Monday, September 16, 2024

Did Marilyn Monroe Have Schizophrenia

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Monroe’s Mom Did Not Approve Of Her Hollywood Life

What’s Come Out About Marilyn Monroe’s Death

In 1946, after earning her release from San Jose’s Agnews State Hospital, Baker resumed living with her daughter at the home of Aunt Ana. It was a period of transition in Monroe’s life, as her modeling career had taken off, her marriage to Merchant Marine Jim Dougherty was on the rocks and she was on the verge of signing with 20th Century Fox under her stage name, Marilyn Monroe.

When Berniece came for an extended stay that summer, it again brought a period of relative familial happiness for Monroe. Still, Baker was obviously not well she had taken to dressing like a nurse and was emotionally distant. When she did engage her daughter, it was often to express displeasure at her career choice of becoming an actress.

In September, shortly after her daughter’s divorce was finalized, Baker abruptly announced that she wanted to live with her Aunt Dora in Oregon. Monroe soon learned that her mother never made it Oregon, and later discovered that she had instead gotten hitched to a man named John Stewart Eley, who already had another wife and family in Idaho.

How Many Abortions And Miscarriages Did Marilyn Monroe Have

While Marilyn genuinely did want to start a family of her own yet never could, the films depiction of abortions playing a significant role in the matter is seemingly entirely inaccurate and fictional. No evidence has ever backed the rumors that the actress underwent the medical procedure a few times to maintain her career or that unsafe abortions later led to her inability to hold a pregnancy. The truth is she had endometriosis a condition wherein the tissue normally lining the inside of a uterus grows outside which can often affect ones hormonal balance and cause infertility.

As perMarilyn Monroe: The Biography, there was a time early in her career she considered getting her tubes tied but soon decided against it to have the possibility of bearing kids in the future. This Donald Spoto 1993 book further reiterates the above sentiment by quoting her gynecologist Dr. Leon Krohn as saying, the rumors of her multiple abortions are ridiculous. She never had even one. Its imperative to note that Marilyns autopsy following her demise in August 1962 also reportedly did not record any evidence of this procedure, just of operations for her endometriosis.

Was There Any Issues With Marilyn Monroes Mental Health

Although there was never any official confirmation while Marilyn was still alive, it is practically impossible to deny that she experienced a precipitous drop in her mental well-being between the 1950s and the early 1960s. This is something that occurred about the same time. The fact that she died on August 4, 1962 in her home in Los Angeles from what is believed to be a suicide caused by an overdose of barbiturates is one of the key indicators, despite the conspiracies that surrounded her death. According to the book titled Marilyn Monroe: The Biography written by Donald Spoto, the 36-year-old actress was truly hooked to these nervous system calmers, and she was even prone to unexpected and dramatic mood swings.

It is therefore of the utmost importance to bring up the fact that Marilyns psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson, is rumored to have once stated that she might have early-stage schizophrenia, just like her biological mother Gladys Pearl Baker. On the other hand, due to developments in medicine over the years, it is now thought that the actress may have genuinely suffered from a disease known as Borderline Personality Disorder, which is characterized by emotional dysregulation . This condition is characterized by extraordinarily unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships, and it may or may not even include psychotic episodes. As a result, it has the potential to be easily confused with schizophrenia, which is why it is important to be aware of its symptoms.

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/8is There A Specific Cause As To Why One Develops This Mental Illness

While medical professionals have not yet identified a specific cause for BPD, the UK’s National Health Services suggests that it could have an association with genetic and environmental factors.

A study found that if 1 identical twin had BPD, there was a 2-in-3 chance that the other identical twin would also have BPD, reports the healthy body.

Furthermore, people who have been a victim of emotional, physical or sexual abuse, those who have been exposed to long-term fear or distress as a child or have been neglected by 1 or both parents, can have a greater likelihood of developing the mental condition.

Was Marilyn Monroe An Orphan Her Unstable Early Life

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Despite having an unstable early life, Marilyn Monroe dreamed of becoming a Hollywood star. She watched as many films as possible, fantasized that Clark Gable, a famous actor, was her father, and looked up to Jean Harlow, the blonde actress who inspired Marilyns famous hairdo.

The instability in Marilyns life stemmed from a lack of permanent parental figures to guide her. She would spend a few months in one home before being transferred to another institution or household, depriving her of a foundation to build her life.

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Monroe Spread The False Narrative That Her Parents Had Passed Away

In September 1946, Gladys announced she wanted to live with her aunt in Oregon. Gladys didnt go to Oregon, however: Monroes mother fled to get married to John Stewart Eley, a man with a wife and family in Idaho.

Monroe used Gladys disappearance to her advantage, spreading a false narrative that her parents were dead. The fake story of an orphan girl with a tough childhood defeating all the odds to make it in Hollywood contributed to Monroes appeal and rapid rise.

The truth came out in May 1952 the media reported that Gladys was alive and working at a nursing home in Eagle Rock, California.

A Deeper Marilyn Surfaces

In the six-page letter to Dr. Ralph Greenson, she reflected on her time at Payne-Whitney

There was no empathy at Payne-Whitneyit had a very bad effectthey asked me after putting me in a cell for very disturbed depressed patients . The inhumanity there I found archaic everything was under lock and key the doors have windows so patients can be visible all the time

She also writes about the situation where she lashed out at the staff, and in the last line, alludes to the stigma of mental illness.

I picked up a light-weight chair and slammed it against the glass intentionally. It took a lot of banging to get even a small piece of glassso I went over with the glass concealed in my hand and sat quietly on the bed waiting for them to come in. They did, and I said to them if you are going to treat me like a nut Ill act like a nut.

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Did Marilyn’s Mother Really Try To Drown Her In A Bathtub

The film traces young Marilyn, then known as Norma, and her traumatic childhood living with her single mom, Gladys Pearl Baker . She repeatedly blames her daughter for the departure of Norma’s father and is both emotionally and physically abusive. At one point, Gladys tries to drown Norma in a bathtub. Norma escapes and runs to her neighbors’ apartment, and Gladys is sent to a mental hospital shortly after.

There is no evidence that Baker ever tried to drown her daughter, Fortner says. But Monroe’s third husband, playwright Arthur Miller, said in a 1968 interview that Monroe told him her mother had threatened her life three times, according to Keith Badman’s book, “Marilyn Monroe: The Final Years.” Monroe was not close to her mom but continued to pay her medical bills. Baker outlived her daughter by 22 years, dying in 1984 at age 81.

“Its true that Gladys suffered from mental problems and was indeed institutionalized for most of her adult life,” Fortner says. “There was a short period of time when Marilyn lived with her mother when she was young. Most of Marilyns childhood, however, was spent with foster families and she had a brief stint at Hollygrove, an LA orphanage. She married her first husband at 16 in order to avoid having to return to the orphanage.”

Did Marilyn Really Get Paid A Fraction Of Jane Russell’s Salary

Marilyn Monroe Lived in Fear of Getting Her Mom’s Mental Illness

In the movie, before Marilyn signs on to 1953’s “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” she questions why she’s only being offered $5,000 compared to her co-star Jane Russell’s $100,000 salary. Monroe was really paid roughly $15,000 for the musical comedy, while Russell who had been working for longer and was more well known made about $150,000.

“It was during that Marilyn started to pursue more recognition for her work and greater respect,” Fortner says. “She knew she was becoming more popular among moviegoers and more famous. When the studio informed her that she wasnt a star, Marilyn responded sharply with, ‘Well, whatever I am, I AM the BLONDE.’ “

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Searching For A Peaceful Monster

In 1956 Marilyn entered her third marriage with American playwright Arthur Miller. She was searching for love, and although she found it, it did not last for long. Marilyn was more successful than ever, worshipped, she still is, but she still felt alone. On occasion, people would see her pouring the contents of pills into her champagne.

While filming The Prince and the Showgirl in England she discovered Millers diary where he complained that he was disappointed by their marriage and embarrassed by her. Marilyn was devastated and flew back to New York to meet with her psychiatrist.

On stationary, Marilyn wrote:

On the screen of pitch blackness comes/reappears the shapes of monsters my most steadfast companions and the world is sleeping ah peace I need youeven a peaceful monster.

Bottom Line: Schizophrenia Can Affect Anyone Regardless Of Celebrity Status

This list should demonstrate that schizophrenia can affect anyone regardless of age, social status, and talent. Some of the most talented individuals can eventually go on to develop this debilitating mental illness. There are a variety of factors and hypotheses regarding what causes schizophrenia. Hopefully over time we can work towards finding more effective treatment options for people with this condition and eliminate the taxing social stigma associated with it. Although it only affects roughly 1% of the U.S. population, it is important to raise awareness.

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Was Marilyn Monroe Crazy Reddit Wonders About Her Borderline Personality Disorder And Schizophrenia

Some Reddit users believe Marilyn Monroe went crazy during her last days. The actress was suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder since her childhood and was later diagnosed with Schizophrenia. She died on August 5, 1962, due to an overdose which some people was the result of her mental illness. Follow to know more about Marilyn Monroes mental health.

Blonde, a Netflix original film, is a fictionalized depiction of s life. The film explores her relationships, with almost all of them ending in pain and heartbreak.

The NC-17-rated film, directed by Andrew Dominik , is based on Joyce Carol Oatess 2000 novel of the same name and follows the dramatized account of Monroe navigating a difficult Hollywood experience. Its told in a controversial, strange manner to reflect what Monroe, born Norma Jeane Mortenson, may have been going through internally before her untimely death 60 years ago at the age of 36.

Similarly, the costume department also replicated exact hair and makeup looks from Monroes legendary career. De Armas underwent two-plus hours of makeovers each morning to become the iconic actress, with support from hair and cosmetics artists Jaime Leigh McIntosh and Tina Roesler Kerwin.

Their Shared Living Time Ended When Monroe’s Mom Was Institutionalized

Dealing with failure

Even though Baker’s requests to adopt Monroe were rejected, when Monroe was seven years old, Ida decided it was time for mother and daughter to reunite for good.

For a while, Baker rose to the occasion: She procured a loan for a new home near the Hollywood Bowl and took in actors George and Maud Atkinson as boarders to provide financial support and companionship.

However, a series of unfortunate events prompted things to take a turn for the worse in the fall of 1933. First, Baker learned that her 13-year-old son Jackie, taken from her as an infant, had died of kidney disease, resulting in mom lashing out at Monroe for being the one to live. Within weeks, Baker also discovered that her grandfather had hanged himself and that her studio was going on strike.

Baker finally caved to the pressure in mid-1934, with Monroe witnessing her mother kicking and screaming wildly before the police were called. Diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, she was institutionalized for the first time, at the state hospital in Norwalk.

For the next few years, Monroe saw her mother on an intermittent basis as she shuttled between the residences of her new legal guardian, Baker’s close friend Grace Goddard, her mom’s sister-in-law and the Los Angeles Orphans Home. Things stabilized again for the teenager when she landed in the home of “Aunt Ana” Goddards family friend Edith Ana Lower an older divorcee who managed to impress on both Monroe and Baker the teachings of her Christian Science faith.

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They Met One Final Time Before Monroe’s Death With The Actress Slipping Her Mother Alcohol

As Monroe completed her transformation into Hollywood icon, star of such features as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and The Seven-Year Itch , her mother continued to send her mail on a regular basis from Rock Haven Sanitarium in La Crescenta, usually with the request to get her out.

Of course, Monroe’s screen success was only masking her own troubles, from her crumbling marriages to Joe DiMaggio and then Arthur Miller, to her increasing dependence on doctors and barbiturates.

In February 1961, after confessing to a doctor that she had considered suicide, Monroe found herself following her mother’s path when she was committed to the Payne Whitney Clinic in New York. Her stay there was brief but long enough for word to leak to the press. Shortly after watching a news report on the subject from Rock Haven, Baker was found unconscious in her room, her left wrist slit.

According to The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe, the movie star last saw her mother in the summer of 1962. Attempting to get a new doctor to prescribe her Thorazine, Monroe took the doctor to Rock Haven, only to learn that Baker was refusing to take her own Thorazine.

On August 5, Monroes body finally caved to years of drug abuse. Reportedly showing few outward signs that the death impacted her, Baker managed to outlive her daughter by another 22 years, even spending her final days free from the psychiatric homes that had kept her confined for so long.

Many People Believed Marilyn Monroe Was Crazy Because Of Her Mental Issues Like Borderline Personality Disorder And Schizophrenia: How Did She Die Reddit Update

remains one of Hollywoods most iconic faces over 60 years after her death. The actress and model have been memorialized in artworks, song lyrics, iconic photographs, and many more. However, as mentioned above, her life was full of challenges, and health issues .

From a young age, the diva struggled with dyslexia and stuttering, which affected not just her school life, but also her adulthood and career, which some people believe drove her crazy in life.

Monroe rose to fame in the 1950s and 1960s and was a top-billed actress for a decade with her films generating $200 million by the time of her death in 1962. Although Monroe continued to be a cultural icon, she was going through numerous health problems like Borderline Personality Disorder .

Borderline Personality Disorder is a severe mental condition characterized by unpredictable emotions, behavior, and relationships. Initially, physicians believed that severe BPD was an unusual or borderline form of other mental diseases because some persons with this illness had brief psychotic effects.

Similarly, Marilyn had serious self-image problems and insecurities in her career because she had experienced abandonment trauma as a youngster. Because of her numerous and complex mental health difficulties, scientific journalist Claudia Kalb believed that Monroe had serious mental issues except for borderline personality disorder. She also wrote in her 2016 book by explaining,

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Modeling And First Film Roles

In April 1944, Dougherty was shipped out to the Pacific, and he would remain there for most of the next two years. Monroe moved in with her in-laws and began a job at the Radioplane Company, a munitions factory in Van Nuys. In late 1944, she met photographer David Conover, who had been sent by the U.S. Army Air ForcesFirst Motion Picture Unit to the factory to shoot morale-boosting pictures of female workers. Although none of her pictures were used, she quit working at the factory in January 1945 and began modeling for Conover and his friends. Defying her deployed husband, she moved on her own and signed a contract with the Blue Book Model Agency in August 1945.

The agency deemed Monroe’s figure more suitable for pin-up than high fashion modeling, and she was featured mostly in advertisements and men’s magazines. To make herself more employable, she straightened her hair and dyed it blonde. According to Emmeline Snively, the agency’s owner, Monroe quickly became one of its most ambitious and hard-working models by early 1946, she had appeared on 33 magazine covers for publications such as Pageant, U.S. Camera, Laff, and Peek. As a model, Monroe occasionally used the pseudonym Jean Norman.

Did Marilyn Monroes Mother Actually Try To Kill Her As A Child

The Heartbreaking True Story Of The Relationship Between Marilyn Monroe And Her Mother

No official records from law enforcement indicate Monroes mother ever tried to kill her as a child, but the starlet claimed she did three separate times. According to Keith Badmans book, , one of Monroes husbands, Arthur Miller, told BBC that Baker attempted to murder Monroe.

Her mother was quite mad. Throughout most of her life, Marilyn often remarked how she could still vividly recall these horrific encounters, Miller was recorded saying in Badmans book.

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