Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Beat An Eating Disorder On Your Own

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Set Goals You Can Meet

How I Beat An Eating Disorder

Your biggest goal is to stick with the treatment plan that you and your doctor create. That means you need to go to all therapy sessions and follow meal plans. Other good things to do are:

  • Write down reasons why it’s wrong to think that thinner people are better. Review them regularly.
  • Make a list of things that prove youâre a great person.
  • Find activities you enjoy, including physical activities. Schedule times to do them.
  • Exercise because you love being stronger, not just to lose weight. But talk to your doctor about the exercise plan before you start.
  • Tape a sign on your mirror that says youâre beautiful inside and out.

Donât set too many goals at once. You could end up frustrated or disappointed if you donât meet them. If this happens, donât give up. Just make a new list of goals that are easier.

Run A Behavioral Experiment

Make a prediction, If I allow myself dessert four nights this week, I will gain five pounds, and run an experiment to test it out. Weigh yourself at the beginning and the end of the week. Have dessert four nights this week. Check to see if your prediction came true.

Over time, you will see that a number of beliefs are not accurate. This is another CBT approach.

Leave The Conceptual World Behind

Ready to start gaining some traction with practical action steps to begin moving closer to your dreams? First things first, its time to leave the conceptual world behindall youve known is within the context of EDs rules, regulations, and jabs directed at you. We are usually afraid to make this step. Its hard to believe that things that make sense. For example, the belief that eating fat makes us fat or that carbs cause weight gain or that we are losers in life or that nobody likes us or that our body is not good enough are wrong. We often tell ourselves comforts like binging just this once, exercising just 30 more minutes, or skipping out on just a snack. These destroy us daily.

When we make up our minds to try something and believe something different, playing our former concepts, or truths, on pause mode, its fantastic. So I recommend you step it up a little bit. Come to terms that the beliefs youve had may very well be a skewed version of the truth. Because they havent gotten you very far to date.

All I want you to do right now is identify the messages, rules, or lies youve been believing about your eating disorder. . Whatever beliefs you have about food, your body, yourself, your worth, or fitness, write them down. Make one column for: The Messages ED Tells Me About Me and another column labeled: My Food, Fitness, and Body Rules. Write down every message that comes to mind. For instance:

Column 1: The Messages ED Tells Me About Me:

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Powerful Keys To Overcoming An Eating Disorder And Finding Full Recovery

I would never have recovered from my eating disorder without my weekly therapy group. The women and men in this group inspired me more than anything else. If they could get better, then maybe, just maybe, I could too. Others in recovery made healing seem like a real possibility.

In addition to peer support, three powerful keys that supported my recovery efforts and helped me to overcome my eating disorder were:

  • Learning how to separate the eating disorder from myself
  • Letting go of ALL of my eating disorder
  • Channeling my genetic traits in a positive direction

Tip : Learn To Accept And Love Yourself As You Are


When you base your self-worth on physical appearance alone, youre ignoring all the other qualities, accomplishments, and abilities that make you beautiful. Think about your friends and family members. Do they love you for the way you look or who you are? Chances are, your appearance ranks low on the list of what they love about youand you probably feel the same about them. So why does it top your own list?

Placing too much importance on how you look leads to low self-esteem and insecurity. But you can learn to see yourself in a positive, balanced way:

Make a list of your positive qualities. Think of all the things you like about yourself. Are you smart? Kind? Creative? Loyal? Funny? What would others say are your good qualities? Include your talents, skills, and achievements. Also, think about negative qualities you dont have.

Stop body checking. Pinching for fatness, continually weighing yourself, or trying on too-small clothes only magnifies a negative self-view and gives you a distorted image of what you really look like. We are all very bad at detecting visual changes in ourselves. Your goal right now is to learn to accept yourselfand that shouldnt depend on a number on the scale or a perceived flaw you think you see in the mirror.

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Surround Yourself With Good People

The people we surround ourselves with can really change the way we think and feel on a day to day basis. Be mindful of how youre feeling after you spend time with the people in your life. Are you feeling uplifted or drained? Are they adding to your life or taking from it? You deserve to be surrounded by people that truly want the best for you and are showing up as positive supports in your life.

People who are comfortable with themselves and their bodies and who have a healthy relationship with food could be a positive influence and great to have around. Spending time with people who possess these qualities that you admire and aspire to develop within yourself will really help you in your recovery.

Trying To Recover On Your Own


I just made this post so hopefully I could connect to other people who may have this same issue. I am studying away from home and only my parents knew about my eating disorder. They told me that I had to recover to continue school and they seem to think I can just recover on my own without any help or support. At first my eating disorder made me rebellious and I decided to go back to restricting as soon as I got to school, but I started watching some recovery channels and I realized that I do want to recover. I hate feeling miserable, weak, tired, grumpy, and slow all the time, and I’m no happier with my body than I was before my eating disorder. However, I am struggling to recover on my own. I feel frustrated that no one understands how hard it is for me to eat normal meals. I tell myself that I’m just using ‘recovery’ as an excuse to eat a lot like the pig I was before my disorder. And because I’m ‘letting myself’ eat I binge sometimes and the guilt is unbearable. I have started purging and I don’t want one disorder to turn into another. Any advice on how to stay committed to recovery when it seems terrifying and the disorder seems so comforting?

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National Eating Disorders Association

I’ve been struggling with an eating disorder ever since I was a freshman in high school, only having been hospitalized once, which I managed to convince the staff had nothing to do with actual disordered eating. I got back to a “healthy” weight . Recently, I’ve been “recovering” on my own trying to eat everyday, but usually over estimating how much I eat and actually setting a caloric maximum. I have been consumed with numbers for most of my life as a self aware human being and am ready to let it go. I’m tired of fighting for an arbitrary sense of beauty and instead want to focus more on my personality and intellectual/ interpersonal growth.

however, I do not plan on seeking professional help. technically I am severely underweight, exhibit extremely disordered eating habits, and a few months ago lost my period again, but I am too embarrassed to admit to anyone that I am disordered and would rather tackle this on my own.

I have no idea how to recover properly or if I even have to. my end goal is really just to stop counting and fixating, and instead just start living but I am having such a hard time letting go.

Any advice for me moving forward? meal plans, tracking calories, not tracking calories, anonymous group discussions, etc???

I want to take the first step, I just don’t know what it is.Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to offer me guidence at this time.

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Start Hitting The Gym

Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Together we can beat eating disorders

Studies indicate that adding exercise to your routine could prevent binge eating.

For instance, one 6-month study in 77 people showed that increasing weekly exercise frequency stopped binge eating in 81% of participants .

Another study in 84 women found that pairing cognitive behavioral therapy with regular exercise was significantly more effective at reducing the frequency of binge eating than therapy alone .

Plus, other research suggests that exercise can decrease stress levels and enhance mood to prevent emotional eating .

Walking, running, swimming, biking, and playing sports are just a few different forms of physical activity that can help relieve stress and reduce binge eating.

Summary Studies show that exercising can reduce the risk of binge eating and decrease stress levels.

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What Is Binge Eating And What Is Causing It

Put simply, binge eating is eating uncontrollably. There are two types of binge eating episodes: objective binge eating and subjective binge eating1Fairburn CG. Overcoming binge eating. London, UK: Guilford Press 2013..

With more than one in 20 people engaging in binge eating, this isnt a problem affecting just a few.

Develop A Support System

Most people who recover from bulimia dont do it alone. They have a network of support that helps them along the way. And so, building your network of support is a crucial step of how to recover from bulimia. Your network can include close friends, trusted family members, your treatment team, support groups, and even online groups for people in recovery. These people can help you through bad moments, cheer on victories and milestones in recovery, and be there to support you as you recover.

Linda Gerhardt is writer and content creator who works in nonprofit technology by day and runs a fat activism & Health at Every Size-focused blog called Fluffy Kitten Party by night. She lives in northern Virginia with her husband and rescue pets.

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Find Someone To Talk To

Talking to a friend or peer when you feel like binging may help reduce your likelihood of overeating.

One study in 101 adolescents undergoing sleeve gastrectomy showed that reliable social support was associated with less binge eating .

Another study in 125 women with obesity found that better social support was linked to decreased binge eating severity .

A good social support system is thought to reduce the impact of stress, which may help decrease your risk of other coping habits like emotional eating .

Next time you feel like binge eating, pick up the phone and call a trusted friend or family member. If you dont have someone to talk to, eating disorder helplines are available free of charge.

Summary A good social support system may be linked to decreased binge eating and stress.

Explore Intuitive Eating In Recovery

Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder by James Lock ...

For someone in recovery from bulimia, it can be helpful to work closely with your treatment team as you explore Intuitive Eating. In the early stages, food plans and guidelines developed with your team can help you find your footing as you reconnect with hunger and fullness signals. The Intuitive Eating Workbook by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch is also an excellent resource to learn how to apply Intuitive Eating principles in your life.

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Helpful Tips To Overcome Binge Eating

Binge eating disorder is considered the most common feeding and eating disorder in the United States .

BED is about more than food, its a recognized psychological condition. That means people with the disorder will likely need a treatment plan designed by a medical professional to overcome it.

People who are diagnosed with BED experience episodes of eating unusually large amounts, even when theyre not hungry. After an episode, they may feel a strong sense of guilt or shame.

Regular binge episodes can lead to weight gain, which can contribute to health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies you can try both at home and with the help of a professional to reduce episodes of binge eating.

Here are 15 tips to help overcome binge eating.

Something To Keep In Mind

The most important thing to know and remember about recovery is that it is possible. Not just for everyone else except you, but for everyone including you. It takes an enormous amount of persistence and courage, but it is possible and it is definitely worth it. The YouthEmpowerment by Youth Era fam believes in you.

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Keep A Food And Mood Journal

Keeping a food and mood journal that tracks what you eat and how you feel can be an effective tool. It can help identify potential emotional and food triggers and promote healthier eating habits.

One study in 17 people showed that using an online self-help program that involved keeping a food diary was associated with fewer self-reported episodes of binge eating .

Several other studies also suggest that tracking your intake may be linked to increased weight loss and aid long-term weight management .

To get started, simply start recording what you eat and how you feel each day using either a journal or app.

Summary Food and mood journals can help identify triggers to address potential problems. Studies show that using a food diary is associated with fewer episodes of binge eating, as well as increased weight loss.

Don’t Insist That You Can Recover On Your Own

How To RECOVER ON YOUR OWN 5 Tips! // Eating Disorder Recovery

Research shows that people with eating disorders are more likely to recover with a specialized treatment team in place. In most cases, willpower, self-help books, and independent work cannot replace the professional guidance of a therapist, dietitian, and physician. These professionals have years of experience and training to help you on the road to recovery.

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Recovery Questions And Concerns

We hear stories every day that tell us that recovery from an eating disorder is possible. Some people believe they will always have to find ways to cope with disordered eating thoughts but know they can make sure it doesnt affect their behaviour and others find that once recovered they dont have these thoughts.

The first step is talking to someone you can trust it might be a member of your family, a friend, or your teacher, but most importantly it should be someone you feel comfortable with. We know that this step takes bravery, and its completely normal to have worries about rejection, looking silly, or not being believed. But bottling up your feelings only fuels your eating disorder, and the sooner you can start getting treatment, the better your chance of fully recovering. The next step might be to visit your GP or your practice nurse about treatment for eating disorders.

It can be difficult to recover from an eating disorder without some help. The right treatment and support network are important things to seek out to help you in your recovery. Remember, theres no shame in asking for help its a really brave step, and it can be scary, but the benefits will outweigh the negatives.

Eating disorders are isolating illnesses, and having a support network around you helps to find a way through the loneliness they can cause.

Beat Ambassador

You might find it useful to connect with others who are going through similar things to you through our online support groups.

Eating Disorder And Depression: Which Came First

Around the time my period went MIA, any hint of emotion seemed to disappear too. The best way to describe it is that I felt flat. I rarely cried and never felt suicidal, but I was essentially completely devoid of emotion.

Id hear my mom crying in another room at home and know that I was the reason why. Yet, I couldnt seem to feel all that sad about what I was doing to myself. I felt remorseful that I was putting her and my dad through this watching their daughter slowly shrink away.

This is why I finally decided to take them up on their suggestion to begin meeting with a psychiatrist once per week. Id been avoiding it, fearful of how much it would cost them or that seeing a mental health professional was something only people with real struggles should do.

In the eternal chicken-and-egg debate, its tough to say whether the depression may have contributed to the eating disorder or the eating disorder impacted my brain chemistry so much that it contributed to depression.

Several studies suggest that in many, but not all cases, an anxiety disorder was present before the development of the eating disorder, explains Andrea C. Castelhano, a licensed psychologist at Baltimore Therapy Group in Towson, Maryland, when I recently presented her with this exact conundrum.

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Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Hopefully, you have a wonderful treatment team in place that you can call for help and support, no questions asked. But are you also including your family and friends and giving them a chance to support you in recovery? Asking for help can be a daily process and may require you to ask for specific things that they can help you with.

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