Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Conditions Are Secondary To Ptsd

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Common Ptsd Myths Debunked

Secondary Conditions to PTSD: VA Claims and Ratings

Often, injury leads to chronic pain. About one in three people in the U.S. experience chronic pain in their lifetime. In one small study, out of 20 people who had experienced chronic pain after a car accident, 50 went on to develop PTSD.

Beyond chronic pain, PTSD can play a role in other physical conditions. A review published in 2010 looked at a range of conditions from psychological to physical that are comorbid with PTSD. The authors found that over the past decade or so, more research has been done to look at PTSDs relationship to everything from hypertension to obesity.

The authors cite one example of people two months after they survived the 9/11 terror attacks. These people showed an increase between 1.7 millimeters and 3.3 mm of mercury of systolic blood pressure compared with the year before. For this specific population, trauma exposure appeared to greatly increase blood pressure levels.

Making Your Veterans Disability Claim

Many times the VA denies claims for heart disease secondary to PTSD stating that a heart condition is caused by plaque built-up in the artery, without any further reasoning. Do not deter from pursuing your claim for heart disease if you were denied. As the medical community continues to explore additional mechanisms linking PTSD and cardiovascular disease, all neuroscience and cardiology research seems to be moving in the direction of establishing a direct causal link between PTSD and heart disease.

When making your claim, be sure to obtain plenty of evidence from a psychiatry professional and your medical doctor. Your self-reports of your condition will be stronger with evidence.

If the VA denied your claim for heart disease secondary to PTSD, the team at Hill & Ponton can help. Our attorneys can ensure that you have the health records and other evidence you need to appeal and support your claim, so you can receive the disability compensation youre entitled to.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Secondary To Ptsd

The VA has a specific rating for IBS. But you can only get up to a 30% disability rating for the most severe symptoms of IBS.

If you qualify for a direct service disability for IBS, you may also qualify for secondary service connections to IBS, including:

  • Colon polyps
  • Diverticulitis
  • Constant bowel pain

Alternatively, you could apply for IBS as a secondary condition to PTSD. This is because the symptoms of PTSD include stress and anxiety. And research shows that both of these symptoms can cause IBS. How is that possible? Stress and anxiety put your body and brain in a constant state of fight or flight. When this occurs, your brain secretes a hormone called corticotropin-releasing factor .

CRF regulates various processes, including contractions within the colon. In IBS, colon contractions are dysregulated, providing evidence of a link between this GI condition and PTSD.

The Ultimate Guide to Irritable Bowel Syndrome VA Disability

IBS can be hard to diagnose, but the VA recognizes that it can be a service-connected disability.

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Va Disability Compensation For Ptsd

Posttraumatic stress can happen after someone goes through a traumatic event such as combat, an assault, or a disaster. Most people have some stress reactions following trauma. But if the reactions dont go away over time or they disrupt your life, you may have posttraumatic stress disorder . Find out if you can get disability compensation or benefits if you have symptoms of PTSD.

Getting A Formal Diagnosis For Your Ptsd

VA Claims for Conditions Secondary to PTSD

If you have yet to receive a formal diagnosis for your PTSD, your attorney could help you get the care you need. The lawyer may know of PTSD-focused professionals in your geographic region. Once you receive a diagnosis and treatment, your attorney can obtain useful documentation that supports your claim.

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Common Types Of Anxiety Disorders In Veterans

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Physical pain in the neck, shoulders, and back
  • Disorientation
  • Such symptoms of general anxiety disorder can often make it difficult to complete tasks on a daily basis. Disruption in thought processes, as well as physical symptoms, cause domestic and occupational tasks to be more challenging.

    How Does The Va Test For Erectile Dysfunction

    If a veteran wants to avail the benefits of VA disability, then they should submit a diagnosis that proves they suffer from erectile dysfunction. The veteran should also establish a connection between the condition and their service, and this is done to confirm that the need arose because of their service and related incidents.

    In the majority of the cases of VA disability, erectile dysfunction is a secondary condition that connects to a primary psychological or physical condition. Here are a few things that the veteran should submit to establish their claim:-

    • Submit current medical records after a thorough examination. It should also have a statement that says that your erectile dysfunction results from some other primary disability.
    • The veteran should also submit their service records so that the VA can match the timeline of the condition and the service.

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    What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Or Ptsd

    Post-traumatic stress disorder, also commonly addressed as PTSD, is a mental condition. How PTSD affects a person is very complex. For some people, PTSD can be very stressful and traumatic, but for others it can just be a normal situation which they get over quickly.

    It is not necessary that a person must have experienced that stressful event themselves, as some people can develop post-traumatic stress disorder by just witnessing a traumatic event.

    Some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder are flashbacks of the event, high cases of anxiety, nightmares, and overthinking about the event.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder requires some time to adjust to the situation. People serving in the military or those who have done it earlier are common victims of post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Veterans can cope with PTSD with proper self-care, positive thoughts, and affirmations. In the worst cases, the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder can last for weeks, months, and even years.

    The amount of time this condition persists in an individual depends on their capacity of being able to move on from that traumatic event.

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    Prove Ptsd As A Service Connection

    VA Claims for Conditions Secondary to PTSD | VA Disability Lawyers

    To receive a secondary service connection, you must be receiving benefits for your disorder already. This means you need to have a pre-existing PTSD or hiatal hernia diagnosis and benefits before you can apply for secondary service connection benefits.

    If you need help applying for PTSD benefits, the lawyers at Woods and Woods LLC can help.

    How To Apply For VA Benefits: A Guide For Disabled Veterans

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    Improve Your Health If You Have Ptsd

    If you have PTSD it is important to seek out treatment. The Anxiety Disorder Association of America provides a list of therapists across the United States who specialize in the treatment of PTSD. By speaking with a mental health professional, you are already making progress in coping with your PTSD. By reducing the psychological difficulties associated with PTSD, you may also reduce your risk of physical health problems.

    PTSD Discussion Guide

    As part of your treatment for PTSD, it may also be important to start focusing on living a healthier lifestyle. A healthy diet, exercise, and eliminating bad habits may not only improve your health but also your mood. Behavioral activation is one technique that provides an easy way to increase the level of activity in your life, help you meet your goals, and can reduce PTSD symptoms.

    The Best Resources For People Managing Anxiety

    One study looked at the link between GADs impact on the veteran community and found a link with PTSD. Out of 884 surveyed vets, 40 percent of people with PTSD were also diagnosed with GAD. These people had more severe symptoms of the anxiety disorder than those who had only GAD without PTSD.

    Youll find a lot of people with PTSD will have some form of anxiety disorder. Many will experience panic attacks and have social anxieties, for sure. They might be withdrawn socially and avoid social gatherings, Emrani says. Its important that these people discuss with their medical team to seek out the treatment they need.

    Treatment for anxiety disorders could include psychotherapy, or talk therapy, which aims to help individuals directly confront the specific anxieties that are plaguing them CBT, which is also helpful for depression support groups and stress-management techniques, like exercise or meditation. Medications cant cure anxiety disorders, but they could help alleviate symptoms. Antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and beta-blockers are some of the most commonly prescribed.

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    Migraines Secondary To Ptsd: Is There A Connection

    Yes, there is a strong correlation between Migraines and PTSD.

    Theres also something called PTSD Migraines, which is more commonly known as a Post Traumatic Headache.

    PTSD causes persistently high levels of stress due to intense feelings of fear, anxiety about surroundings, and tension in social situations.

    The pain and strain of reliving the traumatic event can easily cause tension and migraine headaches, as can the physical responses of grinding teeth and clenching muscles in the neck and back.

    For example, in one study, PTSD symptoms preceded Migraine Headache symptoms in almost 70% of those who suffered from both Migraines and PTSD.

    In addition, participants of that same study with Migraines reported almost 2x as many traumatic stressors than those without headaches.

    Need A Nexus Letter To Help Prove Secondary Service Connection

    Guard Against Secondary PTSD, the Veteran

    Click HERE now to join VA Claims Insider Elite, our premier education-based membership program, which also gets you discounted access to independent medical providers in our referral network for medical examinations, VA disability evaluations, and credible Nexus Letters for a wide range of conditions.

    Were a company OF veterans, veterans, FOR veterans and weve helped 15,000+ veterans increase their VA rating since 2016.

    Are you next?

    At VA Claims Insider, we help veterans get the VA disability rating they deserve in less time, if youve already filed, been denied, or have given up hope.

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    What Are Secondary Disabilities To Ptsd

    There are a lot of secondary disabilities that are associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. Conditions such as sleep disorders, hypertension, migraines, GERD, erectile dysfunction, and so on are all examples of such conditions.

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that directly affects the mind. Since it affects the mind, the individual cannot work correctly, often not being able to sleep and focus on work.

    Is There A List Of Secondary Conditions For Va Disability

    There is no master list of conditions that you may be able to connect secondarily. Thats because any condition medically related to a service-connected condition can be secondarily connected. And many medical issues are comorbid, meaning they cause or are caused by another medical concern that exists concurrently.

    Although there is no list of secondary conditions, there are many examples.

    For instance, multiple conditions are commonly linked as secondary service connections to post-traumatic stress disorder , including:

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    Get Help With Your Sleep Apnea Claim

    Need a little help understanding how to service-connect your sleep apnea? Weve helped countless veterans across the United States navigate the claims process and get the benefits they deserve. To schedule a free consultation, give us a call at , or fill out a quick form to get started. We look forward to learning about your unique situation and helping out in any way we can.

    How Ptsd And Physical Health Are Related

    Claiming VA Disabilities Secondary to PTSD | Veterans Disability Lawyers

    There is something unique to having PTSD that puts people at risk for developing physical health problems. A number of theories have been proposed to explain this connection. It has been suggested that a variety of factors interact to increase the risk for physical health problems among people with PTSD.

    People with PTSD may engage in more risky and health-compromising behaviors, such as alcohol and drug use. The hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD may also put someone in a constant state of stress and anxiety. Factors like these combine to put tremendous strain and stress on a person’s body, increasing the risk for physical health problems and illness.

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    Why Do Some People Develop Ptsd And Other People Do Not

    Not everyone who lives through a dangerous event develops PTSDmany factors play a part. Some of these factors are present before the trauma others become important during and after a traumatic event.

    Risk factors that may increase the likelihood of developing of PTSD include:

    • Exposure to dangerous events or traumas
    • Getting hurt or seeing people hurt or killed
    • Childhood trauma
    • Feeling horror, helplessness, or extreme fear
    • Having little or no social support after the event
    • Dealing with extra stress after the event, such as loss of a loved one, pain and injury, or loss of a job or home
    • Having a personal history or family history of mental illness or substance use

    Resilience factors that may reduce the likelihood of developing PTSD include:

    • Seeking out support from friends, family, or support groups
    • Learning to feel okay with ones actions in response to a traumatic event
    • Having a coping strategy for getting through and learning from a traumatic event
    • Being prepared and able to respond to upsetting events as they occur, despite feeling fear

    Can You Get Benefits For Both Anxiety And Depression

    Simple answer: No, you cannot get VA benefits for both anxiety and depression at the same time. It is important to note that all mental health conditions are evaluated using the same VA rating criteria for service connection compensation. So, the VA rates anxiety in the same way it rates depression or PTSD or OCD.

    This means that a veteran can only be rated for one specific mental condition to avoid the VAs rule against pyramiding in simple terms, you cannot double dip benefits for several mental health conditions.

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    Untreated Ptsd Makes Life More Difficult Than It Has To Be For Veterans And Their Families

    PTSD is one of the most common disabilities that veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan receive disability ratings for. While PTSD can be difficult to treat, when left untreated, the mental health condition can cause significant psychological, physical, and social issues.

    Not only are veterans with PTSD at risk of suffering emotionally, but the condition puts them at an increased risk for several life-threatening conditions. These conditions may include:

    • Type-II diabetes
    • Anxiety
    • Substance abuse disorders

    Veterans with untreated PTSD are also at a higher risk of committing suicide and having lower life expectancy. If you believe you or a family member may have PTSD, or if you have a diagnosis but have not undergone treatment, you may want to talk to your doctor about treatment.

    For a free legal consultation, call

    Migraines Secondary To Ptsd

    â What Are Some Secondary Conditions To Ptsd

    MigrainesMigraines are a form of headache that can last for many hours and can bring pain, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, lightheadedness, and blurred vision.

    Migraines can also create a throbbing sensation on either side of the head. Sometimes an aura, which is categized by visual disturbances such as flashes of light, may come before a migraine.

    There is no singular, definitive cause of migraines, but triggers are thought to include hormonal imbalance, alcohol, stress, sensory stimulation, certain foods, and changes in environment. As stress can trigger migraines, veterans with PTSD often suffer from migraines as well.

    Migraines are rated under 38 C.F.R. 4.124a, Diagnostic Code 8100. Veterans can receive ratings for migraines from 0 to 50 percent, with criteria based on severity and frequency of the migraines. Below are the criteria for each rating:

    • 50% with very frequent completely prostrating and prolonged attacks productive of severe economic inadaptability
    • 30% with characteristic prostrating attacks occurring on an average of once a month over the last several months
    • 10% with characteristic prostrating attacks averaging one in two months over the last several months
    • 0% with less frequent attacks

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    What Happens If Ptsd Goes Untreated

    Home » FAQs » What Happens If PTSD Goes Untreated?

    Veterans and others who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder may experience long-term effects from the chronic condition. Untreated PTSD can be detrimental for the veteran and their loved ones. PTSD is unlikely to resolve on its own and can cause additional symptoms, as well as create quality-of-life issues for the veteran and their family.

    In many cases, these veterans have high care costs and are undergoing treatment for physical problems such as high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, or chronic pain that may be linked to their PTSD.

    Do Ptsd Medications Increase The Risk For Gerd

    Many people who have PTSD also suffer from anxiety and depression.

    A doctor will then prescribe medications to help treat those symptoms. Prescriptions for PTSD symptoms include anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants.

    Diazepam and Lorazepam are anti-anxiety medications known to cause GERD. Acid reflux is also symptomatic of tricyclic antidepressant use. This includes the use of imipramine and amitriptyline .

    A 2015 study found that people with anxiety had worsening symptoms of GERD. At the same time, people with PTSD who also suffer from depression have markedly higher rates of stomach acid production.

    We cant exactly say that PTSD symptoms like anxiety and depression cause GERD. But the correlation between these conditions is strong enough that the VA may grant a service connection for GERD secondary to anxiety and, therefore, PTSD.

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