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Can A Person With Bipolar Receive Disability

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How To Get Bipolar Disability

Social Security Disability: How Bipolar Disorder Can Prevent Employment

In addition to a history of poor response to medication and multiple hospitalizations, there are a few other factors that make it more likely youll receive disability benefits. These factors have to do with your age, how long you have been diagnosed with the disorder, and your work history. Keep in mind that getting SSDI requires having a work history.

For SSI you need to have low income and few financial resources. Some people who file a disability claim qualify for SSDI plus SSI. .

The following factors can help you get disability benefits:

  • Difficulty maintaining employment, because of your bipolar disorder
  • Difficulty with relationships

Helping Clients Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder Obtain Social Security Benefits

Bipolar disorder is one of the most prevalent psychological conditions for which people apply forSocial Security Disability. Typically, bipolar disorder is diagnosed by a family doctor, treating psychologist, or psychiatrist. In general terms, bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of manic episodes preceded or followed by major depressive episodes.

How Severe Must Your Bipolar Disorder Be To Get Ssd Benefits

The SSA follows a manual in which it describes the criteria it requires impairment to meet to approve the payment of monthly benefits to an SSD or an SSI claimant. The manual is commonly referred to as the Blue Book. It contains the Listing of Impairments the SSA acknowledges as disabilities if the applicants symptoms or test results meet the criteria detailed in the Blue Book.

Bipolar Impairment Listing Section 12.04 of the Blue Book covers what the SSA terms Depressive, bipolar and related disorders. To qualify as disabled by the SSD programs standards, a bipolar disorder disability benefits applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Medical documentation of these requirements
  • Bipolar disorder, characterized by three or more of the following:
  • Pressured speech
  • Distractibility
  • Concentrate, persist, or maintain pace
  • Adapt or manage oneself .
  • Your mental disorder in this listing category is serious and persistent that is, you have a medically documented history of the existence of the disorder over a period of at least 2 years, and there is evidence of both:
  • Medical treatment, mental health therapy, psychosocial support, or a highly structured setting that is ongoing and that diminishes the symptoms and signs of your mental disorder and

MJ Ellis Disability Law Will Help You Apply and Be Approved for SSD or SSI Benefits

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Qualifying For Benefits With Bipolar Disorder

The Social Security Administration maintains a listing of impairments. This list describes medical and mental health conditions that are considered severe enough to prevent an individual from participating in substantial gainful activity . There is a list for both adults and for children.

Bipolar disorder is listed in the SSAs listing of impairments. To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits as an individual with bipolar disorder, you must submit evidence of the following:

1. Medical documentation of a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, characterized by at least three of the following symptoms:

  • Pressured speech

Writing A Personal Narrative

Bipolar Disorder Isn

Given the varying symptoms of bipolar disorder, you should explain to your insurance company how your individual symptoms prevent you from performing your job duties. You can do this by preparing a detailed, written narrative for the insurance company. In many cases, it is helpful if the narrative addresses all of your symptoms by listing them separately first. Because most symptoms of bipolar disorder are subjective in nature, your narrative can also address the severity of your symptoms, as well as factors that trigger or exacerbate your symptoms.

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Let A Bipolar Disorder Disability Benefits Lawyer Help You

A consultation with a disability lawyer at NY Disability is free and can provide you with helpful ways to improve the chance of being approved for disability benefits for a bipolar disorder, including keeping appointments with your medical professionals, taking prescribed medications, and keeping a journal of how your bipolar disorder affected your ability to perform work-related tasks. We care about your wellbeing and want to help you to get the benefits you need and deserve, so call today to schedule a free consultation.

Types Of Bipolar Disorder

The insurance company may also want to know what type of Bipolar Disorder you suffer from. Health experts classify bipolar disorder into four types:

  • Bipolar Affective Disorder 1: This type is diagnosed when you have had at least one manic episode, which could be followed or preceded by a major depressive or hypomanic episode. Individuals with Bipolar 1 experience full-blown mania. Symptoms may include high energy, insomnia, racing thoughts, extreme talkative behavior, hallucinations and delusions.
  • Bipolar Affective Disorder 2: Sometimes referred to as Swinging Bipolar, you may be diagnosed with Bipolar 2 if you experience at least one depressive episode and one hypomanic episode. Unlike Bipolar 1, those diagnosed with Bipolar 2 arent known to have psychotic episodes. They can, however, suffer badly from depression.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder: Cycolthymic Disorder is characterized by at least a two-year history of periods of both hypomania/mania and depression, but not to a major extent. Your manic and depressive episodes can go back and forth over a period of time, but not enough to meet full criteria of major depression. Those diagnosed with Cyclothymic Disorder do have trouble functioning at times.
  • Bipolar Affective Disorder NOS : This type is diagnosed when you experience some characteristics of bipolar disorder, but none of which can be classified as one of the three other types.

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How Much Money Will I Get From Social Security For My Disability

When I meet with potential clients, one of the questions I am often asked is How much I am going to get from Social Security for my disability?

Most clients need to know what their Social Security benefit amount will be. Heres my lawyer answer It depends.

How much money you get on disability will depend on a number of things. These things include:

  • If SSDI, how much did you earn and pay in taxes?
  • If SSDI, do you have dependent children?
  • If SSI, do you have any other income?
  • If SSI, are you receiving room and board for free from family or friends?

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How Do You Qualify For Disability Based On Reduced Functional Capacity

Can you get Disability for bipolar disorder, depression?

Even if your bipolar symptoms don’t cause marked or extreme functional limitations, they can still prevent you from working. If your medical records have the right evidence, Social Security can still find you disabled “vocationally” even when the agency doesn’t think you’re disabled under the medical listing for bipolar disorder.

To figure out whether you can work any jobs full-time, Social Security must consider to what extent your bipolar symptoms interfere with your ability to do certain work activities, like following directions and remembering details.

Attorney Tip:

When completing your disability application, take time to carefully fill out the activities of daily living questionnaire. Be sure to let Social Security know the difference in what you can do during a manic or hypomanic episode and what you can do during a depressive episode.

The SSA will review your medical records, your ADL questionnaire, and any medical source statements from your doctors to come up with your mental residual functional capacity . Your RFC is the SSA’s assessment of what you can still do despite your mental limitations .

A typical mental RFC will include the type of jobs Social Security thinks you can do as well as any restrictions you have in dealing with other people and handling stress.

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Is Bipolar Disorder A Disability Can I Get Benefits

Is bipolar disorder a disability? If the condition is impacting your day-to-day life, you may be wondering if bipolar disorder is classified as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act and whether or not you can claim benefits. Grasping the technicalities of this issue can be tough, and its difficult to determine which information is factual. Here are some facts about bipolar disorder and disability, including what kind of support to expect if you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Is There A Social Security Listing For Bipolar Disorder

Yes. The most common way someone can be awarded Social Security Disability benefits for bipolar disorder is to show that they meet the listing for bipolar depression. A Social Security Listing is a specific set of medically documented findings, symptoms, and objective evidence. If someone has the medical evidence to prove that they meet the listing, it will not be necessary to prove anything else. That is, they will not need to prove that they cannot do their past relevant work or that they cannot do any other work in the regional or national economy, as is the case with most other claims.

The Social Security Listing for bipolar disorder can be found at 12.04. This listing requires that the person applying for disability have medically documented evidence of at least three of the following symptoms:

  • Pressured speech
  • Involvement in activities that have a high probability of painful consequences that are not recognized
  • Increase and goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation

If these symptoms can be medically documented, you will then need to show that you have an extreme limitation of one, or market limitation of two of the following areas of mental functioning:

  • Understand, remember, or apply information
  • Interact with others
  • Concentrate, persist, or maintain pace
  • Adapter manage oneself

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When Is Your Bipolar Disorder A Disability

Generally, you’ll qualify for benefits if you’ve received an air-tight diagnosis of bipolar disorder and have problems in at least two of the four main areas of functioning. Social Security’s bipolar listing in the Blue Book requires that you have “marked” limitations in at least two of the following areas:

  • understanding and remembering instructions and learning how to do new things
  • interacting with others using socially appropriate behaviors
  • concentrating and completing tasks in a reasonable amount of time, and/or
  • managing yourself by controlling your behavior, adapting to new situations, and maintaining personal hygiene.

If you only have a limitation in one area, it needs to be an extreme limitation .

What Medical Evidence Do You Need For Disability Based On Bipolar

Best Things to Say to a Person With Bipolar Disorder

When you begin your disability application, the SSA will ask you to list the names, locations, and dates you’ve visited any doctors, hospitals, or mental health professionals. With your permission, the SSA will request medical records from the doctor and clinics where you’ve received treatment. Your psychiatric record should include:

  • your medication history, including any mood-stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants that you’ve tried, such as lithium, Seroquel, or Zoloft
  • your doctor’s or counselor’s observations about how you’re feeling and acting during a visit
  • mental status examinations showing any abnormalities in your thinking
  • any hospitalizations for symptoms of bipolar disorder, and
  • other treatments you may have tried, such as electroconvulsive therapy .

Because people respond differently to the medications used to treat bipolar disorder, your medical records should also include notes about whether your medications are effective at treating your symptoms, along with any side effects you might have. For example, one of the most common side effects of Depakote, a mood-stabilizer, is drowsiness. If you’re taking Depakote successfully to manage your mood, but it’s causing you to nap frequently, Social Security is required to take that into consideration when determining if you’re disabled.

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Providing Proof For Bipolar Disorder And Disability Benefits

Even the most medically supported, valid claim for bipolar disorder could initially be denied. SSA disability denials and approvals are based primarily on medical records as well as evidence of symptoms and psychological abnormalities that demonstrate your ability to work. Aside from complete medical records that fully document your bipolar disorder, the following can be helpful:

  • Documentation from your doctor and/or therapist that details how the effects of your bipolar disorder persist, despite treatments and other efforts to manage the condition
  • Letters from family members or close friends that detail how your bipolar condition affects your daily life
  • Letters from current and/or former employers detailing how your bipolar disorder impacts or impacted your job performance

It is imperative that you obtain proper medical treatment for your bipolar disorder and that you follow the treatment plan outlined by your doctor. An established record of mental health treatment will significantly improve your case for disability.

Why Bipolar Disorder Can Qualify To Received Disability Benefits

The Social Security Administration defines a disability by very specific terminology. For the SSA to qualify a claimant for SSD benefits, the claimant must demonstrate that they have the following:

A medically determinable physical or mental impairment that lasts or is expected to last 12 months , and that the impairment prevents the person from performing substantial gainful activities.

Bipolar disorder can affect people with the illness in different ways and to different degrees. There are two recognized categories of bipolar disorder, bipolar I and bipolar II. Generally, people with bipolar I experience more intense manic episodes than bipolar II sufferers. The higher intensity or faster cycling from one mood to the other is more disruptive to their ability to carry out daily tasks, to maintain regular work and social relationships. Bipolar II is no less a mental illness, but its manic episodes tend to be less obvious to observers and can be less disruptive to carrying out vital daily activities. There are other bipolar sufferers who dont fit neatly into either designated group because their symptoms are inconsistent with one category of the illness.

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Can Someone With Bipolar Disorder Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits

Yes, depending on the severity and other factors, Social Security disability benefits may be awarded to someone who is disabled due to Bipolar Disorder.

Known more commonly in the past as Manic Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder is a psychiatric illness characterized by periods of extreme euphoria followed by bouts of severe depression. Bipolar Disorder is considered a category of several mood disorders that affects 5.7 million American adults, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The Disorder normally manifests itself between childhood and late adolescence.

Signs of the depressive phase of this mental illness include persistent feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, anger, guilt, sadness, isolation, fatigue, irritability, lack of motivation, chronic pain, morbid suicidal ideation, self-loathing and depersonalization. In severe cases individuals can become psychotic.

Q: I Live In Lancaster And Suffer With Severe Bipolar Disorder What Steps Can I Take To Increase My Chances Of Obtaining Social Security Disability Benefits

How to Get Disability Benefits for Depression or Bi-Polar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious brain disorder that affects nearly six million adults in the United States. The disease is characterized by debilitating mood swingsalternating between mania and depression. While many people can be successfully treated with medication and therapy, others suffer with the illness to the point that they are unable to work.

Although bipolar disorder is a serious illness that qualifies for Social Security Disability, those suffering from the disorder are often denied benefits after the initial application. Following are some tips for mounting a successful Lancaster Social Security Disability case:

Bipolar disorder can be crippling and seriously affect your ability to hold down a job. Unfortunately, Social Security Disability benefits are often denied for those suffering with bipolar disorder because there are no obvious physical symptoms. If you have been denied benefits for bipolar disorder, a compassionate and skilled Lancaster Social Security Disability lawyer at Schmidt Kramer can help.

Our compassionate attorneys focus on Social Security Disability law and know how to put together a winning appeal. Give us a call today at for your free case evaluation. We are on your side!

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How Long Does It Take To Get Disability For Bipolar Disorder

Qualifying for bipolar disorder disability benefits can take about two years or more.

For example, you first need to establish a long enough diagnosis. Generally, you must have bipolar disorder for at least a full year before you can apply for Social Security Disability benefits. This is because the SSA wants to ensure your disability does affect your ability to work.

After establishing a diagnosis, you can apply for Social Security benefits. The approval process can take up to a year or more, depending on your circumstances.

Work With Our Disability Claim Attorneys

Dont hesitate to appeal a denied claim. The attorneys at Marc Whitehead & Associates helps people across the country overturn claim denials for bipolar and other mental disorders. In most cases, we will work on a contingency fee basis. This means that no retainer is required, and you dont owe us a fee until we win your case.

Please call our law firm toll free at today to arrange a free consultation with a lawyer to see how we may help you recover benefits under a bipolar disability claim.

About Marc Whitehead

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Disability Tax Credit For Depression

The disability tax credit is a type of benefit that lowers your taxable income. However, this program has a higher standard than others. To qualify, you must have a prolonged impairment, marked restriction, have two or more significant restrictions or are dependent upon life-sustaining therapy.

Qualifying for this credit can get some of your previous taxes refunded. But it depends on the timeline of your condition.

You apply by filling out a T2201 form and sending it to Revenue Canada. If Revenue Canada denies your claim, you can request an internal appeal. If that appeal fails, you must go to the Tax Court of Canada to appeal again.

What Are Recurring Episodes Of Decompensation

Bipolar bipolaire

Another important element related to bipolar disorders is the presence of episodes of decompensation. The SSA defines episodes of decompensation as exacerbations or temporary increases in symptoms or signs accompanied by a loss of adaptive functioning, as manifested by difficulties in performing activities of daily living, maintaining social relationships, or maintaining concentration, persistence, or pace.

Episodes of decompensation is one of the elements included in the impairment listings in the SSA Blue Book. Establishing the fact that you have periods where your ability to function is severely impaired can help you in your claim to prove your inability to work and your inability to engage in normal activities.

To qualify for SSDI on this basis, a claimants evidence usually must show that decompensation episodes occur:

  • At least 3 times within a year, or
  • An average of once every 4 months, and
  • Last at least 2 weeks each time.

You might be able to show evidence of decompensation episodes that happen more often but endure for shorter periods of time, or vice versa.

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