Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Marijuana A Stimulant Or A Depressant

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Is It Possible To Get Addicted To Marijuana

Is Cannabis Addictive? – Weedwise

Marijuana use disorder is a real disorder that sometimes takes the form of addiction. Recent research shows that it is possible to develop a physical or psychological addiction to marijuana. The addiction is mainly connected to dependence, though. Some heavy marijuana users can feel withdrawal symptoms when not using the drug. These symptoms, lasting for up to two weeks, may include:

  • Sleep issues

Effects Of Cannabis Use

Cannabis is a depressant drug. Depressant drugs do not necessarily make you feel depressed. Rather, they slow down your central nervous system and the messages going between your brain and your body.Cannabis has different effects on different people. The effect can also vary according to the mood or atmosphere in which the person uses it. The immediate effects of cannabis can last approximately two to three hours and may include:

  • a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing
  • loss of inhibition
  • psychosis .

What Are The Risks Of Marijuana Use

THC from marijuana enters the bloodstream during use. This causes it to spread to the brain and throughout the rest of the body.

Aside from the effects mentioned earlier, marijuana use also has a few other short-term effects, such as:

  • Difficulty with higher cognitive functions
  • Delusions
  • Psychosis

What is more problematic for some people, however, are the long-term effects of marijuana use

Although not considered a highly addictive substance , regular marijuana use for temporarily coping with anxiety, mood improvement, or even to sleep can lead to a significant dependency on the drug. Also, people can build up a tolerance for it, meaning people gradually need more to produce the same desired effect.

Contrary to popular belief, smoking anything at all will irritate your respiratory tract and increase your risk for complications like chronic cough or bronchitis. Although we need more research, we know marijuana smoke contains carcinogens, which increase your risk of developing lung cancer.

Long-term use of marijuana has been shown to cause learning and memory issues, especially when regular use begins during the teenage years. Despite being used to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety, marijuana use has been linked to the development and worsening of anxiety and depression.

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Is Marijuana A Depressant

With over a decade of editing experience, Tom is a content specialist for Advanced Recovery Systems,… read more

refers to the dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. It is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. However, in many states, medicinal and recreational marijuana are being legalized. It is often smoked or ingested in food.

Many of the compounds or cannabinoids present in marijuana cause side effects similar to those of depressants. The National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Drug Enforcement Administration classifies marijuana as a psychoactive drug with hallucinogen effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, marijuana is the most widely used hallucinogen.

Is Marijuana A Stimulant Or Depressant

Is Weed a Depressant Or A Stimulant ?All You Need To Know

What are the effects of marijuana? Is it used as a stimulant or a depressant? Does it interact with other drugs?

Reviewed by Dr. Jeffrey Berman, MD

New Jersey Drug & Alcohol Rehab / Addiction News / Is Marijuana a Stimulant or Depressant?

Get started on your road to recovery.

Marijuana tends to affect users differently, which leads people to wonder what exactly is the drug classification for marijuana?

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Is Weed A Stimulant Or A Depressant

The dual aspects of marijuana let it produce different reactions that show its stimulant effects. You can expect it to perform opposite to the depressive effect that it creates on some people. The question is cannabis a depressant or a stimulant has two answers.

It can act as a depressant sometimes and as a stimulant on another occasion. A drug must produce some effects that experts agree on as essential to qualify as a stimulant.

What Are Thc And Cbd


THC is tetrahydrocannabinol, and it is the chemical responsible for most of the psychological effects of marijuana. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse , it acts a lot like the cannabinoid chemicals naturally made by the body. The receptors for cannabinoid are located in certain areas of the brain.

THC attaches to these receptors and activates them, which affects these areas of your brain:

  • Memory
  • Sensory and time perception


CBD stands for cannabidiol, and its the second most active ingredient in marijuana. Although it is an essential part of medical marijuana, it is obtained directly from the hemp plant, a marijuana plant cousin.

While CBD is one of the hundreds of marijuana parts, it does not cause a high. According to the World Health Organization, there is no evidence of public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD. CBD is easy to get in most parts of the U.S. but its exact legal status is constantly changing.

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Can You Get Addicted To Marijuana

Yes, marijuana can lead to a stage of problem use known as marijuana use disorder. In severe cases, this takes the form of addiction. Recent studies imply that 30% of people who use marijuana may have some level of marijuana use disorder. Users who start before the age of 18 are 4 to 7 times more likely to develop a use disorder than adults.

  • Irritability
  • Physical discomfort

Addiction occurs when the person cant stop using the drug even though it interferes with many parts of the persons life. Studies suggest that 9% of people who use marijuana will become addicted. This figure rises to about 17% for those who start using it during their teen years.

Is Treatment for Marijuana Addiction Available?

Although marijuana use disorders seem to be similar to other substance use disorders, the long-term outcomes may be less severe. Generally, adults seeking treatment for marijuana use have used marijuana nearly every day for more than ten years and have tried to quit more than six times.

Additionally, adolescents with marijuana use disorders also often have other psychiatric disorders . They may also be addicted to other substances such as cocaine or alcohol. Treatments that have been successful include

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Motivational enhancement therapy

What Are The Polydrug Use Risks Of Heroin And Cocaine

Marijuana 101: Is marijuana a gateway drug?

The polydrug use of heroin and cocaine is called speedballing. Many people like the effects of both highs and the different feelings it provides. People also take heroin to counteract the effects of cocaine. While this may work, they are fatal drug combinations. Additionally, large doses of heroin can also lead to respiratory failure when the cocaine wears off.

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Most Americans Never Stop To Consider Just How Many Drugs They Actually Use Regularly But The List Is Vast As It Includes Alcohol Caffeine Nicotine And Even Aspirin

Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs in the world, according to the latest United Nations World Drug Report. That statement, however, really sticks in the craw of those cannabis advocates who argue that the cannabis plant is an herb, not a drug. They believe that drugs are concoctions created by pharmaceutical companies, not something that is natural and from the Earth.

But what is the real answer to this age-old debate? Does marijuana fall into the classification of a drug, or is it something else altogether?

Well, a drug, by definition, is any substance that affects the way the body functions physically or psychologically. Most Americans never stop to consider just how many drugs they actually use regularly, but the list is vast, as it includes alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and even aspirin. These substances are ingested into the body and pass through the brain, where they fire off messages that ultimately leads to the desired result. In the case of caffeine, a person might feel more awake, while with something like aspirin, they could notice in time that they no longer have a headache.

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Meanwhile, millions of patients use cannabis for therapeutic benefits. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, which consists of some of the leading scientific minds in the country, admits that cannabis can relieve some pain conditions, nausea, spasms and insomnia.

How Is Marijuana A Stimulant

Stimulants are drugs that speed up messages between the brain and body, in particular the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. As a result, these drugs can increase mood, attention, and focus.

Essentially, stimulants do the exact opposite of depressants they speed up activity within the central nervous system, increasing your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate, in addition to giving you a burst of energy.

Stimulants can also have adverse, and highly dangerous, side effects, including:

  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Heart failure

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Many Classify Cannabis A Depressant

Depressants are drugs that have a relaxing effect. They may reduce anxiety and muscle tension and make a person feel sleepy. Cannabis is largely viewed as a depressant because it slows down messages that travel between the body and brain. Like traditional depressants, cannabis depressant properties can cause sleeplessness, dizziness, and short-term memory loss.

Its interesting to note that few scientific studies support this simply. It seems to depend on the amount of THC and cannabinol that are found in specific strains of cannabis plants as to the effect. But this research suggests that the lower the dose of THC, the more you feel relaxed. It is important to find your sweet spot.

Stimulant Effects Of Marijuana

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An increase in heart rate and blood pressure makes it a stimulant, and it produces again elsewhere. Energy level and appetite have an upsurge, and feelings of paranoia become intense. The unpleasant experience can make you distrust others and feel that they suspect you of something.

Stimulants can increase anxiety and heart problems as well. Among the pleasant effects that it can produce, a feeling of well-being can elevate mood, energy and alertness. Feelings of euphoria may create the rewards that please some users, and others may choose it to boost self-confidence.

Shy people who often prefer to remain quiet can present a different appearance entirely. By becoming lively and talkative, you may show the effect that a stimulant has unless it produces the opposite results. The National Institutes on Health confirms what you probably already know: Stimulants sharpen your attention, focus your mind and boost your energy. Along with those increases comes higher blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate.

Even when asking, Is marijuana a stimulant or depressant? it might seem like being a stimulant has good outcomes, it may not do so when you least expect it. Confused thoughts can prevent focusing or paying attention, and a lack of concentration can occur. You may feel depressed and not understand why. Discomfort may show up as discouragement, sadness, and despair.

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Dose Dependent Effects Of Marijuana In Helping Treat Depression

While large doses of marijuana over a long time are known to adversely affect the health of individuals, it is true that small doses of marijuana for a short period can help in certain cases. Some studies have indicated that patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder have reportedly experienced benefits from low doses of marijuana for a short term. Some of the symptoms associated with the condition are known to have significantly reduced. There is a school of thought that claims dose dependent benefits of marijuana for certain types of depression. However, this is yet to approved or accepted by all, and is limited to research purposes.

How Does Marijuana Interact With Other Substances

Since marijuana can act as a depressant or a stimulant, it creates the potential for danger when its combined with other substances. Well give you a couple of examples.

Example 1: If you react to marijuana as a depressant, you would need to be extra careful about using it in conjunction with other depressants. Why? Too many depressants in your system at one time exposes you to potential breathing problems and increases the potential of you developing an addiction to either substance.

Example 2: Conversely, you would want to avoid using meth or cocaine if you typically react to marijuana as though its a stimulant. Too much exposure to stimulants would put you at risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and addiction.

While these are real examples of potential issues, its fair to say some substances work well with cannabis. It really depends on each individual.

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And 10 Other Questions Related To Mixing Substances

Many people use depressants to come down from a stimulant high and vice versa. People may also be seeking a certain high. For instance, the polydrug use of heroin and cocaine produces an intense and long-lasting high. However, these and other drugs are fatal drug combinations.

But, fatal drug combinations can happen by accident. Subsequently, those taking medication for pain, depression, or anxiety need to be careful. For example, many people like to have a drink or two after a long day. But, if they also take benzos for anxiety, it can increase the effects of benzos.

Polydrug use minimizes the side effects of either drug. This use creates the feeling of not being as intoxicated as they are. Stimulants motivate the user to continue partying. They also hide the fact that the CNS system is slowing down. At the same time, depressants might hide a dangerously high heart rate.

For example, if a stimulant is taken with alcohol, it can lead the user to drink more. The bodys response to alcohol is to induce unconsciousness, but stimulants stop that from happening. Therefore, a person can drink more before passing out. If other depressants are taken, it can lead to coma or death.

Is Marijuana A Hallucinogen

Is Cannabis a Drug, a Weed or an Herb?

Though some people stereotype marijuana as a hallucinogen, its rare for someone to experience a hallucination while under the influence of marijuana. Hallucinations are viewed as false perceptions of senses, objects, and events. That being said, the altered sense of time could be considered a part of a hallucination.

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Is Marijuana A Gateway Drug

Use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are likely to come before use of other drugs.21,22Animal studies have shown that early exposure to addictive substances, including THC, may change how the brain responds to other drugs. For example, when rodents are repeatedly exposed to THC when they’re young, they later show an enhanced response to other addictive substancessuch as morphine or nicotinein the areas of the brain that control reward, and they’re more likely to show addiction-like behaviors.23,24

Although these findings support the idea of marijuana as a “gateway drug,” the majority of people who use marijuana don’t go on to use other “harder” drugs. It’s also important to note that other factors besides biological mechanisms, such as a persons social environment, are also critical in a persons risk for drug use and addiction. Read more about marijuana as a gateway drug in our .

Depressive Effects Of Marijuana

A decision to use a drug to tamp down responses may make sense when it helps control anxiety, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Other than helping with those, your body may react with responses that you do not like. The answer to your question is cannabis a depressant or a stimulant may require experiences that you do not want.

An accepted purpose of a depressant requires it to release tension and relax muscles. The depressant effects include memory loss and decreased coordination. A typical response to marijuana as a depressant makes you want to sleep or rest.

Some effects that you may experience when marijuana acts as a depressant include slowing your brains functions. Although it can provide relief from anxiety and difficulty sleeping, it can produce bad outcomes. Some short-term effects may decrease the coordination that you need for driving or flying. Also, it can impair the accuracy of your memory.

Dizziness and blurred vision can occur, your breath rate may slow down, and blood pressure may decrease in the short term. As a depressant or stimulant, marijuana has strong addictive qualities.

As marijuana affects your nervous system, it can calm your nerves and relax your muscles. Other effects that you may expect to experience include lightheadedness, blurred vision, and dizziness. Your speech may become more deliberate, and you may find that you slur some words.

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Is Weed Really A Drug Anyway

With medical or recreational marijuana now legal in dozens of states and considered an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic its understandable that many people no longer see it entirely as a drug, at least not in the most lurid sense of the term.

Legalization has bolstered mainstream acceptance and normalization of cannabis use, as has the growing body of evidence of its effectiveness as a form of medical treatment for a wide array of health conditions. Nonetheless, marijuana does have the classic hallmarks of a drug mainly, it can alter your mental and physical state.

In addition, while cannabis is very safe to use, for some people it can be habit-forming and have problematic side-effects and interactions with medication. Like any drug, it should be used responsibly, and if taken for medical reasons, in concert with the advice of a healthcare professional.

What Are The Main Drug Types

Is Weed A Depressant,hallucinogen, Or A Stimulant?

Part of the confusion about which drug category marijuana falls into is because it doesnt seem to fit into any of the major drug categories.

Psychoactive drugs are grouped into large categories based on their effects and more specific categories based on their other properties like their chemical structure. Marijuana seems to fit into multiple categories at once. The four major categories of psychoactive drugs are:

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