine .
  • Benzodiazepines: A frequently used sedative and anti-anxiety medication for SAD, benzodiazepines include diazepam , lorazepam , clonazepam , and alprazolam .


Using Therapy As A Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Having social anxiety means you struggle with being sociable or just social situations in general, even if its just one-on-one. This would mean your therapy sessions will take time and your therapist must be patient and willing to build trust in the therapeutic relationship.

Group therapy

This may seem to be based around the same concept people with social anxiety are trying to avoid but it is actually a great place to practice your social skills like speaking in front of people.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This requires work on both the therapists and the clients part. The aim of CBT is to allow the client to take note of their negative thoughts and behaviors and learn how to change them into positive ones.

Psychodynamic therapy

This is helpful because it addresses any subconscious thoughts and feelings that may be causing anxiety or depression. This is an expressive therapy and requires time and trust.

Social skills training

Similarly to group therapy except its done alone or in a group setting. With this training, you will learn how to assert yourself instead of shrinking away or agreeing to something you do not want to. It can also help you learn social skills with methods like role-playing between the client and the therapist.

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How Is Social Anxiety Disorder Treated

First, talk to your doctor or health care professional about your symptoms. Your doctor should do an exam and ask you about your health history to make sure that an unrelated physical problem is not causing your symptoms. Your doctor may refer you to a mental health specialist, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker, or counselor. The first step to effective treatment is to have a diagnosis made, usually by a mental health specialist.

Social anxiety disorder is generally treated with psychotherapy , medication, or both. Speak with your doctor or health care provider about the best treatment for you. If your health care provider cannot provide a referral, visit the NIMH Help for Mental Illnesses web page at for resources you may find helpful.

Diagnosing And Managing Social Anxiety

What causes Social Anxiety, Shyness & Avoidant Personality Disorder?

Social anxiety disorder consists of a marked and persistent fear of social situations where there is the potential for being negatively evaluated by others. Exposure to the feared situations will produce significant anxiety and distress, which will either be endured, or, where possible , avoided, both of which contribute to increasing future anxiety. This level of social anxiety generally interferes with social and occupational functioning, and commonly the person understands the fear is out of proportion to the event.

  • Social anxiety disorder generally starts in early adolescence, and time to presentation can be upwards of 15 years, thus the social anxiety can be fairly entrenched, so it is really helpful if you can catch it early and get the person some timely therapeutic assistance.
  • There can be frequent use of alcohol and drugs to manage symptoms and such usage may have reached problematic levels. If so, consider referral to Community Alcohol and Drug Services first for treatment of the alcohol and drug-related difficulties before commencing social anxiety treatment.
  • Benzodiazepines are not recommended for the treatment of social anxiety.
  • Cognitivebehaviour therapy is currently the treatment of choice for social anxiety disorder. This can be delivered by a trained individual therapist, and there are a number of online tools, books, and treatment manuals. The following are recommended:
  • a workbook such as Shy no longer
  • an online programme like This Way Up.

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The Effect Of Parenting Styles On Social Anxiety

Extensive research has confirmed a connection between negative parenting styles and anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorder.

When parents are overcontrolling, quick to criticize, reluctant to show affection, or overly concerned with the opinions of others, a childs self-image and impression of the world can be shaped by words and actions associated with these characteristics.

Children and adolescents may become more fearful and less trustful of other people when they are raised in this environment, and their self-esteem and self-confidence may be negatively impacted as well. In these instances, parents dont realize their actions are harmful, but their focus on the negative inadvertently can set their children up for trouble later in life.

Social anxiety disorder is usually not diagnosed until sufferers reach adulthood, but symptoms tend to first manifest in late childhood or early adolescence, which bolsters the idea that parental influences are playing a formational role in the development of the disorder.

What To Expect From Your Doctor

Your doctor or mental health professional will likely ask you a number of questions. Be ready to answer them to reserve time to go over any points you want to focus on. Your doctor may ask:

  • Does fear of embarrassment cause you to avoid doing certain activities or speaking to people?
  • Do you avoid activities in which you’re the center of attention?
  • Would you say that being embarrassed or looking stupid is among your worst fears?
  • When did you first notice these symptoms?
  • When are your symptoms most likely to occur?
  • Does anything seem to make your symptoms better or worse?
  • How are your symptoms affecting your life, including work and personal relationships?
  • Do you ever have symptoms when you’re not being observed by others?
  • Have any of your close relatives had similar symptoms?
  • Have you been diagnosed with any medical conditions?
  • Have you been treated for mental health symptoms or mental illness in the past? If yes, what type of therapy was most beneficial?
  • Have you ever thought about harming yourself or others?
  • Do you drink alcohol or use recreational drugs? If so, how often?

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What Happens When Someone Has Social Phobia

Extreme feelings of shyness and self-consciousness build into a powerful fear. As a result, a person feels uncomfortable participating in everyday social situations.

People with social phobia can usually interact easily with family and a few close friends. But meeting new people, talking in a group, or speaking in public can cause their extreme shyness to kick in.

With social phobia, a person’s extreme shyness, self-consciousness, and fears of embarrassment get in the way of life. Instead of enjoying social activities, people with social phobia might dread them and avoid some of them altogether.

Current Treatments For Social Anxiety Disorder In Adolescents

Social phobia (social anxiety disorder)

Traditionally, cognitive behavioural therapies did not target specific anxiety disorders in young people. Instead, social, separation and generalised anxiety disorder were all treated with the same set of techniques. Creswell et al. suggest this approach was motivated by two principal factors. Firstly, the high comorbidity amongst the anxiety disorders in children and young people and secondly, the lack of well-validated disorder-specific maintenance models. The most well-known examples of the generic CBT approach are Coping Cat for children and the CAT Project for adolescents . The treatments usually comprise 16 sessions and involve a combination of psycho-education, anxiety management strategies and graded exposure. There have been many large randomized controlled trials undertaken examining the effectiveness of Coping Cat and its various relations in treating separation, social and generalised anxiety disorder , Walkup et al. ). Meta-analyses have shown that these treatments are associated with substantial effect sizes . However, a number of studies have shown that outcomes from generic CBT are less good for young people with SAD compared to those with other anxiety disorders. Young people with SAD are significantly less likely to lose their diagnosis of SAD after treatment compared with young people with other anxiety diagnoses .

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Social Anxiety And Alcohol

Although alcohol may ease symptoms in the short term, don’t be fooled that drinking helps to cure social anxiety. In the long run, it does not. Drinking alcohol to ‘calm nerves’ can lead to problem drinking and may make problems with social anxiety worse in the long term. Consult a doctor if you are drinking alcohol to ease social anxiety.

Significant Negative Life Events

It has been found that people with SAD frequently report negative life events, such as moving various times during childhood, having been sexually abused, parents divorce, significant illness during childhood, psychopathology of a parent, and family conflicts .

It seems as if experiences of this type represent another predisposition which increases vulnerability to developing SAD.

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Social Phobia Can Extend Beyond The Social Event

A person with social phobia can feel anxious while simply anticipating an upcoming social event. After the event, the person may replay the conversations they had and rate their performance. Brooding on these feelings of social failure can make the person feel even worse, and reinforce the desire to avoid social situations in the future.

Defining Social Anxiety And Social Anxiety Disorder

Causes of Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety can profoundly affect someones ability to socialize and communicate with other people. For those suffering from full-blown social anxiety disorder, which in any given year includes up to seven percent of the adult population, the symptoms of social anxiety can be overwhelming, debilitating, and beyond their ability to control.

* Intense fear of social interactions in a wide variety of contexts

* Anticipatory anxiety that leads social anxiety sufferers to avoid opportunities for conversation or public speaking

* Extreme symptoms of anxiety experienced during unwanted or stressful social interactions

* Poor verbal communication skills, complicated by a persons inability to think clearly while experiencing anxiety

* Overly critical self-evaluations of performance after conversations or spoken presentations are finished

* Low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence, which are reinforced by constant self-criticism

When not interacting with close friends or family, people with severe social anxiety have a deep-seated fear of being judged, rejected, embarrassed or humiliated during social interactions. As irrational as those fears may be, they are difficult to escape.

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What Causes Social Anxiety In Adults Vs Children

The causes of social anxiety in adults and children are the same. Experiences and environments are more likely to be a factor in adults developing social anxiety because they have had more time to experience trauma and socially anxious environments. For children, genetics and temperament can be more significant factors.

Socially Interacting With Co

Step 1: Say hello to your co-workers.

Step 2: Ask a co-worker a work-related question.

Step 3: Ask a co-worker what they did over the weekend.

Step 4: Sit in the break room with co-workers during your coffee break.

Step 5: Eat lunch in the break room with your co-workers.

Step 6: Eat lunch in the break room and make small talk with one or more of your coworkers, such as talking about the weather, sports, or current events.

Step 7: Ask a co-worker to go for a coffee or drink after work.

Step 8: Go out for lunch with a group of co-workers.

Step 9: Share personal information about yourself with one or more co-workers.

Step 10: Attend a staff party with your co-workers.

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Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness

Are you extremely afraid of being judged by others?

Are you very self-conscious in everyday social situations?

Do you avoid meeting new people?

If you have been feeling this way for at least six months and these feelings make it hard for you to do everyday taskssuch as talking to people at work or schoolyou may have a social anxiety disorder.

Social anxiety disorder is a mental health condition. It is an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others. This fear can affect work, school, and your other day-to-day activities. It can even make it hard to make and keep friends. But social anxiety disorder doesnt have to stop you from reaching your potential. Treatment can help you overcome your symptoms.

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Social Anxiety Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors ...

In 1951, and , working out of on , began clinical trials on two new agents developed by Hoffman-LaRoche, and . Only patients with a poor were initially treated nevertheless, their condition improved dramatically. Selikoff and Robitzek noted “a subtle general stimulation … the patients exhibited renewed vigor and indeed this occasionally served to introduce disciplinary problems.” The promise of a cure for tuberculosis in the Sea View Hospital trials was excitedly discussed in the mainstream press.

In 1952, learning of the stimulating side effects of isoniazid, the Cincinnati psychiatrist tried it on his patients. In the following year, he and reported that isoniazid improved depression in two-thirds of their patients and coined the term antidepressant to refer to its action. A similar incident took place in Paris, where , head of psychiatry at Sainte-Anne Hospital, heard of this effect from his colleagues at Cochin Hospital. In 1952 , Delay, with the resident , reported the positive effect of isoniazid on depressed patients. The mode of antidepressant action of isoniazid is still unclear. It is speculated that its effect is due to the inhibition of , coupled with a weak inhibition of .

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