Depression At A Young Age
People in the U.S. also appear to suffer from depression at an earlier age than people in other high-income countries. The median age for the onset of the disease in the U.S. was 22.7. In New Zealand, the next earliest, the median was 24.2. Spain and Japan had the latest average age of onset at 30 and 30.1, respectively. Out of all countries, both high and low income, China had the youngest depressed population. The age of onset there was 18.8.
All countries did share some similarities. Around the world, women were twice as likely as men to have had depression. Divorce, separation, or the death of a spouse were commonly associated with depression. But high-income countries showed the highest levels of impairment from the disorder. The World Health Organization considers depression to be the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide.
“We have shown that depression is a significant public health concern across all regions of the world and is strongly linked to social conditions,” study researcher Evelyn Bromet, PhD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at Stony Brook University, N.Y., says in a news release. “Understanding the patterns and causes of depression can help global initiatives in reducing the impact of depression on individual lives and in reducing the burden to society.”
Almost 50% Of People Suffering From Depression Also Have An Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety statistics on a worldwide scale show that the combination of depression and anxiety is the most prevalent mental disorder in Britain7.8% of the population suffers from it. The relationship between these two mental disorders is rather complex since depression can make us feel anxious, but it also goes the other way aroundanxiety can cause depressive feelings. Fortunately, theres a range of effective treatments for this mix of mental disorders, including some relaxing techniques, such as yoga and meditation.
What Are The Challenges Of Measuring Depression
Content validity: We might want to know whether the questionnaires were measuring depression at all. How would we be sure of this?
We could first think about which emotions and behaviors we associate with depression sadness, tiredness, guilt, a loss of energy, and so on and we could make sure that the questionnaires ask about all of these emotions.
Criterion validity: We could also find out if peoples responses to the questions are correlated with other things we associate with depression.
For example, if someone is severely depressed, we might expect that they are also less sociable and that they perform poorly at work or school. We could test whether this is the case for people who scored high on a questionnaire for depression.
Discriminant validity: We could also test whether their responses are uncorrelated with things we dont associate with depression, such as their height or intelligence.
Internal consistency: Another important thing wed want to know is whether the questions were actually tapping into the same phenomenon.
Do all the questions measure depression or are some measuring other concepts instead? To test for this, we could look at how closely peoples answers to different questions align with each other.
One consequence of this focus is that scores shouldnt also measure other concepts.
Fortunately, there are straightforward ways to test this: we could measure how consistent different doctors were at diagnosing the same patients.
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Emerging Trends In Substance Misuse:
- MethamphetamineIn 2019, NSDUH data show that approximately 2 million people used methamphetamine in the past year. Approximately 1 million people had a methamphetamine use disorder, which was higher than the percentage in 2016, but similar to the percentages in 2015 and 2018. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that overdose death rates involving methamphetamine have quadrupled from 2011 to 2017. Frequent meth use is associated with mood disturbances, hallucinations, and paranoia.
- CocaineIn 2019, NSDUH data show an estimated 5.5 million people aged 12 or older were past users of cocaine, including about 778,000 users of crack. The CDC reports that overdose deaths involving have increased by one-third from 2016 to 2017. In the short term, cocaine use can result in increased blood pressure, restlessness, and irritability. In the long term, severe medical complications of cocaine use include heart attacks, seizures, and abdominal pain.
- KratomIn 2019, NSDUH data show that about 825,000 people had used Kratom in the past month. Kratom is a tropical plant that grows naturally in Southeast Asia with leaves that can have psychotropic effects by affecting opioid brain receptors. It is currently unregulated and has risk of abuse and dependence. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that health effects of Kratom can include nausea, itching, seizures, and hallucinations.
The Top 10 Depression Stats Everyone Should Know
- In 2020, 27.8% of American adults claimed to be struggling with the symptoms of depression during the pandemic.
- Over 300 million people suffer from depression worldwide.
- The US is third worldwide in relation to the overall burden of depression.
- About 15% of adults will experience depression at least once in their lives.
- 5% of Americans suffer from seasonal depression.
- 2.8% of Americans suffer from bipolar disorder.
- About 50% of new mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression experienced some of the symptoms during pregnancy.
- Treatment for depression proved effective in up to 80% of the cases within 46 weeks.
- Almost 800,000 people all over the world commit suicide every year.
- US employers lose about $100 billion every year due to depression.
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About Half Of Women Diagnosed With Ppd Began Experiencing Symptoms During Pregnancy
While its common for women to have some symptoms of depression after giving birth, postpartum depression statistics confirm that PPD can be much more severe. A point often overlooked is that several reports and studies have found that these symptoms might appear earlier than we expectduring pregnancy.
Are Depression Rates Rising Or Falling Worldwide
Recent surveys indicate that global rates of depression are rising. Although more and better treatments are becoming available, people across the globe continue to suffer from depression.
From 2005 to 2015, depression rates increased globally by one fifth, and researchers found that people born after 1945 were ten times likely to struggle with a depressive disorder than people born before 1945. The World Health Organization believes that increased depression rates could be caused by an aging global population, and increased stress and social isolation in industrial nations. These factors could also explain why smaller countries with stronger family ties and an economy that relies more on farming than industry and urban living have lower depression rates. Studies also indicate that cultures that emphasize collectivism as opposed to individualism have lower rates of depression.
Another strange phenomenon is that the wealthier a country becomes, the higher the rates of depression. It seems counterintuitive that wealth, as measured by GDP, could increase depression amongst the populace. Evidence suggests that Western societies with higher GDPs have increased rates of drug and alcohol use, which can indicate comorbidity. Higher rates of anxiety associated with living in Western society can also contribute to the prevalence of mood disorders like depression.
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Depression Statistics Everyone Should Know
Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Depression affects people from all walks of life, no matter their background. It can affect people of all ages as well. Unfortunately, theres still a stigma that surrounds mental health issues, and some people view disorders like depression as a weakness. But, similar to the way anyone can develop certain physical health issues, mental health issues arent always preventable.
Understanding the latest depression statistics could increase awareness about mental health, and recognizing how widespread it is could also help reduce the stigmawhich might encourage more people to seek treatment.
Approximately One In Eight Women Experience Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression rates indicate that many women experience this specific type of depression. Usually, PPD lasts from a few weeks to a year. In more severe cases, it can last several years. Risk factors that might affect how long PPD lasts include breastfeeding difficulties, a history of mental illnesses, a lack of support from ones partner, etc.
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Symptoms Of Depression In Men Include Irritability Anger Overeating Physical Aches And Engaging In High
Due to the fact that anger is rarely interpreted as a sign of depression, men are oftentimes left without a diagnosis or misdiagnosed. Depression in women is not commonly associated with feelings of anger.
These are just some of the depression symptoms, but looking at depression statistics, they do vary a lot and neednt be experienced at the same time. It should take for these to last for at least two weeks before a man is diagnosed with the disease.
Teens With Two Or More Racial Or Ethnic Identities Report The Highest Rates Of Depression
Your teen years are often called the coming-of-age era for a reason. Youre discovering, questioning, and deciding many aspects of your identity, including what your cultural, racial, and ethnic identity means in your life.
This, coupled with societal pressures and prejudices, can reasonably leave you feeling stressed and emotionally shaken up.
Teens ages 12 to 17 years old with more than one racial identity are the most at-risk racial or ethnic group to report a major depressive episode, according to data published by
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Developmental Disorders Including Autism
Developmental disorder is an umbrella term covering intellectual disability and pervasive developmental disorders including autism. Developmental disorders usually have a childhood onset but tend to persist into adulthood, causing impairment or delay in functions related to the central nervous system maturation. They generally follow a steady course rather than the periods of remissions and relapses that characterize many mental disorders.
Intellectual disability is characterized by impairment of skills across multiple developmental areas such as cognitive functioning and adaptive behaviour. Lower intelligence diminishes the ability to adapt to the daily demands of life.
Symptoms of pervasive developmental disorders, such as autism, include impaired social behaviour, communication and language, and a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and are carried out repetitively. Developmental disorders often originate in infancy or early childhood. People with these disorders occasionally display some degree of intellectual disability.
The community at large has a role to play in respecting the rights and needs of people with disabilities.
Postpartum Depression In New Mothers By Ethnicity/race
The following data displays the percentages of women with symptoms of postpartum depression among various different ethnic groups.
Additionally, postpartum depression doesnt only affect new mothers.
Studies have found that:
- Approximately 10% of new fathers experience symptoms of depression during the postpartum period.
- Half of men who have partners with postpartum depression will go on to develop depression themselves.
Some studies have shown that rates of postpartum depression in adoptive parents can be comparable to rates in biological mothers. The stressors that adoptive parents face are different than those faced by biological parents. Because there is still a societal stigma around adoptive families, the rates of PPD could be higher in adoptive parents, as many suffer in silence with their symptoms.
- One study found that roughly 8% of adoptive parents experienced severe PPD compared to biological mothers in the same study, who experienced PPD at a rate of 16.5%.
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Here’s A List Of Countries With The Greatest Burden Of Mental And Behavioural Disorders In Terms Of Most Years Of Life Lost Due To Disability Or Death Adjusted For Population Size According To Who
‘Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also harder to bear
We don’t talk about it as much as we talk about other diseases, but you’ll be shocked to know that 300 million people worldwide are suffering from depression. Depression and bad mental health have been ignored as a serious issue since ages. But, do you know, depression can also lead to death if it gets worst?
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When it comes to countries, India is the most depressed country in the world, according to the World Health Organisation, followed by China and the USA. India, China and the US are the most affected countries by anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, according to WHO.
Here’s a list of countries with the greatest burden of mental and behavioural disorders, in terms of most years of life lost due to disability or death adjusted for population size, according to WHO.
Data Availability On Mental Health
The majority of data presented in this entry is based on estimates from the IHMEs Global Burden of Disease . This is currently one of the only sources which produces global level estimates across most countries on the prevalence and disease burden of mental health and substance use disorders.
Nonetheless, the GBD acknowledges the clear data gaps which exist on mental health prevalence across the world. Despite being the 5th largest disease burden at a global level , detailed data is often lacking. This is particularly true of lower-income countries. The Global Burden of Disease note that the range of epidemiological studies they draw upon for global and national estimates are unequally distributed across disorders, age groups, countries and epidemiological parameters.46 Using these studies to provide full coverage of these disorders is challenging.
To overcome these methodological challenges the authors note:
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Fact: Young People And Older Adults Struggle With Depression Too
The average age of onset of depression is 32, but teens, seniors, and even children may develop and struggle with depression. The symptoms can vary, though, and children with depression are more likely to experience sadness and irritability, physical aches and pains, and weight loss. Children may also show signs of depression through their behaviors, such as refusing to go to school or being clingy and needy with parents or siblings.
Teens with depression experience many of the same symptoms as adults, but distinguishing them from normal teen angst can be difficult. Some signs that depression is the issue include drug or alcohol use, loss of interest in activities, self-harm, social withdrawal, poor school performance, and being excessively sensitive. In older adults, depression may cause physical pains, memory problems, personality changes, and social isolation.
- As many as one in eight adolescents have major depression.
- One in 33 children will struggle with depression.
- Untreated depression is the greatest risk factor for youth suicide.
- Those at the greatest risk for suicide are young men aged 15 to 24.
- Six million older Americans struggle with depression, but only 10 percent get treated.
- Elderly men are more likely than women to have suicidal thoughts.
- More than half of caretakers of elderly family members have symptoms of major depression.
Mental Health As A Risk Factor For Substance Abuse
Mental health is known to be an important risk factor for the development of substance use disorders . The increased risk of a substance use disorder varies by mental health disorder type:
- for alcohol dependency the risk is highest in individuals with intermittent explosive disorder, dysthymia, ODD, bipolar disorder and social phobia. This is discussed in our entry on Alcohol Consumption.
- for illicit drug dependency the risk is highest for individuals with intermittent explosive disorder, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. This is discussed in our entry on Substance Use.
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Depression Rates Around The World
An Our World In Data study estimates about 3.4% of the global population has depression. This is about 264 million people worldwide.
According to WHO estimates, the ten countries with the highest prevalence of depression are:
A nations culture can significantly impact its population’s mental health and the availability of mental health treatment services. For example, while depression rates are relatively low in Japan, suicide rates are high for children and teens ages 10-19. This is most likely due to pressure to do well in school and work and conform to group norms.
The countries with the lowest rates of depression have just recently added mental health screening and treatment services to their health care infrastructure, which, in part, could explain the reason for the low depression rates. Conversely, countries with widespread access to quality health care, specifically mental health care services, could have high rates because of the availability of screening and treatment services. Additionally, certain depression symptoms are more common in some societies than others due to other factors.
An estimated 17.3 million adults in the United States had a least one major depressive episode in 2017. Among those diagnosed with depression, about 65% received treatment. About 50% of U.S. adults diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with anxiety. Oregon, West Virginia, and Maine have the highest depression rates.
Rates In Children And Adolescents
Depression can begin during childhood or during the teenage years. Similar to the prevalence rates in adults, girls are more likely to experience depression than boys. Theres a sharp increase in depression in girls just after puberty.
Although there has been a rise in teenage depression, according to a 2016 American Academy of Pediatrics study, there has not been a corresponding increase in treatment for teenagers.
The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends regular depression screening for all adolescents 12 and over, given that the symptoms of depression are often missed by adults such as parents, teachers, and even doctors.
Here are the most recent depression statistics in children and adolescents:
- 3.1 million young people between the ages of 12 and 17 have experienced at least one major depressive episode in the past year in the United States.
- 2% to 3% of children ages 6 to 12 may have serious depression.
- 20% of adolescent girls have experienced a major depressive episode.
- 6.8% of adolescent boys have experienced a major depressive episode.
- 71% of adolescents who experienced a major depressive episode in the past year experienced a severe impairment.
- 60% of children and adolescents with depression are not getting any type of treatment.
- 19% of children with depression saw a health care professional for treatment.
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