Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Weed Make You Depressed

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How To Get Rid Ofcotton

Marijuana & Causes Of Depression: Type Of Strain

If experiencingunpleasant cotton-mouth, remaining hydrated will mitigate the issue to someextent. For more complete relief, using a demulcent designed for oral use should suffice. Manydifferent prescription medications can cause users to experience dry mouth, sothere are numerous products commercially available to combat the problem.

Lowering Your Risks When Consuming Cannabis

There are risks associated with cannabis use. The best way to protect your health is to avoid using cannabis or cannabis products completely.

Cannabis can be consumed in different ways. Two common ways are:

  • inhalation

Each way carries different health and safety risks.

Everyone’s response to cannabis is different, depending on:

  • sex
  • experience with cannabis, frequency of use
  • consumption of food, alcohol, other drugs or health products

Everyone’s response to cannabis can also differ from one time to the next.

Research suggests that there are ways to reduce the risks:

  • Use it in a safe and familiar environment and with people you trust, especially if you are inexperienced or a new user.
  • Delay cannabis use until the brain is fully developed. This occurs around the age of 25.
  • The earlier you begin using cannabis, the higher your risk of serious health issues, including dependence and other mental health problems.
  • Choose a product with equal or higher amounts of CBD than THC.
  • The higher the THC content of a product, the more likely you are to experience adverse effects and greater levels of impairment. CBD is known to reduce some of the effects of THC.
  • If you smoke cannabis, avoid inhaling deeply or holding your breath.
  • Limit and reduce how often you use.
  • Frequent use of cannabis over a long time can contribute to mental health problems. These include dependence, anxiety and depression.
  • Avoid mixing cannabis and other substances, like alcohol or drugs.
  • psychosis
  • schizophrenia
  • Cannabis And Mental Health

    Regular cannabis use increases the risk of developing a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia.

    A psychotic illness is one where you have hallucinations and delusions .

    The risk of developing a psychotic illness is higher in people who:

    • start using cannabis at a young age
    • smoke stronger types, such as skunk
    • smoke it regularly
    • use it for a long time
    • smoke cannabis and also have other risk factors for schizophrenia, such as a family history of the illness

    Cannabis also increases the risk of a relapse in people who already have schizophrenia, and it can make psychotic symptoms worse.

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    Too Much Cannabis May Cause Shakiness Or Tremors

    Although cannabis isproving to be an invaluable treatment for tremor-causing illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinsons disease, some individualsactually find that use of cannabis causes tremors in its own right.

    While there do notappear to be any formal studies into this phenomenon, there is an abundance ofanecdotal evidence to support it. Many users have reported a case of the shakesat least once, which usually lasts from a few seconds up to half an hour.

    Possible reasons includethe stimulating effects of THC on the central nervous system, or viainteraction with the dopaminergic signalling system.

    Too Much Cannabis Can Cause A White

    Cannabis Depression: Does Smoking Weed Make You Depressed?

    A white-out, or whitey, is a sideeffect of acute cannabis intoxication. The name derives from the first signthat one is underway the colour drains rapidly from the face, followed byweakness, nausea or vomiting and even temporary unconsciousness.

    Though an unexpected whitey can bedistressing for most people, the symptoms are generally short lived. If itsyou thats about to fall victim to the whitey phenomenon, its good to have asweet drink or snack and then sit or lie down. If it is happening to a friend,you can offer them the same remedies. It should only take a few minutes forfeelings of nausea and dizziness to subside.

    It is commonly believed that a dropin blood sugar is responsible for causing a white-out. The dramatic loss ofstrength and onset of nausea certainly feels like a crash in blood sugar butthere is virtually no scientific evidence to support this hypothesis. In fact,there are surprisingly few studies which give insight into the acute effects ofcannabis on blood glucose levels.

    When the effect of cannabis on bloodglucose was studied in the late 1960s and early 1970s, most studies reported nosignificant effect on glucose levels. However, one study, researchers foundthat no hypoglycemia was found, but deterioration of the Glucose tolerance test occurred . Thus, it appears that smokingcannabis can result in higher glucose levels exactly the opposite of what iscommonly believed to be the case!

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    Can Marijuana Help Depression

    A February 2015 study by researchers at the University of Buffalo’s Research Institute on Addictions found that chemical compounds in the brain known as endocannabinoids, which are linked to feelings of overall well-being, activate the same receptors as many of the active compounds in marijuana.

    In testing on rats, the researchers found that the production of endocannabinoids was lower in states of chronic stress than under normal conditions. They concluded that the chemicals in cannabis may be a useful treatment in restoring normal endocannabinoid function and alleviating symptoms of depression.

    A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that smoking cannabis can significantly reduce self-reported levels of depression in the short-term. Yet the researchers also found that repeated use didn’t lead to any long-term reduction of symptoms and may even increase depression over time in some people.

    Research On Marijuana And Depression

    The evaluation of medical marijuana for depression is still in its early stages. Right now, researchers share that possible benefits include the restoration of normal endocannabinoid function and mood stabilization.

    Scientists at the University at Buffalo have begun looking into medicinal marijuana as a possible treatment for depression caused by chronic stress. The schools Research Institute on Addictions has been focusing specifically on brain chemicals called endocannabinoids.

    These are naturally produced chemical compounds. They play a role in motor control, cognition, emotions, and behavior. They also have a chemical makeup similar to that of cannabis.

    The scientists have performed their studies on animals and not humans. Yet they have discovered that chronic stress may suppress the brains production of endocannabinoids. They found that this can lead to depression-like behavior.

    Introducing cannabis into the system may help restore normal levels and function. This may ease symptoms of depression.

    More studies are needed to assess the true benefits and disadvantages of marijuana as a potential therapy for people with depression.

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    Can You Overdose On Cannabis

    Every substance is toxic if you consume too much of it. Even carrots and bananas can have negative physiological effects if you consistently consume high volumes of them. The same is true of cannabis. Thus far, there has not been any fatality caused by a cannabis overdose, although this is a contentious issue. But accidentally consuming too much is not entirely uncommon, so how much is too much?

    To gauge this, there is a measurement known as Lethal Dose , whichis applied to all substances humans may consume, and is calculated on bodyweight. For example, the median LD for sugaris 30g/kg and for table salt is 12.35g/kg. This means that alethal dose of sugar for an 80kg man would be 2.4kg, and for salt, would bealmost 1 kg. Heroin, on the other hand, has a median LD of50mg/kg for inhalation, but as little as 0.02g/kg if it is takenintravenously. For cannabis, the amount required for a lethal dose is much,much higher.

    For tetrahydrocannabinol , the psychoactive compound in cannabis, the intragastric LD with a sesame oil formulation is approximately 1.27g/kg .

    Despite the fact that it is nearly impossible to overdose on cannabis inthe strict, fatal sense, it is entirely possible to overdose in a less deadlyway. You can consume too much cannabis in much the same way that you can accidentallyeat too many candies. It wont be deadly, but there can be five uncomfortablesymptoms to deal with.

    Are You Really Depressed

    Marijuana & Causes Of Depression: Quality Of Bud

    Theres a big difference between feeling down and feeling depressed. The clinical version of depression can be serious and if you feel like your depression has been going on for a long period of time, without resolution, then it may be best to consult a medical professional or speak to someone who can help you further.

    On the other hand, many people who quit smoking marijuana feel down meaning that their withdrawal causes them to suffer mentally. The addictive substance within marijuana is called THC and taking this consistently over a long period of time can cause your brain and body to feel dependant on the substance. If you quit cold turkey for example, then you are at a huge risk of putting your body through this ordeal, therefore causing the side effect.

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    Does Cannabis Cause Mental Illness

    Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug in Australia, with one in three adults using it at some point in their life. Its legal in some places around the world, and offered medicinally in others. But what does smoking pot do to your mental health?

    The potential harms associated with using cannabis depend on two things above all others.

    The first is the age at which you first begin to use cannabis, particularly if its before 18. Using cannabis during key stages of brain development can impact on synaptic pruning and the development of white matter .

    The second is the patterns of use: the frequency, dose and duration, particularly if youre using at least weekly. The bigger or more potent the dose, the more tetrahydrocannabinol you are ingesting. THC is the main psychoactive component of cannabis and appears to act on areas of our brain involved in the regulation of our emotional experiences.

    The Simple Answer: Probably Not

    • Neither marijuana nor its primary chemical constituents effectively treat depression.
    • Euphoria and alleviation of withdrawal can trick users into thinking marijuana use is helping them.

    As a general psychiatrist and addiction psychiatrist, Im asked all the time about my opinions on cannabis, and what I think the pros and cons of marijuana use are for individual or public health. People want to know if its good for sleep, for anxiety reduction, and whether or not I think it should be legal or taken regularly to reduce their post-traumaticstress disorder symptoms. Be it in the office, or outside of it, theres no paucity of curiosity and debate in our current environment about its use.

    But what about for depression? Although anxiety and sleep are commonly cited reasons that people use cannabis, people also sometimes use it to lighten their mood, or to feel better. Another question that I hear, but which I see less addressed in the current literature, is also an important one: If I or a loved one suffer from depression, what impact does marijuana use have? Below, Ill do my best to answer this question.

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    Take Our Marijuana Addiction Self

    Take our free, 5-minute marijuana addiction self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with a marijuana dependency. The evaluation consists of 10 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a marijuana use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result.

    The Connection Between Marijuana And Depression

    Cannabis Depression: Does Smoking Weed Make You Depressed?

    When it comes to marijuana and depression, there seem to be some benefits, but there are also some risks.

    While it has been noted that marijuana MAY cause depression, there is no evidence that it directly causes depression. The more likely case is that the same genetic, environmental, or other contributing factors that trigger the depression also contribute to marijuana use, as it can relieve symptoms. While there is a connection between marijuana use and depression, there is no evidence of causality between the two.

    When it comes to your depression and the idea of using marijuana to treat the symptoms, it is best to discuss this with your medical care provider. Do not stop taking any current medical treatment before talking it over with your doctor as this can contribute to withdrawal symptoms and other medical concerns.

    If you do experiment with marijuana to help treat symptoms, consider trying a variety of different strains to see which ones work best for you.

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    Can Weed Make You Depressed

    Indeed, chronic marijuana use has the ability to make one depressed. This is because marijuana dampens the brains reaction to dopamine. In the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the brains of 24 marijuana users were studied to assess how they reacted to the drug Ritalin, a stimulant often prescribed to ADHD patients. The findings showed that the marijuana abusers had dampened behavioural, and brain responses to the drug. The research went on to conclude that marijuana dampens the brains dopamine reaction to most stimulants, and also adversely affects reward processing capacity.

    A stunted dopamine flow and inability to see the value in rewards for effort expended can all leave a user feeling depressed. This suggests that cannabis users will experience less pleasure from things non-users enjoy. When considering how marijuana affects depression, it is important to take the dose size into account. A 2007 study found that low doses of THC had the ability to increase serotonin levels in mice. The same study also found that high doses actually caused serotonin levels to deplete resulting in a worsening of depressive symptoms. Since many users take weed to soothe their depression, being mindful of cannabis ability to disrupt emotional processing would be wise.

    It Depends What Mental Health Issues You Have

    It really depends from strain to strain, and your own mental health circumstances when smoking. If you already have mental health issues I definitely think weed can exacerbate them, but it will depend specifically on what you have. Its certainly helped me when Ive been depressed, but I cant imagine it would be good if I suffered from anxiety. In my experience just stay away from skunk strains as they do nobody any good.

    Rik Clarke via Dazed Group Chat on Facebook

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    More Research Is Needed

    Depression, or major depressive disorder, is the leading cause of disability in the U.S., affecting approximately 8.1 percent of adults over age 20 each year. While it affects both men and women, it is much more prevalent in women.

    Those who suffer from depression look for treatments or ways to help reduce depressive episodes and, with the legalization of marijuana in many states, many are learning that it may help.

    But can marijuana really help with depression? Can it be the cause of depression? As marijuana research begins to expand, we are learning much more about the benefits it offers for many different medical conditions, including depression.

    Most Importantly Regular Weed Use Is Linked With Some Specific Brain Changes But Scientists Can’t Say For Sure Whether One Causes The Other

    Marijuana and Depression

    In a recent study, scientists used MRI brain scans to get a better picture of the brains of adults who have smoked weed at least four times a week for years.

    Compared to people who rarely or never used the drug, the long-term users tended to have a smaller orbitofrontal cortex, a brain region critical for processing emotions and making decisions. But they also had stronger cross-brain connections, which scientists think smokers may develop to compensate.

    Still, the study doesn’t show that smoking pot caused certain regions of the brain to shrink other studies suggest that having a smaller orbitofrontal cortex in the first place could make someone more likely to start smoking.

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    Current Treatments For Depression

    Traditional treatments for depression focus on psychotherapy and medications. Antidepressant medications work to improve the biochemical functioning of the brain. There are many different medications available, but not all work for everyone.

    It becomes a guessing game trying to find the medication that works best treating the symptoms while producing minimal side effects.

    In addition, it can take 2 to 4 weeks before antidepressants begin to work. And once you start taking medication, you must continue unless otherwise advised by your doctor, as they can cause severe withdrawal symptoms.

    This information is presented for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. Please always consult your own doctor.

    Can You Get Addicted To Cannabis

    It’s possible to get addicted to cannabis, especially people who are considered regular or heavy users.

    If regular users stop taking cannabis, they may get withdrawal symptoms, such as feeling moody and irritable, feeling sick, difficulty sleeping, difficulty eating, sweating, shaking and diarrhoea.

    Regularly smoking cannabis with tobacco also increases the risk of becoming addicted to nicotine and experiencing withdrawal symptoms from nicotine as well as cannabis if you cut down or give up.

    Regularly using tobacco also increases the risk of tobacco-related diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease.

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    Does Marijuana Help With Depression The Euphoric Effects Of Marijuana Can Cause Relaxation And Stimulation When High On Cannabis Individuals With Depression May Experience A Slight Decrease In Negative Thoughts

    With over a decade of editing experience, Tom is a content specialist for Advanced Recovery Systems,… read more

    A link exists between and depression. The stimulant and sedative properties of marijuana make it a popular drug of choice for many people with depression. However, cannabis is not considered safe for treating depression.

    Is marijuana a depressant? In some instances. It is unclear if people who smoke cannabis are more likely to develop depression. While research has yet to confirm whether the drug causes depression, anecdotal evidence has shown that people who heavily smoke marijuana may have some risk for depression.

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