Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Many People In America Have Ptsd

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How Many People Have Ptsd In 2022

Where Does Hyper-Independence Come From? Opening Up About How Trauma Has Affected our Livelihood

Approximately six people out of every 100 people, or 6% of the total population will experience PTSD at some point in their lifetime.

This means that in any given year, roughly around 15 million adults in America will experience PTSD.

However, this is only a small number compared to how many people experience trauma in general.

With women, approximately 8% will experience PTSD at some point in their lives, compared with 4% of men.

Ptsd Time Frame: How Symptoms Develop And Last

In the days immediately following a traumatic event, people often experience symptoms similar to those described above. However, PTSD involves the sustained presence of these mental health problems over a longer period.

In order to meet diagnostic criteria for PTSD, veterans symptoms must last for at least one month often, they persist for years. Additionally, symptoms do not necessarily begin immediately following the trauma. While most individuals with PTSD experience symptoms within three months of the traumatic events in question, symptoms can also appear post-deployment. For veterans with PTSD, symptoms may emerge weeks or months after a period of combat or active-duty service.

Nostalgia And Soldiers Heart

In the last several hundred years, medical doctors have described a few PTSD-like illnesses, particularly in soldiers who experienced combat.

In the late 1600s, Swiss physician Dr. Johannes Hofer coined the term nostalgia to describe Swiss soldiers who suffered from despair and homesickness, as well as classic PTSD symptoms like sleeplessness and anxiety. Around the same time, German, French and Spanish doctors described similar illnesses in their military patients.

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Ptsd In Veterans Statistics

  • An estimated 354 million adult war survivors globally have PTSD and/or major depression.
  • In one study of 1,938 veterans, a PTSD prevalence of about 14% was present in veterans who served in Iraq.
  • In reports, a 10% prevalence of PTSD has been extrapolated for all Gulf War veterans.
  • About 30% of Vietnam veterans have had PTSD in their lifetime.

Ptsd Symptoms: What Affected Veterans Experiences

PTSD and Military

Individuals with PTSD experience a diverse array of symptoms, and veterans with a diagnosis of PTSD may face several kinds of challenging thoughts and feelings. However, PTSD is generally characterized by a few distinct categories of symptoms, which mental health professionals use to assess and treat the disorder.These symptom categories, as described in the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , capture the kinds of mental health problems that veterans with PTSD experience to differing degrees. These DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for PTSD are widely accepted in psychiatry and related mental health fields. To understand the daily struggles that PTSD can entail or to assess whether you might be experiencing this condition yourself consider the following:

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Ptsd Statistics: Prevalence Among Veterans

Though many researchers have sought to understand the prevalence of PTSD among military veterans, their efforts have produced divergent PTSD statistics. Because the field of psychiatry has defined and assessed PTSD in various ways over time, estimates of prevalence vary widely.

In fact, in one recent meta analysis of thirty-two scientific articles, researchers found the estimated incidence of PTSD among veterans ranged from modest figures such as 1.09% to high rates 34.84%. Clearly, determining the true prevalence of PTSD among veterans will require much further research.

However, some high-quality studies may shed some light on the matter:

  • In a 2017 study involving 5,826 United States veterans, 12.9% were diagnosed with PTSD. This is a striking high rate compared to the incidence of PTSD among the general population: Just 6.8% of the U.S. population will experience PTSD at any point in their lives. Across the entire U.S., only about 8 million U.S. adults have PTSD in a given year.
  • In a 2014 study involving 3,157 United States veterans, 87% reported exposure to at least one potentially traumatic event. On average, veterans reported 3.4 potentially traumatic events during their lifetime.

Ptsd Victims Cant Process The Trauma If They Dont Remember The Event

This one belongs to not so well-known PTSD facts about successful treatment. Some therapies dont rely on patients memories to treat the trauma. Evidence-based therapies believe that the trauma is stored in the body, and it can be processed when the trauma survivor recalls the feeling of terror without necessarily remembering the exact circumstances.

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Engrossing Ptsd Suicide Statistics

PTSD is a common condition that is experienced by a wide variety of different people throughout the world. The most common belief is that PTSD is only experienced by veterans who are returning from their service but in reality, PTSD is the result of any traumatic event that is experienced by an individual. PTSD is a difficult condition to live with as it can bring forth an ample amount of negative effects such as inability to sleep, extreme anxiety, and even depression. With that being said, it is also the leading cause for suicide around the world.

Ptsd And The Rate Of Co

Veterans with PTSD face tougher time dealing with pandemic stress
  • According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 80 percent of people who have PTSD will have one or more additional mental health diagnoses.
  • Some co-occurring conditions commonly diagnosed in people with PTSD include substance use disorders, depression, and anxiety disorders.
  • Patients with PTSD may also be more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors, such as gambling or aggressive driving.

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How Many Times Must The Ptsd Labels Harm Be Exposed

A recent Wall Street Journal article and a recent American Psychiatric Association press release reveal the power the APA has wielded through its various DSM editions in pathologizing the effects of trauma.

Whats Wrong With the PTSD label?

Before I examine the problems with the article and press release, it is important that readers not assume that if PTSD is a harmful label, PTS is fine. There is little difference, because PTSD is so widely usedeven by people who rightly criticize the use of other psychiatric labelsthat it will be generations before people stop thinking Disorder when they hear PTS. Instead of using either term, what is accurate and useful is to call the trauma what it iswar trauma, rape trauma, hurricane trauma, etc.and to call traumas effects what they are, such as terror, grief, fragmentation, moral injury, loss of ability to trust, total exhaustion, etc.

As with any psychiatric label, its application subjects the labeled person to a vast array of kinds of harm, ranging from plummeting self-confidence to loss of child custody, employment, respect, all possible human rights, and even death.

Neither the WSJ articles author, Andrea Petersen, nor the unknown author of the APA press release ever questions what PTSD means in the DSM, what people will assume it means, and whether there is any scientific validity to it at all.

When a Label Has No Validity, Its Absurd to Study What Helps Itand Other Problems

The Facts On Healing From Ptsd

While sometimes the statistics on PTSD seem grim, most people do recover from PTSD.

  • In patients receiving treatment for PTSD, the symptom duration is 36 months.
  • In people with PTSD who are not receiving treatment, the symptoms last, on average, 64 months.

This is not to say that everyone is cured from PTSD, but most do recover fully.

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% Of Men Experience At Least One Traumatic Event During Their Lifetime

Thats 6 out of 10 men. PTSD stats show that this is also the case for 50% of women in the US. While PTSD symptoms in women are the same as those that men experience, women are more likely to experience PTSD as a result of sexual assault, domestic violence, or child abuse.

On the other hand, men are more likely to experience this condition because of accidents, physical assault, war, disaster, or various injuries.

Interesting Facts About Ptsd

PTSD and Military

Many people go through trauma. In fact, it is estimated that 60% of men and 50% of women will experience at least one trauma in their lives. Only a small percentage of these people, however, will develop PTSD.

The facts about PTSD state that you are most likely to develop PTSD if you:

  • Were directly exposed to the trauma as a victim or a witness
  • Were seriously hurt during the event
  • Went through a trauma that was long-lasting or very severe
  • Believed that you or a family member were in danger
  • Had a severe reaction during the event, such as crying, shaking, vomiting or feeling apart from your surroundings
  • Felt helpless during the trauma and were not able to help yourself or a loved one
  • Had an earlier life-threatening event or trauma, such as being abused as a child
  • Have another mental health problem or have a family member with a mental health problem
  • Have little support from family and friends
  • Have recently lost a loved one or undergone a stressful life change, especially if it was not expected
  • Drink a lot of alcohol
  • Are a woman
  • Are younger

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Ptsd In Children And Teens

Children and teens can also develop PTSD after sexual or other physical abuse, or witnessing family violence. or Some children has experienced horrific events such as the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook School that killed 20 first-graders and 6 adults, or bomb explosions at public events such as the 2013 Boston Marathon. Gun violence in urban communities of color exposes children and families to continuing trauma.

Studies show that about 15% to 43% of girls and 14% to 43% of boys go through at least one trauma . Of those children and teens who have had a trauma, 3% to 15% of girls and 1% to 6% of boys develop PTSD. Rates of PTSD are higher for those who have the most severe traumas, particularly those that involve people hurting other people, such as rape and assault. Girls are more likely than boys to get PTSD.

Even very young children experience abuse and neglect. Child Protective Services receives reports on the abuse or neglect of about 5.5 million children in a year. The actual number of abused and neglected children is unknown because many go unreported. Infants and young children are at greater risk of abuse than older children. Abuse includes emotional, sexual, and physical abuse as well as neglect. Early stress and trauma can change a childs brain, leading to long-term effects on physical, mental and emotional growth .

Parents and other family members are also at risk:

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    Approximately 8 Million Adults In The Us Have A Diagnosis Of Ptsd2

    PTS may be exacerbated by more frequent or severe exposures to trauma, and risk increases with history of trauma and stressors, personal or family history of psychopathology, and low social support.11

    • In addition to being prevalent in military veterans, PTS is seen in first responders, rape and battery victims, and abused children.

    Among people 13 years of age and older, 5.7% will develop PTSD during their lifetime.4 PTS is more prevalent in young adults, women, and African Americans, and high rates are also seen in Hispanics and Caucasians.

    • Women are more than twice as likely as men to develop PTSD during their lifetime, and three times as likely to develop the disorder annually.1
    • 3.7% of Americans ages 13 years of age and older have a diagnosis of PTSD every year

    • 5.7% of Americans 13 years of age and older develop PTSD during their lifetime

    • Over 138,000 new PTSD diagnoses among deployed military personnel from 2000-2015

    average post-deployment PTSD prevalencein U.S. infantry personnel

    The PTS Spectrum Has Been Defined, Providing a Useful Framework for Thinking About Diagnosis and Treatment12

    Diagnostic Criteria

    DSM-5 Diagnosis: Because our understanding of PTS constantly evolves, the DSM-5 was updated to assess four categories/clusters of PTSD symptoms13:

    PTSD Is Highly Comorbid with Depression, Anxiety Disorders, and Suicidality14

    In particular, when TBI and PTSD co-occur, symptoms may be difficult to delineate.

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    First World War: Shell Shock

    The prolonged duration of the First World War, and the enormous casualty rate, saw the birth of military psychiatry.At that time, the Canadian medical profession was heavily influenced and shaped by the United States and United Kingdom. Combat-related emotional trauma became known as shell shock or lhypnose des batailles. The term shell shock capturedBritish ambivalence about whether the symptoms found in soldiers who did not show obvious wounds were of a physical or psychological nature. Dr. Donald Campbell Meyers , a neurologist who opened a psychiatry ward at the Toronto General Hospitalin 1906, came to view shell shock as a functional or traumatic neurosis.

    How Do You Know If You Have Ptsd

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    You may have PTSD if you experience any of the following after a trauma:

    • Intrusive memories recurring, unwanted, and distressing flashbacks horrific nightmares and severe emotional responses triggered through reminders.
    • Avoiding conversations or thoughts which are reminders of the trauma.
    • Negative thoughts about ones self, others and the world trouble remembering failed personal relationships feelings of detachment disinterest in favorite pastimes cant accept positive emotions emotionally cold or distant.
    • Changes in emotional and physical reactions, like being easily frightened or surprised anticipating danger unconcerned with personal safety mentally unfocused, problems sleeping debilitating shame or guilt for surviving a deadly event.

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    Risk Factors For Ptsd In Veterans

    A number of factors have been shown to increase the risk of PTSD in the veteran population, including younger age at the time of the trauma, racial minority status, lower socioeconomic status, lower military rank, lower education, higher number of deployments, longer deployments, prior psychological problems, and lack of social support from family, friends, and community . PTSD is also strongly associated with generalized physical and cognitive health symptoms attributed to mild traumatic brain injury .

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    Global Impact Of Ptsd

    • Its estimated by the World Health Organization that approximately 3.6 percent of people worldwide are suffering from PTSD.
    • In a WHO study of 21 countries, researchers found that as many as 10 percent of respondents had witnessed a traumatic event in the previous year. Many of these people will go on to develop PTSD.
    • In another study of 24 countries, researchers found that more than 70 percent of respondents had experienced a traumatic event at some time in their lives.

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    How Common Is Ptsd

    • Canada has the highest rates of PTSD of 24 countries studied. Nine percent of Canadians will suffer from PTSD in their lifetime.
    • Of people in the United States who experience a traumatic event, 20% will develop PTSD.
    • 1 in 13 people in the U.S. will develop PTSD at some point in their life.
    • The amount of mild, moderate, and severe cases are nearly equal, with 36.6% of cases being severe, 33.1% being moderate, and 30.2% being mild.

    How Do Ptsd Rates Compare To Rates Of Other Disorders

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    According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America , 3.5% of American adults are dealing with depression at any time. Heres how that compares to some other common mental health disorders:

    • Anxiety disorders are the most common, affecting 18.1% of the population.
    • About 8.7% of Americans suffer from at least one phobia.
    • Major depressive disorder affects 6.7% of Americans.
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder affects around 1% of the population.

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    Mental And Behavioral Health Issues

    • Substance Use Disorders: More than 20% of all veterans with PTSD also struggle with substance abuse challenges, referred to clinically as substance use disorders. Among veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan war, for example, 63% diagnosed with substance abuse problems were also diagnosed with PTSD. The connection may relate to coping: Substance abuse may represent a means to manage distressing thoughts and feelings related to experienced trauma.
    • Other Mental Health Disorders: Among people diagnosed with PTSD, roughly 80% meet diagnostic criteria for at least one other form of mental illness. Veterans are no exception to this troubling pattern. Many military service members with PTSD also experience depression and anxiety among other conditions. Additionally, some research indicates that veterans with PTSD are at increased risk of committing suicide, particularly if they experience combat-related guilt.

    Alterations In Arousal And Reactivity

    In individuals with PTSD, the brain and body experience a continued sense of danger long after the actual threat has passed. In particular, the amygdala, the region of the brain that processes fear and emotion, remains unusually active as if life-threatening danger remained present.

    Accordingly, veterans with PTSD may experience an ongoing sense of being on guard, which mental health experts term hypervigilance. This heightened awareness and reactivity to ones surroundings can translate to the following difficulties, either while on active duty or post-deployment:

    • Irritability or a propensity to angry outbursts
    • Reckless, dangerous, or self-destructive behavior
    • Being easily startled
    • Excessive wariness regarding ones environment
    • Problems with attention or concentration
    • Difficulty sleeping

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    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Explained

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic life-threatening event or serious injury. Traumatic events can make us feel that our lives are unpredictable, that we are out of control, find it difficult to feel safe and trust other people, ourselves and our judgements. Our experiences often feel unfair, unjust, inhumane and cruel and can make us question our assumptions about the world and others. We can lose faith and become disconnected from others.

    Its normal to have these emotions, along with upsetting memories, feeling on edge, or have trouble sleeping after this type of event, but if symptoms last more than a few months and interfere with your day-to-day life, it may be PTSD. PTSD is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.

    Its estimated that 50% of people will experience a trauma at some point in their life. The defining characteristic of a traumatic event is its capacity to provoke fear, helplessness, or horror in response to the threat of injury or death and therefore can affect anyone. Examples of traumatic events include assault, road traffic incident, natural disasters, domestic and child abuse, war, acts of terrorism and traumatic childbirth.

    PTSD typically causes four different groups of symptoms:

    Many PTSD sufferers also feel emotionally numb and have trouble communicating with others about the way they feel this may make them more anxious and irritable.

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