Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Anxiety Raise Your Blood Pressure

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High Blood Pressure: Why Stress Can Raise Readings

Depression and other mental-health disorders can be treated with blood pressure drugs. There are a variety of prescription drugs that may cause depression or other mood disorders. In addition to asthma and acne medications, there are also corticosteroids, which treat inflammation, and contraceptives.

What Are Anxiety Symptoms

You could be anxious if you experience any of these signs during the course of everyday life:

  • Feeling impatient, worried, or tense
  • Having a feeling of looming danger, doom, or panic
  • Having a fast heartbeat
  • Problems concentrating or thinking about something other than the current situation
  • Having problems sleeping
  • Controlling anxiety relies on knowing its happening and being cognizant of its symptoms beforehand.
  • Stop drinking coffee and alcohol at the same time. That could be much harder later.
  • Write down a missive with details about your panic attack the triggers, the time it happened.
  • Feelings of loneliness, pressure to succeed, depression, certain phobias, can be lowered by talking to a doctor, therapist, or trusted loved one.

Chronic Stress And Blood Pressure

How chronic stress affects blood pressure is less known, says Dr. Laffin. While recent data suggests that our bodies might tend to release more stress hormones with prolonged stress, its also about how stress affects our lifestyle habits and choices that can lead to higher blood pressure.

People who experience chronic stress tend to sleep more poorly, not exercise as much and make bad dietary choices, he says. This leads to higher blood pressure and increased risk of stroke or other adverse cardiovascular events.

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Bp And Heart Rate Measurements

Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in the supine position, by a nurse who was unaware of the study, with a device that was checked every day for accuracy against a mercury sphygmomanometer.

Measurements were taken twice on the left arm, 2 min apart, and the average of the two measurements was recorded.

Effect Of Combined Anxiety And Depression On Mean Blood Pressure

Can Anxiety Cause High Blood Pressure ...

We found symptoms of anxiety and depression to predict a relative decrease in blood pressure during 22-year follow-up. Baseline level of anxiety and depression was positively associated with a decrease in systolic blood pressure in linear regression analyses adjusted for age, sex, educational level and baseline blood pressure. For diastolic blood pressure, we found a similar non-significant trend. A high symptom level at both baseline and at year 11 was more strongly associated with a decrease in blood pressure during 22-year follow up. In individuals with a high symptom level at all three examinations, we found an even stronger decrease for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared with individuals with a lower symptom level. Additional adjustment for other health factors and for antihypertensive medication did not change the overall pattern of results, but the effect of combined anxiety and depression on blood pressure was slightly attenuated .

Table 2 Association of combined anxiety/depression scores1 with change in blood pressure from baseline to 22-year follow-up

Excluding individuals using antidepressant medication at year 11 did not change the results essentially: a high symptom level at all three examinations was associated with a slightly lower decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, after excluding those using antihypertensive medication at baseline or at year 22 , we found a stronger effect on systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

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Managing Stress In Your Life

No one can lead a stress-free life. Youre going to encounter stressful situations. The question is, how do you protect your health? One of the first steps you can take is to identify what is causing you stress. Often the things that cause you stress are outside of your control, but sometimes, you can make a decision that will help limit the stress in your life. For example, you may be able to take on fewer commitments, simplify your schedule, or leave time for more pleasurable or relaxing activities. If you cant control the things that are causing your stress, you may be able to learn coping skills that can limit the impact of stress on your life and health. Some useful coping strategies include:

  • Making sure your diet is nutritious and well-balanced
  • Exercising regularly
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Participating in hobbies or pleasurable activities
  • Volunteering

If you have high blood pressure and a high level of stress, book an appointment online or over the phone to discuss your situation with the staff at Walker Family Care. We may be able to help you identify ways of reducing stress, and we can monitor your blood pressure.

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How Anxiety Raises Blood Pressure

In addition to impacting you emotionally, anxiety will likely affect you physically. It can cause your heart rate and blood pressure to increase in response to a stressor.

When you experience a stressor for example, someone cutting you off in traffic cortisol, the stress hormone, gets released into your bloodstream. Stress can also cause your heart rate to increase, leading to a higher volume of blood circulating in your arteries. Both of these factors can result in heightened blood pressure.

If you experience many of the following symptoms and signs, it could mean youre experiencing anxiety, which may result in heightened blood pressure:

  • excessive sweating

research suggests a link between hypertension and anxiety, its harder to tell whether your blood pressure levels could actually be adding to your anxiety.

Whats clearer is that its not uncommon for conditions linked to hypertension like heart problems and stroke to cause anxiety. In fact, about people experience anxiety after a stroke. Meanwhile, nearly 1 in 5 people who experienced cardiac arrest had feelings of worry that kept coming back after the fact.

You might worry about:

  • having to go back to the hospital
  • missing work or important events due to your health
  • experiencing the financial impacts of having a health condition

Its possible to manage anxiety about hypertension alongside hypertension itself.

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Are You Worried About Your Blood Pressure

Do you hate going to the doctor or hospital and hate having your blood pressure taken? Do you get more anxious as the cuff gets tighter on your arm? Does your blood pressure increase when you have it checked, and then that makes you feel even more anxious? In this blog, anxiety and blood pressure are discussed because there is a connection. However, according to a study*, it was concluded that The mechanism between anxiety and hypertension is complex. Therefore you should speak to your doctor if you are worried.

What Can Trigger Anxiety Attacks

Can Anxiety Cause High Blood Pressure?
  • An upsetting or difficult health diagnosis, such as cancer or a chronic illness, can cause anxiety or worsen the situation.
  • The medication you need.
  • Im going to be caffeine-infused.
  • Taking a break from meals
  • I am in a negative mindset
  • There are financial concerns
  • There are parties and social events all the time.
  • Conflict.
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    High Blood Pressure May Cause Anxiety

    Whether or not high blood pressure directly causes anxiety is less clear. More often than not, anxiety causes high blood pressure first, which causes the person to worry about their blood pressure and ultimately experience more anxiety.

    It’s possible that high blood pressure does cause anxiety, but most likely the anxiety is a response to the high blood pressure experience, or to concerns over a person’s health. Most people can’t feel their blood pressure because high blood pressure on its own doesn’t cause any symptoms. But some of the other causes of high blood pressure may cause a person to feel more anxiety.

    What Does A Blood Pressure Reading Look Like

    Your blood pressure reading will consist of two numbers a high one and a low one, e.g. 120 and 80. It will be written like this: 120/80mmHg.The higher number is when your heart pumps and forces blood through your arteries. This is your systolic blood pressure, its when the pressure against your artery walls is highest. The lower number is when your heart is relaxed and your blood pressure is at its lowest. This is your diastolic blood pressure.

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    Drink A Glass Of Water

    Another simple one is to simply drink a glass of water. Not only does water have a calming effect on the nervous system, but it flushes out sodium which is a known cause of higher-than-preferred blood pressure.

    Just grab a big ol glass of water and try your best to chug it down. Taking little sips is fine if youre just trying to stay hydrated, but in your effort to lower your blood pressure youre going to want to intake a lot at once.

    Reducing Your Salt Intake

    Can Anxiety Raise Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol ...

    The American Heart Association recommends no more than a teaspoon of salt a day for adults. That may sound alarmingly small, but there are many painless ways to reduce your sodium intake.

    Reduce canned and processed foods. Much of the salt you eat comes from canned or processed foods like soups, convenience meals, and fast food.

    Cook more meals at home. Preparing your own meals gives you more control over your sodium intake. Use fresh ingredients whenever possible and cook without salt.

    Use spices as alternatives to salt. Try fresh herbs like basil, thyme, or chives, or dried spices such as allspice, bay leaves, or cumin to flavor your meal without sodium.

    Substitute reduced sodium versions. Choose your condiments and packaged foods carefully, looking for foods labeled sodium free, low sodium, or unsalted.

    See Heart-Healthy Diet Tips to learn more.

    The effects on your blood pressure

    • Adopting the DASH diet, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and reducing your consumption of unhealthy fats can lower your blood pressure by about 11 mm Hg.
    • Cutting back on sodium by about 1,000 mg per day can reduce your blood pressure by 5 to 6 mm Hg.
    • Increasing your potassium intake from food to 3,500-5,000 mg can knock 4 to 5 mm Hg off your reading.
    • Limiting your alcohol intake to two drinks per day if youre male, or one drink per day if youre female can lower your reading by about 4 mm Hg.

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    When Does Acute Stress Become Chronic Stress

    Because we all handle stress in different ways, it can be hard to look for signs of acute stress turning into chronic stress. If stressors are lasting for weeks on end, then they risk turning into chronic stressors that need to be addressed, Dr. Laffin notes.

    It really can come down to how someone perceives stress, he continues. Two people can be in the exact same situation and it can be much more stressful to one than the other. Some people just deal better with stress and have healthier coping strategies or support systems.

    Fortunately There Are More Than A Dozen Med

    As a psychologist who trains therapists around the country in new ways to combat anxiety, I have become interested in the relationship between anxiety and high blood pressure.

    Which causes which? And can treatments for one help with the other? Heres the latest that I’ve found in my search for answers.

    Does anxiety cause high blood pressure?

    The answer seems to be complex: No and yes.

    Sheldon Sheps, M.D., writes for the Mayo Clinic that, Anxiety doesn’t cause long-term high blood pressure . But episodes of anxiety can cause dramatic, temporary spikes in your blood pressure. If those temporary spikes occur frequently, such as every day, they can cause damage to your blood vessels, heart, and kidneys, as can chronic high blood pressure.” So even though anxiety may not cause chronic high blood pressure, it can cause similar health problems.

    Dr. Sheps adds a warning about a second way in which anxiety can damage cardiovascular health. Because of their sedating side-effects, physicians may prescribe anti-depressants to lower anxiety. Unfortunately, these drugs, known as serotonin and norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors , can increase your blood pressure.

    Ultimately, if you are experiencing too much anxiety, it’s best to do something to reduce itboth for health reasons and because, frankly, anxiety feels unpleasant.

    Does high blood pressure cause anxiety?

    Probably not directly.

    Can treatments for one hurt the other?

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    Give Yourself A Break

    Now is not the time to be hard on yourself. Maybe youre frustrated because a household renovation project wasnt started or that youve already violated your New Years resolutions. When youre feeling overwhelmed, thats the perfect indicator that youre ready for a break.

    Take deep breaths or do something you enjoy for a few minutes before jumping back into your workload or projects.

    Keep A Close Eye On Your Blood Sugar Levels

    Anxiety : How to Control Blood Pressure & Anxiety

    Its always important to keep tabs on your stress and blood sugar. Thats why we recommend a fasting blood sugar test at every yearly physical.If your blood sugar starts to creep upwards, we can be proactive and start measures to help you.

    This is particularly important if you have diabetes or prediabetes. In fact, if you have these conditions, we may suggest that you have blood sugar screenings more often. We can guide you through when you should check your blood sugar, and our dietitian can help you select healthy meals.

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    Don’t Be Too Concerned

    High blood pressure spikes can be a concern in those with heart disease, but are generally harmless in those without. Still, you never want to deal with too much high blood pressure. Hypertension can put stress on your heart and possibly damage your blood vessels. That’s why even though there isn’t necessarily any danger to experiencing these blood pressure spikes, you should still make reducing your anxiety a priority.

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    Making The Exercise Habit Stick

    Despite our best intentions, many of us struggle ditching our sedentary lifestyle. But there are steps you can take to make exercise less intimidating and more fun.

    Start small and build momentum. If exercising for 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week sounds overwhelming, set a smaller goal and gradually build up as you gain self-confidence and momentum.

    Reward yourself. Once it becomes a regular habit, exercise will reward you with more energy, better sleep, a greater sense of well-being, and improved cardiovascular health. When youre starting out, though, give yourself a simple reward for successfully completing a workout, such as having a hot bath or a favorite cup of coffee.

    Choose activities you enjoy. Youre more likely to stick with a workout you find pleasurable. If you hate running but like yoga or dancing, for example, dont force yourself onto the treadmill every day. Pick activities that fit your lifestyle, abilities, and taste.

    See How to Start Exercising and Stick to It to learn more.

    The effects on your blood pressure

    • 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking, for five days of the week can reduce your reading by 4 to 11 mm Hg.

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    Anxiety Causes Low Blood Pressure

    What you may not know is that some forms of anxiety can cause low blood pressure as well. During periods of anxiety attacks, a person may start to hyperventilate. Hyperventilation occurs when the body gets too much oxygen through either fast breathing or taking breaths that are too deep.

    Hyperventilation is known to cause drops in blood pressure that can lead to feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness. So while high blood pressure is more common during anxiety, low blood pressure may occur as well.

    Anxiety And Blood Pressure: Whats The Link

    fredwillsdesign: Can Anxiety Cause High Blood Pressure

    Anxiety is the bodys physical response to stress. Heavy breathing, feeling butterflies in your stomach, or getting a sudden burst of energy are all physical manifestations of anxiety. Feeling anxious at times is completely normal and can even be helpful in certain situations. We all have a fight or flight response, like if you saw a bear in the woods your body would generate the epinephrine needed to run quickly. When you experience these short episodes of anxiety, increased heart rate and a temporary blood pressure spike is both likely and helpful.

    Blood pressure varies moment to moment in all people, says Evan Jacobs, MD, a primary care physician at Conviva Care Center in Parkland, Florida. Stressors such as pain, discomfort, or anxiety will elevate blood pressure temporarily and this is a normal reaction.

    But long-term high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, isnt just the temporary result of a stressful situationits when blood pressure is consistently too high, according to the American Heart Association. Hypertension is a common health condition, nearly half of American adults have it. When patients have uncontrolled elevated blood pressure, patients feel anxious. When the blood pressure is controlled with medication, patients often feel calmer and less jittery.

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    Question: How High Can Anxiety Raise Blood Pressure

    Fortunately, anxiety doesnt cause chronic high blood pressure. However, it can lead to a short-term increase in blood pressure. When you begin to feel anxious because of a stressful situation, your body enters fight-or-flight mode. This happens due to the activation of your sympathetic nervous system.

    Does stress raise blood pressure?

    • Your reaction to stress may affect your blood pressure. Your body produces a surge of hormones when youre in a stressful situation. These hormones temporarily increase your blood pressure by causing your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to narrow. Theres no proof that stress by itself causes long-term high blood pressure.

    Common Causes Of High Blood Pressure Spikes

    Some people with high blood pressure will experience sharp rises in their blood pressure. These spikes, which typically last only a short period of time, are also known as sudden high blood pressure. These are some possible causes:

    • Caffeine
    • Certain medications or combinations of medications
    • Chronic kidney disease

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