Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Find A Therapist For Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorder Rates Within Minority Groups

What NOT to Say to Someone With an Eating Disorder From a Therapist Anorexia Bulimia

Eating disorders affect all, but minority groups face different challenges when seeking treatment.

Research into eating disorder rates among minorities found:5

  • Doctors are less likely to ask ethnic minority patients with self-reported eating and dieting concerns about eating disorder symptoms.
  • Black teenagers are 50% more likely to exhibit bulimic symptoms than white teenagers.
  • Hispanic adolescents are more likely to suffer from bulimia than their non-Hispanic peers.
  • When presented with identical case studies of disordered eating symptoms in white, Hispanic, and black women, only 17% of doctors deemed the black womans case as problematic.

Youre Severely Restricting Calories

Constantly worrying about how many calories youre consuming can point to various disorders. The obvious one is anorexia nervosa. However, you shouldnt fall for the myth that restricting calories is only an issue if youre losing a lot of weight. Although that is indeed a core symptom of anorexia nervosa, theres actually a group of conditions called Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders . This encompasses various types of disordered eating including atypical anorexia nervosa, or when someone exhibits symptoms of anorexia nervosalike intense calorie restrictionwithout the severe weight loss.

There are other times restricting your food intake can be dangerous, Goldman says. If youre regularly skipping meals to save those calories for alcohol, that can make you more likely to get overly inebriated and engage in risky behavior. Or if you dont eat all day so you can have a calorie-rich dinner youve been anticipating, you can potentially set yourself up for bingeing. Not to mention deprivation can affect you in the moment, too, like with trouble concentrating, Hamilton says.

The point is that calories arent the be-all and end-all of nutrition. Becoming overly preoccupied with them isnt healthy, and a therapist may be able to help you reframe your thinking.

How Does One Find A Certified Expert Who Can Deal Support & Recovery

Locating a certified psychotherapist can be challenging. It can be tough to understand if the specialist you are considering is the appropriate suitable for you. Several variables should be taken into consideration prior to making an appointment with somebody. You need to think about just how much you wish to spend, what sort of therapy will certainly work best for your demands, and if they have any kind of openings in their routine.

Many people locate it tough to find a certified specialist who can provide support as well as recovery in their time of requirement. There are so many various specialists offered, and also it can be challenging to identify which one will work best for your requirements. It is necessary to think about the price of therapy, what type of therapy would function best for your requirements, and also whether or not they have any openings in their schedule.

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Vi What Else Can Help

If you have severe physical complications and/or are extremely underweight, your therapy must be combined with care from medical providers. In severe cases, especially involving anorexia, a residential treatment facility or hospitalization may be required until you reach a minimally appropriate body weight. Wellness and nutrition counseling is also a must to help you return to a normal weight. Youll learn to alter bad habits and incorrect beliefs concerning food, dieting, and exercise and develop healthy eating habits and meal planning. To prevent and treat relapses, supportive group therapy and self-help groups may help provide ongoing support.

Find A Therapist With Eating Disorder Expertise And Training

Therapy Aftercare and Eating Disorders

Therapists for eating disorders can come from a variety of mental health fields, like social work, psychology, and psychiatry.

Regardless of credentials, any practitioner who treats eating disorders should have extensive training and education specifically on the subject of eating disorders.

Ask about your therapistâs educational background and licensure, as well as their advanced training in working with people struggling with eating disorders.

The International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals issues certifications for therapists with advanced training, so you can also look for therapists who have these certifications.

Schedule a free phone consultation with a therapist who specializes in eating disorders to learn more:

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How A Therapist Helps

Many people who have an eating disorder find it difficult to accept that this is true others may choose to face the illness alone. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders states that only 1 in 10 people with the disorder receives treatment. However, when left untreated, bulimia can lead to esophageal damage, tooth decay, and heart palpitations. Additionally, 20% of people with anorexia die prematurely due to complications of their illness, according to The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders.

A therapist is able to provide psychological support, teach coping mechanisms, offer family counseling, and more to help people with eating disorders overcome their illnesses. A therapist also guides someone in deciding which types of therapy and other treatment options to pursue, helping to ensure a successful therapeutic regimen. A therapist regularly communicates with the patients physician and other caregivers to assess their progress and to devise comprehensive treatment plans. Using a variety of treatment methods, therapists help sufferers regain control of their eating behaviors, their self-perceptions, and their lives.

Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration

SAMHSA is a government agency that addresses mental health and substance use concerns throughout the country. Their website has a treatment locator that you can use to find a treatment facility in your area.

Additionally, the SAMHSA National Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. You can call this number to receive a referral for a treatment facility near you. All information is kept confidential.

Getting help for an eating disorder may initially seem challenging or scary. These feelings are normal discussing concerns about our bodies or our mental health can require us to be more vulnerable than were used to.

Remember: Seeking help is a big first step on your recovery journey.

If you think you may have an eating disorder, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your concerns. You can choose to see your primary care doctor or a mental health professional.

Try to be as open as possible with your doctor about your thought patterns, eating habits, and concerns. Also, dont hesitate to ask questions if you have them.

If youre nervous, it may be helpful to bring a family member or friend along with you for support.

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What Are The Disadvantages Of Online Treatment

Online treatment has actually been verified efficient for individuals who are not comfy with in-person treatment. Furthermore, online treatment can be an extra economical, effective, as well as available alternative to traditional in-person treatment.

Nevertheless, some risks of online treatment must be taken into consideration prior to making a decision whether to use it. The danger of confidentiality violations is better with on the internet therapists due to the fact that they usually utilize video conversation or text chat as their major type of interaction. There is likewise the threat of creating an unhealthy reliance on your therapist if you are not mindful regarding just how much time you spend speaking with them online. Free Online Therapy For Eating Disorders

Signs And Symptoms Of Eating Disorders

An Eating Disorder Specialist Explains How Trauma Creates Food Disorders

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Eating Disorder Specialists Available For Speaking Engagements

Experts in the field of Eating Disorders are available for speaking engagements. These professional speakers are leaders in the field of eating disorders who provide informative and engaging presentations.

You can find engaging speakers for your event here! Useful for colleges, schools, conferences and other gatherings where eating disorder information is needed. Take a moment to review Eating Disorder Hopes Speaker Bureau page.

A True Team Approach To Therapy For Eating Disorders

Our counselors take a team-oriented approach to eating disorder treatment to make sure you get the best possible care. Therefore, we work with other providers involved in your care. For instance, we may talk to your psychiatrist, dietician or primary care doctors in the community if needed.

We also know that when a person is dealing with an eating disorder, they are not usually suffering in isolation. For this reason, we work closely with within our clinic. That way, we are able to treat the entire family system when we can. In fact, parents and partners can meet with our founder, Kate Fisch, to learn how to best support your loved one through eating disorder treatment.

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Where To Find A Dietitian

Find A Qualified Therapist Who Has Special Training In Working With Anorexics And Bulimics

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The Academy for Eating Disorders and the International Association for Eating Disorder Professionals maintain memberships lists of qualified therapists. Both of these organizations have stringent requirements for professional training before they will allow health care professionals to become members. The AED also publishes an annual directory of health care professionals with information about each members practice . A number of other directories also exist online at websites such as the Eating Disorders Referral Center , Something Fishy and Pale Reflections . In addition, most hospitals with inpatient eating disorder units as well as other independent eating disorder treatment facilities list their staff members as part of their website information.

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The Pros & Cons Of Online Treatment

Online treatment is a means to get mental health and wellness therapy without leaving your home. It can be an efficient way to handle your mental wellness when you can not access in-person treatment. Yet its not for everybody, and also there are some downsides.


  • You can get help without leaving your house
  • You can work with specialists who focus on different sorts of treatment or concerns
  • You can see a specialist at any time of day


  • Its tough to build the very same rapport with someone youve never satisfied before
  • It may be difficult to locate a therapist that is accepting new clients

What Are Treatment Options For Eating Disorders

Treatment for eating disorders includes individual talk therapy, group therapy, family therapy, nutritional counseling and education, and in some cases, medication for mood and anxiety management. Many also find it helpful to work with a dietitian, who can provide guidance for nutrition, but not typically mental health.

Depending on the severity of the eating disorder, treatment may include a team approach, involving a therapist, nutritionist, physician, and psychiatrist. A holistic approach that addresses all aspects and complexities of the eating disorder is recommended, including physical, mental, social, and interpersonal functioning.

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Eating Disorder Rates By Age

Teenagers and young adults make up most patients with eating disorders. Research shows that:2,4

  • Those aged 15 and 24 with anorexia have 10 times the risk of dying compared to their same-aged peers.
  • In a study of 496 adolescent girls followed until they were 20, researchers found that more than 5% of those girls met the criteria for an eating disorder.
  • BED usually occurs in teenagers and young adults, though there are cases of older adults and young children.
  • Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder tends to affect children, and often affects males more than females.
  • Nearly half of children with ARFID report a fear of vomiting or choking related to sensory issues with certain foods.
  • In a study of 1118 preadolescent children, 42% of females reported wanting a thinner figure.

Disobey Your Eating Disorder

Kathryn Zerbe – How to Find an Eating Disorder Therapist

On a paper make a list with two columns. In one column, write, Ed says and in the other column, write, Recovery requires On each line under Ed says write what the eating disorder tells you to do.

On the corresponding line under the Recovery requires column write down how you will specifically disobey that command. For example,

  • Ed says skip breakfast. Recovery requires me to eat breakfast.
  • Ed says exercise today. Recovery requires me to take a day off.

This approach stems from Life Without Ed by Jenni Schaefer and Thom Rutledge and Narrative Therapy.

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Are Online Therapists Qualified Free Online Therapy For Eating Disorders

Online treatment is not a brand-new concept. It has actually been around for rather a long time now, and lots of people prefer this kind of treatment to standard treatment.

The proliferation of online therapists has caused the inquiry, Are these therapists certified?

Some individuals assume that treatment should be conducted face to face. In contrast, others think it can be done over the phone or with video clip chat.

Treatment is an exceptionally personal experience, and also it is best to satisfy face-to-face with your therapist. In some cases, this isnt possible, so some online therapists give top quality services. Free Online Therapy For Eating Disorders

Whomever You Choose To Work With You Must Be Honest And Accurately Represent Your Problem

Its especially crucial that you tell them about any and all physical problems along with the emotional issues that are bothering you. For example, if your parotid glands are swollen because youve been vomiting, admit it and dont pretend youve just had a bout of the flu. If your menstrual periods have stopped, dont say that theyre irregular. If your gums and teeth are affected by bulimic vomiting, dont blame the problems on too much candy as a child, or poor heredity.

No therapist is a mind reader. If you dont speak candidly, he/she might not ask you about the issues or situations that you feel are problematic and important to discuss. Worse, the therapist may diagnose and want to treat you first for something other than an eating disorder because youve been dishonest about your signs, symptoms, concerns, etc.

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How To Get Help For Eating Disorders

If youre wondering how to get help for an eating disorder or other food-related issue, meeting with a doctor or counselor is a good first step. You can find a therapist near you by searching online, contacting your insurance provider, and/or asking other people for a recommendation.

If you have health insurance, it may cover some aspects of your treatment for eating disorders. The best way to find out if outpatient therapy or inpatient residential treatment is covered is to contact your insurance provider.

When you meet with a doctor or counselor, they can refer you to others who may be able to help you in your recovery process, like a nutritionist or a support group. It may be helpful to share your recovery goals with supportive people or family members you trust. Asking for help from others is often an important step to healing.


  • Bowles, C. . The negative side effects of extreme diets. Retrieved from
  • Bryant-Waugh, R., & Kreipe, R. E., M.D. . Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder in DSM-5. Psychiatric Annals, 42, 402-405. doi:
  • Eating disorder treatment: Know your options. . Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from
  • Mental health professionals who meet our membership requirements can take advantage of benefits such as:

    Understanding Different Types Of Eating Disorders

    Eating disorder therapists: How to find help

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    Medication For Eating Disorders

    There is no medication cure for eating disorders. Medication management is often utilized as a support or supplement to therapeutic interventions and psychotherapy. Medications can often assist an individual in managing behaviors and urges to binge, purge, or compulsively exercise. Medications can also assist with managing preoccupations and racing thoughts regarding food, diet, and body image. It is not unusual to try more than one medication before finding the right fit.

    Four common classes of medication are often utilized to treat the symptoms and behaviors associated with eating disorders:

    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

    SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. This medication functions by increasing the levels of serotonin found in the brain by blocking the reabsorption of this neurotransmitter serotonin, improving an individuals mood. The SSRI fluoxetine has an indication for use in patients with bulimia to reduce the episodes of binging and purging. They would also be prescribed to help with symptoms of anxiety.

    Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors

    Similar to SSRIs, SNRIs function by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine found in the brain by blocking the reabsorption of these neurotransmitters, therefore improving mood and decreasing anxiety



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