Risk Factors For Developing Bipolar Disorder
The exact cause of bipolar disorder remains unknown among mental health professionals. Scientists believe that there is a genetic component that may cause the disorder to run in some families. However, while people are genetically predisposed to be at risk of developing bipolar disorder, not everyone who has a family member with the disorder will experience it. Environmental factors such as gender, stress, and alcohol or substance abuse are also thought to be contributing factors to the development of bipolar disorder.
Family Tendencies
If you have a first-degree relative with bipolar disorder, such as a parent or sibling, you may be at higher risk for developing the disorder. For many people, the first symptoms tend to There is not appear during teenage years or early adulthood. Although bipolar disorder can be diagnosed at any age, the typical age of onset is 25.
While men and women are equally affected by bipolar disorder, there are some symptoms that are more specific to each gender. For example, women are more likely to experience rapid cycling mood episodes. Additionally, they are more likely to experience mixed and depressive episodes compared to men with the disorder. Men, on the other hand, may exhibit bipolar disorder symptoms such as anger, hostility, or aggression.
Alcohol or Substance Abuse
Although alcohol and other substances do not cause bipolar disorder, their use can hasten the onset of symptoms and make the associated mood episodes worse.
Possible Symptoms Of Co
If you have a bipolar disorder and experience symptoms of anxiety, do not ignore them. Discuss them with your doctor or psychiatrist, as co-occurring anxiety symptoms in those with bipolar disorder can have a substantial impact on the course of the illness. The presence of co-morbid anxiety in people with bipolar disorder can also affect treatment options, so an accurate diagnosis is important.
If you are concerned that you have co-existing anxiety and bipolar disorders, you are likely to experience the following symptoms:
- Panic attacks and significant anxiety
- Avoidance of certain experiences due to intense fear
- Periods of depression and mania or hypomania
- Problems with sleep and anxiety, even when youre not in a manic state
A person with both conditions may also suffer from low confidence and self-esteem due the severe effect that their conditions can have on their quality of life. They may have even started to abuse substances in an attempt to mask or dull how they feel, which is very dangerous.
Understanding Manic Episodes Of Bipolar Disorder
The way bipolar disorder symptoms manifest, the duration of symptoms, and the overall effect on a person may vary greatly from person to person. The manic symptoms of bipolar disorder may be especially difficult for some people to understand as people may react differently during these episodes. For example, when manic episodes occur, one person may experience mania or hypomania episodes with feelings of frustration or irritability while another may exhibit a decreased need for sleep, accelerated thinking, or hyperactivity.
When manic symptoms of bipolar disorder emerge, its not uncommon for one to experience feelings of creativity, heightened energy, or euphoria. Some people may feel they are destined for greatness or are invincible.
While the overall feeling of increased energy and euphoria may feel good at first, manic episodes can cause a spiral in emotions. For instance, during this phase, some people engage in dangerous or inappropriate behavior. They may become sexually promiscuous, gamble, or go on spending sprees. Some people are easily angered, may start fights or lash out at others, or blame those who criticize their behavior.
Some common symptoms of manic episodes include:
- Sleeping less, but feeling extremely energetic
- Racing thoughts that jump from one subject to another quickly
- Talking rapidly
- Difficulty concentrating, easily distracted
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Support For Panic Disorder
- Panic Attack
A panic attack comes on suddenly and usually involves intense feelings of terror, fear, or apprehension even though there is no sign of actual danger. When a person is having a panic attack, the symptoms typically peak within 10 minutes, but can also last longer.
- Anxiety Disorder
An anxiety disorder is a significant mental health issue that causes people to feel significant worries and fears that do not go away on their own. Treatment is essential for anxiety disorders because they tend to get worse over time and can interfere with a persons daily life.
The Difference Between Panic Disorders and Anxiety Disorders
- Psychological Evaluation
A psychological evaluation is a series of tests and assessments designed to measure and observe a persons thoughts and behaviors. When the psychologist or therapist has completed the evaluation, they typically make a diagnosis and recommend treatment options. Psychiatrists and general practitioners are also able to diagnose panic disorder through broader mental health evaluations.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT is a type of therapy designed to help a person identify destructive behaviors and thought processes. When using CBT, the therapist challenges the persons thoughts and behaviors and suggests more realistic options as replacements.
Social Anxiety And Bipolar Disorder
People with bipolar disorder often experience social anxiety. Learn why this can be a dangerous combination and how it changes your treatment.
Bipolar disorder, which is sometimes called manic-depressive illness, causes severe mood swings that can make daily functioning difficult. At times, these shifts in mood and energy level can be overwhelming. Extreme social anxiety, the fear of being criticized or embarrassed in social situations, can be a separate anxiety disorder, or it can occur with bipolar disorder. When they exist together, they can be a dangerous mix.
People with bipolar disorder experience mood swings that range from severe sadness and hopelessness to overly high levels of energy, restlessness, and irritability, known as mania. Here are some clues that suggest you may have social anxiety along with bipolar disorder:
- Presence of panic attacks and fear of social situations along with mania or depression
- Symptoms that started during childhood or early adulthood
- Symptoms of anxiety and sleep problems that are present when you are no longer in a manic mood
- Poor response to the usual treatments for bipolar disorder
Impact of Social Anxiety on Bipolar Disorder
These are some of the dangers of having both bipolar disorder and social anxiety:
Why Do Social Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder Occur Together?
Here is what some research shows:
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder With Social Anxiety
Treatment options include:
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Cognitivebehavioral Therapy And Medications
CBT has received the greatest amount of empirical support for the psychological treatment of anxiety disorders. In our treatment algorithm, CBT stands with the SSRIs as a first-line treatment choice . Combining drug therapy and CBT has shown mixed results in favoring one approach over the other, depending on the type of anxiety disorder.
A review and meta-analysis approached the question of combination treatment over monotherapy or CBT in anxiety by hypothesizing that CBT would be more successful compared with medications however, the medication held an advantage over CBT in depression. Within the anxiety disorders, there was great heterogeneity in their responsiveness to either CBT or medication, with CBT holding an advantage over medication in patients with panic disorder. By contrast, patients with social anxiety disorder were more responsive to medication.
The choice of medication or CBT, alone or in combination, is based on several variables, including the availability of a therapist the affordability of CBT, which costs more than medication, especially if drugs are prescribed in primary care settings and patient preference.
Bipolar Disorder In Children And Teens Is Not Uncommon
Bipolar disorder is typically diagnosed during later teen years or early adulthood. However, symptoms of BD can often show up in young children.
It can be difficult to tell whether teens are experiencing normal mood swings or showing signs of a serious mental health condition.
Its important for parents, caregivers, friends, and family members to watch for mood swings that differ from typical behavior. Behavioral changes can be a sign of the onset of a mental health concern.
The most important thing to do if you are concerned is to ask for help. Even if the child is not diagnosed with bipolar disorder, there may be another mental health issue that needs to be addressed.
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Anxiety As A Separate Condition
Now well have to be more specific about what kind of anxiety are we talking about?. There are several specific forms of anxiety which appear to be clearly separate from bipolar disorder . Heres a list, and then well look at specific symptoms that identify each one. After that well look at the treatment implications of having one of these. Jump to each by the link below.
Most of these have been shown to occur more often than you would expect in people with bipolar disorder . Well look at each one or you can use the link above to jump to the one youre interested in.
Interplay Between Biological And Psychological Factors
In order to treat an anxiety disorder effectively, clinicians should understand how these conditions emerge and which factors are involved in maintaining them. In recent years, we have gained a better understanding of the interplay between genetic, biological, and stress factors that shape the presentation of the disorder, although it is not clear which factors are inherited.
One possibility is that abnormal cognition could be the inherited factor. Cognitive theory assigns a primary importance to abnormal or catastrophic cognition as an underlying mechanism of all anxiety disorders. Most cognitive strategies for treatment and research were developed in earlier years.
The ABC model focuses on the interaction of information processing and emotional and cognitive processes that are controlled by overlapping circuits and compete for the same brain resources.
In most anxiety disorders, patients usually process fear-inducing information in excessive detail that overwhelms their ability to appraise it properly. They cope by separating the information into good and bad with no gray area in between. As a result, they consider the worst-case scenario and then act to protect themselves against the perceived danger.
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Getting Help For Bipolar Schizoaffective Disorder
Anyone who recognizes any of these symptoms in themselves, or who is troubled by their thoughts and behaviors, or worried about hearing and seeing things that other people dont hear or see, should seek help right away. Telling a friend or a family member is a good place to start, but seeing a doctor or mental health professional is the next important step. Even just seeing ones general practitioner is a great step, because that doctor can recommend a specialist or what to do next.
Friends and family play an important role in getting help for someone who is struggling. It is common to be unaware of ones own symptoms, and it is often easier for someone else to recognize them first. It is crucial to offer help or to get someone help who is exhibiting symptoms of a mental illness or whose behaviors just dont seem right and have changed from what is normal.
Schizoaffective disorder bipolar type is not an illness to be taken lightly. Without diagnosis and treatment, there are many potential complications that can cause myriad problems and even be life-threatening. Professional diagnosis, multi-faceted treatment, and support from friends and family are crucial for helping someone with this condition return to a better way of life, with relief from difficult symptoms.
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How Long Can A Bipolar High Last
Untreated, an episode of mania can last anywhere from a few days to several months. Most commonly, symptoms continue for a few weeks to a few months. Depression may follow shortly after, or not appear for weeks or months. Many people with bipolar I disorder experience long periods without symptoms in between episodes.
When you have schizophrenia, you may have some of these symptoms:
Hallucinations. You see things or hear voices that arenât there.
Delusions. You totally believe something that isnât true, like thinking someoneâs out to get you.
Confused thoughts. Also called disorganized thinking, you canât stay focused and might feel foggy or hazy. Your speech may also be hard to follow.
Behavior and thought changes. The way you act becomes less normal. You may shout for no clear reason. You may even think that someoneâs taking over your body.
Unusual body movements. You may move in odd, disturbed ways or hold postures that donât make sense.
You may also find that you no longer do things that you used to, such as:
- Enjoy activities
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What Are Possible Complications Of Panic Disorder
As the panic gets worse and attacks last longer, you may find it very hard to cope with everyday life, keep a job, or function in social settings. You may fear going into places where it may be hard to escape or you feel trapped. Some people cant leave their home. They fear that help is not available. Or they fear they will be forced into a situation that will trigger an attack.
People with this condition may also abuse alcohol or drugs to relieve stress.
Is There A Test Or Self
While doctors make use of medical histories and physical exams as part of their evaluation in order to diagnose panic disorder, you can also administer self-screening for such a condition. These tests typically require listing the symptoms you felt, taking note of consequences felt after the panic attack, and mentioning how often you felt depressed, guilty and more. Even though these tests can be done personally, the results must still be forwarded to a credible healthcare professional for an accurate assessment. To find a professional near you, call us at .
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How Does Anxiety Affect Bipolar Disorder
Both bipolar disorder and anxiety are treatable, manageable conditions. However, it is important to distinguish between the two, as this will affect the type of medication and therapy a healthcare professional will prescribe.
When a person has both conditions, they may find their anxiety affects the symptoms of bipolar disorder. This could
Although anxiety and bipolar disorders have some similarities, they have distinct sets of symptoms and diagnostic criteria.
However, some symptoms suggest a person may have co-occurring anxiety. They include:
- A persistent, intense feeling of nervousness: This can include worrying, anxiety, and panic attacks. A person may also avoid taking part in activities. These symptoms persist during manic and depressive episodes.
- Sleep and anxiety problems: People may find they have issues sleeping even when they are not in a manic state. They may feel persistently anxious despite receiving treatment.
- History of symptoms: Some people may have lived with anxiety and bipolar disorder symptoms from childhood and adolescence.
Learn more about the symptoms of anxiety and bipolar disorder here.
If someone has an anxiety disorder in addition to bipolar disorder, a doctor should diagnose and treat the conditions together.
When a doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist is developing a persons treatment plan, they will take multiple factors into consideration. Usually, medication and therapy form the basis of the treatment plan.
Recognizing Bipolar Disorder In Yourself Or Others
Just like each person looks different, the condition can vary from person to person.
It is important to understand how bipolar disorder tends to present. Its not like a light switch of emotions, as many believe it to be. Symptoms of mania or depression may appear over the span of days, weeks, or even longer.
Some episodes may last for a day or two while others may last for a week or longer.
To understand BD, its important to understand the signs of manic and depressive episodes.
Some signs that someone is experiencing a manic episode include:
- Feeling elated, high, or up
- Feeling extremely irritable
- A decreased need for sleep, sometimes going several days without sleep at all without feeling tired
- Changes in appetite
- Bouncing quickly between thoughts
- Risky behavior and poor judgment, such as spending large amounts of money, drinking excessively, or risky sexual behavior
- Grandiose ideas where the person feels exceptionally talented, important, or powerful
Since a manic episode can involve feelings of euphoria, its not unusual for people experiencing mania to want the feeling to last forever. This also explains why many who are experiencing episodes of mania may not ask for help. However, the feeling of mania will end.
Some people with BD will also experience one or more depressive episodes. They may have symptoms similar to major depressive disorder . Some of the most common symptoms include:
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Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene
Sleep is one of the most important factors in coping with bipolar disorder. This means going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time, even on the weekends.
It is a good idea to avoid caffeine in the afternoon and stay away from screens before bed. That way, people can fall asleep more easily.
Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest triggers of manic and depressive episodes. If people with bipolar disorder are able to avoid sleep deprivation, they may be able to reduce the frequency of their episodes.
Shifting Treatment To Primary Care
In todays managed care environment, the treatment of anxiety usually takes place in the primary care setting. Given the increasing limits on primary care physicians time, it is not surprising that anxiety disorders are underrecognized and undertreated. At the same time, SSRIs are increasingly used in primary care, and physicians in fact are the largest group of prescribers. This is a mixed blessing for several reasons:
SSRIs are often prescribed quickly in response to emotional distress that might not meet criteria for an anxiety disorder.
The dose and duration of therapy might be inadequate.
Adverse effects might not be managed by any means other than by discontinuation of the treatment.
This state of affairs may partly explain why psychiatrists are seeing more patients who are disenchanted with numerous failed attempts at pharmacotherapy.
Another problem in primary care is a lack of understanding of behavioral strategies that result in low referral rates to mental health professionals. There has been a trend toward developing comprehensive treatments for panic disorder to be delivered by primary care physicians.
In one study, an algorithm was tested for the treatment of panic disorder. This study reflected the trend of how psychiatrists became more like consultants to primary care physicians, assisting them with correct initial management plans and taking over the management of more severe and treatment-resistant anxiety.
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