Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Binge Eating Disorder Hereditary

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Binge And Purge Records

Patients with Bipolar have Higher Rate of Binge Eating

Participants are instructed to launch the Recovery Record Apple Watch app if they have experienced a binge or purge episode . Action buttons are used to quickly identify the relevant symptom and how long ago it occurred, with response options in five-minute increments ranging from Right now to 30 mins ago. If an urge to engage in a behavior is identified, participants are additionally asked to rate the urge strength with response options: Not at all, Slight, Moderate, Strong, and Overbearing. Actively monitored mood, meal, binge and purge records and their respective timestamps are collected on the Recovery Record platform and shared with the research team via encrypted authenticated TLS. Ecological momentary assessment-based logging has shown moderate to strong concordance with retrospective self-report of binge eating and purging .

Fig. 2

Continuous passive data collection

What Are Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Methods

Psychotherapy, medications, nutrition therapy, and guided self-help interventions are common methods for BED recovery.

Recovery from BED has to extend beyond binge eating behavior and address underlying causes.

BED is not just about food!

Understanding underlying causes of BED provides insight into what to address in recovery. For lasting change, psychological, historical, genetic, and cultural factors are often included.

What Is Binge Eating Disorder And What Are The Symptoms

People with BED may eat a lot of food in a short amount of time, even if they arent hungry. Emotional stress or destress often plays a role and might trigger a period of binge eating.

A person might feel a sense of release or relief during a binge but experience feelings of shame or loss of control afterward .

For a healthcare professional to diagnose BED, three or more of the following symptoms must be present:

  • eating much more rapidly than normal
  • eating until uncomfortably full
  • eating large amounts without feeling hungry
  • eating alone due to feelings of embarrassment and shame
  • feelings of guilt or disgust with oneself

People with BED often experience feelings of extreme unhappiness and distress about their overeating, body shape, and weight (1,

  • 8 ).

An episode of binge eating can be triggered by stress, dieting, negative feelings relating to body weight or body shape, the availability of food, or boredom .


The causes of BED are not fully known. As with other eating disorders, a variety of genetic, environmental, social, and psychological risks are associated with its development.

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Binge Eating Disorder Facts And Statistics

  • BED is the most common eating disorder in the United States.1,6
  • People from all cultures and demographics are affected by BED.1
  • BED affects 3.5% of adult women and 2% of adult men.8
  • About 60% of people who suffer from BED are women.1
  • BED affects 2.3% of adolescent females and 0.8% of males.8
  • For women, BED typically starts between the ages of 18 and 29.6
  • For men, BED typically starts between the ages of 45 and 59.6
  • As many as 30% of women enrolled in weight management programs may have BED.7

Binge Eating Genetics Initiative

Binge Eating Disorder: Risk Factors, Causes And Symptoms

Thank you for your interest in the Binge Eating Genetics INitiative research study!

The goal of the BEGIN study is to better understand the genetic factors that may be associated with binge-eating disorder and bulimia nervosa in order to develop better treatments for the millions of people who suffer from these illnesses.

You may be eligible to participate in the BEGIN study if you:

  • Have a current or lifetime experience with binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa
  • Are over 18 years old and living in the United States
  • Have an iPhone

To determine if you may be eligible and to join the study, please click on the link below and answer a few short questions:

Heres what participation in the BEGIN study entails:

  • Use the Recovery Record app on your iPhone to record your mood, food, and goals for 30 days.
  • Complete a few questionnaires about your mental health and health history
  • Provide a fast, painless sample of your saliva. To do this, we will mail you a free saliva collection kit that includes a postage prepaid return envelope so that sending your saliva sample to us is completely free for you. .
  • Once you enroll in the BEGIN study using your iPhone, we will send you a BEGIN box via FedEx that will include everything that you need to participate in the BEGIN study.

    This study is overseen by the Institutional Review Board at the University of North Carolina

    Additional Information:

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    Specific Aims Genomics And Microbiota

    In 1000 individuals with BN/BED, we will,

    Aim 1: Contribute genomic data to the next genome-wide association study conducted by the Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium of BN/BED.

    Aim 2: Comprehensively characterize the biogeography of the human microbiome using high-throughput sequencing of the microbial 16S rRNA gene and shallow shotgun sequencing.

    Aim 3: Employ novel and develop new analytic methods to integrate GWAS, gut microbiota, and phenotypic data that will result in predictive algorithms that index risk, course of illness, severity, disordered eating episodes, and treatment response.

    Is Overeating In Your Dna Scientists Identify The ‘binge

    Were all guilty of overindulging in food at some point in our lives, but binge eating is a repetitive behavior that can seriously affect our health. While binge eating is often the result of stress and underlying mental health problems, such as depression, two recent studies link the condition to both genetic predisposition and hormone deficiency.

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    What Will The Edgi Study Help Us Learn About Genetics And Eating Disorders

    EDGI is the largest-ever genetic research study of eating disorders. It follows the groundbreaking advances that have been made through another collaborative study, the Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative , in which our team of researchers identified both psychiatric and metabolic causes for anorexia nervosa.

    ANGI was a genomewide association study, or GWAS, in which we compare the entire genomes of large groups of people with a particular illness to large groups of people without the illness to see where differences lie. ANGI compared DNA samples from almost 17,000 participants who experienced anorexia nervosa with samples from more than 55,000 people who didnt experience it. This comparison allowed us to look for areas on the genome that differed significantly between people with anorexia compared to people without anorexia. We identified eight regions on the genome that contained genetic variants that were significantly associated with anorexia.

    EDGI is also a GWAS, but it is bigger and broaderthis time were studying anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. The study will allow researchers to identify more genetic factors that determine why some people experience eating disorders while others do not, and why some people living with eating disorders respond to certain treatments while others do not.

    Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Can Be Delayed For Many Reasons Including:

    Causes of Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
    • erroneous beliefs that BED is about willpower and white-knuckling and not truly an eating disorder
    • weight stigma based beliefs that people with BED should just eat less
    • assumptions that BED is the persons own fault he just cant get food under control

    A huge underlying cause of delays in recovery stems from Diet Culture.

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    State Of The Science: Psychiatric Genetics

    Am J Psychiatry.Am J Psychiatry.Mol Psychiatry.J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.Mol Autism.Lancet.Nat Genet.Am J Psychiatry.Am J Psychiatry.J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry.Mol Autism.

    • Lampert C.
    • et al.

    Am J Psychiatry.Mol Psychiatry.Mol Psychiatry.

    • Aiello A.E.
    • et al.

    Mol Psychiatry.Nature.Nat Genet.bioRxiv.bioRxiv.Lancet.Nat Genet.

    Genetic Risk Factors Connected To Binge Eating Disorder

    New research findings, which were recently published in the journal of Biological Psychiatry, have uncovered more information about the genetic influences involved in binge eating disorder.

    In a study conducted at the Boston University School of Medicine, researchers have identified a specific gene in mice associated with binge eating. While binge eating disorder has been known to have a variety of influencing factors, both biological and environmental, the exact underlying genetic factors have been unknown.

    Binge eating behaviors have been understood as highly heritable, associated with both substance use disorders and eating disorders .

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    Can Eating Disorders Be Genetic

    Eating disorders are mental or psychological conditions characterized by disturbed eating habits or patterns. There are several kinds of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, Pica, rumination disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder . The individuals symptoms and behaviors vary depending on the type of condition they have, as are their causes.

    But the real question is: are eating disorders genetic? Yes and no. While eating disorders do run in families, the genetic factors behind eating disorders may not be predictive of a specific condition, but rather can contribute to the onset of a disorder. In other words, genetics can increase your risk of developing an eating disorder, but that doesnt guarantee itll happen. However, a family history of, or a genetic predisposition to eating disorders increases your risk of developing one.

    So, how do genetics affect eating disorders? One study found that genetics contribute to more than 50 percent of causation regarding eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors. This offers evidence confirming the genetic factors of eating disorders. Additionally, family studies found increased rates of eating disorders in relatives of women who have anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.1 This means that relatives of people with eating disorders are more likely to develop an eating disorder.

    Gene Linked To Binge Eating

    What Are the Risk Factors for Binge Eating Disorder?

    Flawed Appetite Suppression Gene Found in Obese Binge Eaters

    Investigators found that a particular gene involved with the signaling of suppression of appetite was abnormal in obese binge eaters. In the study, melanocortin 4 receptor mutations occurred in roughly 5% of morbidly obese people, all of whom reported having been diagnosed with binge eating. The findings appear in the March 20 issue of TheNew England Journal of Medicine.

    People with binge-eating disorder frequently eat huge amounts of food over a short period of time until they feel uncomfortable or even sick. Unlike the similar, but distinct, eating disorder bulimia nervosa, people with the syndrome do not purge, take laxatives, or over-exercise after bingeing. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 2% of people in the United States suffer from binge-eating disorder, but a much higher percentage of obese people — as many as 70% — are believed to be binge eaters.

    In the newly published study, an international team of researchers assessed the prevalence of three distinct genetic mutations in 469 severely obese patients. In addition to MC4R, the investigators looked for mutations in the leptin receptor gene and the proopiomelanocortin gene, both of which have been implicated in obesity.

    “Right now there are really no effective drugs to treat morbid obesity,” Habener tells WebMD. “But I think within the next decade we will see better treatments based on genetic research.”

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    Here Are Some Tips For Binge Eating Disorder Recovery:

    • Find your tribe. Consider a support group for people with BED, in person or online.
    • Read about Binge Eating Disorder, including anything by Chevese Turner or Amy Pershing.
    • Learn about Health At Every Size.
    • Consider a Higher Level of Care for treatment.

    No one chooses to have Binge Eating Disorder. Recovery can be challenging, even when you really want to recover, especially living in Diet Culture.

    The takeaway: You dont need to spend your life in a painful cycle of bingeing. Effective treatment is available.

    Behaviors associated with bingeing are really more about coping than about food. Having a toolbox of effective techniques to cope with a complex array of emotions and feelings is essential.

    Be sure to keep your sparkly paint in your toolbox.

    And give Diet Culture the middle finger.

    Dr. Elayne Daniels is a psychologist specializing in eating disorders, body image, and High Sensitivity. She passionately believes your birthright is to enjoy comfort in your body at any size and a fantastic relationship with food. Contact her here for more information.

    International Classification Of Diseases

    BED was first included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1994 simply as a feature of eating disorder. In 2013 it gained formal recognition as a psychiatric condition in the DSM-5.

    The 2017 update to the American version of the ICD-10 includes BED under F50.81.ICD-11 may contain a dedicated entry , defining BED as frequent, recurrent episodes of binge eating which are not regularly followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors aimed at preventing weight gain.

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    Getting Help For Binge Eating Disorder

    If you are suffering from binge eating disorder, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Many people suffer from eating disorders and recover.

    We can help you find a binge eating disorder treatment program that specializes in treating people just like you. Call our helpline at 1-888-344-8837 to speak with a treatment advisor today. We are always available to answer your questions and discuss your options.

    . Mayo Clinic. . Binge eating disorder.

    . Bulik, C. M., Sullivan, P. F. and Kendler, K. S. . Genetic and environmental contributions to obesity and binge eating.International Journal Eating Disorders, 33: 293298.

    . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Womens Health. . Binge eating disorder fact sheet.

    . Pike, K. M., Wilfley, D., Hilbert, A., Fairburn, C. G., Dohm, F. A., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. . Antecedent life events of binge-eating disorder.Psychiatry Research, 142, 19-29.

    . National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. . Definition and facts for binge eating disorder.

    . De Zwaan, M. . Binge eating disorder and obesity. International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders, 25.

    . Hudson, J., Hiripi, E., Pope, H, and Kessler, R. . The Prevalence and Correlates of Eating Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Biological Psychiatry 61:348-358.

    . American Psychiatric Association. . Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Association

    The Different Causes Of Eating Disorders

    Binge Eating Disorder (BED) | Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

    Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

    When a person gets sick, it’s natural to want to understand why. With eating disorders, which are associated with many myths and negative stereotypes, the question of causation can be especially confusing.

    The culture at large commonly blames eating disorders on oversimplified explanations, such as the medias promotion of unrealistically slender models or on bad parenting. Even some health professionals buy into these explanations.

    But research shows that familieslongtime scapegoatsdo not cause eating disorders, at least not in any simple, straightforward manner.

    While growing up in a dysfunctional home could increase the risk for a number of psychological problems, including eating disorders, it does not condemn a child to an eating disorder or any other psychological disorder.

    Scientists cant say for sure what exactly causes an eating disorder or predict who will develop an eating disorder. In general, most experts agree that eating disorders are complicated illnesses that stem not from a single cause but from a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. There are many different pathways to the development of an eating disorder from binge eating disorder to anorexia nervosa to bulimia nervosa.

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    Drd2 Gene Polymorphism And Obesity Risk

    Dopamine plays a critical role in food reward through the dopamine D2 receptor in the hypothalamus of midbrain area called dorsal striatum . Transgenic mouse that unable to synthesize dopamine die of starvation due to lack of motivation to eat. Restoring dopamine in the dorsal stratum rescues these mice, whereas restoring dopamine in another area such in the nucleus accumbens does not.

    The dopamine D2 receptor is encoded by the DRD2 gene. A single nucleotide polymorphism known as the Taq1A polymorphism is the most studied genetic variation related to the DRD2 gene. This SNP does not reside in DRD2, but in a neighboring gene called Ankyrin Containing Kinase 1 . It is characterized by the reaction to the restriction enzyme Taq1 cutting. The variant that is resistant to the cutting is designated as Taq1A1 allele and the variant that is cut by Taq1 is designated as Taq1A2 .

    The TaqA1 allele has a 3040% reduction in D2 receptor density in the dorsal striatum . As the result, individuals carrying the Taq1A1 allele have a reduced brain dopamine function and a decreased activity to experience natural reward compared to those with the A2A2 genotype. The decreased dopamine function renders the A1 allele carriers an increased risk for addiction disorders such as alcoholism, drug dependence, and pathological gambling .

    Behavioral Causes Of Binge Eating Disorder

    Many individuals with binge eating disorder report an extensive history of dieting, often dating back to their adolescent years. Dieting and the restriction of food can trigger hunger cues, often leaving one vulnerable to a binge. Furthermore, pressure to diet and maintain specific caloric intake can produce overwhelming feelings of stress, anxiety and shame can often trigger a binge.

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    Environmental Causes Of Binge Eating Disorder

    An individual whose self-worth is easily dictated by external influences can be at increased risk of developing binge eating disorder. This can include individuals who are the subject of frequent negative comments, bullying or body shaming, as well as body image concerns or low confidence largely driven by images on television or social media. Many times, individuals feel worthless as they are confronted with societys focus on thinness and unrealistic ideals of beauty.

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