Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Have An Eating Disorder And Not Realise

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The Physical Symptoms You Might Not Realise Can Be Caused By Stress

Signs of an Eating Disorder

We all know stress is bad. And we know what it feels like to be stressed.

Your brain is too full of thoughts, youre worried about not having enough time to do everything, you have anxiety and fear about your workload, home life, or romantic situation

But stress shows itself in more ways than one. The mental manifestations of this emotion are well known the racing thoughts, the never-ending mental checklist but the physical manifestations are frequently forgotten about.

Stress takes an enormous toll on the body and results in real, physical symptoms.

There are a number of physical symptoms that are linked to stress, with most people may not realising that this is the case, they might put it down to something else, says Abbas Kanani, superintendent pharmacist at Chemist Click.

Some physical symptoms of stress are: Chest pain and heart palpitations, muscle pain, shortness of breath, a numbness or tingling on the skin, dizziness, headaches, sleeping problems, feeling weak and an increased temperature along with sweating and shivering.

Out of these symptoms the ones that you might not realise are linked to stress would be weakness, muscle pain, heart palpitations and shortness of breath.

Other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and sleeping problems are thought more as common side-effects of stress, as these are most experienced by a person who is stressed out, especially headaches and sleep issues.

I Have An Eating Disorder Youve Probably Never Heard Of

Im a grown woman and Ive never eaten sushi. Ive never tasted avocado or grapefruit or chicken wings or pickles or yogurt and, not to rock your world, but Ive never had a cup of coffee. In fact, the list of foods Ive never eaten is far, far longer than the list of those I have.

For most of my life, I had no idea why the thought of eating many foods would make me gag. I knew I wasnt a garden-variety picky eater, but until very recently, I wasnt aware that there was a name for it.

Now I know better. I have ARFID , an eating disorder that used to be called SED . In simple terms, its a food phobia in which swallowing certain foods, or even thinking of swallowing them, leads to undesirable outcomes like the throat involuntarily closing, retching and vomiting.

My eating disorder began when I was a child. My family would go out for Chinese food and I would only eat white rice. Slightly older, I graduated to egg rolls, but only the outside. I have vivid memories of my father scraping out the cabbage filling and handing me the empty shell.

I have a particularly traumatic memory of facing off with my father over some pan-fried liver. I was young, probably no more than 6 or 7. I was anemic and my mother prepared the liver to help with my anemia. But I refused to eat it.

As I sat across the table from my father, he told me, Were going to sit here until you eat this. And if you dont eat it tonight, Ill serve it to you for breakfast. And it will be cold.

Mens Eating Disorders Often Not Recognized

But even as he lost weight, she and her husband didnât realize the extent or true cause of the problem.

Like all the parents quoted in this story, she asked that her last name not be used to protect her sonâs privacy.

Ashley wasnât the only one who failed to identify what was happening. Her husband thought their son was having a growth spurt. A nutritionist called it âa phase.â The emergency room doctor she sought out when she didnât know where else to turn attributed his weight loss to being active and involved in sports. The ER doctor also said they needed to follow up with a pediatric oncologist to make sure Jordan didnât have cancer.

âHe basically told my son to add smoothies to his diet, and he jumped to cancer as a possibility,â Ashley says.

Ashley had to wait 3 weeks before a pediatric oncologist could see her son. But thankfully, he knew exactly what was going on. âHe pulled my husband and I aside and said, âYour son doesnât have cancer. He has an eating disorder.ââ

âI look back at pictures now and think, how did we miss it? But we were around him all the time, and we saw him eating. We didnât realize how much he was exercising though, and we just didnât notice the drastic change at first,â she says. âAn eating disorder didnât come to mind because itâs just not well-known in boys.â

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As Robs Eating Problem Became More Intense He Wasnt Eating Or Sleeping He Was Self

It was often other people, like friends, family or a teacher, who first noticed something was going wrong and tried to encourage young people to get help. Some said that their friends were so concerned about their weight loss they threatened to force feed them. Francescas friends showed her a video of a woman with anorexia nervosa urging her to realise what she was doing the same but said she was totally oblivious to it. Rebekahs friends kept telling her she was too thin, but she just saw this fat person in the mirror. Fiona-Grace couldnt see her weight loss as a problem because she always felt the need to lose more:”I just thought people were crazy. I actually thought they were crazy and I told them that and I said that saying to me that I have an eating disorder is like saying that the grass is pink. Fiona-Grace

When confronted by a parent or a friend about their eating, people could become very emotional and deny everything.

Alongside changing moods and patterns of eating, people often felt a strong need to hide their behaviours from others. If people felt forced to open up, it could sometimes lead them to become more secretive about their eating disorder. Sometimes people felt that everyone around them knew there was a problem but nobody said anything it wasnt discussed.

Restricting Food Or Dieting

What NOT to say to someone with an eating disorder ...
  • Making excuses to avoid meals or situations involving food
  • Eating only tiny portions or specific low-calorie foods, and often banning entire categories of food such as carbs and dietary fat
  • Obsessively counting calories, reading food labels, and weighing portions
  • Developing restrictive food rituals such as eating foods in certain orders, rearranging food on a plate, excessive cutting or chewing.
  • Taking diet pills, prescription stimulants like Adderall or Ritalin, or even illegal drugs such as amphetamines

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Sign #: You Are Obsessed With How Much You Weigh

There are so many numbers that arguably matter more than how much you weighyour resting heart rate and your cholesterol level, to name a few. So if you have a sudden, paralyzing, hyper-focused viewpoint on those numbers down by your toes, you may be developing a dysfunctional relationship with the scale. Do you find that you are secretly weighing yourself more often than normal? Is your mood for the day dramatically changed by the number on the scale? This could be a silent sign of an eating disorder developing, says Brennan.

Emily Confided In A Teacher That Shed Been Bingeing And Purging For 5 Years After Years Of Not

Some people felt there was lack of understanding and knowledge of eating disorders among the professionals. They felt there was too much focus on the way they looked, for example their weight or BMI , and not enough on their mental wellbeing. Some young women said they were told that they were just naturally skinny or it was a teenage phase or that all girls diet. Some left the appointment with no other advice or action plan than to just start eating more. Elizabeth remembers the hospital telling her parents just to go home and put some dinner on the table.

Do you remember how you felt about it?

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Treatments For Eating Disorders

The right treatment approach for each person depends on their specific symptoms, issues, and strengths, as well as the severity of the disorder. To be most effective, treatment for an eating disorder must address both the physical and psychological aspects of the problem. The goal is to treat any medical or nutritional needs, promote a healthy relationship with food, and teach constructive ways to cope with unpleasant emotions and lifes challenges.

A team approach is often best. Those who may be involved in treatment include medical doctors, mental health professionals, and nutritionists. The participation and support of family members also makes a big difference in the success of eating disorder treatment.

Medical treatment. The first priority is to address and stabilize any serious health issues. Hospitalization or residential treatment may be necessary if your loved one is dangerously malnourished, suffering from medical complications, severely depressed or suicidal, or resistant to treatment. Outpatient treatment is an option when the patient is not in immediate medical danger.

Nutritional counseling. Dietitians or nutritionists can help your loved one design balanced meal plans, set dietary goals, and reach or maintain a healthy weight. Counseling may also involve education about proper nutrition.

Eating Disorders On A Continuum

do YOU have an eating disorder? | questions to ask yourself

There are ranges to the severity of eating disorders, and there are typically co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and/or a distorted body image tied to the eating disorder . Individuals may begin to diet, or over exercise, and experience positive rewards in weight loss. Their peers may praise them for their weight loss and unknowingly encouraging the person to continue with the disordered behaviors.

A person will usually begin developing an eating disorder by engaging in unhealthy eating or dieting behaviors. They may start to diet, restrict eating, over exercise, etc. and then begin to receive accolades for their weight loss. This alone can be a tipping point for someone with a genetic predisposition to anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder.

This feeling of success or approval often encourages the person to continue with the restricting, dieting, and fasting which can then lead to Anorexia.

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental health disorder that is characterized by a person working to maintain lower weight through dieting, fasting, restricting food intake, and/or excessive exercise .

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Researching Fad Diets Or New Ways To Lose Weight Becomes More Common

There are always trendy diets on the horizon from “clean eating” to the keto diet that most people won’t bat an eye at someone trying them. But aside from avoiding certain foods due to allergy or intolerance, these diets often become a slippery slope to an eating disorder.

“For many people who are developing an eating disorder, they might find themselves constantly researching the next fad diet and trying new ways to lose weight,” explains Korn.

If you’re becoming preoccupied with weight loss treatments, products, or regimens, you might be verging into disordered territory.

The Importance Of Taking Eating Disorders Seriously

Often, people with eating disorders wont know they have a problem or an eating disorder. It is common for patients with eating disorders to believe that their problem is not serious.

If you are a loved one of a person with an eating disorder, please encourage your loved one to get help. If you are suffering from an eating disorder and are not in treatment, please reach out to a treatment professional. With treatment, most people with eating disorders do recover.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

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Sign #: You Eat Until Youre Stuffed And You Cant Stop

Just as someone who is struggling with anorexia-like symptoms cuts way back on what they eat, another person who battles overeating might not be able to stop. All of us eat more than is comfortable from time to time, Brennan says. However, if you find yourself repeating a pattern of planning on eating to the point of being stuffed or if you are experiencing a loss of control with eating, it could be a silent sign of the beginning of binge eating disorder. You might turn to this habit during high-stress times, when you need to quell your worries and anxieties. Foods, especially sugary, carbohydrate-rich sweets and snacks, can give one a rush of pleasure and sense of comfort and calm, Brennan says. According to a study published in 2019 in the Journal of Eating Disorders,treatments that target low self-esteema common trait among binge eatersand emotional regulation skills are likely to help reduce binge-eating episodes. Brennan recommends experimenting with healthy self-care behaviors such as a warm bath or sauna, using a weighted blanket, cuddling with a favorite pet, or trying a restorative yoga practice such as yin yoga or yoga nidra.

Tracking Numbers Become A Main Focus And Priority

All about disordered eating: Understanding and addressing ...

Wearing a device to track your workouts or weighing yourself regularly might not seem like a big deal, but it’s easy to slip into disordered habits by tracking calories eaten/burned, steps walked, heart rate fluctuations, macros, and weight.

“Often in our society, talk about weight, calories, and dieting seem commonplace,” Dr. Bakshi explained. “When these conversations move from general conversation to obsession and cause psychological distress, it could be a warning sign of something more serious.”

Korn agreed, adding, “People often find themselves increasingly preoccupied with counting and logging calories, or weighing themselves daily or even multiple times a day.” If you’re focusing too heavily on sticking to certain numbers, you might be dealing with disordered thinking.

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Withdrawing Socially From Friends Work Or Other Activities Can Be A Sign Of Problems Lurking Beneath The Surface

Eating disorders are just as much a mental illness as they are a physical one, so withdrawing from daily life activities, from work, school, or social engagements could be a sign of something serious.

“In today’s society, many social events revolve around a meal or eating, and if someone avoids social activities that involve food, it could be that they are avoiding having to refuse to eat in front of others,” Dr. Bakshi says.”If someone typically has been social and outgoing and turns to being more withdrawn, that is something to pay attention to. This could also be a sign of increasing depression and anxiety.”

Korn added that “people who are at risk often find themselves doing things like regularly skipping out of social time with friends because they have a rigid or extreme workout schedule,” noting that “it’s definitely a concern when the need to exercise or interferes with work, school, or family obligations.”

Sign #: Youre Getting Increasingly Rigid About Food Choices

If you always modify your food order at restaurants to the point that it raises eyebrows with your friends, it might be time to reexamine your motivation. The stricter you become with what you eat, the less enjoyment you get out of your meal. A hyper-focus on what you are eating, or not, can negatively affect a persons relationship with food long term as well as negatively impact normal life activities, says Mysko. Obsession with food, along with the ordinary pressure to look a certain way, can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, society plays a role in perpetuating the notion that foods are good or bad. If this sounds like you, you may want to seek guidance and consultation from a registered dietitian about your nutritional needs and how to balance your diet.

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Zayn Malik Reveals He Had Eating Disorder While In One Direction

Zayn Malik has revealed he had an eating disorder while performing with One Direction two years ago.

In excerpts from his new book, the 23-year-old says seeing pictures from 2014 makes him realise “how ill” he was.

“Something I’ve never talked about in public before, but which I have come to terms with since leaving the band, is that I was suffering from an eating disorder,” he writes.

“It wasn’t as though I had any concerns about my weight or anything like that.

“I’d just go for days – sometimes two or three days straight – without eating anything at all.

“It got quite serious, although at the time I didn’t recognise it for what it was.”

It’s not clear from the extracts published in The Sun whether Zayn had an official diagnosis, or got medical treatment for his condition.

He quit One Direction in March last year, having missed out on a number of appearances with the rest of the band due to stress.

Since then he has launched his own solo career, releasing his first album Mind of Mine in March and has started dating Gigi Hadid.

“I think it was about control. I didn’t feel like I had control over anything else in my life, but food was something I could control, so I did,” he says.

“I had lost so much weight I had become ill.

“The workload and the pace of life on the road put together with the pressures and strains of everything going on within the band had badly affected my eating habits.”

After Your Baby Is Born

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Youll probably need continuing support after your baby is born. You may find the eating disorder gets worse again, even if your symptoms were better during pregnancy. Because you may also be more likely to develop postnatal depression, you and your partner may find it helpful to find out more about postnatal depression so you can recognise the signs and symptoms, just in case.

Your doctor should arrange for you to be seen in the first few weeks after your baby is born. Talk to your midwife or doctor about what your care will be after your baby is born.

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