Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is The Phobia Of Falling

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Conquering The Fear Of Falling

Fear of Falling

Yes, you can conquer your fear, and falling will not be something youre afraid of, well for the most part. There are many things in my own life that I am afraid of, and I am trying to overcome them a little at a time, and this is how you have to start. Just take one step at a time, and before you know it, you will be doing things youve never dreamed.



Learning Mind is a blog created by Anna LeMind, B.A., with the purpose to give you food for thought and solutions for understanding yourself and living a more meaningful life. Learning Mind has over 50,000 email subscribers and more than 1,5 million followers on social media.

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Causes And Diagnosis From Fear Of The Stairs Or Slopes

Bathmophobia, or the fear of slopes or stairs, is a somewhat complicated phobia. It’s quite similar to climacophobia, or the fear of climbing stairs, except in its specific focus. If you have bathmophobia, you might panic when simply observing a steep slope, while people with climacophobia typically experience symptoms only when expected to actually climb or descend. The difference is subtle but important, and can only be accurately diagnosed by a trained clinician.

Bathmophobia can be seen in both children and adults. It is also fairly common among animals, particularly household pets. Dogs trained as service animals may be rejected because of their fear of stairs.

If your child has a fear of stairs or slopes, keep in mind that fears are a normal part of development. Bathmophobia, as with other phobias, is generally not diagnosed in children or adults unless it persists for more than six months.

What Is Illness Anxiety Disorder

Illness anxiety disorder , formerly known as hypochondriasis, is a condition marked by an excessive fear of having a serious medical condition despite having few or no symptoms. People who have IAD often go to doctors about symptoms they believe are linked to a medical problem or may believe that mild symptoms are more serious than they really are.

While there may not be a medical illness present, the concerns that people with IAD have are very real, and the anxiety they feel can cause serious disruptions in normal daily functioning.

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Psychological Effects Of Falls

In 2010, Rochat et al.14 found that a fear of falling was independently associated with gait performance in a population of community dwelling, well-functioning older persons aged 65-70 years.14 Participants were given a gait assessment and a questionnaire that assessed fear of falling. They were asked, Are you afraid of falling? and given the choice to rate their responses as no fear, moderately fearful, and very fearful. If they answered fearful at any level, it was then followed up with questions regarding whether they restricted their activities in any way. Out of the sample size of 860 participants, responses were as follows:14

24.4% reported fear of falling without activity restriction, and

5.2% reported fear of falling with activity restriction.

To the knowledge of the authors, this study is the first to demonstrate the association between gait variability and fear of falling in relatively young elderly persons without specific gait impairment.13

The authors concluded that to reduce the amount of costs related to falls among older adults, the implementation of cost-effective fall prevention programs is critical. Fall prevention programs can be initiated by hospitals and subacute care facilities, with the additional input of occupational therapists.

Additional resources for OTs to assist in fall prevention are identified in Box 24-3.

Susan Gould Fogerite, Gary L Goldberg, in, 2008

Philophobia Or Fear Of Falling In Love: What It Is And How To Overcome It

Podcast Episode 73.1

Written by,22 July, 2021

22 July, 2021

Many people in the world experience philophobia. As its name implies, its a phobia that can leave behind serious consequences in people who suffer from it if they arent treated in time. But what is this phobia?

Like many other phobias, this one can cause people to experience physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms. In addition, it can plunge them into cruel isolation including difficulties in socializing and states of severe depression.

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How To Overcome Fear Of Falling

Falls Aging & Health

According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 1.6 million older adults in the US go to the emergency room for fall-related injuries each year. Many of them never return to their own homes again, instead moving to assisted living communities or nursing homes because of injuries they sustained in the fall, their fear of falling, or their familys fear that they may fall again.

The fear of falling is one of the most significant factors that increases the risk of a fall, and this fear is particularly prevalent in those who have fallen previously. A study from Boston University estimates that the fear of falling impacts 26 to 55 percent of older adults. Because the fear of falling is such a significant factor in older adults fall risk, addressing it directly with both the senior and his caretakers offers the best opportunity for preventing or reducing falls. Discussion about the fear of falling should be coupled with education about other factors that could increase the risk of falling, including decreased visual acuity, weakening muscles, unsafe home settings, medications, and cognitive decline. Here are some ways to reduce fears and fall risk among senior patients who still live at home.

What Fears Are We Born With

As I said before, scientists are still looking for a final answer to this question. Are we born with fears, and what fears are we born with?

This is a vast area for research. Because fear is usually born with the experience we gain from life, the environment, the culture we live in. But scientists have found the main two fears that we have from our birth. One is fear of falling, and the other one is fear of loud noise.

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Causes And Triggers For The Fear Of Sleeping

There are many potential causes of somniphobia, with some of the most common being as follows:

Some of the most common symptoms of somniphobia include the following:

  • A feeling of general anxiety even when thinking about falling asleep.
  • An increasing sense of anxiety and fear as bedtime draws closer.
  • Deliberately keeping yourself up or avoiding sleep.
  • An inability to focus.
  • Nausea and an upset stomach.
  • Chest tightness.
  • Excessive sweating and chills.
  • Hyperventilation.

In addition, children can experience clinginess, throw tantrums, or otherwise resist sleeping or being left alone at bedtime.

Causes Of Fear Of Falling Phobia

Fear of Falling: How to Beat it
  • A person experiencing the extreme fear of falling has either been injured or immobilized due to an accident or disease. Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendinitis etc are a few conditions that can lead to severe pain while walking. Even though the body is healed, the mind of the phobic continues to lack confidence.
  • Fear of bone demineralization, recent paralysis attack etc can also lead to Basophobia. The individual experiences negative thoughts of excruciating pain that the mind has learned to develop as a response and it becomes difficult to unlearn these thoughts.
  • Apart from traumatic experiences, an individual might also develop Basiphobia due to heredity or genetic predispositions. Many times, an adrenal insufficiency can also lead to this phobia.
  • Many elderly patients with severe Parkinsons disease experience tremors or shaking that leads to falls and painful broken bones. They tend to develop Basiphobia due to these painful experiences.
  • A disabled wheelchair bound person might have seen another disabled individual trying to stand up and subsequently fall which can also instill a deep fear in the observers mind.
  • People of all age groups can develop this phobia. It is common in individuals working in construction industries or even in sports professionals where one might have faced a debilitating injury while on scaffoldings placed at a great height or during a game. This can lead to Traumatophobia which feeds the fear of falling phobia.

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Know What To Do If A Fall Does Occur

It can be natural for senior to panic when a fall happens, but there are some things the senior can do to reduce potential injury, even after a fall. The National Institutes of Health offers some suggestions for how to get up from a fall, including taking a few moments to stay put and assess any pain and allow the blood pressure to stabilize from the shock of the fall before attempting to get up. Once the senior has determined he is safe to do so, he should crawl to a stable chair to safely pull himself up from the floor.

Another option for seniors to consider is a medical alert system. Knowing that she will have quick and easy access to help should a fall occur can offer peace of mind to the senior and her family.

While not all falls can be prevented, there are number of things that a senior and her family can do to help the senior reduce her fear of falling, thereby reducing her overall fall risk. Taking the time to assess the risks and increase the seniors confidence can give her the chance to remain safely at home.

How Fear Of Falling Can Affect You

Anyone can have a trip or fall. As we age, fear of falling can become a serious concern. Some people worry about what might happen to them if they fall, even if they’ve not had a fall before.

A fall can leave you feeling shaken up and more cautious. You might stop doing things and lose confidence in your abilities. This is a common reaction and very understandable. However, if you find yourself constantly worrying about falling it can prevent you from having an active and fulfilling life.

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Instructions Scoring And Interpretation

The SAFFE has three subscales, including fear of falling, activity restriction, and activity level. The fear-of-falling subscale reflects the extent to which participants are worried about the possibility of a fall while engaging in specific activities . The score is calculated as an average because the number of items differs from participant to participant depending on the number of activities they engage in. Scores on the activity restriction subscale indicate the number of activities that are avoided to prevent falls . Higher scores are indicative of high fear and high avoidance . In contrast, higher scores on the activity level subscale can be considered to be indicative of lower levels of avoidance. Lachman et al. have demonstrated that the SAFFE has satisfactory psychometric properties. Although the SAFFE may be less established than its predecessor the FES, the exercise and social items make it a better choice than the FES in certain situations, as does the emphasis on activity restriction.

Susan Wenker PT, PhD, Daniel Liebzeit PhD, RN, in, 2020

Im Very Anxious About Falling What Can I Do

Overcoming the Fear of Falling

People over the age of 85 are the fastest growing demographic group in the United States. And by 2050, two billion adults older than 65 will be living on this planet.Among the many concerns of older adults is an excessive fear of falling, which is a serious condition that can lead to inactivity, disabilityand falls.

Fear and Avoidance

Older adults fear falling more than robbery, financial stress, or health problems. About 10 percent report excessive fear, and at least 3 percent of community-dwelling older adults avoid leaving their homes or yards.Most people who fear falling avoid some physical activities. This fear is a better predictor of decreased physical activity than age, perceived health, number of prescription medications, gender, or history of falls.Fear of falling and less physical activity lead to disability, including decreased capacity to perform daily living activities such as bathing and shopping. Fearful individuals often slow their gait, widen their stance, and make other adjustments that badly affect their balance. They may experience other measures of physical decline as well.

Improving Your Quality of Life

Although appropriate caution is healthy, avoiding too many activities puts you at risk. If you have a fear of falling or want to help a friend or loved one, try the strategies below. But dont be too protective. You could end up reinforcing the fear and making things worse in the long run.

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Take Charge Of Your Physical Condition

Don’t accept physical limitations as inevitable with older age. Increase and manage your mobility by:

  • Correcting vision problems: Keep your eyeglass prescription updated with regular eye exams, and get treatment for cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Using drugs cautiously: Alcohol, sedatives, and sleeping pills, and some cold remedies and antidepressants, can impair your ability to react. Ask your doctor whether your drugs or drug combinations have these side effects and what you can do to minimize them.
  • Building strength: If your leg muscles are so weak you can’t get up from a chair without using your hands, you’re at greater risk of falling. “Weight training can improve strength at any age,” says Michael Rogers, MD, director of the Center for Physical Activity and Aging at Wichita State University in Kansas. He knows of two people in one retirement community who regained sufficient strength and balance to put away their walkers.
  • Improving balance and gait: “You should be able to stand on one foot for 10 seconds,” says Rogers. Practice standing on one foot while working at the sink or, if you feel confident enough, walking along a curb as though it’s a balance beam. Some balance problems, such as inner ear disorders, require medical attention. But many can be improved by physical therapy, or through activities such as tai chi or yoga.

How To Work On Philophobia On Your Own

You can also do things on your own to help with your fear of falling in love. You can work on these exercises alone or with a therapist:

  • Evaluate your relationship history to see if a past hurt is making you afraid of repeating the experience in a new relationship
  • Identify negative voices in your head that prevent you from feeling happy in relationships
  • Allow yourself to feel difficult emotions that is how you can move through them
  • Question or evaluate the preconceived notions you have about relationships
  • Recognize where the defenses that prevent you from opening up to people come from

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What Is A Phobia

A phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity. This fear can be so overwhelming that a person may go to great lengths to avoid the source of this fear. One response can be a panic attack. This is a sudden, intense fear that lasts for several minutes. It happens when there is no real danger.

What Are The Treatment Options

Overcoming the Fear of Falling – FOF P1

You have to understand the source of fear in order to understand how to overcome the fear of falling in love. There is a wide range of Philophobia treatment options depending upon how severe the fear of love is. From medication to therapy, lifestyle changes or perhaps a combination of all these treatments would be recommended.

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You Enjoy Sex But You Dont Know How To Deal With The Awkwardness That Comes After

You like sex. Its physical, but it doesnt always HAVE to be emotional. But the fact that you dont want to involve yourself in the psychological aspects of it makes it awkward for you when the sex is done.

1. What do you do?

2. How do you act?

3. What is the proper etiquette?

It all freaks you out on an immense level.

What Is The Phobia Of Death

Thanatophobia, or fear of death, is a relatively complicated phobia. Many, if not most, people are afraid of dying. Some people fear being dead, while others are afraid of the actual act of dying. However, if the fear is so prevalent as to affect your daily life, then you might have a full-blown phobia.

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How Anxiety Can Affect Your Life

The more worried about falling you become, the less likely you are to keep active. Anxiety can make you:

  • act in ways that help you feel safer such as holding onto things because you think you will fall or not going out
  • avoid or stop doing things, which can make life difficult and less enjoyable. This can lead to low mood and depression

You can lose a lot of confidence by avoiding walking. This will affect how you feel about yourself and keep fears going.

A cycle of anxiety can develop which keeps fears about falling going. Worrying thoughts can affect how you feel and what you do.

Dealing with anxiety can help to improve your mobility, confidence and quality of life.

Sleep Anxiety: Are You Afraid To Fall Asleep

Fear (Of Falling)

by Gingras Sleep Medicine | Oct 15, 2020 | Insomnia, Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Medicine

Sleep is just as essential to life as food and water. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. When we have difficulty sleeping, it interferes with our daily routine and it could really hinder us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Sometimes people are scared to fall asleep or just have trouble closing their eyes and relaxing, especially after countless hours of tossing and turning, this is called sleep anxiety.

With Halloween soon approaching, children may be too afraid to fall asleep after seeing ghoulish decorations in their neighborhoods. Whether it be a black cat, a witchs cauldron, or even what appears to be a friendly scarecrow, these images can linger in childrens minds, creating fear and anxiety. Perhaps they recently watched a scary movie, and now they are too scared to go to sleep. Fear takes over. A parent may need to stay with the child until the child eventually falls asleep.

Somniphobia is the fear of falling asleep and staying asleep. You may feel that you will not be in control of what is happening around you when you sleep, or you may miss out on life if youre not awake. Some people also fear that they will not wake up after having a good nights rest.

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